How bad is the coronavirus
How bad is the coronavirus
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It's just the flu
>It's just the flu
t. Jews
Sounds like a nasty flu plus it feels like you can’t breathe correctly. I appreciate that the government doesn’t want me to get THIS flu. Clearly it’s really bad.
i think about 50-60 americans died. so its barely beating out masturbation mishaps in fatalities.
The panic is worse than the virus.
If the severity of the virus were measured in cup size, it'd be OP's milkers.
Also checkem.
about three fiddy
kekked heartily
About 1 in 25 people will die from it, and it has an r0 of 2-2.5 which is pretty high (higher than the flu) which hundreds of millions of people around the world catch each year. So assuming serious measures aren't taken to prevent the spread of the virus, we're looking at millions of deaths. Pretty serious.
It’s pretty good, really.
Should I buy a condo and start building equity right now or wait a month or two?
You're going to look really retarded in a few weeks when the global death total is less than a million
Build equity, shit will be cheap because of damage from panicking idiots
It's the coof that's going to change our lives forever.
All the toilet paper buying shows us how much of society is a coomer. Big Toilet is in on this.
it is probably the biggest event in history so far
but you can't see it because you're so tiny and it's so big
Price hasent dropped since this all started. Wondering if I could just low-ball them maybe since it's been on the market for a month now. Denver metro area.
Holy shit, NOW I understand why Billie Eilish became a thing
It's going to kill us all.
America is only days away from the point where Italy instituted a nationwide lockdown
Think 9/11.
bad, but humans are resilient. If we keep our hopes up and lay off the doom and gloom posting I know we will all make it.
Just take the self-isolation stuff in stride and just chill. Maybe run to the store and grab some of your favorite snacks and drinks if they still have them. If not, maybe bake some cookies or some pancakes.
I plan on reading and playing video until this all blows over, which I know it will.
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
Jews just perfecting their War of the Worlds scenarios. Aliens invaded so we need your civil liberties, all of them. Stay at home. We have to take your guns because aliens vaporized all of ours.
Sounds impossible? So does shutting down America for a fucking case of the sniffles.
Last night while posting against the shills here on the Corona threads I suddenly came to a dreadful but irrefutable conclusion.
A Corona Virus infection cannot be eradicated from a body. Once infected you're infected for life.
No immunity can be built up against it because it uses the immune system's antibodies to further infect and create cytokine storms in various organs which are Ebola level devastating.
It's highly communicable but indiscernable since a carrier can be contagious while not displaying symptoms.
The death rate is deceptive since it has only been circulating for a very short time, weeks in most places. Thus we only see it's initial onset and that is displayed with it wiping out the very old and sick. Since it is incurable and can reinfect multiple times in one sufferer, we have no idea what it will do 5 months 5 years or even 10 years down the line. It could be 80% fatal, even more regardless of age or health. Eventually it will wear down just about everybody except some few freaks of nature destined to be the progenitors of a new race of men.
Thus it could be the ultimate threat to humanity. And so I reached my irrefutable conclusion.
Quarantine is going to prove futile under the current plan. 1 month 2 months, 3 months, are irrelevant. No matter how long you quarantine the disease will come back because there will be survivors who have recovered. But as I said above all recoveries are temporary and in the end these survivors will start the spread of the disease again.
Thus we must eradicate everyone who has it. This will be very dangerous and I propose it be carried out by armored vehicles with the soldiers inside under full biological combat warfare conditions. All sorts of weapons must be used, even flamethrowers. The entire planet must be scoured for the infected and regardless of race or age or sex all infected must be wiped off the map immediately and then burned. There can be no exceptions.
look at the picture, the two reasons are hard to miss
you realize the human body literally has billions of viruses and bacteria in it right? The reason this is a threat is because it's novel, meaning humanity has no resistance to it. It might be a big problem but "OH NO EVERYONE HAS IT AND ITS NEVER GOING AWAY" is kind of misunderstanding how it works
Comfy and based
Big tits are common outside of China. Welcome to the west, friend.
those are a particular pair of honkers, don't even pretend otherwise
It's looking pretty bad. The virus itself isn't that deadly, and under normal conditions the survival rate would be pretty good for most people. However these are not normal times.
>Milquetoast warnings from governments and international organizations (thanks to bad CCP-informed WHO numbers)
>No real idea of "how bad" things could get
>Most people ignore the warnings, namely "it's just a flu" Boomers and nothingburgerfags
>Highly infectious = huge proportion of the population infected
>(Unknown) roughly ~20% of cases are severe and require hospitalization
>20% of a large proportion of the population is still a pretty large number
>Medical systems will not be able to handle the stress of such numbers
>Huge numbers of people who would have otherwise survived will die due to overburdened medical system
>Panic sets in among the general population
>Supply shortages due to panic buying
>More panic due to supply shortages
>Travel bans and state restrictions on movement and activities
>Shipping and travel restrictions further impact supply availability
>More panic
>Public panic mounts and mounts, medical system completely swamped, fear and misinformation run amok
>Harsh state intervention (lock-downs, perhaps even martial law?)
>All the while, stock market is completely melting down (we're currently experiencing a "Bear Market", which is a market correction +10% extra losses)
>Collapsing stock market fuels the fire further
We don't (and can't) accurately know "how bad" things are, but it's safe to say that they're pretty bad. If you're not stocked, masked, and armed yet, you better be before it's too late. Better safe than sorry, and you'll sure be sorry if things get as bad as they're likely to.
If every big breasted bimbo got a record deal you wouldn't ever see anything else. Catch my drift? Go to your local strip club and you'll see a half dozen sets of equal value and then reassess the situation.
Those are regular virii. The corona virus, ebola, AIDS SARS Marburg are different;
The antibodies that would be the immunity become the vehicles of death and destruction to the very organs they seek to protect. The influx of antibodies to the Corona Virus will only serve to precipitate the Cytokine Storm.
When the virus binds to ACE2 receptors, it mimics the normal function of Ang II, which ACE2 receptors are supposed to down-regulate. This leaves excess circulating Ang II in the tissues, which creates a whole lot of fucking inflammation, enough to basically destroy a lung. The autoimmune reactions are huge. Your own inflammatory response does more to attack the tissues than the virus does.
With ADE, normally, like in Dengue, you have to get two different strains for the second one to fuck you, because the incomplete antibody response due to the faulty memory B cell antigen experience means that the virions are carted off to the Fc receptors where they start to infect your immune system, and then the Dengue fucks you to death. If SARS-CoV-2 can do this with the same strain and the same infection, that's really, really, incredibly fucked, because it means immunity is difficult or even impossible to develop. I've heard that they've cured some people with serum antibodies, so it's possible that at least some people have good antibody responses. I've also heard of people relapsing with the disease, which is not encouraging at all.
I've been trying to tell people for fucking weeks, this thing can have serious neurological consequences. SARS-CoV-2 can attack the medulla of the brain stem and the blood vessels of the brain. It can cause viral encephalitis and make people to collapse to the ground with abnormal posturing like drowning victims.
antibody dependent enhancement and it's why COVID seems to have two phases
COVID attacks your body by entering cells with the ACEII gene. This is present in the lungs, all organs, your small intestines, and even your veins and arteries. This is phase 1 and typically your body handles this like a mild flu.
After two weeks or so your body produces antibodies. Normally this would wipe out the virus. But COVID uses the antibodies that bind to it and your cells to enter more cells. It turns immunity against you and starts reproducing like crazy.
This trait is present in all the horrying viruses like HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SARS, and now covid. It's why we can't develop a vaccine. Because all a vaccine does is get your body to develop antibodies without having to suffer through the disease. We actually developed a vaccine for SARS a few years ago but all the mice we tested it on died because as soon as they got reinfected with SARS the virus spread like a wildfire through its body with the antibodies meant to protect them.
The horrifying conclusion is that this means this could be a virus you can't develop an immunity to.
>"Why hasn't this been a problem before?"
You might be asking. Normally the viruses don't spread this easily. HIV and EBOLA needed sex or sharing needles or you acting like a nigger and dancing and kissing the corpses of the infected dead.
SARS was so horrifying because it spread easier. We got lucky and stopped it early and essentially eradicated it smallpox style.
It's too late for that with COVID. This could be a virus that threatens the human race itself
ACE2 is also found in the blood vessels and the endothelial lining of the blood-brain barrier, so it's possible it could cause a cerebrovascular infection, pass through the blood vessel and infect the blood-brain barrier itself, and then, get into brain tissue through that route. There are also reports that it can literally rise up from the nerves of the lungs and enter the brain stem from that route, as well. It's all in my notes.
Information on it infecting the meninges and telencephalon is limited to nonexistent, but we do know that it can infect the medulla and it has also been found in patients' CSF:
get a load of this larping faggot with a memeflag.
it's literally fucking nothing, just like every other flu virus
>cities going into lock down for this
>people stockpiling toilet paper and milk for this
I'm going to go out every fucking day and I'm going to love it
>Cytokine Storm
Into thrash your post goes.
It will kill approximately 350,000 Australians. If china dropped a Nuke on an Australian city there would be a war.
But really this is no different. The outcome is the same and because of the dirty unhygienic not to mention the potentially WMD bio weapons at the wuhan institute of virology. China will kill millions globally this year. This needs to be treated as an attack on our countries and act accrodingly.
its a nothingburger that people already even found cures for
It's potentially apocalyptic scenario. And you won't be last human like in Hollywood movies, you will be dead.
its a nothing burger seasonal flu blown up into a world wide panic via hollywood and media with chinese government involved to false flag something
The whole point of all the mass media fear and hysteria is to crash the stockmarket. When the media's fear propaganda is turned off that is when the big boys will be buying back in super cheap. They all be multi millionaires within years receiving big dividends as well.
This is a side effect, not the main reason.
Is that Billie eilish? Damn she got some nice milkers
I opened a couple of threads about coronavirus conspirancy, these are the ideas I got so far.
-The official story is legit
-China did it to fuck the markets in trade-war with USA
-USA did it to fuck the markets in trade-war with china/iran/EU
-(((they))) are crashing the plane to further extend the globohomo NWO agenda
The continued shilling and misdirection blaming “mass media fear” is such a broken record. Who the fuck actually listens or pays attention to the media anymore, besides passively? Where were you 2 months ago when pol was in hysterics over this, ages before the media even caught wind of this story? I’ve only started paying attention to the media coverage of this recently, and from what I’ve seen they’re still not even selling normies the full package. Just regurgitating cdc guidelines, telling people to wash their hands, and insisting it’s only a flu until the last couple of days. The media response to Ebola dwarfed this in terms of alarmism, and this virus on all accounts is a much bigger threat that we still don’t have an accurate picture of. Furthermore, why the fuck would word governments decimate their economies over yet another “”media hype” when the media hypes fucking everything?
Tfw you kill thread
OP died of Wuhan Flu
mass media still works well with normies and boomers. and we have plenty of both. so yes, mass media talking shit is something.
I still don’t buy it. I’m a normie by pol standards and people around me do nothing but disparage the media, boomers are retarded and thus irrelevant. They’re more likely to believe some shit on Facebook that tells them this virus makes their dick fall off than CNN these days anyway.
>various countries going full SHUT IT DOWN mode
>just a flu
>FB is not mass media like.
well, it is. the problem is not the virus itself, but the fact that it affects mostly elderly people (we have plenty of this) and the system can't afford that everyone gets sick at the same time.
long term, it's impossible to not get the virus.
Completely disproportionate response by the retards running the world
More die in car crashes every year
das coofening?
I guess what we define as media is in flux. If you want to equate FB user-made disinfo hysteria to news I suppose you’re right. Anyway mate I doubt governments are kneecapping their own economies in response to Facebook boomer memes.
No, its just an excuse to put the boot down on all of us, this is literally worse than 9/11 freedom wise
It’s not spreading fast enough.
I want mass deaths on a scale that we outstrip the Spanish flu..
Unfortunately we get this..
This is the revenge of legacy news media. They are using the remainder of their credibility to cause mass hysteria and panic and when it turns out to be absolutely nothing, the public will turn on them hard.
>I doubt governments are kneecapping their own economies in response to Facebook boomer memes.
no, you have missed links here.
something like: normies/boomers on the internet.
OMFG the coronavirus will kill us all
even if it is a flu, no country can afford to get all its people sick at once, I explained on the last post.
Mass panic.
Economy goes bananas
Gobs are unable to do shit because they are just puppets.
just print money bro.
and this kills the economy, but we will see this on the next chapter
for real , how are you gonna post its like that and not follow up, OP? even Yas Forums does a better job than this.