If you are one of the (hopefully) small group of people thinking what's going on in the country is a hoax...

If you are one of the (hopefully) small group of people thinking what's going on in the country is a hoax, a political move, or a coverup, please stop and consider that a multitude of countries, both ally and enemy to the US, are dealing with the same thing right now. If this is some sort of political move, we've managed to get both friend and enemy to back it up. That makes no logical sense.

This is real. This is here.

You should prep what you can, as you can, but only what you NEED. This includes food, water, medicine, and toiletries. Prepping is not "hoarding" and the CDC has for years recommended ALL Americans have 2-4weeks of supplies for this type of situation.

The worst thing you can do right now is endanger yourself and others by treating this as nothing. Even if you are young and healthy, there are others around you who may not be that you could be putting at risk. We need to watch out for each other.

Things will most likely get worse before they get better. Stay safe.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>what is a 'rootless' clique

The virus, real or not, is quite a convenient excuse for the economic crash, and rollover to government-owned pseudo-cryptocurrencies, that's been coming for years now.
The crash itself will be used as an excuse for many things - not least of which being the isolation of the US ('we can't afford all these wars anymore'), and the rise of Israeli-Eurasianism.

Keep in mind - 2020 and 2021 were always going to be pivotal years. These are the years where major UN 'Smart City' projects will go ahead, as well as contracts like Israel handing their largest port over to China, Nord Stream 2 finally going ahead, the EastMed pipeline, which was already stirring up Turkey long before all this fake 'Russia-Turkey tension'.

>How Israel's Haifa Port Stands to Gain From the Coronavirus [same formerly US-managed port set to be handed over to China by next year]

>What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?
>“We need to decide if we are with the Chinese or the Americans and the government understands this very well"

>German court rejects last claim against Nord Stream 2

>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Trump's Iran oil sanctions and Nord Stream 2]

>Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone [Eurasian Economic Union - and it's way more than a free trade zone]

>Russia grows stronger in East Med while US looks for comfort

Attached: eurasia.png (1322x588, 606.39K)


>Greece, Israel, Cyprus sign gas pipeline deal, angering Turkey

>A Gold Bloc For Iran, Russia, And Turkey...Oh My!

>China, Russia buying gold because 'they can read the writing on the wall'

>Oil price war will expedite the end of petrodollar & rise of Chinese-Russian currency

>Can Russia and China ‘Synergize’ the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative?

>An Israeli Pivot to Eurasia?

>Israel’s Pivot to Eurasia

This has happened before. There is nothing different between this and SARS and swine flu. The only difference is that the media is intentionally telling everyone to be hysterical.

Im more concerned with uneducated mutt hysterics than I am with a bad flu.

Stop this conspiricy shit, governments are barely competent enough without organizing a multinational false flag, this is a real pandemic and spreading baseless claims helps no one.

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Low IQ but means well-post

High IQ this guy knows his shit-post

You know how when a nigger sees a helpless person they immediately go over and steal their wallet? Imagine that, but on a larger scale and more nefarious since Jews are involved. That's what the elite do when something unfortunate or dangerous happens. They take advantage of the situation. The people who think EVERYTHING is a false flag or sinister plot by the powers that be and that nothing is coincidence are the ones drinking the cool aid.

The chess players are making moves because of COVID. But it doesn't change that yes, people are gonna have new challenges because of this, and everyone should buckle in for the next year or so.

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I'm not saying the the pandemic isn't real, I'm saying it's a distraction.

I'm honestly disturbed how much fake bullshit has been spread here about the Virus. All over the world, the global economy is crashing. Supplies are about to start running out. Mostly because Western Governments didn't have contingencies for Viral outbreak trading. We need to reopen our fucking ports with China already. This is ridiculous.
Any theories on Yas Forums for Viral Outbreak trading? Maybe ports need quarantine lots. Where non-perishable products sit in Quarantine for like 7 days? So we just have to order for 7 days ahead? Compensating for losses. While this virus is spreading, we have evidence of TONS of mild cases. Those without lung damage. We need to get the ball rolling again and soon.

>happening spreads from China, economically an enemy of the dollar block.
>other two countries that got infected big time were trading with China AND cutting economical ties to the US
>Operation Defender Europe 20, 20k+ US soldiers on the eastern borders of Europe.
>Media keeps pushing cellphone controls to report people infected S.Korea style.
>Constitution and personal liberties are suspended in Italy atm.
>All the while they're not stopping passing laws (that the people are against ofc) and taking orders from their handlers in the trilateral commission.

It's a bioweapon, threatening but it follows the exact same way other flu types spread, they're making it bigger than it is to do some sneky stuff, rubbidy-rub-rub.
Obviously exercising caution is the best we can do but I don't think closing down an entire country is the way to go, plus, we've already established countless times that these are people not to be trusted, I'm mostly concerned in what they're doing behind closed doors while pushing this fear porn campaign.

The Eternal Mutt never disappoints,

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Or powered containers with UV lights that activate during shipping.
Or container arrives at a Port. Product inside is set on pallets. Moves to a quarantine factory that splits the pallet and blasts the products with UV light.
Modular shipping, etc.
Heated containers, that stay at like 160'f for the trip.

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So where’s all the death videos
In a world where literally everyone outside Africa has a video camera in their pocket, why is the only photographic evidence ambiguous shit from a country where all media is controlled and actual real death videos get posted daily
Where’s the video showing piles of Italian bodies
Where’s anything that’s not from a communist shithole
Why was every single media article this weekend blaming Trump and claiming the US was worse off than everywhere else
Why is it that no one knows anything about the symptoms, how it kills, etc even though they’re closing things and destroying the economy? No one knows shit
Ever read The Stand? THAT is how things should be to justify closing businesses, cancelling travel, etc. it’s nothing even remotely like that

My honest opinion is that china dropped the fucking ball researching a virus and that it got out, china is too large of an incone source for those in power to do this intentionally. Also most other natural sicknesses so far have come from bumfuck nowhere, not the only city in china with a biolab that just happens to be studying types of coronavirus. I think this is a chinese fuckup and if thats the case war with china started by those really in power is inevitable.

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It's a bad flu.
It's real.
But it isn't so bad we should shut down trading.
This economic collapse is because of incompetence, which is highly likely knowing our leaders. Or, they are all secretly super smart. This is part of some plan.

>Prepping is not "hoarding" and the CDC has for years recommended ALL Americans have 2-4weeks of supplies
this but I say if you have over 1 months supply for every person in your house you should have it taken from you. no one needs that much shit you're just taking it from others that do

what a sad legacy from the heights of your forebears

is this a joke? all i've heard from the jewish media the past fews days is that we're all gonna die

In wuhan China there is a level 4 bio lab, basically Chinese CDC.
This facility is the only one to carry samples of the coronavirus before the outbreak.

Back in October (when the virus was released) three molecular scientists were arrested at the same facility, two Chinese nationals and one American for tampering with things they weren't supposed too.
The American?
Dr. Charles lieber, a former C.I.A operative.

Also just to add frosting to the cake they sell adrenochrome and are funded by George Soros.

This is full blown depopulation.

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Corona chan BTFO Remdisivir sama will save us.

Why aren't they testing everyone who asks for a test (or at least a large enough random sample to gauge prevalence and attenuate response?

sorry i re read it english is my second language

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It's just a coincidence that Israel was already making a vaccine.

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>they sell adrenochrome
Literally so fucking what retard it's literally a generic chemical.

Forgot the filename Herschel.

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obviously just a coincidence schizo

Yeah, this. I mean no doubt a bunch of people will take advantage. "never let a good crisis go to waste". But that's a big difference to doing it deliberately. They honestly seem to have been caught with their pants down IMO.

Yeah, a drug harvested from adrenal glands with anti-aging properties, used by the elite pedos is "so what". Are you a shill, or just a fucking rank newfag?

>>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Trump's Iran oil sanctions and Nord Stream 2]
Alright lads, when do we fuck up the Eurofags and Chinks


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>it's a generic chemical.
Produced by the adrenal glands in the brain and only produced when in extreme terror or near death.
Fuck off memeflag

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meh. put in a low pressure gas port, flood container with vaping fluid and bleach mist
end of story

>We need to reopen our fucking ports with China already.

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the adrenochrome story was inserted to make the real story look stupid
stop pushing it you retards

I'm not saying they poisoned the adrenochrome supply, I'm just pointing out coincidences.

>this isn't fake
>its just too complicated for my retarded faggot brain to comprehend therefore it is REAL
fuck off you retarded nigger

I don't know if he's serious. But some retards, many. Actually think like this. We desperately rely on China to treat people. Italy is already taking donations from them. So is Spain. This is bad in so many fucking ways.
If you don't want trade with china. America, and your countries. Will go full leftist socialist immediately. You have to tell your politicians to open your ports.
How effective would this be do you think? How cheap or quickly can it be implemented?

Post nose

its so wild

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>results > 0
All is well. Carry on.

and I am telling you you're an idiot who fell for a fucking larp
yes it's a bioweapon. no Q isn't real, stop forcing this stupid boomer meme

wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Where did I mention Q.
Such a fucking bot.

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this is what Chinks were doing with those fucking snow machines in the streets
yes it works, bleach kills viruses in like half a second, the vape oil sticks to EVERYTHING that floats in the air and makes it fall to the ground
you could design and build a tool to install such ports in a day
then it's just a matter of hooking up the oversized vape and letting her rip

you dumb ass. I think your head full of vapors

That is the most retarded thing I've read all week.

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Incompetence is one of the main human traits.

> adrenochrome
> pedo elites
> bioweapon
truth and falsehood mixed together until you can't tell which is which
outright lies are far less effective

Where did you find that?

Those ally and enemy relationships are also very obviously fake

which part do you disagree with?

Even if there were death videos, what would that prove? All the videos showing planes hitting buildings from 9/11 are fake and that's a lot of videos.

I made it.

thats it some bio weapon

I think I was confused.
Are you spraying vaping juice on everything or making big vape clouds of chlorine?
Neither seem like all that good of an idea.

please explain, which animal passed this to people?
there's tens of thousands of science papers written on the virus. literally more papers than dead people.
cite ONE study proving cross-species transmission (no, housepets don't count, we'd all be dead by now)

big vape clouds of vape juice + chlorine
I am proposing it as a means to sterilize enclosed spaces, such as cargo containers that need to be opened NOW, not in 14 days time

>death videos
There's plenty, lurk more.

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Americuck detected: Opinion disregarded. Go back to pretending to be a nigger. You have nothing useful or worthwhile to say.

That's not a bad idea actually as long as we knew the vape clouds killed the virus.

It's not a hoax it's just overblown. Why hasn't there been accounts of every day people getting corona being plastered everywhere if you're so likely to get it. Sure we should stop it but I dont really care until I see a bunch of people on twitter actually dying and tweeting about it, in all honesty. With the Iran bombing thing you could see reactions from everyone involved in real time, with this we just hear about tom Hanks and canacucks wife getting it.
It's not fake it just feels like a scam

Both vids are from January btw.

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We are in for dark times.

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>All the videos showing planes hitting buildings from 9/11 are fake and that's a lot of videos
ahh that explains it all these "NOT HAPPENING!" retards are the same retards that believe there weren't planes on 9/11

The main thing that makes the virus scare come off as bullshit is that it hasn't caused anyone or any institution to cease being officially liberal, even though we KNOW people are not all equal, so now or never is the time to make a victim profile based on genetic makeup. All they say are non-heritable things like age, pre-existing conditions, local pollution. Sounds pretty "safe" for the politically correct crowed, conveniently.

A similar phenomenon happens with climate change. It's a threat to human existence but it's not bad enough to tell Paco, Achebe, Pajeet, and Mohammed to stop breeding like rats? Come on.

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