
Attached: poor girl.png (578x294, 32.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Racism against Jews needs to increase!"
Don't worry, user. It already is. Pic related.

Attached: They'reWakingUp.jpg (614x767, 73.92K)

>pay for my ticket

lmao shit just writes itself

Wow, that's pretty blunt but correct.

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Checked! This is now a kike SHOAH thread. Digits predicts when niggers will purge the kikes from the U.S.

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holy fuck even the blacks are starting to notice
based negress

Attached: George_Lincoln_Rockwell_nation_of_islam.jpg (1600x1118, 266K)

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews; that means whatever you're talking about is something good.

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but i thought jews were white?

At least this is coming true to some degree.

Attached: Expose the jews to all.png (1639x441, 83.29K)

The main pillar for black self-victimization is slavery and the fact that it occurred. Enlightening them to the truth will enable them to target the real enemies.

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Based Nasha telling powerful truths.

Racism is indiscriminate of race. In other words, racist are racist towards most races. Jews just take it extra personally.

based nigress

>they dindu muffin

>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country


Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

Jewish (((educational))) propaganda aimed at children sponsored by tax payers

Attached: goyim knowing levels.jpg (768x432, 86.59K)


It will stop when jews top calling themselves the chosen.

Niggers do not like jews, that's nothing new. Then again who honestly does besides brainwashed americans

>seething memeflag kike
>"But Jesus and his apostles were Jews!"
>"I'm not afraid, user!"
Kek. How do you cope with the fact that niggers are going to carry out the shoah? What goes around comes around, right?

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She cute

WTF is jews fear of bathing?

These jews were kicked off a plane for being so foul.


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She's not even wrong


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kek, nice to see the nigs waking up to the jq

>Blacks are being redpilled

Holy mother of based. They need to read more Malcolm X.

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Checked again! You're on a roll

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have already done this with several blacks and they hate jews more than we do now
theyre generally more accepting of fringe theories (not saying the JQ is bs) because of distrust of society
>inb4 based black guy

When the whitoids are gone we'll gas the kikes

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Moar attention seeking Jews. Probably not true. Just looking for likes and attention as y'all on lockdown. "ohh look at me" bit there's nobody around to look at her. Expect more kike-foolery next few days.

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You're doing God's work by spreading the truth, user. I too have red-pilled a couple blacks on the Atlantic Slave Trade and who was really behind it all.

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This Charles Lieber?archive.is/oUjKt

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WTF I love being ethnically cleansed now

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And other things that never happened

Hahaha get the stupid niggers vs the stupid Jews

Haha hahah

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can she prove it?

Niggers don't know what the fuck is gas, too hard for them.

Excellent. Will be sharing this one with more blacks. Many of them have their DM's open on Twitter. Might as well drop this in their messages.

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damn, she looks like a normie too

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>ends with an emoji
turns out it was this easy

Based African Queen


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Well she’s kinda right

Oy vey shut it down!

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>more extreme than Yas Forums is even comfortable with

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fuck yeah niggers rule.... I hope theyll completely overrun europe and lynch all the kikes here to death and then go to russia and kill alll of their kikes... since there are like many more in russia


these filthy disgusting subhumans should have been eradicated in the past, now we have to do it because great-great-granpa fuckup didn't have the fucking balls

Nobody cares what you think, you're gone.

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No, we do it together! You can have the khazar women for your BBC before killing them.

well tough shit, buiddy!!!!

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May Kek be with us all

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A nigger who knows how to read for once and write actual English and knows the sordid history of the Jews in Germany. Amazin’

Is this dirty jew related to the sandy hoax greenberg?

They were expelled over 30p times, from 109 different countries. If even one of them had just done the job instead of passing the buck, we wouldn't be in this situation now.
That's the double edge of the globalized world they have created. The whole world is connected now. When it comes time for 110, they will have nowhere to go.

This based user is getting all the digits. Kek is with us!

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>but i thought jews were white?

If jews are white, then how can hatred of jews be "antisemitism". They define themselves as semites, that is to say, arabs. There's all sorts of different religions that arabs belong to. There's literally 10,000 different sects among the arabs, from the Druze to the Manicheans that live in reed huts of the Tigris Euphrates delta and Sufis and Marionites... and on and on. The jews are semites, that's why they've got those big noses.

Blacks talk the big game but they will just do what black people on tv tell them to do

>stewardess names
>everyone clapped

Checked. In other words, anti-semitism is not specific enough to be accurate, and should be referred to as anti-Judaism and/or anti-Zionism instead?

>Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country
someone let Sanders know

What, nigger?

The anti-Semitic rhetoric is complementary.

They're whatever they want to be when it's convenient

The final week of 2019 featured seven straight days of attacks on Jews from black people. Look it up. The final attack featured a black guy entering a Jew's home during a holiday gathering and stabbing four of them

now sum that with violent homicides and let's see the new stat...

Side note to video, they have, 8 other kids.

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we tried to liberate you from dirty kikes... maybe you should accept the BBC as your saviour if aryans were not good enough for you.

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that probably never happened

remember all the fake swastikas and then they catch the guy that did it and it was a jew. and how that keeps happening.

i dont want want to be anti-semitic and i dont think i am but maybe a little. some people, not all jews, make shit up for attention.

>The final week of 2019 featured seven straight days of attacks on Jews from black people.
>Not doing eight days for Hannukah.

Wasted potential.

Thats not all jews, thats bat shit commie lefties.