/ptg/ President Trump General - Sink the Chink Edition

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/15/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on ThisWeekABC 3/15/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/15/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FtN 3/15/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on ThisWeekABC 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FoxNewsSun 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on MtP 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/15/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/14/20
>SG Adams on JudgeJeanine 3/14/20
>KAC on JudgeJeanine 3/14/20
>ThiccSarah on WattersWorld 3/14/20
>Pres Trump declares Natl State of Emergency over Corona-chan 3/13/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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post yfw china is ded

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He's the one leading the national effort on this. Trump is done. Obama handled H1N1 without destroying businesses.


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This was a wan-off. New baker needed.

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The state should have the right to seize all goods from preppers and hoarders. These goods should be distributed fairly among the people.

Preppers are greedy and selfish people. They believe everyone who didn't prep somehow deserves to starve, suffer and die.

I can't wait for preppers to get doxxed and raided when shit really hits the fan.

sup weird tibetfag, read my arms

It is the Chines themselves that are the true virus.

19,000 people died from H1N1. Furthermore, no one is blaming Trump for any of this. Its all being driven by the media.

How many dead chinese had to suffer just so he could do that?

not enough

cerveza corona only affects trump's enemies

>He's the one leading the national effort on this.
Point to where the President told Governors to shut down entire industries. I won't wait, because you just made it up.
>Trump is done.
You fucking wish, you dickless twit. This will push even more (D)s out of office for their complacency in this absolute farce. I hope you and a bunch of your tranny friends kill yourselves when he wins again. Also, right wing death squads unironically coming in your near future.

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dana got fat, damn
UFC is going too good apparently

>trump is done
bet you've been saying this exact fucking thing for 5 years.

Xi a punk ass bitch


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"mic drops" are for niggers tho.
20%? It's the lower range of what was feared.

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>Point to where the President told Governors to shut down entire industries. I won't wait, because you just made it up.
He sure isnt speaking up

I could use a couple of weeks of to enjoy some kino and vidya. Namely Doom Eternal

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>not enough
Always the correct answer user

Tony/Khabib WILL happen

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>Obama handled H1N1
He literally did nothing and let thousands die

No, anon7 said it was alright.

We need more media comparisons between swine flu and corona.

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And this is exactly why their assets (fifth columns) within the American government are trying to cripple our economy. To level the playing field and make it look like China did go full totalitarian on their people

Our government is now no better than the CPC welding people inside their homes.

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>You fucking wish, you dickless twit. This will push even more (D)s out of office for their complacency in this absolute farce. I hope you and a bunch of your tranny friends kill yourselves when he wins again. Also, right wing death squads unironically coming in your near future.
So when all the bernie bros don't have their dudeweed money because inslee canceled their job, will we get to see another chicago chain fest?

>yellow walls
>clean floor
sounds comfy
i wish i had a209 god to pray to

what? I doubt preppers want people to starve and die. if anything responsible prepping reduces the load on food distribution systems during times of emergency. as they are already prepared. what you are mad at is panic shopping normals. who waited until the last minute to try and shore up their own supplies.

also if you try raiding real preppers you will get domed 100%

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Very good video

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Im A BlUmPfD TaRd I SuPpOrT My PrEsIdEnT EvEn ThO hE's KiLlInG uS

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>mfw got a 2nd monitor
How did I ever survive before?

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china is watching everyone, so is america
what is that supposed to mean

Accurate assessment.

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Remember to keep talking to normies about punishments for China and their policies that got us here. If someone shittalks you for not thinking of the old and sickly, tell them China didn't give a fuck either and to stop harassing you when they should be harrassing them. Also tell them those people should be the only ones isolating so dramatically. A whole city doesn't need to shut down just because there are people with AIDS living there.

If the president was actually killing you, I’d support him even more.

I have 7 monitors yu basic ass bitch

POTUS be like

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The opposition has made a crucial mistake here. As much damage as they are doing to our lives right now, they have basically taken a non event that will inevitable fizzle out, and turned it into a world ending catastrophe that's in Trumps hands.
So when the world literally doesnt end, even more so when nothing actually happens at all, Trump will have led the effort that defeated this apparent apocalypse

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>this time

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>d-drumpf didn't stop governors frrom acting at a state level!
>th-that makes it his fault!
The absolute COPE on display. Neck yourself before I get my hands on you, because if I do, you die slow.

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>“They’ve labeled each of you friendly, hardline or ambiguous,” he said, describing a report put out by the think tank last year. “I’ll let you decide where you think you belong. Someone in China already has. Many of you indeed, in the report are referenced by name.”

the reaction shots were priceless and telling

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Post pics

IDK WTF is going to happen. This shit is unprecedented. Imagine putting millions of people out of work in a day just to make sure they know that ORANGE MAN BAD.

How long until they shut down the Internet? Viruses can propagate over the Internet.

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>The opposition
can you define your terms?
i'm way too drunk to hit shift keys and im honestly mad you madee me put forth that effort


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absolutely based

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The only thing people will be voting for in November: Are they better off then they were 4 years ago? And they will answer "No"

Doesnt matter if it is Trump's "fault" (it is)

>Trump will have led the effort
You know they will be selling "our democrat governors, who listened to the words of Biden, who shut everything down and spread hygiene info, are the real reason things are fine."

Already happening and there's people (and news companies) defending it

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>Tony/Khabib WILL happen


UFC gains massive cred from me for not giving into the Coronavirus scare.

Yes, because as we know, the governors of California and New York are just JUMPING at the chance to follow Donald Trump's orders.


he laid a come-to-jesus on them

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yeah its just the water retention from steroids

>who listened to the words of Biden, who shut everything down
Biden has not done such a thing
Why doesnt Trumpy speak against it then?


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best i can do is post my bottom
I'll never post our dwelling, that's a bridge too far

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Most people realize this isn't a particularly deadly virus though. So what did they "save us" from?

Except, as was discussed last thread, the blue state faggots will claim that them putting millions of people out of work and destroying countless small businesses was necessary, and that their stunning and brave actions saved lives.

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Victory has defeated him

observe how eagerly the average shitlib allows for AND MORALLY JUSTIFIES totalitarian measures used against him and his family, and jumps blindly into the coofbox feeing like he deserves to die for enjoying a decent standard of living

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