Bars and all recreation closed. Schools closed. Businesses closing. Train service cut down, will be closed soon. Thousands infected. Food deliveries all must be dropped on peoples doors. All grocery stores are closed. Gangs of niggers and spics roaming the cities like wild dogs. NYPD abandoning posts. Curfew will shortly be put in place.
If you can avoid it I would. Shit is so volatile now I can see DeBlasio just closing Manhattan and you don't want to be stuck there
Lucas Peterson
Greenwich Village gang reporting in. 6th Ave. must be defended. The CVS could be looted by the thousands of niggers that come out of the W4 stop. That area must be defended.
Henry Mitchell
I'll take the chance, the shutdown doesn't start until midnight so I should be alright
Eli Flores
I am so salty that I only have bullets for one of my guns.This must be what dictators under arms embargo feel like.
Lucas Davis
This kind of response over a god damned flu makes zero sense.
Robert Thompson
Do we get to sing Snake-eater?
Henry Lee
At least there's a silver lining with coronachan killing off all the goddamn geezers tying up the amateur radio airwaves.
Christopher Miller
It's already 2.5 hours past midnight.
Lucas Adams
Ha! Who cares.
Die you filthy urban scum. I bet most of the posters in this thread are not white. Just look at the photo of Shia Leboof "He will not divide us shit". That is who is posting in this thread. You are all gonna die because you are some transplant mystery meat living in a former US city which is just a Jewish jungle zone. Hope you all get sick and starve.
That's because it's a bio-weapon-tier threat that will bring a city to its knees if uncontained.
Colton Butler
This shit is so boring
Nothing is happening irl other than panic buying retardation
Carter Smith
checked and good luck lads. here there are many shitskin mudslimes that will make things entertaining along with gypsies and albocucks and the typical retard
Jason Murphy
It doesn't start until March 17th at 12am
Lucas Howard
What benefit do you gain by spreading lies like this? You lead with two facts and then descend into doomwank. I hate this shit hole, i hate niggers, I hate kikes, I hate spics, I hate chinks, I hate mutts, I hate meds. Yet, I hate you more. If shit gets bad here we'll just bug out to our farm upstate and survive and make white babies. You? You get off on spreading lies on mongolian knitting forums. What do you gain from this? The thrill of trolling? Ok, well at this point, you may as well be a kike, as you're doing what they want you to do.
>REMEMBER TO CARRY No Just greet everyone with you nigger, kike, faggot, If they get triggered in the slightest they are the enemy.
Jordan Russell
You and what guns?
Carter Thomas
I live in LA. Near burbank/north hollywood area. We are prepped and ready.
But we also have a cabin out in Colorado outside a small ski town we can drive and escape to as well but I don’t want to leave and drive if it’s not necessary
Nolan Cruz
> thinking 6th ave and CVS are worthy of defending with your life user.....
stocked up on food? NH is a shitty area fren, stay safe there.
Hay es, by any chance?
Leo Walker
Living a life and hating others forced into your world are not mutually exclusive concepts. If you were not a subhuman yourself, you would understand this.
Benjamin Foster
St. Louis bros this is our card. Meet at Arnold Chic-fil-A if shtf
Hating people vs making a thread I wonder who is more fucked up?
Jordan Walker
> 20 niggers show up itsshowtime.gif
Brody Moore
It's Chic-fil-A now? I thought it was Chik-fil-A but anons told me it is now Chick-fil-A. Can the timelines even keep up or is it all just crashing?
Gavin Roberts
The government in NYC is so shitty. Confirmed that schools closed until April 10 and possibly rest of the year. Making sure schools are not available for elections.
Jayden Richardson
why do that it's not like Trump has any chance of winning NYC
Lucas Taylor
niggers avoid Arnold, Imperial, etc
Grayson Johnson
>live in barren upstate NY >two hours from the closest nigger >no public transit >everyone keeps to themselves >everyone has months worth of frozen meat, hunting rifles and shotguns, has SHTF skills >local grocery store still full of all the products the rest of the country is making a run on >have a natural freshwater spring half a mile from my house Fuck city bugmen let it all burn lmao
It's always been chick in this reality, welcome traveler.
Jack Wood
>I will defend the CVS to my dying breath based retard
Charles Miller
Closing restaurants will lead to mass unemployment and permanent closures of businesses. Many business owners can survive a slow week or two. But to shut it down completely will end up cutting all on essential staff and or even closing all together. The blowback from this decision will be grave
Got a source for all of that? I wanna try and convince my NYC friend to keep away.
Jonathan Bennett
The person who creates a thread to disemminate lies in a time of a lot of stress is clearly worse.
Yet, of you're going to judge me, tell us, user, why create a thread, and then re-post it, where your post is full of lies? What are you gaining from it? What underlying issues brought you to this lowly state? I admitted my flaws; why not admit yours?
Daniel Long
Good on food. Live in white area.
Isaac Taylor
He is doing this for political reasons. Now Trump will have to bail NYC out or get shit for it during the election. De Blasio should not be mayor anymore this is ridiculous.
Leo Campbell
>This kind of response over a god damned flu makes zero sense. It's their final play. >Russia failed >Ukraine impeachment failed >I know let's tank the economy over some boomer meme virus to show the country that ORANGE MAN BAD This is going to blow up in their faces, bad.
which part of north hollywood is white bro? fuckin tell me so I move lol
Luis Rogers
Ok autist get over yourself if this offends you you are on the wrong site
Jackson Lee
So they're closing restaurants, and they don't think this will have an impact on the already over-crowded and under-stocked supermarkets? MAKES NO SENSE
Elijah Bailey
Sherman oaks - studio city - Woodland Hills
Jacob Phillips
>Sherman oaks - Jewcentral, not white.
Landon Bailey
I’m just letting you guys know that I’m using the information you post here to trick you into thinking I’m a friend then putting you in a shallow grave if New York does collapse. Fucking Wiggers.
Hudson Edwards
Looking for boyos down in the OC.
Jace Stewart
It's on NYT everything OP said is true. Except mass transit closure , and grocery store closure.
Jaxson Baker
I have a couple boog boys down there, one's a retired cop but he's a full on prepper shoot email: [email protected] make sure your identity is protected assume everyone's a fed
Mason Rodriguez
When dealing with LA, Jew is white. You want Aran tho, go to OC
Connor Gonzalez
Adam Rivera
De Blasio and Cuomo are disgraces and both destroying whatever little hope of keeping the state and city together. I cannot even begin to imagine the huge working class living paycheck to paycheck unable to afford groceries for their kids who are now staying at home. This is going to show massive strains on average Joe by next Friday.
Ryan Bailey
My wife has been carrying this around. Is this the women's militia?
my gf is sick as fuck right now and I think I might get it soon. Her mom is a nurse and she got sick on Sunday. She started to have symptoms on Thursdays. Dry cough and everything. I'm done for? I also work in a rehabilitation center
Juan Fisher
Not to mention how are these business going to stay in business when they got to pay their rent. Are they going to make landlords not take rent ?
Dominic Kelly
Each night this weekend, i went out to fave restaraunts, as I knew of the CDC no more than 50 person rule as of Weds. It was requiem. I work in NYC finance, at a high level, and I'm amazed that people aren't freaking out more. NYC and most large cities have only a servicer industry economy. We were told that's the future. That economy is dead this week. it will be revived in a couple of months but how do you revive a corpse? Workers with no income can't pay rent. How you do enable commercial real estate lenders to meet their DSCRs when their lessees have basically no income? And since most commercial debt is held by CMBS/CLO investors, what do you do when those bonds (short term) crater in value?
We're about to find out and i'm sick to my stomach.