>be American
>China virus panic starts
>Stock up on hand sanitizer before SHTF
>plan to sell said hand sanitizers to profit
>Government steals everything
>reddit cheers and gives gold
How come they dont raid an Amazon warehouse for hand sanitizers?
Be American
Don't invest is supplies unless you are willing to kill to keep them.
>hoard something
>tell people about it
you just can't make this shit up
Jews don't like it when non-jews copy their modus operandi.
I bet $100 that man had a foreskin.
How the fuck is that legal? Guy is a scumbag but government isn't entitled to your shit
just shut the fuck up and sell your shit, no one needs to know how much you have
People forget that when shtf the government stops giving a shit about the rule of law.
fake and gay
does remind me of something,,
but fuck this guy, making a profit from fear and somewhat lethal disease is a dick move for some non'corporate fag
Eminent domain. The gov can take your property in emergencies if they can provide just compensation. He can sue of course but its in the constitution.
So much for the land of the free.
This. You are walking on thin ice if you intend to profit from a disaster like thst. Its very risky as people obviously will be fiurious and desperate. You may end up getting trashed by an enraged mob of normies or by politicians who want to score points with the electorate. Keep a low profile, keep your mouth shut, make your profit and dont stand out in any way.
People who believe in the "free market" deserve to get their shit kicked in just for being retarded. It was never real. In the end the govt can do whatever it wants because its stronger than some individual with a business plan
>Commies won
>People forget that when shtf the government stops giving a shit about the rule of law
Have they ever ??
Govt. = Mafia.
>legally buys products before SHTF
>fucked over by online marketplace
>literally robbed by the Gov
Atleast cut this nigger a check for buying that much products in the first place
*takes your hand sanitizers*
*highest incarceration rate*
*country is run by pedo shadow cabal, no prosecution*
*country has the highest tax rates in the west, no public healthcare, more prisoners than USSR under Stalin, responsible for numerous war crimes, actively experimenting on civs with vaccines, 5G, processed "food", etc etc*
>FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111 *spits out food*
*Government shuts down the entire country for 3000 coronavirus cases with a 1% mortality rate out of a total population of 327 million. Total economic collapse, rioting, looting, national guard shooting people out after curfew*
>FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM *sharts pants* FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM *buys tp* FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM *goes to McDonalds wearing a useless medical mask* FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 *falls off scooter and dies of patriotism*
Amerimutts never disappoint.
>the land of the free
>caring about rule of law
Fuck that guy in the ass.
>How come they dont raid an Amazon warehouse for hand sanitizers?
Because Amazon hasn't raised prices at all despite increased demand.
So let me get this straight Mutts...
>government takes property if you don't pay taxes on your "property"
>government can seize your items in times of "emergency", an obviously loose definition
>US has more laws than any other country on earth, Lawyers don't even know most of them
>Cops can arrest you for literally anything
>government can legally "change" your child's gender without your consent, refusal = jail time and the child is sent to foster care
>men are powerless, women can fuck over a man's career and life at any time with false allegations
>money is worthless and loses half it's value every 20 years
>work the most for less pay per hour
Land of the free my white ass. What a slave country
>Land of the free
So you're saying a disease with a 1/109,333 infection rate and a 1% mortality rate is worth national emergency and gun confiscation?
Mutts are retarded
Idiot broadcasted his shit.
He got what he deserved.
I hate this stupid fucking nigger "word" so fucking much.
That's absolute bullshit, he should fucking sue. I understand not letting him sell it as he was gouging people during a national emergency but to forcefully take his supply? That's just as bad.
You do though. Consistently.
What a counter argument. Truly, I have been btfo
>making profit by putting lives of fellow countrymen at risk
>trying to profit from producing nothing
I agree. So when are we leaving Afghanistan and burning the opium fields?
This shit would piss me off so much, I'd probably enter a range and open fire on all of them
I dunno, hopefully ASAP.
what took you to that conclusion?
Seriously fucking hand sanitizers?
I could whip up 10l of 95% alcohol by the end of the week without leaving the house.
Did we run out of shit that ferments?
Price gouging is illegal, and it is illegal for the health of the whole society
Imagine if you live 20 miles from the supermarket and hear about an imminent pandemic, you go to the market and try to buy hand sanitzer or whatever the fuck. You arrive but find out some guy that lived only 5 miles away bought all the hand sanitzer, but he's selling it in front of the store for a 1000 percent markup.
You could not have reasonably predicted this increase in price and had no reason previously to buy a bunch of these things.
In this situation, only the guy who hoarded the sanitizer benefits while everyone else might fucking die of disease.
Even in a AnCap society it is not profitable to just allow poorfag people who are late to the rush to get fucked over
why is /pol so easy
3,4% and rising
Normies don't think how their products are made. Just like people here panic bought bread but not flour.
He picked the wrong item to hoard, really: If he'd done this with say, paper towels, he'd be legally in the clear. Hand sanitizer falls under medical supplies in his home state, and it's also illegal to price gouge during times of emergency.
You see, Tennessee was already in a state of emergency from 2 weeks ago due to tornadoes that devastated the state capital area. He didn't think to look into the law, but charging grossly excessive prices (in this case, ~800% markup from retail) on certain supplies is illegal.
He would've been legally in the clear had the tornadoes not happened or he picked a different state, but he didn't do his research and walked right into a situation where he'd ordinarily be an asshole but this time is a criminal.
>mutts have so many laws you literally can't do anything without hours of research
Smells like FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
If this man were a jew Yas Forums would be celebrating
>Implying pretty much every European nation doesn't have as many or considerably more.
>I'm AMERICAN and LET ME TELL YOU about how things are in EUROPE
>but first, let me look up where Europe is
On the other hand, you couldn't avoid knowing where the USA is because it's the center of the universe.
yes, and? the dumbass was stupid enough to advertise what he did.
>if they can provide just compensation
maybe the guy wanted this to happen if the gov. is going to compensate for it, he was just crying that he wouldn't know what to do with it all after being banned by ebay/amazon
More like you need to know where to avoid, much like Africa.
>Price gouging is illegal
Uh huh. So when are we going to get our $10 diamonds?
Maybe look into what the laws are if you're running a business. Also double check what the law says when you're doing something so obviously unethical.
The dude has an oncoming trial for price gouging and his Lawyer probably suggested him to donate it which he did.
OP is just a Idiot that wants people to argue over his false narrative.
So is harassment and assault but I don't see government taking jannies shit running these websites
Oh but these websites don't mind banning your ass, but make some bomb instruction posts and is the website going to be held liable?
Piss off. America is a shit hole
Price gouging is illegal
Kids get fined for operating lemonaid stands without a sales tax license in Land of the Free™
Doing anything out of the "ordinary" can get you hit with miles of litigation. You can't let your kids play outside anymore without having CPS called on you.
It's why I left the worthless shithole known as America. Fuck your country and fuck you. I piss on America
b-b-b-but >muh guns
He was a retard who practiced price gouging. I would cheer too. Fuck you.
The land of the free they said.
>it's only bad if the goyim do it
Guarantee you if he was Jewish he'd be walking away scot free.
this is y I hope the world burns
>Even in a AnCap society it is not profitable to just allow poorfag people who are late to the rush to get fucked over.
Where did you get this idea? In AnCap society, the free market decides all.
>>government can seize your items in times of "emergency", an obviously loose definition
I agree with you on a lot of you points but this one is not just really "his" items. He didn't build those items up over time to help keep him and family sustainable in an emergency. He used his jewbucks to clear the entire market and monopolize health supplies during a health crisis pandemic. Fuck him. I'm glad he's being charged
>Where did you get this idea?
If you let all the retards die there is no one to work the fields and consume dumb shit
you tell em memeflag
Dude Snohomish county washington is ground zero and right now 1.7% of the population there has it
>using twitter
he deserved what he got. Everyone on twitter deserves to be shot
>3000 cases out of 328,000,000 people
>health crisis pandemic
Shut the fuck up you fearmongering kike. Coronavirus is literally nothing. The real Jew is how the stock market is crashing with no survivors and it's all caused by the panicked retards.
Fuck em. Let them pay out the ass for their overpriced scented hydrogen peroxide
Probably, Jews are vermin and so is he. I'm not going to defend him just because he's 'white'. He's still a piece of shit.
It’s almost as if capitalism is at odds with human life, dignity, and civilization itself. Really gets the noggin joggin.
wasnt hoarding but price gouging which is illegal in this scenario
its pretty bs and he should get compensated appropriately but not at his 70 bucks per bottle of sanitizer