Some fascists at Finnish street

There were a fascist group in Jyväskylä city on the weekend.

Police got immediately interested in them.

But they were merely talking to people and gave some pamphlets.

Attached: kohti-vapautta.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

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>Finland being this cucked.
Why did that police officer take him to the back of the van for? Passing out flyers? That should be an illegal detain.

based and finnpilled

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Hahaha he’s sitting on a raft in black face eating a banana hahaha hahaha

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>Nationally-minded Finns want to talk to their fellow Finns about their group interests
>Immediately arrested
How the fuck does this make sense? EVERY other group is allowed to think and act as such, but as soon as yt tries to we're fucking stopped BY OUR OWN STATES! FINLAND IS THE LAND OF FINNS HOLY SHIT! HOW IS IT NOT OKAY TO ADVOCATE FOR YOUR GROUP WITHIN YOUR OWN COUNTRY??????

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>huge number of K*rds have an loud demonstration on the street
>police isnt arresting anyone

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fucking Finbro's have been off the chain lately, the second world war basically started in Finland hopefully they can bring about the fourth reich with some cosplay and a chiquita.

>Immigrants stage a "cultural parade"
>Schools encourage children to watch and be "enriched"
It's a clown world after all.

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absolutely based

saved for later use

Pekka this is why i cant express my national socialist words. They are gonna arrest me and beat me up. If this continues we will have to do a revolution.


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I even got fined 550€ for discrimination and spreading lies about migrants and jews.

Really? Tell the whole story I'm interested

It all happened because i made history videos about the Romans and the jews on youtube and had a conversation about it. Someone heard us and made a criminal report. Now and plus i dont pay the fine il be arrested for discrimination and political terrorism.

National socialist organisations are forbidden by law in Finland, that's why

Fucking Gay

Also lol at Finland

It make sense because National Socialism is forbidden by the Finnish government, it's quite simple really

I want to call aliens so they can come unironically kill all the jews and marxists who tell people to hate their own kind and let them be invaded and mixed out by other groups..

It's ridiculous this clown circus.

Why is it illegal yet communism isn't?

After the Soviet Union fell all Finnish mainstream parties have been obsessed about being "part of West" which means that they are all hysterical about what people in Brussels and Washington think about us.

Actually just Nordic resistance movement is banned. That ban was issued by our previous cuckservative government, not current lefties.

>It make sense because National Socialism is forbidden by the Finnish government, it's quite simple really
Wanting your nation to be for your own people is not national socialism you brainwashed swede.

i know the story is fucking retarded but im fucked i dont have fucking 550€ to pull out my ass to pay in repairs.

>Hey there! You can't, uh, hand out flyers and eat bananas in public

>everyone who against immigration is a fascists

I don't care and Finnish government don't care either. Kohti Vapautta is members from a National Socialist organisation that is forbidden to organize. They are still organizing with their new name. Government will crack down on illegal organisations of course, learn to law.

You know (((why)))

Indeed you cannot, if your organisation is forbidden from convening.

Just like with the first wave of national socialism people will have to speak out and get beaten up for people to take notice of their message

What is a neo-nazi?

we've come full circle.
weimar again in europe, pandemic, economic crash, and nat socs are coming back into fashion in europe. The 2020s are more and more like the 1920s

I don't know man, it's a word that keeps popping up mainly used to make people look super duper bad, it seems.

>I don't care and Finnish government don't care either. Kohti Vapautta is members from a National Socialist organisation that is forbidden to organize. They are still organizing with their new name. Government will crack down on illegal organisations of course, learn to law.
It's bullshit that it's illegal anyways. I'll take it seriously when every single communist and socialist organization is banned aswell.
Nobody give a fuck what some jew ordered banned.

in here is it banned too but all the courts just pretend that the fascist organizations aren't fascist due to gov protection

When some jew rules your country you better do as you are told, this is reality today.

>When some jew rules your country you better do as you are told, this is reality today.
And tomorrow every jew could be executed. Then that is reality that day. And you go execute the jew then if someone tells you?

Someone heard you talking about a no-no subject? That's enough to get fined?


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Good thing they chose to ignore the law, lawful cucks are the worst, however i hope everybody knows by now the road to victory is littered with the carcasses of cops.

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Cops are just doing their job they probably thought after the arrest that it was about the fucking time someone did something about the issue.

hello user can i have a flyer please

Obey the laws in your country that were written by your government... This is always our duty

You're not wrong... But we must wait for a better ruler

>being patriotic's not the fashion, so they say
>to fly your country flag's a crime

Yes. Yes they are. You wouldn't be a fascist now, would you?

Looks like a bunch of smut peddlers. I know the type. Greesy hair, unwashed cock, handing out pornographic pictures for free to unsuspecting children.
Disgusting Finnish swine deserve to have the pornographic images taken away.
How dare they.

Dude dont pay it, thats a chad sentence in prison you will make friends.
If they felt that way they would have banished them from the premises not arrest them, protect them as much as you want until they do like
They are nothing but obstacles to be overcome.

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>Obey the laws in your country that were written by your government... This is always our duty
Nope, i don't give a fuck about people or the laws they write. Some fucking jew can write whatever law he wants, it means nothing to me than toilet paper with shit on it. Especially when they are trying to destroy ethnic groups in their own countries.

You don't understand that this is why probably all humanity deserves to be brutally annihilated. Ghosts of people that died want to come back and find a way to fucking end this piece of shit species permanently. You don't deserve any kind of future but to be fullly annihilated down to the last man woman and child. and then remains thrown into the fucking sun so not even a single fucking dna cell remains.

Ok bro, that's like, your opinion though.

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Well the thing is they can't affiliate with them publicly and they can't just let law be broken.

It's literally not. The government is not some godlike institution. If your government is hurting your land and your people it is your duty as a citizen to rebel.

No it's a fact. And eventually that is exactly what will happen, every human skull crushed and destroyed. A beautiful day it will be. To have idiots like you shut your fucking mouth up permanently. Burn this entire planet down to the fucking ground as your putrid swine of children that are now being born will cry as they think they don't deserve it. But they do.

It's also funny that you preach to others about patriotism and to obey the laws of politicians who want to destroy said people.. HAHAHA. You can't see the irony in that that's why you deserve to die. There's no point to you existing if you don't see this.

What law was broken though?

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>Cops are just doing their job they probably thought after the arrest that it was about the fucking time someone did something about the issue.
No, retard. The cops went happily in to arrest to evil nazis. Cops are not some based saviors but mostly just the buffed and armed version of a regular npc.

They say they are 'neo nazis'. I had to look up the group, apparently it is connected to nordic resistance movement.

Why don't you tell us the actual story? Because you are obviously lying.

That's not how it works.
The implication here is that the government will change at some future point in time in a nationalist direction, when that's less and less likely with every passing day.
The government is importing foreigners and giving them the right to vote. These foreigners will never ever vote for a political option that kicks them out of the country, takes away their right to vote or whatever.
As the portion of foreigners in the nation increases, the likelihood of changing political direction decreases.
Also, you don't owe anything but your hatred towards a hostile government directly working against your interests. Doubly so if it's a foreigner-backed government.

Trust me they are bunch of racist psychopaths behind closed doors. Source: trust me bro

This. Cops always side with establishment. Exactly same cops would happily both throw commies in the oven and take nazis to re-education camps depending on what state tells them to do.

If i was lying i would be acting like a jew. But im fucking serious.

You are acting like a jew. Getting paid shekels to tell lies on the internet, in an effort to demoralize the white race.

I do believe that's a Russian Wolfhound, not a Golden Retriever.

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ok well that's your opinion SwitzFag

Go back to being a faggot swiss lard ass please

That's the joke.
It's a long nosed dog that looks like a golden retriever if you squint, equivalent to a Jew pretending to be white.

In norway the police invite gang members to pizza parties so they can parley and make peace.
While nationalists get hounded everywhere, it will not stop until you give them grave consequences for trying to stop you, if they had any balls they would set up bait meetups and ambush the pigs, you are not obliged to follow laws of a nation that wants you gone to replace you with brown sweatshop workers this cucked lawful mentality in the nationalist camp is a bane not a virtue.
We scandinavians live in the most isolated terrains its perfect for insurgency and that goes double for finland, when did the provo IRA get their breakthroughs? When they targeted economical targets and regular cops couldnt get them because they had a system of ambushes and counter ambushes.

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