take your money out of the bank as soon as you can. Next thing to happen after zero interest rates, is negative rates and you pay the bank to do what ever they want with your money. The global economy is going to crash, with no survivors. There will be a new financial system, say hello to the new world order anons.
Get ready today is going to be a bloodbath
Other urls found in this thread:
Great Depression 2.0 incoming
it will be much much worse
Georgia Guidestones are the ultimate LARP. They were literally built to be a tourist attraction, you nigger.
your going to have to shill alot better than that, mixed race pedophile.
>negative rates and you pay the bank to do what ever they want with your money
That's not how it works brainlet, negative interest rate loans means they pay you to take the loan. The reason this is necessary is because the US has so much fucking debt that they need people to buy it. Literally paying people to buy their debt. It's disastrous for several reasons but you don't pay the bank, lmao, literally the opposite, that's how it is now silly.
bumperino for the real kino
>take your money out of the bank
Why? So I can burn it for heat?
watch the videos and come back
no so you can use it to get goods while it still has some value to it
I know you're memeing, but there's a lot of dumb people here. For them; don't do this. Yes this is a big deal, it's not a nothing burger, but it's also going to be old news in 8-18 months. It will pass. With some serious damage, yes, but it will be much more serious if you destroy your wealth.
The state should have the right to seize all goods from preppers and hoarders. These goods should be distributed fairly among the people.
Preppers are greedy and selfish people. They believe everyone who didn't prep somehow deserves to starve, suffer and die.
I can't wait for preppers to get doxxed and raided when shit really hits the fan.
7 hours until the jumpers start fallin
im being serious, there is going to be a new financial system in 8-18 months. This wont pass, its over. Do what you can with your money now, the government is destroying it regardless.
Bro the shelves are already empty. Do you think they'll keep stocking them if the dollar loses it's value?
>literally "dude trust me it's happening"
You will never be a woman
bro do you think goods just means store bought food?
t. retard who didn’t prep two months ago
your going to have to do better than that
Where else do you buy things other than the store?
I'm very excited, big line goes down kek
If we are talking about crash , well even if you cash out that shit wont have any value brainless kike
>Dude shhh just trust me
Good thing I'm w a credit union and not a bank
Nikkei down
nice projection and strawman
nothing to say, sad
it will be legendary
nikkei is one of the best markets lmao because of stimulus expectations delaying the JUSTing
Hong Kong down -4.6%, Aussies down -9.7%, Koreans -3.2%
and DAX futures -8.6%, buckle up eurofags
and i suppose hillary is going to be locked too right?
Hah, jokes on you I'm already broke.
>There will be a new financial system
So you're saying my stinky linkies will be pulled from the toilet?
wow you’re such a big man denying (you)s. What a pussy. What sources do you have? Can you articulate a argument to why anyone should pay any attention to what you’re saying? Or are you just going to be a le edgy nu/pol/ fuck?
Poppycock and horseshit
They will not let it crash.
shes in on it troglodyte
crypto is kill
And what replaces it? Barter? Social credit?
Get real.
This will do damage. But it won't be the "crash".
cope harder. all sources in OP
nwo will replace it
> 14.8(x)% death rate for the old (x) people
well shit
What do you mean replace it? The NWO already happened, jews run all institutions in America, and by extension the rest of the world.
You could have stopped this
Holy crap. 1488 dude. Just noticed it. lol.
I mean replace it. We have/had a system, kike run, that benefits us. The next system will only benefit them.
it was 20% in Italy for 90+
about 17% for 80-90
and 10% for 70-80
as of march 11th, so when the death count was 800, now 1800 last I checked earlier
>We have/had a system, kike run, that benefits us
Price of a barrel of oil is already dropping to levels unseen in the last 10 years save that one price war in 2015.
World runs on oil and debt. And both are gonna crash because of this.
some chucklefuck retard, of course you point one cherry picked example. What do you need someone else to instruct you on how to think? you need someone else to regurgitate information instead of doing the footwork yourself? you just come here and make some bait thread to get whatever satisfaction you’ll yield from it.
Good thing I own my house and never mortgaged.
just leave its not working
financial system, yeah.
This. Anons act like Agenda 21 isn't real
fuck it. let them shill nothing burgers. we know what's up
the unbearable lightness of being this new
why waste your time?
nice forced astroturfing
You already wasted my time reading your dumb posts.
In for a penny, in for a pound
What to do with the cash
You read my thread about all this last night didnt you? I think you posted a video of a stonk trader that came to the same conclusion as I, except his was less dire.
sad life you have user, take it somewhere else
yes, linked video and thread in op
Now is the time to start screaming.
>he says trying to convince people a jew run system benefited them
ahahaha, the gif slowly sped up as it downloaded top kek
Go go go Corona-chan get those faggots.
fucking newfag put two >> before a post to quote it, or just fucking click their post number.
No fucking shit.