Amerimutt forced to stay inside his own house by armed cops
>Deputies are now stationed outside the 53-year-old man's house around-the-clock in Nelson County.

>"It's a step I hoped I never had to take, but we can't allow one person who we know has this virus to refuse to protect their neighbors," Gov. Beshear told reporters.

>The unidentified man is the only coronavirus patient in the county, and officials were worried that he could infect others

>The patient had left the hospital without permission, according to TV station WDRB.
>without permission
Lmao, isn't this like "unconstitutional" or something? What gives, america?

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No. Legitimate exercise of police power. Although, I prefer the Best Korea solution.
>t.con law prof

the absolute hysteria

what they going to do? panic and shoot him if he leaves?

over the fucking flu, Imagine how fucking stupid they are going to look when the hysterics pan down

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look at me
we're the chinks now

It's really funny when you think about it. In America the "based" government can find literally any reason they want to infringe your constitutional rights. Red flag laws, counter-anti-Semitism bills, civil forfeiture, cops even entered houses without warrants or permission in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it come to your daily constitutional infringement. It's kind of hilarious how you burgers always larp about muh amendments when you're routinely told to sit down and shut the fuck up and you'll never use your guns against those tyrants your beloved founding fathers, whom you so frequently virtue signal on behalf of, warned you about.

tldr americans are a bunch of pussified, pacified larping faggots who get tread on daily and will never do shit about it

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Kinda abuse of power but fuck this guy how much of an asshole are you to walk around and infect people.

I want you “just a flu” faggots to get it and die a painful and agnonizing death. You shouldn’t be allowed in ICU and priority should be made for non retards.

of course it's a fucking bugman

>for the flu

I am not over 80 thanks

inb4 you ramble about how 4 people

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It is legal Onions.

afyer i get it the first thing ill do is sneeze on thousands of faggots like you and take shitloads of people with me

Sounds like bullshit fear psy-op

When a country no longer has a sense of civic responsibility, the only way to maintain social cohesion is through force. The collapse of democracy is the end result of a degenerate populace of narcissists who believe in only themselves. There's a reason why collectivist societies with strident social norms are faring better than the individualist ones. It doesn't even matter how deadly this thing really is. There's no sense of care for those who this virus COULD be deadly to. If you have old relatives, they are fucked.

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>Legitimate exercise of police power
How so?

And isn't this going to make it so less people want to get tested?

Stfu, Chang

The amount of control and pressure hospitals try to impose on you is really insane. Additionally, the amount of power social workers employed at hospitals and the associated state institutions can have is also very scary.

The collectivists are holding back automation, because if you don't need workers to get shit done, you don't need Communism either.

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And so it begins. Incels who don’t cooperate will be shot.

This will ignite a civil war.

lol you fat fucks won't do shit

Just like everyone else then, including you, retard.

Kentucky in here. There's a little-known law, left over from the cholera epic in the 1830s, that allows people to be quarantined, against their will. So there's that.

But the weird thing is that his wife has been in the media shouting that he doesn't have coronavirus and that they never actually tested him for it. He had been in hospital with COPD for 4 months, completely unrelated.

I know some of the people involved so if you have any questions, ask me, I have to go to sleep but when I wake up I'll check back in the thread.

Checked and loaded my guns last night.

In a country full of brainwashed retards led by a malignant media and political class... the ones bucking the system are the smart ones; and the smart ones tend to be rugged individualists who only believe in themselves.

But you'd have them be herd animals in the interest of social cohesion, "collectivism", even if that herd is being led off a cliff.

Meanwhile when a faggot knowingly gives someone aids we should decriminalize it. See California you nigger apes.

>> the constitution exists

No one cares about one faggot who won't stay in his house and is being forced to be there because of the virus. Everyone is shitting a chicken over this nothingburger. Your desire for a civil war over this is laughable.

Not sure why everybody is against the authorities on this retarded ass website. If I were in charge I'd execute any citizen that refuses to self isolate, then burn his or her body. I wouldn't waste resources and manpower trying to keep some rat in his cage.

>Left hospital without permission
Yea it's called a patient discharge you can't force treatment on a person.

It could be a psy-op to gauge local reaction to having someone be bullied around in the name of coronavirus.
Or he could have it.
Or they're all just retards.

>this is a nothingburger
It's a massive violation of his rights

based and this

So? People have their """rights""" violated daily, you think anyone gives a shit unless it happens to them or someone they care about? You live in a fantasy world

Would this be done for the Swine flu?

If I catch it, I'm gonna try to spread it. You aren't gonna stop me

20-40 are 1/2 of all ICU beds

the absolute end game of a mutt
government commanding me trough military good

And then you sat around on you fat ass eating chips and lurked Yas Forums. Having guns doesn't mean shit if you're never going to use them retard. You mutts are far too pacified by söy and sportsball to ever have another civil war.

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shh. don't tell him. let him be surprised. I get pleasure in that kind of remorse


What is your angle really? State of emergency has been declared, person with virus makes point to do everything opposite of what is required of public safety. You really either have to fucking kill him or keep him at home by force.

Your second question... No... Because most people dont want to spread the disease. Most people care about not getting the disease and that means following quarantine...

Its like a zombie apocalypse except we are the zombies.

depends on where and who
in the south and rural areas these cops would be shot
citys not so much

Something something selfish young people.

>you can't force treatment on a person
but that's where you're wrong, kiddo. Despite multiple court cases with legal precedent one may still be confined until legally discharged, even using physical restraints such as straps to subdue the "patient".

anarcho capitalists btfo
how would you enforce people sitting on their ass in ancap society?

I don't want to say those collectivist societies actually are better, you'd want something that mixes the two, ideally. And it's true that they're handling the problem much better than we are. The actions people take with respect to one another makes a difference, but people aren't looking at it that way. Young people don't take anything related to the problem seriously because they know it won't affect them personally. It's the boomers that are going to take a hit.

Yet only less than 1% under old age die from it. Keep running around crying wolf about the flu fuckboy

Disney + is to blame

>don't worry it's a nothingburger
>wait what do you mean I can't go to Cracker Barrel?

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Lmao my thoughts exactly. Are they literally going to murder this guy for leaving his house? How many people went to work today sick? More than one? This is retarded.

>>The patient had left the hospital without permission, according to TV station WDRB.

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sportsball, specifically niggerball has been cancelled in the US.

Wow this fucking thread, the entitlement and lack of sympathy will be the end of America.

This virus is not a nothing burger and the reason I know is because I am dealing with it.
Should HIV patients have the right to maliciously infect others?
Do you have a father a mother a friend over the age of 50?

Fucking niggers should hang, no fucking excuse

>see flag
>say mutt
>write unrelated nonsense
kys anytime

that idiot is the zombie. his freedom ends when he's acting carelessly around others.

>I want you “just a flu” faggots to get it and die a painful and agnonizing death.

I'm not an octogenarian chinee smoker in a nursing home with a stack of preexisting conditions, so I'll be fine.

But thanks for caring. Does this mean you l-like me? I mean, like me like me.

Are the McDonald's that are inside of Walmarts still open?

America is dead anyway unless the shitskins are removed.

Land of the free

>t. obsessed with the US.
Fix your own country you faggot leaf.

That would leave nothing but wildlife and that one white guy in Wyoming

damn he needs some jew lawyers to money up

>refusing to self-isolate
Should be shot desu.

could just be another actor, another script, another agenda

you dont even need to have corona they did this shit to me sent me to the loony bin could not leave they locked me in a room for like 3 days

>"Hey, you have HIV, you need to be careful with sexual partners from now on"
>"HA fuck you!"
>uses blood and deliberately infect other people through various means

yea, doing nothing wrong at all.

they should just shoot the fucker. people who spread pestilence deserve to be arrested and turned into test subjects.