Change my mind.
Mixed-race relationships should be illegal and banned
It certainly introduces many problems. Only do it with meticulous preparation and understanding of the ancestry on both sides. Basically, only arranged marriage has a possibility of working; romance is a gamble indulged by the naive.
Shoot yourself nigger
cry more, Cleetus. Funny, considering you’ll be rioting in the streets once they outlaw incest
If a girl is down to fuck then I don’t care what she is.
miscegenation is a sin.
Leftists will reeeee at this image
Racemixing is genetically unhealthy and bad for cultural cohesion and human biodiversity. But it shouldn't be illegal. Outright banning it crosses way to many authoritarian lines. All we ought to do is turn back our culture to the way it was in the 1950s, and people will voluntarily self-segregate.
Mixed relationships only benefit niggers, since niggers are ugly and they get to fuck actual humans and then their children will be smarter.
Why not just ban other races from existence.
I REALLY dislike south Asian, espessialy filipinos. Disgusting race
Only the Asian woman is happy because all women want a white man.
>you must be okay with everything! it's their life and all yknow?
kys. This shitty argument is the united states' ruin
oooh faggot
I'm white and I want the black woman
No. Instead west should import cute black and Asian girls and distribute them to lonely men.
Always a nigger and a white woman.
there's 2 that are almost white
If black/Asian girl is cute and is wholesome and supportive. I will marry her. I prefer to be happy over caring about some race purist's wet dream.
No it's legal, change my mind.
Based and racepilled they each belong with each other
>all of them look miserable except the top couple.
but it shouldn't be, change mine.
It was illegal in the US until the 70s.
What do mixed people do then? Never have a relationship?
The only relationship they'll have is laying in an unmarked grave.
inb4 you find out you're 1/4 nigger
i'm racemixing try to stop me bitch
>tfw no Skyla gf
You will care when you have kids like Deniro's son.
I have seen it with expats in Japan who marry a really Yayoi looking lady.
The kid comes out looking 100% Japanese and white father has a look of pain on his face whenever groups comment on how much the son looks like the mother.
They either end up hating their children or completely cuck themselves to cope.
Miscegenation was legalized in 1967 you fucking retard.
People say I look 100 percent white sometimes. Yet I am half Asian... Honestly I think its just some people look more Asian than others.
>if you're against racemixing that means pro incest
>Banned and Illegal
I can understand for Blacks, but Hapas tend to look attractive, unlike Black mixes.
You need a better haircut, need to lift, and to get rid of that faggot jacket.
Other than that, yes you look more European than Japanese.
Are you half Japanese? If so is your mother more Jomon looking?
Me and my gf are watching blacked and getting drunk.
Come at me
There are plenty of attractive mixed kids, but I promise you, it causes mental anguish in parents.
Imagine looking at your children and seeing yourself in them and knowing your line has been carried on.
Now imagine looking at your kid and seeing someon who looks extremely alien and knowing that by mixing you obliterated 1/2 of your genes that would have otherwise been passed down to your descendants, like your ancestors before you.
My mom is Manchu and Chinese. She has very high cheekbones though. But she looks mostly what a Yayoi or a Korean would look like due to the high North Asian Admixture.
I'm not pro race mixing. I'm kind of against it, but banning it is stupid. The reason why Europe and America have so much race mixing is because of White women not being as accepting of White men as they used to be.
You can't just bring back culture without applying any force and using institutions to enforce what you want. You're not going to win by "winning the battle of ideas" and just debating that race mixing is bad. You gotta take control of the state and make people step in line
Same goes for the kids but in the other direction. Imagine looking at your parents and all your ancestors and you look like none of them. You have not been given too histories, but none. It's a curse, especially for mixed men. Women don't need to socially belong in a group, but men do.
>Change my mind.
you literally are a product of mixed race you idiot
Die without procreating. That's your purpose. Live a happy life just don't procreate.
Holy fuck hapas are ugly as fuck
I will be more concerned when kid will be not intelligent as I am.
I think being raised in a Culture helps stop that though. I was primarily raised under a Chinese cultural influence, so I still feel more Asian than White.
White men out to breed black women and bleach their offspring.
Still tragic. People should confidently know who they are and where they belong and where they came from. None of this "I feel more..."
Your life must be such a nightmare for you to have arrived at this juncture where you're bothered by this sort of shit
Everyone should be breeded by the BIG DANISH COCK
American Whites still often deal with this though, as they are often a mix of multiple European cultures, such as "Irish German English etc.". So I think it applies to most Americans as well.
Enough lol. Imagine the entire world being like this. Mutted up, no true identity, just LARPing
That black girl is cute tho. Give her to some lonely guy.
>American Whites still often deal with this though
Therefore we must racemix more with more alien peoples like asians? Fuck off
Did DNA test, pure North-Western European.
You're acting like I'm supporting race mixing. I'm not.
American is its own ethnicity.
It won’t stop, you can’t stop it. With the introduction of global communication and co dependency of nations it will be inevitable. It’s not as bad as Yas Forums calls it.
youre retarded
Then what's the purpose of shilling hapas and talking about how you "feel" a certain race and that "well akshully whites are mixed too so it's the same teehee"
Someone post that americans are obsessed with niggers copypasta
You dont look 100% white bro do you live around a bunch of mexicans?
I'm half Caribbean (broken down into Native Caribbean Awrak and Nigerian mostly) and half british (mostly anglo, some iberian and some nordic). I'm 6'9", naturally athletic and strong, posses a protein found in most power athletes, fairly attractive and academically sound, currently doing a Law degree at Oxford University. I have a 8.5" dick, and light olive skin, so light I just look like a white person with a tan.
You can achieve superior beings through interracial births, just need the right ingredients.
He probably lives in california or some industrialized area with lots of non whites.
Because it is. Americans have no true ethnic culture compared to Europeans. Americans don't celebrate the traditions of their European ancestors.
Yes, I live in LA. People somehow think I'm Russian or Ukrainian. Which makes no since.
Bingo. I fucking hate LA. Even the SF bay is better than this Shithole.
die mutt
Ideally I prefer White but you have to be gay to not breed a nice and attractive woman just cus she isn't the same race as you.
It's just kind of odd when both minorities and whites constantly say I have "WHITE PRIVILIGE".
When I don't consider myself white at all.
I honestly think other Hapa women are the sexiest.
Agreed, The world is browning by niggers and beaners.
but she has one underway, of course if she isn't expecting girl
Holy shit! This right here.
Without Iberians and Native Americans race mixing QT Latinas wouldn't exist.
Only if it's a white male and a nonwhite female.