Why do British men always deny that racemixing exists?

Every time i see a Brit discussing the topic on Yas Forums or Yas Forums they will say

"Maybe in mutt land but here white women do not like black men"

"No fucking white girls are with black guys in the UK it's fucking rare to see it"

"Wow is this the norm in America?"

"Feel sorry for burgers their country will look like Brazil in 10 years"

It's as if these men are saying it doesn't exist here. Yet even in my own small area where i live there are more mixed race children with white single mothers than there are full white or full black kids. I have two infants in school and both their classes have over half mixed race kids in them all with white single mothers and this is a typical mostly white working class council estate.

I have been in Bristol, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Leeds, Cardiff, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Plymouth,there were tons of mixed race people and interracial couples everywhere nearly always white female and black male and always with at least one child. The only place you don't see it much is around Newcastle, Sunderland type of area.

Why are British men burying their head in the sand and trying to propose racemixing as strictly an American issue?

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Anglos always deny it
Anglos have oggled black cocks for hundreds of years

>Yet even in my own small area where i live
Whats your area?

Just look at how many mixed celebrities you have and it makes it pretty obvious. Half of the national team is mixed race too

you are not british refugee

Attached: thxfornotmixing.jpg (316x320, 28.47K)

disgusting mutts and jews that want to erase us

>end racism
shit will never stop

lightskin niggers vs darkskin niggers
even mulatto niggas hate darker niggas for fuck sake

why do these libshits always post babies with blue eyes and act like this is how all nigger babies look

Attached: 1584230067088.jpg (1050x709, 248.04K)

sweden for swedes

Attached: fuck everyone else.png (595x454, 42.08K)

Race mixers tend to stay in the cities, the rest leave, it's not that common.