Honkies be the most degenerate race. Prove me wrong
Honkies be the most degenerate race. Prove me wrong
were just throwing some round eye genes into their pool, im sure the gooks are cool with it
It’s literally just armyfags raping everybody.
they good boys, they dindunuffin
Post the link
Am*ricans aren't white
I bet another 66% is niggers, with sissy korean boys maybe committing 1%
Brother is an Army fag in Okinawa, constantly fucks Japs without a rubber.
dont be angry lads
Lol, gooks fuck anybody, but only Jap whores fuck foreigners. Try not to touch your brother when he comes back, you might catch something.
it's to be expected when korean men are all shut ins and white men are also responsible for 98% of the sex in korea
what a face on that Aryan
This nigger here trying to compensate for something.
Eh, show their faces. I was pretty stunned the first time I went to the FBI's website after seeing a thread about spic criminals identifying as white on a thread at cripple-on-the-run chan. It might be jews too. A thread here this week said most mass murderers identifying as white were actually jews. Show their faces.
OP is a niggerfaggot, here you go: novaramedia.com
there are no official stats, the one third is based on the authors personal anecdotal experience
the one third is for sexual assault, which covers a range of offenses from rape to just inappropriate touching, without any further breakdown
nearly all cases occur in well known clubs/bars nightlife areas where korean women deliberately go to hook up with whites under a party and drinking environment
lack of language skills most likely plays a role in misunderstand of intention
Lol this is so fucking false. Korea is riddled with un reported crimes. I have seen, in person, cops solve attempted rapes in clubs with cash and a handshake out front.
Korean women all crazy whores anyway. All the Itaewon rapes are niggers. This story is laughable incorrect.
If true why don't the korean media report on it? I am sure the backlash would be worth it. if true it is probably a bunch of dumb israeli cannon fodder (amerimutt soldiers) doing these things.
why am I not surprised? They are a standard deviation DUMBER than East Asians- basically whites are niggers to us
unlikely because the soldiers are mostly non-white and whites are a small percentage of the non-jap population. highly unlikely that there are enough whiteys there to do all da raping.
Chinks don’t count, bug. Now get back under my boot.
says the guy in a colony that whitey built.
It’s Korea you fucking simp
It has less to do with honkies and more to do with the fact that minorities will always be less well adjusted to a country than the natives.
Ethnonationalism for everyone now.
still don't believe it.
Most of the military rapes in Japan are by niggers.
>dumber yet still out innovates in every field except starcraft
you da dumdum hapa mutt
Is rape really degenerate? I would say it's technically pro generate
Are Asian men perhaps bigger cucks than whites? Answer this, pol.
Asian men allow a foreign military stationed in their land and let their soldiers have sex with Asian women.
Damn sextravelers stop sextraveling. You aren't nationalist if you sextravel.
This is the story:
Gook bitch fucks white guy.
Gook bitch lies about being raped.
US Military pays gook bitch settlement money.
Asians have no morals
Yes, army niggers make up the other 66%. And 99% of that 33% are actually spics/muttoids identifying as white.
why am I not surprised? They are a standard deviation SHORTER than Aryans- basically chinks are manlets to us
Gooks and Chinks have no morals. Japs and Filipinos are alright.
pretty much this
See what I mean? Basically niggers, haha we are bigger than you... sad
>attacking their height instead of the fact that they’re retarded insects who have caused multiple famines from blindly following their queen insect
Delusional retard.
Whatever you say, retarded boomer. How’s that Ford treating you? Shit the bed at 50k miles? I’ve got 250k on my Toyota.
Even the earliest Europeans to contact the Japs called them civilized.
Lots of American soldiers in South Korea. Soldiers are very rapey, they also probably don’t uderstand Korean dating culture.
Korea girls need to go out for a long time before having sex. I can see a soldier going multiple dates with a Korean girl misunderstanding her intention.
True, but whites bring in millions of brown people years in their countries, elevate minorities (specifically blacks) to the highest ranks of popular culture (sports, music, movies, etc.) and let them get lectured and demeaned by them. It's far more cucked, honestly. At least Asians aren't having their history torn down and replaced with vitriol from the brown people that they literally subsidize.
Nigger-tier logic.
>not knowing what a standard deviation is
>believing stats from Asian countries
>not factoring what is considered "white" in many white countries these days (ESPECIALLY America)
Not even saying Asians are dumb, but "a standard deviation" is delusional.
tall but dumb, and Black people are taller and dumber.... you both lose
Are the rest black?
Yeah right. Gook celebrities and rich people use drugs and fuck women that are asleep, it's been a huge problem and they only recently started to arrest some of them for it because they're so brazen about it. They even did it in clubs
niggers are also shorter and weaker. all women are property of the BWC
buzz off nigger
You know your ID doesn’t change when you use a memeflag, right?
It's always niggers, even in Asia.
>Be retarded US military men, especially niggers
>Nobody wants you
>Shipped off to sit around on Korean or Japanese soil
>Rape and rob the local populace around military camp
>Korea refuses to release actual rape statistics so you can't see the real numbers
>Korea has "flourishing" prostitution industry and they are the ones being raped (believed up to 10% of women are prostitutes)
>Rape in Korea is almost never actually prosecuted solely because of Korean Society
Many problems. Now lets see the number of niggers raping Okinawans.
>doesn't refute anything I said
Eat a bat.
le Australian face
Asian chicks like it.
Calm down lads it's not a competition.
Let the migrants have their little victory.
MOTHER FUCKIN BASED i am movin Kora yall. I also want free hosin and all my food n expenses paid 4
What % are back men responsibile for? 60?
Told ya worse then blacks
Creepy sexpats are just a turn off for adian girls?. They call them lbh now
Loser back home
>Prove me wrong
if you're talking about KIKES, then I would agree
white people don't run the porn industry or anything else
just KIKES everywhere
u mad? go kill a fucking KIKE today
Allow me to translate:
>Women are liars. Their Korean Dad’s find out their dating GI Joe and cry “rape”
perhaps it was just one roastie who got raped, and they just couldn't tell ...
Sexpats are sexpats just look at philupines
But the way American soldiers behave glad refugees fuvk back
no that's fair
all the rainbow queer pride shit is white, being afraid to be called racist is white.
the other races generally dont like queer bullshit or kneejerk virtue signalling that defies reality
white people are sick, but thats because this has been done to white people. this is a result of brainwashing. like blacks with their high crimerate being a result of ghetto thug culture weaponized. blacks used to have strong families and low crime in the states and whites used to not be degens.
but anyways fuck chinks in wuhan they are dirty and they wont change their gross bat soup ways so the whole world has to get sick
I think your lost here you go: reddit.com
>Muh Toyoda quality
Haha... you called me a boomer and you are the retard talking about muh Toyota. I work on my father's Toyota a lot. The latest problem was the EVAP system fucking up.
Toyoda is an over hyped brand... and it has nothing to do with the Japs being lying amoral gooks.
Oink oink
So did the afghans when aussies couldnt hamdle the desert
The earliest Europeans to contact the Japs had their head chopped off.
Get lost fuckhead... BTW no need to hide your Jap flag Engwish teacher.
Ok. So white men out of SK. Niggers out of US.
Shut up chang
always with the 33
Chop ur dick off steve and make me some money goe
So this was how the coronavirus came to be
LMAO deal with it. It's gonna require quite a bit of rape if we're ever gonna achieve a worlwide mutt race for the globalists.
>Despite being less than 1% of the population..Amerimongrels commit 33% of rapes in Gookland
Those mongrelized subhumans are the niggers of East Asia.
it's 66% more effective
I'm quite certain rap music, poor self control, low iq, cuckery, slavery, and I can go on doesn't add up to an article about a few white guys raping people in south korea
first of all define what rape means in korea
Nice self awareness big brain.
>are by niggers
Yeah Ameriniggers.
>you might catch something
Chink virus?
this literally takes the rapes committed by blacks in the US army/marine/navy and attributes them to whites
are you a jewish shill, or just a dumb nigger?
Hide ya kids hide ya wife
B-b-but US is white, r-right?
Are Asian men even capable of raping an adult woman?
>white men
You consider those filthy mongrels as muh white?
Keep enjoying bestiality, faggot.