I don't understand the fixation on "no refunds". The people that donated to sanders only gave what they could comfortably afford, and be okay with losing if he potentially doesn't win. "no refunds" isn't a sting to anyone
Other urls found in this thread:
cope sage
no refunds
Wrong. Some asshole was Doing this and I don't doubt more of these Yas Forums Nazis did as well.
>Bernie cucks
>having disposable money
These faggots have 6 million in student loan debt and work as baristas. Every one of them
>implying this actually happened
who the fuck is emptying their childrens college fund to donate to sanders.
It doesn’t sting that no matter how much you donate the Democratic Party will never ever nominate him? And after learning this once you all did it again?
If that doesn’t sting you are a retard
Bernie wasn't asking for a fucking rent check. He was asking for like $2.
Bernie cucks spend that much on starbucks at least 20 times a day.
>having it not work one time means it'll never work
literally what lmao
People unironically did in 2016.
>thinking if you donate to Bernie the Democrats won’t just pick who ever serves their agenda
Haha your ready for round three Bernie 2024 hey champ?
2 dollars from every supporter is a 4th luxury home for Bernie
Cope for commies
>giving your own money to a politician
How could the dems pick a corrupt nominee they want if the right one actually gets the delegates they need, from the support of the people that agree with him?
also no fuckin way bernie runs again, but someone with similar ideas will.
You don’t understand the Democratic process at all. The democrats still use super delegates. Until that is changed, you’re going to have the exact same problem.
Here’s the issue. Political parties rely on PACs and corporate donations. If Bernie wins... it cuts off big pharmacy, healthcare, insurance PACs that the democrats NEED to function. Just that alone will keep him from being the candidate.
It was quite a joy reading threads back in 2015, screenshots of redditors literally donating their last 10 bucks only to have Bernie beat out by Hillary who had all the corporations and mega donors donating to her and the DNC rigging it in her favor. And the icing on top with Bernie finally conceding all the millions left over for his campaign going to Hillary.
Bernie in 2016:
Bernie in 2020: (after he becomes a millionaire)
Fake as fuck
forgive me for being naive, but is the DNC actually rigging primaries? I always figured everyone was just being cinical and there's no fuckin way that actually happens.
Is biden not winning because of dumbasses that just remember him and think he's Obama???
DNC is privately owned you dumb fuck.
They can totally disregard delegates if they wanted to.
How is Bernie going to afford his third vacation home if he gives the donations back?
memes aside, do yall actually think Bernie used donation money to buy personal luxuries? Does he not make a fair amount of money regardless???
Why are you making threads, if you don’t know anything about it? How could you expect anything to be different if you don’t have the knowledge to understand this will be 2016 again? I read the whole thread. You don’t even understand what you’re up against, and it’s why you will keep failing.
I’ll give you the short run down. The DNC isn’t legally bound to give the person with the most votes, a fair chance. A member of sanders staff filed a lawsuit in 2017. The result was, the DNC can legally put up who ever they want.
They can’t afford to lose all the $$$ that flows into them, from things he’s trying to eliminate. Like the healthcare lobby.
So they will never allow what’s best for the people.
I’m not here to beat on you. I’m here to explain it. Do you understand why sanders lost before the game started, now?
He is going to buy a 4th house with your money leftist faggots!
No gibs for you, shithead.
I believe it originated from the reddit tribe (assuming it wasn't shitposters) where some "special" people donated a little too far, expecting Bernie's communism in return. It's since evolved into its current exploitable form.
Yes yes I'm understanding now, but hypothetically, lets say majority of young people actually turned out to vote, and black people weren't blinded by the whole Obama guy thing.
What would the DNC do then? how would they make sure sanders stays losing?
it's that he gets you to donate to the "cause" when the "cause" is fake and we know he's going to give all your donations to the corrupt DNC and back whoever they cuck him with.
70%+ of voters don't give a shit about who to vote, much less democrats
There was atleast 1 tweet of a bernout saying something like this "fuck this, im a bit drunk and im donating all may savings to bernie (eather 800 or 1200 bucks)"
The democrats are definitely rigging the process Bernie despite having a lot of ideas with no way to fund them had an organic movement with lots of fans and Hillary who broke laws that would get anyone else 10 years jail time still got the nomination while being very unpopular and under investigation from FBI.
They aren’t obligated to at all. This is what you’re not getting. The result of the 2017 lawsuit is that the DNC is a private business and they have ZERO obligation to voters. That’s why I posted a source. Here’s another one. observer.com
Just the headline in that article. COURT RULES DNC HAD THE RIGHT TO RIG THE PRIMARY. A court of law, ruled that no matter if sanders got EVERY vote, the DNC could deny him the nomination.
It’s why it’s foolish to be a democrat. All they have to do is say “we’re giving it to the other guy”. They don’t even have to explain.
Is this making sense? I feel like I’m saying the same thing over and over again.
You must be a nooblet. Debbie Wassserman Shultz ring a bell? Donna Braile? HRC getting debate questions in advance?
Donation money funneled to relatives of the politician is a long standing tradition. In this specific case, it's almost a certainty, as Sanders doesn't get a lot of love from the usual big money bribery machines.
LOL. your power level is lower than sanders fans on reddit. Go bother them.
Biden is winning because he is involved in crimes that democrats want covered up think Ukraine Hillary Biden Obama all dirty
Yeah... I just can't believe we're letting the DNC be that fucked up
>One half of a two party political system has no obligation to voters
Sounds like second amendment time cunts
It’s almost like the founding fathers should have put in a special amendment to protect Americans from tyranny..
so ur saying that was the 2nd amendement? i'm sorry but isn't that one about guns? lmao
I deliver propane to houses and I was talking to a customer and she was telling me her son in law was volunteering for sanders while her daughter who has cancer worked. These people are fucking deranged.
Here's the real kicker.
Lester holt the guy who gave hilldawg the questions in advace was host for the midterms and some of the democratic debates.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” basically the founding fathers decided that any government overtime would become corrupt hence the right to bear arms to prevent your government from becoming tyrannical ... but Americans never answer George Washington’s call
>I don't understand the fixation on "no refunds".
It's that Bernie cucked out 4 years ago AND WE ALL KNEW HE WOULD DO IT AGAIN!
You could have supported Tulsi but allowed the media to fool you into thinking she was unelectable so you could back a proven loser WHO WOULDN'T EVEN TRY TO GET ELECTED
It’s not deranged he wants burnies free health care
I feel you. I like sanders way more than white Obama.
What kills me, is you’re the first person to understand this. I went on Reddit, made an account, and posted a much nicer worded version of what I told you. All I got was hate.
>fu boomer, we’re going to take this country back
But nobody even read or understood a single thing I posted. I got down voted so hard, nobody would ever see anything else I posted.
You are trying to run a rigged race. I’ve been shouting it for three years. It’s just nobody listens. I think sanders vs trump would of been a good race. It would of given people hope. Now, it’s going to be a shit show.
I don’t understand WHY it’s that way, but I spent a few days digging and found out that sanders never had a chance. The DNC and super delegates were filled with ex Clinton staffers. He was never going to win.
I’m not here to crush you. He’s only about 150 delegates behind, with more than 300 left to be voted on Tuesday. I just want you to honestly see, the DNC has and will fuck him.
Read the thread OP is logical and learning
Its a sting to the pathetic bernouts from 4 years ago who took out loans and shit to donate only for bernie to end up giving the money to hillary clinton
....You want us to kill the DNC with guns.
No don’t stop with DNC all the way till you learn who owns the federal reserve
OP has the memory capacity of a goldfish. Only thing learned is that Medicare for All is an electoral disaster (which was also predictable)
DNC is killing themselves. Only thing I'll be shooting will be semi tires of stolen food convoys to cities during the bugaloo.
I’m not inclined to care, cunt. I’m not a democrat. I’m a life long Republican. If the republicans fucked their people like that, people would get shot.
After the court case I mentioned, I don’t know why anyone could happily be a democrat. Unless they’re too ignorant to read.
To be fair to OP, the DNC has buried most of this. You really do have to look to find out they have no obligation to their voters.
I’m just curious if any bernout is going to go postal. It’s mentioned in the media here that sanders supporters threatened to riot if sanders wasn’t given a fair chance. None of them bothered to read before, that he’d never get a fair chance.
>only gave what they could comfortably afford
Cope harder faggot. Exactly how is someone drowning in student loan debt able to comfortably afford to dump money anywhere outside of food, shelter, and transportation?
Why the fuck would you make your cancer riddled wife work while you fuck around trying to get some con artist elected. Even if he did those bills need to pass the senate.
I don't care what happens in the end, I can only do my part and hope for the best. I was just genuinely curious about the whole no refunds gag
i'm open to what people have to say. Back in like 2013 I was a converted conservative on here and prided myself in being "redpilled", and am now back to left leaning but ANWAYs
How do you think we could stop all the rigging? the media was supposed to exposed corruptness of the government but wtf do you do if the media is corrupt.... you knowhat... ^ this guy is on to something. We DO need to take lethal action. think about it
Go easy on OP. He’s swallowing a large and bitter red pill right now.
The bylaws of the party need to be changed, or the court case needs to be overturned. Legally, that’s the only way.
Be careful of Australians here. They just mainly want to see a fight. He’s not wrong, blood may come into it.
>from time to time, the tree of liberty needs refreshed in the blood of Patriots and tyrants.
If I’m remembering that correctly.
Our political system is broken, and all we’ve done is look at the results. This is what broke it. foxnews.com
Until that is fixed, we’re a nation where corporations have more say about who’s elected than citizens.
u a joo?
>Wanting a refund for a donation
no wonder these people like communism
I'm just a regular ass college kid man, i'm atheist actually
Bernie won't be alive in 2024
i don't think anyone is expecting a refund, at least majority of his supporters
Hey, fuckass, NOBODY gives two fucks about you or what you think. Quit posting so much desperate faggot. FFS, fuck yourself off a cliff already, bitch boy.
I don't get it is "no refends" a phrase berniefags use or is it something that is said to berniefags in order to mock them
In 2016 sanders supporters were posting on social media that they had taken out loans, used school loans, and used credit cards to donate because Bernie would fix student loans and they’d be ahead when he won.
>let’s ignore that congress can veto anything a president does.
Then, in 2017 the sanders campaign actually sued the dnc for a refund on campaign contributions that went to Hillary.
Now it’s just a shitpost like; simp, have sex, incel, kys or the other non arguments that are commonly posted.