How long until the niggers start burning down their city's?
How long until the niggers start burning down their city's?
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God i cant wait
One or two weeks
Rule of thumb is once you see groups of 3 or more niggers starting to wander around you have about 24 hrs.
Now I have a question. If I had a firearm that had iron sites should I leave lights on in areas if the house so if there is a breaking I can see/have clear silhouette?
They're busy wearing surgical masks and trying to buy all the food at Aldi and dollar general
Start? look where they live its all they do
You should just keep your lights on 24/7 so it's less likely they try to break in
My grandma has some light that looks like a TV flicker so it looks like the TV is always on, and I'm like, just leave the fucking TV on you stupid bitch. Glad she's in a home. She has a clapper too, and a mypillow.
Less of 48h after lockdown.
Atlanta is getting 2k National Guard troops for this very reason. GA Gov just asked for them yest. He's no fool, he knows those nogs are licking their chops, waiting for those Best Buy and Foot Locker parking lots to go dark.
Have they shut down her home? My mother has Lou Gherigs and Severe FLD and her day time care facility is closed indefinitely so my wife has picked up the extra days sitting with her.
when they learn how to spell cities.
Dont you guys have weed dispensaries now? They gone
Leave the lights off, you'll have the whites of their eyes and teeth to aim at.
Sending extra troops to black cities is racist
Um..., its possessive sweetie , its 2020, its thier turn,!
More like the yellow, amiright
monkey opinions don't matter
only monkey actions
If you have light eyes you can see better in the dark than someone with dark eyes
Once the koolaid and fried chicken run out
Not long since losers would rather go after a guy who was selling hand santizers at a steep profit (soap works better and any idiot can make thei rown hand sanitizer) THEN bother bad mouthign BIACKS chimping out right now in Miami. Even though they said they shut south beach down!
Just attach a flashlight to your weapon, or in the case of a handgun, a flashlight in the offhand is effective. Remember, if you’re making it so you can see them, they can see you, and they’ll have time to watch and observe your well lit house to estimate how many people are inside and where to enter from
They're special,so they get EXTRA protection !
I have no idea. I'm sure she's fine. who cares? we pay money not to care. you do you. how hot is your wife?
When day angry.
How many Yas Forumsbros are forming militias and going niggerhunting?
They're rioting all over south beach miami.
that was last nite. p average spring break. someone got shot, everyone stampeded. shit was funny to watch
it's like those monkey gangs in thailand
I've never seen a Krackle bar that big in my life
I’m in St. Louis. This city is already burned down because of them
patiently wait for their moment to chimp out
>when everything is free and still no one wants you
sad krackle is just like me
Be nice to your grandma. It's probably cheaper to use the flicker light than leave the TV on you degenerate retard.
S&w airlite 38sp , anything particular you'd recommend?
Where's this from?
>crazy niggers all over the place
i wouldve started running the moment i saw to many niggers around
29 and still hot. Has recently recovered from 2 kids in 2 years but she looks the same now, actually a little better. Actually weighs less now than before kids. 112. Size 2. Noice. Get a cute one, cute stays cute .
In New Orleans, so probably tomorrow. Im considering joining them.
In minecraft, if all hell broke lose, wouldn’t it be best for the game if all of the undesirables were purged ?
Technically the cities are not theirs, they didn't any of them.
My fucking sides
After the humor is done - the sadness sinks in.
Neville’s. They love to riot
Blacks can't prep because they have shit jobs and no credit, but they're still panicking just as much as anyone else. If the Greatest Depression kicks off and they're out of work and can't afford food during the quarantine then expect them to loot and rob everyone around them more than they already do.
Leave the lights off and wait. The sooner you lure the threat in and neutralize it the better, for you AND everyone else. If you must leave a light on, make it an outdoor light right above a window that you left open. Just sit and wait.
hook your doorknob up to the mains electric
one week, PREPARE YOUR WEAPONS, boogaloo incoming!!!
Wrong answer, then you are passing off the problem to your neighbours.
good enough.
an educated response.
That's a really bad idea.
This an make sure you don’t splatter the blood in the house. Cover the walls and floors with disposable lining. If this shit really hits the fans I’m putting heads on stakes out the front of my property. I just don’t want dirty nig blood sprayed inside my home. Better in the yard. Wear eye protection for splatter and a surgical mask.
if shit REALLY hits the fan the nogs will travel in numbers and will likely be desperate after depleting lootable shit in the cities, so lights on isn't going to stop them.
Let 'em panic i'm prepared.
Chekkkkked for fried niggers
Good point. No one wants aids vapour misting about.
Das racis an we wuz kangz
ay yo watchu talking bout, negros is a good peepo, dey hard workin an ain't do nuttin
corona's dogma
>Is society no longer operating normally
>Status effect, all niggers in area have aggression stats multiplied and intelligence decreased even further
>Random pathfinding waypoints applied to all urban environments
Nah just get a flashlight.
I got me that urban camouflage. I live in a black neighborhood away from the big houses where people have money and shopping centers. I also live with a black guy who is on good terms with our streets drug dealer who pretty much watches out for the street and knows everyone here. My street is safe, if the blacks here start the looting I know exactly where they will be, and it aint around here, nothing to steal.
You have to feed them, gibs them, then you prevent James Brown uprising.
Nah it'll be fine
lmao they have to script this garbage
She left my grandpa to die alone of cancer in his 50's. She left him for a man with money. Money can take care of her.
I tend bar on bourbon and had a 24 hour flu five days after mardis gras. I wonder if I get superspreader status.
Should be a bizarre next while.
Correct. Corona/HIV can be contracted through blood into the eyes. If bodies begin to pile up out the front of a yard or street, the risk of bacterial exposure becomes quite high. Think Black Plague, bodies decaying etc. some fuel and matches on hand should do the trick. I think pre-digging a large pit would be a great idea. Be sure to miss and underground piping or wiring. Call the council to get the underground schematics if need be. Then the bodies can be incinerated in the pits without risk to the structure of the property.
just shoot every nigger you see
Riots will only begin once supply shortages start to become an issue. People are only mildly inconvenienced at the moment by the lack of toilet paper, but supplies are still able to be replenished quickly and no one is going without food. As the virus spreads and supply lines are stretched to their limits, resources will become more scarce, and with no circuses (NBA niggerball being cancelled) to keep them distracted, hungry niggers will start rioting.
>Search Google for image
>2016 baltimore riot shit
I'm out of the loop. Has looting already started?
>freeform PVP enabled in all zones
ayyo I finna becum a real good citizen, ya'll is gunna see, imma go to school en find a nice white gurl an I is gunna teach our kids real gud, you finna be proud of me
We will burn down your towns first