LMAO this faggot's life is ruined. Reddit doxed him and is sending his family death threats and DoJ is investigating him and will soon send him to prison. HAHAHAHAHA
Did he deserve it?
Other urls found in this thread:
The state should have the right to seize all goods from preppers and hoarders. These goods should be distributed fairly among the people.
Preppers are greedy and selfish people. They believe everyone who didn't prep somehow deserves to starve, suffer and die.
I can't wait for preppers to get doxxed and raided when shit really hits the fan.
do not respond to tripfag threads
Absolutely this
Please do this. Please oh please, anything you can do to escalate this into a full blown civvie, do it.
He deserves it for being stupid enough to agree to be interviewed for that story.
Americans are cunts
Also this
Are glows trying to start a conflict or is this just shitposting?
Lets get a show of hands in the room. Tits for yes, ass for no.
So guys I heard you're into communism too?
Nice :)
Hoarders get the bullet
Lolbertarians get the bullet too. Wouldn’t violate the NAP
he white i hope he dies
His stuff got repoed by the gubmint and is being donated so it’s all good lol
>Be Prepper
>Collect your own food supply, for your own families/communities consumption over the course of years
>lol take it
>letting the world know you hoard
>make yourself unlikable with price gouging
He didn't deserve it, he earned it.
>Reddit doxed him and is sending his family death threats
it figures. he did nothing wrong. It's only the little guy that will ever be penalized for price gouging.
Found the commie. Only good commie is a dead commie.
yes, hoarding is one thing but intentionally hoarding just to resell it is some real niggerdom that deserves to have niggers hang
I thought the conflict was started when the cops decided that being a prepper is grounds for execution.
half-Jew here, Look at this greedy fucking white boy, why do white people try to profit from a pandemic? This is why I hate white people. Just saying.
>I tough this would help my family financial situation
>I was just helping people with distributing these things
fuck him, karma is a bitch. hoarding for yourself and family is good, but making a profit for this is a dick move and it does paint a huge target on your back as soon as the barrier for looting breaks
Fuck the commies.
Why didn't he put whole stash on eBay auction?
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
That dumb faggot bought hand sanitizer for $1 and tried to sell it for $70.
>buy out all the tickets to a sought after event/concert
>sell it to desperate buyers at insanely marked up prices
We call that scalping
>bribe all of the local law enforcement
>sell 'protection' to desperate community members at insanely marked up prices
We call that a protection racket
>buy out all the sanitation products
>sell it to desperate buyers at insanely marked up prices
We call that price gouging.
Why do we act like this is the first time something like this had happened?
I Literally see NOTHING wrong with this- Its PURE capitalism- no more- no less... We live in a capitalist society therefore as "Shitty" as a move it is- Its one that should be reward with financial gain. God can judge him later... supporting anything less well, your a socialist, and not the good kind of socialist, the kind that falls from helicopters.
what is an illusion of limited supply and panic buying
Typical entitled millennial asshole. Never worked a real job for a single day in his entire life. He only gets through life profiting on the suffering of others.
This all day. anyone who thinks it's okay to hoard more supplies than should be allotted to one person deserves to be put up against a wall and shot.
I have an hard time understanding what he did wrong honestly
ok boomer
(((Bernie))) lost, go back to R3ddit.
Public shamers should be removed
>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Holy fuck, the shart meme is true! Amerilards must be ejecting ass gravy at a rate of gallons to need 1 roll of TP per day. I have a normal diet and use maybe 10 squares a day.
Eat more fibre.
So, when you say
> people
are you including the four-handed, fat-lipped, chimp-brained nigger? Because if so you're sick in the head.
You do know that even in the most capitalistic countries in the world there are control measures in place to prevent rampant predatory powergrabs that has a large negative impact on society
There is a reason why shit like monopolies and ponzi schemes are illegal.
If there aren't competitive markets then there's no capitalism. He bought out all the competition, he's no capitalist.
He didn't even have a firm handshake, look how easy it was for the PoPo to Freedom his goofs
>hand sanitizer
Yes. This is how you discourage rent seeking parasites who are trying to arbitrage and fuck up a working market with social trust.
And communists deserve to be fed feet first into a wood chipper.
If it’s what’s standing between you and a potentially fatal illness it’s clearly vital dipshit.
Rent seekers should be used to push the commies into the wood chipper.
how can you shoot met when I've hoarded all the bullets
It’s not though, retard
There is absolutely no reason to use a trip code for this thread kike.
I don't like that the state took it in broad daylight. Should have made it a glow op and stole it.
Prepper logic doesn't adds up, since they visit all shops, all large crowds, but claim to be afraid of virus.
>be poor
>wife has compromised immune system
>can’t afford sanitizer
>wife gets sick and dies
Are you just thick user?
One day we are going to shut your goy mouths for good
It logically could be. You have absolutely no argument why it couldn’t.
>preppers and hoarders.
Legal action against panic hoarders and price gougers. Sure.
State stealing the stuff someone have carefully compiled during the ''no panic'' times? Whew lad, they better come heavily armed and armored for that seize.
Found the jew
>entrepreneur buys a product low and tries to sell it high
His good should be seized and distributed fairly to the people.
>giant multi-national pharmaceutical corporation makes insulin for $2 a vial and sells it for $600 dollars a vial.
That's perfectly okay, the free market at work, baby!
What does Yas Forums mean by this?
this guy is may have done a dick move, but this is capitalism.
he made the play before anyone else..
yeah this is extraordinary circumstances,
but what these little leftist cry baby commie faggots do not realize by taking his shit, is this sets a dangerous precedent for future cases of whatever..
fuck reddit
I bet if he was jew, no one would touch him.
Matt bought goods from the store to sell them online to immunocompromised people who cannot leave their house for shopping. The thing the stale pale media won't tell you is that 40% of the raised price he donates to a HIV research fund. Matt is a queer hero and his detractors are transphobic preppers #IamMatt #QueerStories #HighRiskCovid
Yet google, Facebook
The irony is the FED did far worse the same day stealing effectively trillions and nobody cared at all.
The United States Government is so dysfunctional that it has to outsource the implementation of emergency powers to Corporate entities and individuals.
you say that like there's anything wrong with the others
He deserved it. Why out of all times in the world did he think during this shit show he could get away with things and NOT get doxed or fucked over?
You can spot retards by their posts about the fed “stealing” money
That bloke did nothing wrong. All the backlash he's getting is coming from people who didn't take the virus seriously a month ago, didn't prep, and are now raging about not being able to buy shit from supermarkets.
Or, you know, actually washing your hands you fucking retard
He is not a prepper, just a disgusting asshole. Good thing this fucker Is ruined now
I'm going to fucking stab you in the neck and shit in the wound.
I have your address.
>distributed fairly among the people
so literally communism?
>Le internet tough guy
>Please do this. Please oh please, anything you can do to escalate this into a full blown civvie, do it.
you wont do shit bootlicker
all talk no boogaloo
you're a retard lmfao.
Preppers are people that prepped, not panic buyers.
dumb 3rd world nigger.
This guy isn't a prepper, he's a jew. He didn't buy any of that shit for himself, he was trying to take advantage of a serious situation using illegal methods.
Mat could afford to buy 20,000 bottles of hand sanitizer on a whim, to see if he could scalp it.
Imagine thinking someone that blows easily $10,000 because they feel like it isn't either self-employed or doing a big boy job where they don't check people's Twitter mention results.
don't they have a price gouging law? I thought most of the south did because of hurricanes.