What is wrong with fascism itself from a philosophical point of view?
What is wrong with fascism itself from a philosophical point of view?
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One asshole should not have control of millions. If people are inherently untrustworthy and degenerate then why would you want one of them at the top?
saying this while being controlled by a zog deepstate of the occult, facism or not just give muh fuckin ethnostate
Everyone supporting fascism thinks he might lead the country but none of them can live under a fascist state
just a fantasy like communism
Dictators are no better than Monarchies and those sucked - think just of the genetic problems they brought - let alone all the other issues they created.
Illiberal Democracy is the future.
I'd agree with this.
Yep, which is why is had to be crushed at all costs, even if capitalists kikes and communist kikes had to pretend to stop hating eachother for a few years.
That said - I love Mussolini's writing - especially on the spirituality of fascism.
dictatorships are not inherently dynastic
checked and interestng. What if I was okay with being a subject of the dictator?
that we care for our fellow citizens as much as for ourselves, that we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the nation. facism implies an insect mindset, which is asian-tier and german-tier, not italian/european, never italian/european.
Kys kike.
Monarchy does not equate genetic problems, only if you follow a retarded Habsburg policy.
Socialism doesn't work.
It's very authoritarian. That's pretty much it. Italian fascism wasn't even that bloodthirsty.
I would rather have a democracy in which only adult males vote
No, but there's not much of a plan for the future. I'd prefer creating an aristocracy from the people - like ... fathers who have 2+ children, are married and are working.
These are people who already have skin in the game, and have taken on the responsibility for the society.
Hitler's idea of a man was a soldier - because he grew into a man during WW1. He had a lot of flawed ideas as far as implementation of his philosophy was concerned imo. He couldn't stand back and look at it objectively.
He got the philosophy down really well though. Mussolini did great work too, I like his spiritual sense - only an Italian could've written about it so well ;)
they aren't inherntly dynastic , but leaders can literally elect their own son
On paper it's good in reality it isn't as people are power hungry and giving so much power to so few will always end in the negligence of responsibility and an apathetic approach of the many that follow.
Go check the spanish kings and get back to me, I'll sign you up for a hunchback retard wife ok?
How is one untrustworthy degenerate worse than millions? Besides, fascism largely functions bureacratically, like any other government. At least it's not held hostage to the whims of subversive elements in the general population, and is easier situated to eradicate those elements.
Exactly. It's flawed and nobody - including me would tolerate it desu... Illiberal Democracy has a lot more philosophical work done - and Russia and other places like Hungary (smaller extent) are either running them or on their way there.
Lets imagine you're a subject of kim jong-un , do you possibly think you'd be truly submissive to him in every term possible even to the point of almost worshipping him?
authoritarianism is shite is why
What if they had an NAP?
based and checked
Nothing, and you suppose our current system is better? these people in this photo look like they are doing alright. turns out humans are the happiest and most healthy when they care for their nation and minds alike.
No one ever
Probably not. Unless I was brainwashed into loving him like most people over there are.
if i remember they were many cases in the arab world where leaders appointed their own sons as the next leaders lmao
Spanish kings were Habsburgs you mong.
Yeah, I think most were "democracies" though too lol
Either way, you need to be able to remove rulers who suck otherwise you have civil war or slavery to choose from constantly. Not good.
I'm down for a long period of holding office even - 10 years?
But people need a vote in who holds it. Just gotta get the RIGHT people. Voting should be EARNED not given.
you're thinking with a mind of you living already in a Democratic country right
in case you were born in a Fascist state the chances of you seeing whats outside or thinking like you do right now are absolutely low therefore you might succomb into getting brainwashed
i remember that Hosni Moubarak wanted to appoint his son as his succeder before the arab spring, that what kinda caused a mass hysteria in the people
Absolutely nothing. Unfortunately I dont see it ever catching on in america because you have a bunch of retards who say shit like
>the government shouldn't control me!!!!
>what about my freedums!!!!!!!!
Obviously the average subhuman mutt not being able to grasp that all those "freedoms" is why the kikes were so easily able to control this country.
Yeah sorry, I thought you were talking about eastern europe.
Check out the english. They had the same kinds of deformities and issues in their blood.
I think one of the last of them with hemophilia only died in the past generation or so.
>One asshole should not have control of millions.
But they don't. Unlike in Western Liberal Democracies and Marxist-Socialist states; private firearm ownership increases. Fascism is the embodiment of evolutionary forces that have been codified into an ideology. A well armed population cannot be ruled without consent. All Ultranationalist governments enjoyed genuine widespread public support from everyone except jews and communists.
Why are you assuming that people voting produces better leaders than alternative leader selection processes? Everyone under the thumb of democracy's dystopian conditions just assumes this, but it's never actually measured in any way, is it? Democracy/republics have produced all of the ills fascism always gets tagged with. All of it, tyrants, genocides, civil wars, none of these things are strangers to democracy.
lol I was thinking more of Saddam desu ;)
Then there's Assad too... he's only leader because his brother died in a car accident.
>and those sucked
I don't have a problem with it, except for the anti-Semitism that Mussolini latched onto later on, pressured by Hitler.
I'm not saying it produces far better leeaders - there's a lot of other societal changes you need.
Like getting control of women again.
National Service.
Everyone armed and trained.
Once you have that ultra-nationalism becomes... natural.
But how does democracy become natural? There is nothing natural about democracy. It's just a really bad idea that periodically appears throughout history before crashing and burning and giving way to more stable systems of governance.
What if they had an NAP?
Fascism is a one time experience almost in any country in history, it never reproduces again.
think about that
Yeah, every age thinks they're right about everything
It is quite natural for humans actually.
We have minds, we're not herd beasts.
We worked out democracy before we could work out many other things. We needed the added organisation.
The problem with it currently is we have LIBERAL democracy. Equality and Democracy do not mix.
Aristocracy and Democracy do - look how long the house of lords lasted.
Fascism is the most socialist thing in the world, stupid cunt
It doesn't address all the problems, like the reality of human nature, just like all the other "philosophical" memetard theories
Cool non-sequitur
Check this out...
This guy has the right IDEA. Whether you want to use his ideas as a total blueprint depends how imaginative you are on the topic yourself I guess.
I generally like to critique everything - I admit.
It's easier to keep one good worthy leader in power even if the leader isn't perfect than it is to keep a group of leaders or god forbid a massive mountain of bureaucrats accountable and following the same principles and ideals you started off with.
You're conflating all sorts of concepts with democracy that actually have nothing to do with democracy. What does organization have to do with democracy? Organization is not an inherent trait of democracy, or a trait absent from other forms of government. And who cares if "we worked out democracy before many other things"? That's just a fancy way of saying "some bad ideas are really old." And the longevity of British democracy (itself plagued by civil wars, upheavels, and other evils) is more because of its constitutional elements than its silly parliament, which is sinking that nation like every democratic nation is finally sinking on the weight of that bad idea's flaws.
It's been called 'the best working form of socialism'
>it never reproduces again.
That's because it's a reactionary counter-reaction. It only emerges in direct opposition to radical egalitarian and internationalist ideologies gaining power who have catalyzed a serious social/economic crisis.
Most European countries also put fascists in jail purely for having opinions. The lack of new Ultranationalist movements gaining traction isn't based on organic social contagion, or lack thereof. It's violently suppressed at every turn. And this maintains the status quo until a severe crisis. Take a moment to look at the Greek elections between 2006 and 2013. And that economic collapse was only averted by massive influx of money into Greece to prevent total collapse. Tell me where that money influx is going to come from when the collapse happens in places like France and Germany.
It left religion freedom and in a way protected Italy from islamization, this for twenty years, so it can be said that it was a inherently trait of Fascism.
So its nature wasn't totalitarian, that was instead a trait of communism and nazism.
Is Dugin even a democrat though?
I know they normally go hand in hand anyway but there is a difference between a one party state(fascism) and a dictatorship
British Civil war?
Perhaps during the early monarchies of the petty kings lol
3rd Positionism is pretty well laid out...