How did Italy get infected by COVID-19 so fast?
How did Italy get infected by COVID-19 so fast?
Because they have about 300k chinese living in their country already, many of whom no doubt travelled back and forth from wuhan
Dayuuuum literally built for BLACK COCK
Chinese mask gift
Feb 8th, hug a chinese
because they blew it off for too long like the us did
we're next
Chinese tourists, and chinese nationals fleeing to the west before China closed it's borders.
who this
>pair of tits and question about current hot topic
>238 replies and 41 images omitted. Click here to view.
Supermarket. Italians aren't your home cooked homegrown food masters like they claim to be.
greed did this. fuckers wanted cheap labor. sold their own citizens out
>How did Italy get infected by COVID-19 so fast?
Why don't we wash our hands, hug and kiss too much and our hygiene is lacking. You'll see that in other countries the contagion won't happen so overwhelmingly
I thought that the Italian patient zero was a Middle-Eastern migrant who worked as a food deliverer.
>have a culture based around getting into close, intimate contact with others
Pure retardation. The West is fucked, no one is wearing masks, no one is displaying commonsense fever testing, only incredibly specific testing only for coronavirus.
>Is coffee good for you?
Lazy, corrupt, unqualified, stupid, mediterannean country, here Is your answer
Shut up nigger
>Why don't we wash our hands
her face is disgusting, fuck you.
you're probably right
l;rn2filter, trust me it will help with the aggression
Wasn't there some conspiracy post about this that predicted Italy would be #2?
300,000 imported chinese laborers
You fucking idiot. You actually believe in your small brain that scores of fucking chineses chose Italy to flee away from thei rfucking country?
Italy epidemic was caused by residente Milan white collar wage slaves going back & forth to china to get business deals.
Fucking chineses in Italy locked themselves down the very moment they came back from their fucking new year holidays, segregating themselves as their tyrant demanded back home.
Italians have a culture of close body contact, besides they were kinda retarded by ignoring the real threat of the pandemic
Yes, but there were already two Chinese hospitalized in rome positive, easy to predict.
>out break in china began in October
> so fast
>how did this landing point for thousands of refugees with no hygiene become such a hotbed for infections?
probably because Italians have a custom of felating the bull, whereas burgers just give the bull a high five and then take his children to MacDonalds for a party
Literally because of this
China lied about covid. In the early moments Hong Kong university said the real numbers were ten times higher than official Chinese ones.
The virus is much worse than China said. We're going to have hundreds of thousands of casualties.
They allow many Chinese in to operate Chinese owned factories .
The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. Screenshot this post.
Italy was infected because of a fucking german faggot who fucked a chinese whore.
The virus spread fast because frontiers were left open (LORD SALVINI PLEASE COME BACK) and because, you know, fucking italians have to hug everyone and stay at the bar drinking and spending time so hopefully they will die in a large number.
this is why
Because the lefties in charge took no action at first. They were autistically screeching that quarantines were a tool of fascism and that you should go out and hug a chink.
The Italian garment industry has been importing cheap Chinese labor to work in sweatshops for at least the last 20 years. The do this so they can claim "made in Italy" but leave out that it's made by Chinese labor. A big chunk of this labor is from Wenzhou which was 2nd behind Wuhan in Covid 19 infections.
Cheap foreign labor is often used as domestic help and as caretakers to the elderly.
Fuck off jew
Why come Jordan Carver never done nudes bros
The chalice of pestilence. The truth is being kept suppressed by christfags as they spread the plague across the world.
It tests its own population widely and systematically unlike the US where up until last Tuesday it had only tested 5,000 people and to further demonstrate my point, half of the new infections we’ve had in Australia over the last were Australian’s who had returned from the US, it really makes you think.
why is it so difficult to understand? the government, in order to protect immigration, has allowed anyone to enter italy, even those from china, spreading the idea that racism should not win and not be afraid of the chinese. While other countries defended themselves, our government let them in. And it wasn't a mistake, they did it on purpose because now Italy is a rich dish for financial speculators.
CIA or mossad did this. Not sure why they hate the Italians.
>muh chinese
>muh middle easterners
Meanwhile the virus is confirmed to have come to us from Germany. But Yas Forums won't care because it goes against your pre-built narrative of muh poor white people can do no wrong and are just victims of evil brown/yellow foreigners which must all be killed
Ah, yes, Boris Johnson the famous leftist.
UK, that communist shithole.
Good one user.
shut the fuck up pasquale if you pizza niggers could stop touching and kissing and gesturing right in front of the faces of others MAYBE you retards wouldnt all be sick...
We have 1 million Chinks here, explain the discrepancy??
truth: someone was spreading the virus on Italian cities by water sprinklers or similar devices or maybe simply by sending contaminated dust particles on the air
(that person was a MOSSAD agent)
Take a look at ((((yours)))
Idk nigger, kangaroos?
Meanwhile your president chokes on black dick. Have a good day, my frog munching friend. Get back to surrendering to Germany.
>They do this so they can claim "made in Italy"
You ignorant fag, there's no fucking need to "import" aka human traffick fucking chineses from china to get both cheap labor and the mad in italy stamp.
If you had any clue or interest for what you state, you'd know that actual "Made in" legislation for every fucking county in the world, allows to import semi-completed products from china, then finish each unit within national borders to claim origin.
But you clearly don't fucking care you idiot.
Because you amerifats imported nigros for your cotton plants, therefore believe that to be the norm even now.
No, burgershit, chinese keep themselves into their fucking country and move only to launder money and buy out previous owners.
Because of people like pic related. Too rich to care about third world problems. Can't conceptualize hardship because they never experienced it in their lives.
The article he posted is old. They sequenced the genetics of both Italian virus and Bavarian virus, and the Bavarian one is a direct ancestor. It probably came from one italian guy going to Germany for business, getting infected and bringing it back.
No Chinese or middle easterners involved unlike the dumbfuck xenophobes on here claim
I'm not a virus, please hug me!
Go fuck off shill.
Major tailor industry are in Tuscany, and chinese labor locked themselves in their fucking holes the very moment they came back from their fucking new year holidays.
The shit you shill is easily disproved, considering that the absolute majority of reported infected are italian natives.
Fuck you and your degenerate ignorance.
I will never understand why the other states in the Western world (first and foremost Brittany and the United States) still do not want to understand that strong methods must be used.
Italy is holding up but with enormous efforts, but it seems to me that your politicians are reacting like the average user of Yas Forums ("in Italy it's different, it's because Italians are niggers, Italians are Jews, blabla")
Translated with (free version)
put this in comment filter in 4chanX: /built for B/i
nose not large enough for ya jewboy?
Like this
Always a leaf
Many factories and businesses were actually sold in Italy to people FROM Wuhan and many of the workers in that region of Italy were from Wuhan/Hubei region of China as a result of that. Why bring Chinese workers to Italian businesses?
Italy has a deal with China where certain businesses can hire Chinese and pay them Chinese wages in Italy. So that's a large part of the reason why.
Shitaly unironically has thousand of Chinese working in garment shops in the north... that's not even debatable dude
sadly one of the highest quality threads here at the moment.
at least it's not another post from the endless agenda shills, mainstream copy paste garbage, full of shit general, or actually a stealth whore model ad. somewhat believable to be a genuine thread.
You're a filthy mutt
Someone's mad their country's strategy is literally to let yourselves get fucked over harder than if you were doing nothing
also check out "Show stubs of hidden threads / replies." in 4chanX options, so it won't even show as a stub
Garment industry operated by Chinese is largely concentrated in Tuscany and in particular in the Prato area and they have like 4 cases, all of them Italians coming back from north italy. You are retarded and willingly ignore facts because they deconstruct your premade narrative
asians really do look like monkeys
>not even debatable
Like ignorant foreigners on a shit board like this, within a /b level thread could know any fucking better.
Keep jerking off onto your own shilling, you doomers. Every major western country has fucking chinese denizens and workers. France would be far worse. Yet the infected locals are not chineses.
No one is importing fucking labors. Chineses only work for chinese owners to launder money and force control onto their fucking population.
You know shit and don't even fucking care to enlight yourself.
I'm pretty sure they're just doing for the meme now, not actually because they believe that. Like if I were to say that to get a reaction out of anons.
I understand Yahweh's anger now.
We never learn.
This user knows his shit
She has in some Italian shoots
.t chink
Wow you can't even google " made in Italy by Chinese"? Lombardy was hardest hit with fatalities and take a wild guess at how significant textiles are to their economy.
t. foreigner that has zero idea of what's going on
Chinese Cops
go look it up
>>Supermarket. Italians aren't your home cooked homegrown food masters like they claim to
I beg to differ, second generation american, parents from italy, italian food so good famous lux italian restraunts in vegas taste like shit to me, lemme send some of my pasta niggery ur way
See Most textile industry is far away from lombardy
Go eat some ape shit, you filthy degenerate jew cock washer.
1) men greet each other by kissing each other on the lips
2) they're dirty meds
3) they have a very old population
4) public transit
Pretty sure she's Denise Milani. Her tits look amazing but they're fake.