I fucked up, pol

Look, hear me out. Im not the best socially. I met someone on a defunct chat room over a decade ago and weve been friends for a long. Long, time. By the time he told me he was ashkenazi i was too in love to care, plus he was pretty based.
But now hes left me, two days before he was to fly and have a nice tradlife with me, he went to new york instead with some other southern zoomer bitch. Keep in mind hes 35.
I was a perfect wife for him, and took care of him. But his (((degenrate))) desires got the best of him.
Point of this post is, i dont care how long you love someone, find out theyre a jew and fucking bail.
>inb4 show tits
>inbf plethora of other insults
I just wanted to be a good wife, anons. I fucked up and now im paying for it. Nobody wants a 31 year old.
He frequents this board and even used corona as an excuse to have an affair.
Guess hes "/ourjew/" now right, Yas Forums. Help a real beartbroken tradwife out. The jew fucked me over and I will eternally hate them with a fire of 6 gorillion suns.

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You'll find someone better. Don't worry about it.

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show feet and timestamp

>Confederate flag
No sympathy here.

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good.

You can't inb4 in the OP.

>Nobody wants a 31 year old

Shit happens. Plenty of other Yas Forumsacks in the sea. I see lots of 30 somethings looking for gals.


Ouch that's rough. Sorry. Care to hang with the supreme gentleman?

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You should have cut it off when you found out he was a kike. They really are all the same. Just wait until after this happening is over before going out to look for someone new.

It's not over user. 31 isn't the oldest someone has started over

You're a race traitor. You'll get the gas before the kike.

All race treason is unforgivable. Male or female.

If you can still have white children then it's not too late.

Check'd. Yee ol' sweet southern belle. It's alright we all make mistakes, my wife left me to find herself....I wasn't strong enough early in our relationship to save her from the social Jew. Email me at gtkrwn88. At proton mail dot com if you wanna talk.

I'll talk to a lonely women.

add me on kik Gloryprime

Jews can be white. Bernie Sanders and Feinstein being good examples.

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From the story, I was under the impression she never even met him in the flesh

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Fucking leaf kek

First of all, you're a tranny not a woman. Second of all, shame all all of you pathetic simp NEETs for taking the bait you thirsty faggots.

Jews aren't white.

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Bloody hell. A decade. Maybe next time avoid internet people. You might just bump into someone decent IRL, i assume you go to church and the like.

Get a grip tranny faggot

31? I'm looking for a white breeder concubine. Want in?

Jews will never be white especially full jews.
Doesn't matter she would have spread her whore legs for the kike so he can impregnate her with his demon spawn. Then she'd be here talking shit about NS and whites. She'd be the first bitch to do the bidding of kikes.

Anyone even considering race treason is in fact unworthy of existence. They have no souls. They are demons

Thank you, i need that :(

One sec and i will

My grandpa was having an affair with someone else and my grandma found out, and he begged her for a divorce and she refused and said I’d rather make the rest of your life miserable than give you an easy way out.

OP this happened to me but reversed i met a girl and it turns out that too late i found out she's part chosen

by that time its too late too invested emotionally and have really rocky relationship. when it was time to really get trad serious she wanted to slut around and not be a mother and go maximum marx

it wasn't worth it, I wish i had bailed once i found out DA JOO it's never good its never a good idea

Um bonehead, you're rocking the wrong flag jsyk

He wasnt my type, not unattractive exactly. His personality ruined him

>Confederate flag

Ok hick

Show her your sick vape tricks bro

You fell for a jew trap. Move on. You're lucky you found out he was a jew.


I give up.

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can you admit you are a racetraitor whore?

If you can do that you will have the privilege to be bred once the white nationalists take over.

Only if you feel real regret though.

You're a race traitor. No White man would ever love you. Enjoy being some demented jew's cum rag as you suck his menorah shaped mutilated dick you worthless whore.

If you do find some white cuck who dates you, understand that was true New White men will never accept you vile treasonous genetics

you're fat


lool look at this guy frothing at the mouth
calm down son hahaha

I kek'd not gonna lie

I'm 31 and I'd fuck you, wanna message me?

older girls have always been the most based

Well done brother. All these other faggots already giving her hope when the reality is we're not a religion, we're a Race. There is no forgiveness to be found for race treason.

lol i can imagine some nigger saying the same thing to you when he fucks your wife.
"yo chill dawg its consensual my nigga, stop spazzin homie im gonna go for round 2 hol up"

Become a white nationalist collectivist or die.

A man posed as a 300 pound shriek female with three kids on tinder to see what would happen. Damn near crashed his computer with the response. Go role play somewhere else tranny. Go to reddit, they’ll pay you. Or stay here and get shit on.

the race is all that matters. I would literally kill myself it meant whites would survive and dominate like in the past.

All of these individualists and narcissists are going to be the fucking death of us.

it's a tall horse you have there, make sure you don't fall down

We did. I moved in with him in MN for 2 years and he lived with me for a couple of months. He just hates mississippi and cant get his gibs ans suboxone. I have a 10 year old boy from my WHITE ex husband, but he ruined himself with those stupid feminization hypnosis things and alot of meth when he was at work. Now in new orleans, homeless, grown boobs, and in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. So he got whatever he deserved. I was married 7 years. This guy actually waa great with my son, my son considered him his father (no, he was NOT a fucking cuck) seemed to be cleaned or all of his bad ways and then the jew just started rushing in his veins again. Ans he fucked off.2 days before he was supposed to move in.
Do zoomers know how to do wife shit? I hope he enjoys his low iq bayou retard, prob catch syphillis and corona at the same time. for foot guy

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Theres more incels in this thread than in an average r9k thread

>31 year old and not married with three children
>Blames kike for being a degenerate for getting with younger woman
STFU roastie, this is on YOU. Don't act like you didn't ride the CC all through out your 20s you fucking whore. On top of that you fell for a kike, go kys dumb fucking cunt

Dude this guy was the palest motherfucker ive ever met. He had a big nose, but that came from his irish catholic father, who was not a jew.

Hahahahaha truth

if you are female i will marry you femanon.

alaska aint so bad.

When ive calmed down some i probably will. I have no frens

Real jews look like mulattos.

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Yeah I’d suck one those

Bitch I'm not the one. These motherfuckers think this shit is a game. We'll see, we'll certainly fucking see.

900 million White people in the world but lames and whores expect mercy and acceptance?! No, never! We may be destroyed but we will bring the world with us.

based. i was honestly just memeposting but all jokes aside I hope you'll be okay in the long run. also 10/10 trad feet. try and keep your chin up

Spin the dradle, lose the cradle.
Toll paid.

This (((thread))) is filled with (((SIMPS)))

Ill hit you up when i calm down
Dont get pervy on me though

there is no such thing as "white nationalist collectivist" because the present generation of whites don't know how to be present in the natural order of their own people. It's been made illegal in this country over and over again, go try and practice it for real instead of online LARPing and you'll see it won't get you anywhere.

Where's the community of people living off the grid listening to classical music and engaging in goods barter lifestyle while raising 3-5 kids and utilizing farm animals. it doesn't exist outside of the amish

yep. the good jew is a lie

I wish i was trolling. I always lurk here, rarely post. But this situation pissed me off and hurt me so much this was the only place i knew to go. I knew everyone would think i was a LARP or tranny but shit, what do i have to lose. I cant post my hatred for jews onto fb or my therapists or family.

He gets it

jesus christ you guys are a lost cause


Womyn aren't allowed on Yas Forums. You must be a trannie. Either way you have to go.

I feel the same way. They have survived off of our sacrifices for too long. The loyalty of our women was used to fight their wars, to build and secure their empires. No more. The National Socialist Revolution is unlike any other.

If the race traitors want, they will have to live with their new "human race" out of our lands and away from our sacrifices. However, we're taking what belongs to us, their ability to create our people. All who don't meet the requirements will be castrated.

of course you would, filthy feet for an even more fucked up mouth

Years ago on a defunct chat, I met a woman that I fell for, hard. We talked every night for half a year or more. She knew exactly what to say to me to make me crazy about her. We were almost dating, but she flipped things and decided to go with a different guy instead. This other guy was similar to the guy you described. I know that one day he will abandon her when the gibs run out.

many dumb people think that living like the amish would preserve ethnic europeans. This is simply not true because of modern millitary. What do you think is going to happen when the jews finally turn america and europe into 70% mulatto and then propagandize against the existing whites left. Then give the mudslimes advanced millitary weaponry to ethnically genocide the rest of the whites?

Sorry, but ar15s and bolt action rifles cant beat artillery, fighter planes and tanks.

Based and red pilled kek


His loss, keep your chin up you trad bitch, don't date jews, look for meds and anglos


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Yall talk all big when you see a white woman race trading but yall are the same people frothing at the mouth in the yellow fever threads

No bitch, I have earned my right to speak on this and to whomever the fuck thinks they can abuse my people's sacrifices.

These motherfuckers love using the genetics they inherited to betray their own people?! We'll see

Actually im not.
All these race traitor comments are making me laugh. Im asexual, i didnt want sex anyway, but since hes so hypersexual i obliged, but it wasnt enough, not degenerate enough, not "fun" enough. I have an IUD. I didnt want his child. My real child is blonde eyed blue hair and will superiour to any child this bastard degenerate jew has a slut pop out if they dont abort it first. He was only my second relationship, anons. I like pale guys. Being in MS youd think youd find more based dudes bur theyre all in hiding somewhere. Im no fucking race traitor, fuck yall who are saying that. Either trolling,retarded, or an insane elitist.

This thread is fulled with simps. Single Moms are cancer. Avoid them like the plague.

>Guess hes "/ourjew/" now right, Yas Forums. Help a real beartbroken tradwife ou
Tits or stfu. Seriously.
I'm totally a tradwife material too, but OBEY THE RULES, that what tradwifes do !

I dont really get into fucking until i get really close and comfortable with the person and feel like i can trust you and youll be commited and not cheat :(

He can be replaced, try meeting someone irl next time

>trad wife
My sides

Not true in any measure. I specifically have images on my laptop to dispel yellow fever. Asians aren't human nigger.

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Ethan Klein got a dna test, it was like 99% jew, and he doesn’t look like that. Different types.