Canada Coronavirus Pandemic Thread #3


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nigger roll

Thornhill non-kike reporting in (again)

I don't think i'm going to sleep at all tonight I want out of Hamilton right now

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Kelowna had it's first revealed case, westjet passenger tested positive for Wuhan Flu. Who knows how many people this chink contacted with.

Thornhill Russki - Kike reporting in again

Any other Vancouver Island fags?



The pandemic is activating the disgust reflex in normies that has been suppressed by generations of multiculti brainwashing designed to brainwash them into accepting the foreign aliens into their land.

Start casually mentioning in conversations with normies that IMMIGRANTS are spreading disease to Canada. Then say that it is the open borders insanity of our incompetent government that has caused this to happen.


Tell them that this multicultural experiment could potentially cost them or their parents/grandparents their lives. I have seen normies almost instantly become racist after realizing this.

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It's just a flu bro

Unironically agree with the Wuhan bioweapon angle.

Oy Blyat!

Have you been to Promenade lately? That mall is already dead on a busy day so Im curious what its like now.


Take care of your family, if you don't have one - go meet those people in your neighborhood you never talked to and take care of them if you can and if you get good vibes from them. We will only pull through if we take care of each other. If you prepped for a year for yourself, don't be heartless. Eventually you will restock, so take care of your fellow man. If you have family in the country, go and be with them and ride the storm with those you can trust. If you have a family cottage, go to your family cottage. If you are working from home, work from home as far away from the city as you can but most importantly don't just do it for yourself. You are just as worthless in a cabin by yourself as you are dead, be of worth to your community however small and wherever it is. That's what being Canadian is about, and that is why we will get through this.

God forbid, I started prepping 2 months ago brother...

Are we gonna get locked down? I'm supposed to move to Winnipeg next month, already got half my shit packed into boxes.

This shit is gonna crash the economy. All casinos in Ontario and BC are closing down. They employ thousands of people. How are the workers supposed to get by without getting paid for an indefinite period? It's gonna be a massacre, especially when other industries follow.

Reporting. The fact we're on an island doesn't seem to change anything.

Edmonton reporting in.

You're unironically a retard


It's over for me bros. Hold me.

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I'm gonna try and grab some stuff at wal mart as soon as it opens (which is about 5 hours from now). I've already done a bit of prepping in terms of medicine and some food, but I need more. Gonna get a 24 pack of water bottles, some more soup, some disinfectant, and maybe some toilet paper. I already have 22 rolls, but an extra pack shouldn't hurt. What else should I get?

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Fat grandstanding paki faggot mayor declares state of emergency. Closes local libraries and pools.

Cringe and CCP pilled.

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I'd hold you, but then we'd spread the disease. I'm also in Kelowna I plan to stay indoors as much as possible. Expect a big jump in cases since the faggot was on a plane.

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Hello CSIS.

Bleach faggot.

Vitamin C

HOOOOOEEEEY! Almost 100 case update for leafland. It's taking off now.

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what if your neighbors barely speak english. you gonna give your last luxury soup can to muhammad ademinijad to feed to his pregnant wife?

The rake

But was it a bio weapon when they stole it and they were just trying to find a vaccine or did they turn it into one? I don't think we'll ever know and the media its telling us that the Edmonton Lab had nothing to do with the Wuhan one as far as the C-19 is concerned.

Do you realize how little it matters whether or not it's a bioweapon. Tying yourself in knots instead of remaining calm and prepared is fucking retarded.

>CSIS wants you anons to remind their family and friends that mass immigration is the cause of this pandemic in order to undermine faith in our corrupt government
ok retard

Go to superstore and just steal half the shit in your cart by not scanning it the self scan. It's pandemic pricing time user.

Well they can fuck off I said Canadian didn't I

I highly doubt any of that will be available, user. Good luck. The pastebin infodump in /cvg/ threads has a prepping guide

Victoria here

So far no reports but that might just be Helps covering things up so people don't panic.

Hey there buddies, how’s it going back home, eh?

Should've mentioned I've already got a decent amount of vitamin C, E, Omega 3 tablets, and D.

What is bleach good for?

Yeah and they said everyone disembarked into the community. Any of you guys seen badly cleaned out shelves here besides the Lake Country story?
I saw empty pasta and beans at Downtown safeway but that was pretty much it.

Oh. Alright. Carry on then.

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Here. Now stop being geh. Use soap, have supplies, don't go outside. Wait til everything is back to normal. You'll be fine.

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One billion in suport leafbuks has been promised but the actual details are beyond my knowledge.

Vancouver fag we never stoop a chance

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I'm not saying they stole it from our lab.

I'm just saying they're thieving unethical chinks. If they are stealing research you don't think they're developing and researching bioweapons?


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Ayyy Campbell here, go to NIC in the morning y/n?

Leaning no

I work in Whistler, shit has really hit the fan here. Everyone is going to be out of work here, and no one has any savings, house shares of 10 and people are still going out clubbing.

I work in construction so good for work and luckily I live in a trailer by myself. How long is this shit going to last for.

Winnipeg Reporting in.

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any user bros in durham region wanna cuddle n game during these hard times. no toronto fags

I'm in Pen. Walmart is pretty bare foodwise, cleaning supplies were completely drained. People are bitchy and sour. This is a tiny, gang ridden town so I anticipate maximum happening real fucking quick. I'm going over to my parents within the next couple of days to defend.

there's still paper products at walmart
when is it gonna happen

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Skookum bud, this shit's a fuckin gong show only thing thing to do is kick back with a two-four and watch the fireworks, eh?

I have literally never been more stressed than I am right now.

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Cheaper and more effective than the disinfectant. If you’re worried about hand sanitizer grab some aloe gel and iso propyl.

nigga get out

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You can make a sanitizer from it and also purify water with it.
8 drops per gallon to purify water
1000/1 for sanitizer. I'd add more.

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We're definitely all incubating it right now.

Not in Toronto so it hasn't gone out of control here yet. It will in a few days though.

Normies freeze up any time you go that hard against immigration. Rather than hammer home immigration, hammer home the fact that the government was too incompetent to enact more aggressive containment procedures ala just locking shit down and heavily, heavily reducing air traffic. And add in that for the longest fucking time, the media failed to report how serious this was.

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I work at the airport and I got in shit with my boss for refusing to do a flight that had suspected Corona Chan carriers on it. Fuck this faggot country and the chinks who ruined it by being the disease that they are.

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Imagine what will happen when the virus mutates.

Good luck.

Stay good to each other. Stay vigilant. Leafs strong together.

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checked and also Winnipeg

Honestly you're probably good to go, upisland's probably going to be totally untouched. It's all just old fucks who never travel and rednecks who've never set foot off the island.


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Superstore is totally wiped out. I didn't get to see Walmart. The dollar stores still seem to have things here in Kelowna. Rutland dollar stores that is.

>don't bring up immigration with your family and friends
okay CSIS

My sister's living in downtown vancouver right now and I'm so fucking worried for her.

We're all just going to be blown away by a leaf blower once the rake is done with us.

From what I've heard, other than portability, hand sanitizer is not nearly as effective as soap and water. But I'll grab some aloe gel and iso propyl.

Kitchener reporting in.

Enjoy your last night of peace, lads. We're venturing into territory that humanity hasn't tread in nearly a century. This is historic. You will tell your grandkids of this.

Godspeed to everybody in this thread. I hope we all make it out alright.

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everyone better be making sure everything works properly. I am talking vehicles, generators, pumps, household shit. Weapons too. Get cleaning those shotguns, SKS's.

Any other hamiltonians here? I’ve been going to gym non stop and probably won’t stop so I’m probably going to get it won’t I

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I see, thanks.

i remember reading about how TB and Spanish flu went for us, were not ready for it, not mentally and material wise. We are going to be in for hard times.

I legitimately want almost everyone in this country to either die or become poor. A few of you might be alright, collateral damage. If you live here and don't recognize that i'm right, I want you dead as well anyway.

Montrealer currently in Mexico for travel and latinas prostitutes (and also spending time with my retired parents)
I've been here for a week and it's unreal how things evolved. I mean things here are chill as fuck but I'm staying with a bunch of 50-75 y-o retired canadians that spend the whole winter here at this condo complex. Most of them are very stressed out, but used to play it off like "meh, it's just the flu... calm down lmao". However more and more people started to book early flights and now they will be mostly all leaving within a few days, some of them paying huge premium for a quick flight. I'm pretty sure boomers laugh it off because deep down they are scared, knowing it's mainly lethal to old people. Like they gather at the pool and are on their cell phones 24/7, basically on facebook and reading out loud recent events

Anyway my flight is in 10 days and I hope I'll be able to get home without too much trouble. Thanks for reading my blog and take care fellow leafs

Oh and Puerto Vallarta (Mexico) is pretty chill about the whole thing. You wouldnt know coronavirus was even a thing if you didnt check the internet. Nice thin latinas with big nice culos as well

of course it does. assuming this isn't literally the end of the world, I would appreciate some changes once we start moving out of this.

I appreciate the thought but I'm not going to live through this with a metal baseball bat.

It’s okay friend let it pass through you

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Just stockpile car batteries. I heard from a Californicator that people have installed them in their homes to keep things on during the mandatory outages.

They will all be closed tomorrow.

Been carrying a non-leaking little spray pump bottle with me when going out in public for the past week, with 95% water, 5% bleach. Spritz it on my hand and rub hands together whenever there's a questionable surface contacted, but generally I just avoid touching stuff where possible. Gloves while in the grocery store, nitrile, and spray those down with the bleach solution once outside the store. Apparently bleach is the best bet. Not pleasant to breathe, but an effective solution outdoors.


When the crackheads catch wind, they'll be gone too and it'll probably be less friendly than a purchase

Zohar, is that you???

>I don't think we'll ever know

We'll probably know 30-50 years later when a future equivalent to pic related writes a tell-all book about it.

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> chicken drumstick
> $8.80/kg
the meme is real, canada has fallen
99c/lb here

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Checked and good luck.

this week is gunna be nuts, I fully expect shit to pop off tomorrow

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there's a doctor that comes into my work and all he's been talking about this past month is how everyone is gonna get the virus and 600,000 leafs are gonna get the rake.

hard times will be good for us

Only the strong will survive

Oh no, not the gamblerinos!

Link? I couldn't find it in the current /cvg/ thread.

That's actually cheaper than what we had here before the coronavirus.

done that already for my house because we have random black outs from trees on powerlines all the time.

Rutland doesn't really have that reputation anymore. It's been taken over by Indians. Still some degenerates here and there, but mostly Indians up here. I miss the old crack head days at least they spoke English.

look again. MORE INFO part.

WOOP WOOP University and schools are closed! Time to teach the kids the fire arms "101" basics.