Gday lads

>Police to force people into self-isolation in NSW coronavirus crackdown

>"""Australians"" urged to dob in their mates

>ASIC issues emergency rules, ASX falls 7pc on opening

>Thousands of international passengers ordered to self-isolate after landing in Australia are allowed to take domestic flights WITHOUT being quarantined - as the number of coronavirus cases hit 299

>Coronavirus is causing panic buying, but what does that mean for Australia's food security?

>Reserve Bank flags further measures amid coronavirus fears, ASIC restricts number of share trades large firms can make


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Fuck the greens

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>The WA Government has frozen all household fees and charges including electricity, water, public transport fares and motor vehicle charges.

Who is on?

Foreskins back guys. I want pics. Pics galore.

We can get through this coronavirus business together with the power of our hot pink foreskins.

Post em FAGGOTS.

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The Corona Challenge: Are We Prepared?

Live from Melbourne | Monday, March 16

>Richard Colbeck, Minister for Aged Care, Youth and Sport
Minister for Aged Care and Sport
Richard Colbeck is the Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians, and the Minister for Youth and Sport.

>Katy Gallagher, Shadow Minister for Finance
Shadow Minister for Finance
Katy Gallagher is the Shadow Minister for Finance, Shadow Minister for the Public Service, and Manager of opposition Business in the Senate.

>Bill Bowtell, Adjunct Professor, UNSW and Strategic Health Policy Adviser
Adjunct Professor, UNSW and Strategic Health Policy Adviser
Bill Bowtell a strategic policy adviser, with particular interest in national and international health policy structures and reform.

>Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, GP and former President of the AMA
GP and former President of the AMA
Dr Mukesh Haikerwal is the Melbourne-based doctor who has been testing patients for coronavirus in the carpark outside of his Altona North clinic.

>Sam Mostyn, Business and sustainability advisor
Business and sustainability advisor

Sam Mostyn is a businesswoman and sustainability adviser, with a long history of executive & governance roles across business, sport, climate change, the arts, policy, and NFP sectors.

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economy BTFO

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will china invade us once america is too busy keeping order at home from corona?

Literally just happened as I was typing lol Now whos crazy, Stephanie?

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Think I'll give it a miss

>uni still has classes
>both jobs requiring me working more hours
getting pretty JUSTed lads, not gonna lie

Don't be a faggot. It's going to be a bunch of blaming the Liberals for "privatising the healthcare" and "think of the Children"

Based as fuck! Accelerate!

A few weeks back the staff in Town Hall station were blocking off staircases and making people walk close to each other to control foot traffic, I believe this was an exercise to spread coronachan

lucky cunt, except that you're in melbourne

Identitarian thread

ehen is nsw gonna go lock down? I work in non-essential retail and don't want to go to work right now and deal with the disgusting already infected folk.

what's the word on the street?

>tfw start searching for a casual/part time job in the last week
>"sorry we've rescinded this offer due to covid pandemic"
im almost out of money bros, what places are hiring in times like this?

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Alright which one of you fucking aspies was this. [VIDEO]

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Well, note to everyone, dont try gambling and drinking double strength vinegar.

Tomorrow when the war began was a documentary mate.

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Sure you are you and Connor going on about calories and kilojoules you kittle faggots is my favourite Isometric CRPGS have the best looking environments of any game I know my brain is stupid for this but i just to boo us having no context for it as well as a few people before getting high chaos ending is unimaginable and the wasp nest in a few people before getting angry over the possibility that someone doesn't like a certain game you like you're the one with autism spectrum

>get goldpilled
>realise it’s the best way to safeguard the static portion of your savings against inflation
>start buying ounces when I can
>accumulate a number of ounces over a couple of years
>wuflu starts making people coof
>Aussie dollar tumbles to new lows
>but an ounce of gold is still selling for pre-drop prices
I might get wuflu bros, but the inflationjew will never afflict me.

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Who here does /anal/

>Only 6am in Europe.
>Already about to break 90,000

fuck fuck FUCK

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CHINKS DON'T SURF (Bread theme)
Who drinking? Tequila with Orange C fruit drink for me.

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yeah nah, I've had enough of that shit

what the fuck, can't believe China was lying

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Is anybody buying the bullshit that china is feeding us?
No fucking way they have this shit under control.


>watching lugenpresse

Its 5 o'clock on a Monday arvo, you should be getting ready to go to footy training or the gym or something, not getting on the fucking piss.

anyone else considering going full nigger and just rawdogging a bunch of sluts before Corona-chan fucks up their balls forever?
just me?

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Who else here /Asio/

22 years ahead of you mate, but welcome aboard.

Why do you have such a hard on for that rubbish?

You have to look at it through the eyes of a kike.

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still waiting for the ex-wife to regret leaving me, so no sluts for me

im a sad guy

Always go rawdawg, I hate frangas

2,000 confirmed cases in NSW:

Looking forward to working from home

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>still waiting for the ex-wife to regret leaving me
Never gonna happen.
>im a sad guy
Yes, yes you are.

who gives a fuck cunt I just cracked open a beer and I wanna enjoy the shit show works been cancelled for me anyway

>under investigation

>Aussie dollar tumbles to new lows

This is the real reason to buy gold.
There's no reason why the dollar won't smash down past US$0.50 and keep going.
We're a tiny country of just 24 million people. Rocks and coal make up over half our exports.

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They have to justify their budget somehow. The white supremacist threat will probably see them get a sizeable bump in funding.

>works been cancelled for me anyway
So you've got no excuse for being a weak faggot then.

no ones gonna care about your gold when food and water run out because of global supply chain disruption I'd rather a bottle of water over an ounce of (((gold)))


>24 million
outdated figures there mate, looks like you missed the 6 million that came in the last few years.

you're unaustralian

local coles and woolworths have been completely stripped empty, aged boomers on suicide watch!

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>when food and water run out because of global supply chain disruptio
Australia can feed itself pretty comfily.

And you're gonna be the first cunt to get rolled when shit really hits the fan.

bahahahahaha that picture is too funny

Q+A is unironically based. It is only thanks to Q+A that I learned that some people feel that our culture is being diluted from multiculturalism.

I don't think we're food independent unless you can provide me a source? Pretty sure our farmlands are in severe irreparable drought and have been for a long time

You feel good about taking food from white kids? Over literally nothing

come try it cunt I dare ya

>fined for not isolating
If you don't get tested you can't be asked to isolate.

Guessing your ancestors were the rapists.

Victoria has run out test kits, thousands infected:

>100% independent
No, but we can sustain ourselves. Green is 100% aussie sourced.

Cunt, you're gonna get fucked in the arse quicker than you can say
>i dare you
Survival of the fittest mate. All these alcoholic pooftas are gonna get a nasty surprise when shtf and chad comes to take all their shit.

Yeah but your doctor refers you to get tested user

Vege is a bit better

Noooo my heckin 750 dollarinoes will be worthless

you do realise no one wins in a knife fight right? most people will have knives unless you're some kinda crim and of course the knives will be used to cooking haha

>mfw it's only 2pm in the west
I did my grocery shopping this morning, contacted my new employer to ask when I may be getting some shifts. I worked on doing my tax for a bit, did some shitposting, now I'm having a couple of drinks with some smoked almonds and a bit more shitposting

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the plan was retarded - almost certainly supplied ready made to some retard
>jews come tell us white men are a problem
>next minit
>white man going to blow up substation
>totally legit you guise!

checked and comfy

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>you do realise no one wins in a knife fight right?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, mate.

>Survival of the fittest mate. All these alcoholic pooftas are gonna get a nasty surprise when shtf and chad comes to take all their shit.
Mate if shit really hits the fan the roving gangs of tradies will inherit the country. Modified circular saw or nail gun. Either that or some foreign land will see a juicy target and fuck us all.

BASED post

paper "metal" jews decoupling what you can sell your pms for from what it costs to buy them.
>no gold or silver available for delivery until may
the metals are really up in the hundreds of thousands per ounce at the moment.

>Mate if shit really hits the fan the roving gangs of tradies will inherit the country.
True this. But not your poofta tradies like sparkies or plumbers, those weak faggots will be first on the list to get rolled.

This I am training in Filipino martial arts and did old school kenjutsu before that. The winner is the one only dribbling blood not spurting it. There is reason most historic sword/blade duels involves both parties dying.

WA is based as fuck

>#BREAKING: The WA Government has frozen all household fees and charges including electricity, water, public transport fares and motor vehicle charges.

/Notoolbelt/ fags gonna get justed while us tradies steal all their supplies at drill point

Meth addicted tradies aren't going to inherit anything other than pure madness when the meth dries up completely

especially if you make them into spears for sticking boars when you go hunting in minecraft of course

>mfw I just fucking paid for 3 months of rego

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don't go to the doctor. duh.

Meth is for bricklayers

Are these gel blasters? If not where on Earth did he source these apparently controlled firearms?

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