/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2134

► Detected: 169,761 ► Died: 6,518

Argentina shuts down borders, schools

Venezuela under lockdown in 7 states, affecting 12 million

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Denmark shuts down borders

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Virus affects blood circulation

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Finland only testing high risk cases

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

6:28: 50 new cases in Israel.
06:05: 2 new cases in Norway.
06:00: 1 new death in Switzerland.
05:58: 1 new death in Germany.
04:06: First death in Mexico.
02:00: 74 new cases in South Korea.
01:00: 16 new cases and 14 new deaths in China. This includes 4 cases and 14 deaths in Hubei province, China.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Great. Filter.

The state should have the right to seize all goods from raiders and thieves. These goods should be distributed fairly to whom they belong.

Raiders are greedy and selfish people. They believe everyone who didn't prep somehow deserves to steal, pillage and murder.

I can't wait for raiders to get doxxed and hunted when shit really hits the fan.

► China 80,866 (3,213) ► International 88,523 (3,302): Italy 24,747 (1,809) Iran 13,938 (724) S. Korea 8,236 (75) Spain 7,845 (292) Germany 5,814 (11) France 5,423 (127) US 3,680 (68) Switzerland 2,218 (14) UK 1,391 (35) Norway 1,256 (3) Netherlands 1,135 (20) Sweden 1,040 (3) Belgium 886 (4) Denmark 864 (2) Austria 860 (1) Japan 839 (24) D. Princess 696 (7) Canada 341 (1) Greece 331 (4) Australia 300 (5) Slovenia 219 (1) Ireland 170 (2) H. Kong 149 (4) Philippines 140 (12) Egypt 126 (2) Poland 125 (3) Iraq 124 (10) Indonesia 117 (5) Thailand 114 (1) India 112 (2) S. Marino 109 (7) Lebanon 99 (3) Luxembourg 77 (1) Taiwan 59 (1) Bulgaria 51 (2) Mexico 51 (1) Algeria 48 (4) Argentina 46 (2) Panama 43 (1) Albania 42 (1) Ecuador 37 (2) Hungary 32 (1) Morocco 28 (1) Azerbaijan 23 (1) Guyana 4 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guatemala 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Malaysia 428 Qatar 401 Cze. Rep. 293 Israel 263 Portugal 245 Finland 244 Singapore 226 Bahrain 214 Brazil 200 Iceland 180 Estonia 171 Romania 139 S. Arabia 118 Kuwait 112 UAE 98 Chile 75 Peru 71 Russia 63 Slovakia 61 S. Africa 61 Vietnam 56 Pakistan 53 Brunei 50 Croatia 49 Serbia 48 Palestine 38 C. Rica 35 Colombia 34 Georgia 33 Cyprus 33 Latvia 30 Belarus 27 Armenia 26 Senegal 24 Bosnia 24 Moldova 23 Oman 22 Malta 21 Tunisia 20 Macedonia 19 S. Lanka 18 Turkey 18 Venezuela 17 Afghanistan 16 Lithuania 14 Maldives 13 Cambodia 12 Macao 11 Dom. Rep. 11 Faeroes 11 Jordan 10 Bolivia 10 Jamaica 10 Martinique 10 Kazakhstan 9 N. Zealand 8 Paraguay 8 Fr. Guiana 7 Liechtenstein 7 Reunion 7 Honduras 6 Ghana 6 Uruguay 6 Andorra 5 Bangladesh 5 P. Rico 5 Rwanda 5 Cameroon 4 Ivory C. 4 Cuba 4 Ethiopia 4 Uzbekistan 4 B. Faso 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Guadeloupe 3 Guam 3 Kenya 3 Seychelles 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 Curacao 2 Congo 2 Namibia 2 St. Lucia 2 St. Martin 2 Tri. & Tob. 2… Total 158/251

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Virus isnt real.

So I've been out of the loop for a few days. Are things better now?

Hey guys, has anyone checked on China recently? They don't seem to be feeling too good.

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okay. I guess the entire world is shutting down for a fake virus. idiot

>be me
>still had to play two gigs over the weekend that weren't cancelled
>shit ton of people (300+) still came out
>try my best to avoid getting too close to people
>drunks would still walk up to me between sets
>would be literally a foot from my face having conversations
>now thinking I'm starting to feel early symptoms

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First death in mexico turned out to be a fake news

no homo, just appreciate people that arent sheep

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>from onset of symptoms to pneumonia:
2-7 days, median 4 days (1)

>from onset of symptoms to hospitalisation:
4-8, median 7 days (2)
2-7, median 4,5 days, mild cases (3)
4-6, median 5 days, severe cases (3)

>from onset of symptoms to ARDS:
6-12, median 8 days, (1)
7-11, median 8 days, (3)

>from onset of symptoms to ICU:
6-12, median 10 days, (1)

>from hospitalisation to ICU:
0-3, median 1 day(s), (1)

>hospitalised with IC: (not reliable)
26% (1)
23% (5)
2% outside of Hubei (6)

>hospitalised with IV / ECMO: (not reliable)
17 IV, 4 of which ECMO (1)
7 IV, 3 of which ECMO (5)
32 IV, 2 of which ECMO (3)

>duration of hospitalisation:
7-14, median 10 days, (1)
14 days, mild cases (4)
3-6 weeks, severe cases (4)

ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome (rapid onset of widespread inflammation in the lungs, trouble breathing, low oxygen level in blood)
Lung injury and respiratory failure, may lead to cardiac failure and various other complications. IV / ECMO needed, among those who survive, a decreased quality of life is relatively common.
IV: (invasive ventilation), for respiratory failure
ECMO: (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), invasive oxygenation of the patients blood, for respiratory and cardiac failure

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>Mortality among different age-groups in italy:
0-29: 0%
30-39: 0,2%, 2 fatalities
40-49: 0,2%, 4 fatalities
50-59: 0,8%, 24 fatalities
60-69: 2,7%, 77 fatalities
70-79: 10,8%, 360 fatalities
80-89: 17,5%, 438 fatalities
90+: 21,1%, 96 fatalities
total: 1017

>IC rate in Italy

total confirmed positive: 14955
IC: 1328
IC rate: 8%
note: Only cases with progressed disease require IC, so IC rate is slightly underrepresented.

data on China:
Robert Koch Institut: citing chinese studies and the WHO report:
(1) Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China. The New England journal of medicine
n=1099 cases
(2) Clinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China. Jama
n=138 hospitalisations,+n=57 nosocomial infections,+n=40 medical personnel
(3) 2019-nCoV Pneumonia in a Normal Work Infectious Diseases Hospital Besides Hubei Province, China. Lancet infectious Diseases
(4) Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019
(5) Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. Lancet
(6) Clinical findings in a group of patients infected with the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) outside of Wuhan, China: retrospective case series
data on Italy:
Ministero della Salute, 13.03.2020

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this but unironically


Its happening

Daily reminder that the celebrities "getting chink AIDS and self isolating" meme is just a stunt by the WHO to try and manipulate behaviour of the public.


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That weird thing where since you think you ill you become real ill

Yea probably. I mean, if we don't go extinct immediately, the infertility thing is going to be a real problem, and the loss of smart people and some essential people who can do space shit will probably prevent us from going to space ever again. Like, resources and shit getting so fucked that rebuilding to space age becomes impossible, if we even assume that space is real and we live on a big rock hurling around space going around a massive ball of fire composed of heavy elements which is also circling the center of our galaxy Milky Way which is blasting trough space at speeds we can't even fathom to comprehend.

what did that nip last thread say they won at?

He reanimated or what?

Could you give me a quick rundown?

What's going to succeed toilet paper as the panic buyer's top item of choice?

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gamer twink cummies

Yep, nothing between the buns like all of us high IQ posters predicted. No reason to worry anymore user.

Here is why it doesn't affect children. It isn't designed to.

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Little girls.

Guys I was planning on moving to Montana from California at the end of this month, do you think that's going to be possible still? I already have a place up there but I'm worried there's going to be some bullshit with inter state travel coming this week. Just when I thought I could escape California

Well I went to the store earlier and it was completely bereft of pasta.

Everything else in the store

Fucking stay there.

Everything is gonna be fine. Turns out corona only spreads quickly in a narrow range of latitudes

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>Why would rich people who travel constantly and interact with thousands of individuals be more likely to contact the virus than John Doe?

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What will it take to glass China, only their extinction can make up fucking up the rest of the world for seemingly years to come.

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Same boat. Try to stay positive. Keep preparing. Maybe we'll make it.

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Well, in your case, many americans still seem te have the mindset of "its just the flu bro". Expect martial law soon

Salt, was already gone from the store a few days ago. I'm gonna check if there's some today, since it's Monday and new shipments came in last night.

I wonder how many more truck stops and distribution centers I can infect before I stop spreading Corona-chan's love.

Today I delivered a load of toilet paper to a Dollar General DC, so maybe the TP hoarders will get infected.

The main driver is rather population density and conectivity, like air travel.

It's almost like people who travel alot and meet hundreds of other individuals every day are the ones who absolutely safe from airborne decease.

Yeah, this is bullshit.


Smokes or vitamin c tablets

Is there a name for that? Placebo effect?

You're doing God's good work.


Any thoughts?

We used la santa muerte to bring him back

We are not going to make it, 100%.
Yesterday the entire team of a lab that tests for corona was put in quarantine because one of them got infected
Just shows the amount of incompetent retards in this country.

We all cool with destroying China after this?

>be on train
>everyone leaves the wagon
Feels kinda good, but in a bad way

if you catch it try to get some bar mitzvah gigs.

Daily reminder that the WHO literally discussed recruiting celebrities to do this at one of their meetings last year.

Also, many anons are in denial of the fact that WHO os trying to dominate the discussion of this issue in normie news and that this is one of the tactics they are using.


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I applied the decrease of daily growth from Korea with a delay of 12 days, like in Korea, after drastic measures to Germany.
Probably pretty inaccurate, but I calculate half a million infected in April with 50000 IC cases. That would be close to the peak.


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oil, rice, spaghetti

It just doesn’t go exponential if the temperature and humidity are wrong. Why southeast asia is still cruising

Anyone have the smoking version of this?

>tfw working remotely (software engineer) and enjoying the comfy life thanks to corona-chan


>150km from me

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What will replace the current financial system if it crashes?

Barter? Social credit? Serfdom?

Lowkey just want Corona-Chan to take me now, knowing what's to come is going to be worse.

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I would say you’re a larping faggot, but your stupid flag says it all

Also, that reasoning is just retarded. The overwhelming number of people who travel regularly are not celebrities.


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Any news from China? Yeah sure they stopped reporting the numbers, but there's gotta be some new vids, pics and estimates based on something other than guesswork right? If not, then it really did stop at less than 500K people infected.


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Still waiting on any reports of infertility outside of China

That boy needs therapy

When do they start shutting down highways?

We were so close. We were going to make it. No more.

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Wouldn't be hard for them to call the flu "Covid-19". We are right now, in the perfect state of complacency.


what? sneezing is a symptom?
I have been sneezing non stop since yday. Feeling a bit down as well, kinda like mild fever.
Also, clearing my throat constantly.


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Trudeau's wife is pretty cute

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Why China did so well once the fire really caught up their arse while the West seems completely lost direction on fighting off the virus?
Other Asian countries did a good job too: South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc



user if society didn't collapse in 2008 when the entire monetary system broke it won't now

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But muh ashkenazi iq

same but i can't concentrate.
I feel like the world is ending and I'm working on some CRUD app that does nothing important
Feel so demotivated

RIP in peace


This is what will happen if SHTF very bad (I repeat: IF VERY BAD):
>Gub will take control of all food and necessities
>Curfew, martial laws and military requisitions of hoarderd goods
>Rationing of food in place, fixed amount for each citizen
>Price gouging heavly persecuted
>Gub will track down hoarders by looking at the IP of vanity morons that paraded their stash pics online
>Who will not comply will incarcerated or liquidated
>Not a chance to stand a well trained and equipped military squad with 100x ammo than you and high caliber firearms, lead poisoning guaranteed

You better prey for a not-so-big happening or you will be forced to share your prepping goods.
Who stays silent, with a low-profile and hide his goods have more probability keeping his stash untouched

>inb4 you commie want gibs
No, I'm describing a realistic war-time situation (as always happened and always will happen): do you think the gub will let a minority of preppers go around while the majority is starving? That history, folks.

>But but I have a NEET sized stash, t-they will not waste time and energy to s-seize mine
Clearly you don't know how martial law and rationing works, a NEET will surrender in 30 seconds anyway at the sight of an armed soldier

But where are all the videos? Some made up professional made chinks "recovery" videos dont count

the FED moves on it in order to further their collectivist Kenzie and price fixing problem

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nocebo effect works as well

Another Chinese post blaming the USA.
You realize vaccine production have some of the strictest processes? Not everything is a conspiracy to kill you.

What countries have taken nationwide quarantine procedures? Like italy, France, Spain, Poland. Austria, china... who else?

Haha memories.

Ashkenazi, more like, ask a nazi. HAhahahahhaha!!


So, the infertility is confirmed?
Doesn't matter how old you are?
This is so fucked up...

Literally a nothingburger


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Your state is going to be like this in a few days

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Coo, coo

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France is nowhere NEAR a nationwide quarantine. People are still allowed to go to work, leave their homes, etc. We just closed down a few places like night clubs and restaurants.

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>i cant concentrate

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>Yesterday the entire team of a lab that tests for corona was put in quarantine because one of them got infected

That's most likely how this mess started IMO. Some Chink fucked up and infected himself without knowing it.

So what you're saying is, that because I lost the stash in a boating accident, I will get food from other people's stashes? Nice. It's like cash will have value again.

It's just Chinese wang panic, everything makes them scared their dick is impotent despite them breeding like rabbits

That would be literal end of world news as it near enough confirm it as a bio weapon as well as the obvious ramifications on the public.

> 22 deaths in south Korea
Try to imagine what is happening in the best Korea now.

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this hopefully will silence those that push for (((globalization))) of supply chains for things that are essential to a nations survival. we got fucked so hard and so many are going to lose loved ones because of the greed of the few we will hopefully be able to change course.

Meanwhile in Britain everyone’s pretending it doesn’t exist

that's an unusual dog

Olympics isn't happening

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the state of Illinois wants to nationalize liquor food and ammo

most grocery stores only have 72 hours worth of food once truckers are shut out

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Retard, i'm giving you a reply only out of pity at that bad copypasta bait

There were reserve requirements for banks in the 2008 financial crisis. Not anymore. They're allowed to print the US into Venezuela or Zimbabwe now if necessary.

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Fucking why? You know guys, I thought this whole thing was going to slow down a couple days ago, but shit like this and retards coofing all over each other in supermarkets tells me its only going to speed up.

Trump's election platform, validated.

Thanks m8

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ban on interstate commerce coming?

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Best Korea closed that shit down months ago and has the death squads roaming for corona patients out of quarantine. Kimmy is comfy and smug as fuck right now.

They are doing everything right.

No one dies of the virus there. Whoever dares catching it is the enemy of the state and will be dealt with.

jesus christ

kek Arnie is a pony fugger

It's not confirmed, just Chinese panic on that item

I know that feel

It's not enough for China to be a fallen power for half it's history, it needs to drag the rest of the world down with it.

Few more hours until it's time to enjoy some red colors again Bobobelg

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For a man, totally.

Because their population are submissive chinks that the government has the ability to control easily. It's in their psyche to do as their told.

That's why the USA is going to be hit the WORST by this. The culture of greed and individualism in America will kill you. Not to mention the amount of homeless and the amount of rednecks with military weapons.

I'll give it one month before you're fighting off armed redneck malitias.

quintessential anglo

It's the haunta virus that we really need to be worried about!

Nobody have nothing to confute my conclusions: history and common sense are on my side, no amount of "you retarded" can change the situation described.

Why are the futures so low? Trump said that the economy is going to be the best it's ever been.

These threads are getting archived quicker than I can keep up. Yas Forums must be the most visited board on Yas Forums right now.

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we got another case in minnesota USA, out in waseca (middle of nowhere again)

wal mart was fucking stripped clean. no toilet paper anywhere.

you'll probably get shot user. you should rent a car while you wait for Montana plates.

official number there's 11 million 40 million illegal aliens in this country.
California is spreading diseases we previously eradicated
we are allowing people to be homeless in massive numbers


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South african user here.
Any prepper bros want to share a list of the most needed supplies so that i can stock up before shig gets crazy over here ?

That's the thing that I fear the most about Corona-chan.
Just awful to think about it ffs

No such thing as the great filter we are the only life in the universe bc God put us here.

Did those researches get strong armed by the govt?
Ive had police strong arming friends to keep hush back in January so I wouldnt be surprised.

dax futures at -11% now its going to be a good day

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Yea well, reading my country's building and property laws makes me wanna go do sudokus in an old folks home so I'm all ready for shit to hit the fan.

No the market is nose-diving in Aus right now and it’ll probably do the same when we open here.
Short and sell that’s my advice user, or you’d better be ready to hold for the next few years if you want to break even (not a guarantee).

China didn't do a good job. They spread it to the rest of the world. Not to mention they are lying through their teeth about the real numbers and they continue to do so.

Anyone else noticing a shift on social media from laughing at people who had stocked up and prepared to anger?
Even just two weeks ago people were laughing, making fun of and trying to ridicule anyone gathering supplies. Now all I see is pure anger and seethe because normies can't buy anything to stock up for themselves.
Is this purely a UK phenomenon? For some reason the British public thought that it would never happen here despite most of Europe shutting down.

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what a shitty drawing

They buy vegetables like potatoes. Today I went to Safeway and they didn't have any bread no pasta no pasta sauce no eggs. Store hours are 6 to 1pm but today they closed at 9 for restocking. Sure boomers will be back in the morning to buy their prep shit.

hope they max out their credit cards and become homeless

But not his presidency. A lot of progress he made handing out money to companies that still ended up outsourcing even more jobs. Low wage manufacturing isn't coming back to the most developed and high income country in the world. That's fucking asinine and an insane belief. The only manufacturing happening in the US will be even more heavily automated in the future. Being played against each other so easily is just being a good goy.

>The overwhelming number of people who travel regularly are not celebrities.
There's a big difference between the average "travel regularly" and the celebrity "literally always traveling"
Plus all the shared drugs.

Hoarders will be regarded as the lowest form of life, kikery in his pure form.

How much of this verified? Sources for the myocarditis part??


the left in America says that Mexico can close its borders but America cannot.
as the state in Illinois wants to nationalize a mo liquor and food


Buy 1000x the usual prepper food to bribe the Africans that will try to raid your home.


My uncle snapped at me for wearing a mask and he has absolutely nothing stocked. It’s not just you and I’m beginning to worry for my family. I saw some neighbors eyeing me when I went out in gloves...

anger is the second stage of grief after denial

Second circuit breaker soon

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But the regular people overwhelmingly not travel regularly.
The order is:
>people who travel regularly, because they travel and there's lots of them
>celebrities, because they travel
>people who don't travel
The twit doesn't take into the account the 2nd group, it's probaby "overrepresented" too


I wish I could go back to playing Halo 3 after school in 2008

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my gf is sick as fuck right now and I think I might get it soon. Her mom is a nurse and she got sick on Sunday. She started to have symptoms on Thursdays. Dry cough and everything. I'm done for? I also work in a physical rehabilitation center.

The most awful part of the pandemic is going to be all the pets locked in houses when their owners die.

Removing our boomers will strengthen the nationalist bloc so all good.

And one Dr at one of our campuses tested positive for it

you're French. You have nearly 5000 cases with hardly efficient testing protocols. The virus is probably in every square inch of air in your country. Your economy will collapse and your country will be one of the first to fall. And you're worried about Chinese infertiility larping? Jesus Christ get out while you can.

Just in!!!



You know what they say, "Fake competence until you're competent".