Are boomers trying to get us all killed?

Are boomers trying to get us all killed?

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Boomers have a fucking death wish. This has been known for decades.

>End government control over our lives
>Go to school

He's right and you know that

He's right you fucking pussies

they just don't want to watch their grandkids.

Theyre just trying to save their asses a little longer by destroying the world around them. This is nothing new.

If you ignore all the stuff Yas Forums made up you would realise if you are under 60 and don't have a health condition you are fine

the corona virus picks on the usual flu victims but its just a little harder and is easlily spread

people are acting like its the zombie apocalypse, I have seen some retarded shit irl and its from the usual low IQ people but everyone else has been acting sane

Its just the flu, take normal flu precautions

Just retards fell for this histerical nonsense
boomers lived a lot and instinctively know that these shits don't happen as CNN wants to paint
(Incredible is to get here and see the board agreeing with MSM)

>Incredible is to get here and see the board agreeing with MSM
Its the new normal

It’s their funeral

these people follow trump on his every word and his initial response originated this not shitting on trump but he was WAY too dismissive of this at the beginning

Not really. He is actually incredibly retarded and so are you. I voted for Trump and even I can see that this virus can only be stopped with totalitarian measures. But ideally those totalitarian measures should have taken place 2 months ago. So now at best it is an attempt to prevent everyone from getting sick all at once and overwhelming the health system.

Also fuck anyone who defends modern day globohomo capitalism. Coronachan is fucking based and redpilled for bringing an end to International Jewry capitalism.

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I'm not sure what the elites are going to do when they're gone. They were the perfect golem.

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This is 100% an information campaign trying to make the spread of the virus worse in America. Probably Russia, China, or literally any country with a functioning government trying to undermine us.

>pls gib ventilators

do you really fall into your govt's propaganda that it's just a flu for young people in order to save the economy crash, BRitAINLET?

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A perfectly healthy 32 year old died in Switzerland the other day, the Chinese doctor was 34 and died, this Chinese nurse was 28 and died (pic related), a 23 year old soccer player died in Iran, a 26 year old nurse died in Iran, etc...

No young people are dying in Italy because they get absolute priority, they’re not treating old people to treat hordes of young adults with severe pneumonia.

Stop the dumbass bullshit about “only old people”

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"Lol, pussies, you just can't handle the flu!"
"Wait! (COUGH) It's not the flu!!! (COUGH, COUGH, WHEEZE) What do you mean the hospital has no beds??!? I can't breathe! What so you mean there are no extra oxygen tanks and ventilators! THIS IS AMERICA! THESE COLORS DON'T RUN! (Dies)"
This. Fuck Boomers.

Most are shills, and bots, notice most bots only respond how their programmer think is talked around here and how Jews want the attitude to be around here ; "shut up boomer, die already boomer, fuck you filthy kike, who wants any sort of union with none whites to fight the jews , exterminate none whites now!" etc etc etc they never seem to really respond , then the obvious shill that loves to push the msm narrative but with a hint of doubt, as in to trick any new lurkers or the weak of mind that are easily convinced : "I mean guys I don't even know what to believe now , dead bodys are stacked up in the hallways of my apartment building, they aren't crisis actors , I knew these people and they were healthy and mid 40s " etcetcetcetcetc

You should shit on him. He just said today that the virus is under control, yet his point man for this, Fauci, refutes this every time he speaks. Trump can’t get on message with response team; he basically undermines them non-stop. He’s constantly bungling this. Meme president is fun and all in relative calm, but he’s so woefully incompetent.

Bullshit. Am currently dealing with Boomer in-laws at an epicenter that think it’s totes cool to go out to get BEANS even though their governor said all over 65 should self isolate. One of these two just got done chemotherapy. All Boomers are fucking idiots.

Boomers getting each other killed In a pandemic out of sheer entitlement would be an amazing end to a generation

Found the shill/bot

They'll have to pander to Bernie's commie kids, who all hate them now due to trying to push creepy uncle joe on them.

Not sure what they do, become fake commies who are still neoliberals but with socialist aesthetics?

People spreading such misinformation, especially with big followings should either be imprisoned or fined.

Niggers like him are a reason we need to go into lock-down in the first place.

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>A perfectly healthy 32 year old died in Switzerland the other day, the Chinese doctor was 34 and died, this Chinese nurse was 28 and died (pic related), a 23 year old soccer player died in Iran, a 26 year old nurse died in Iran, etc...
Show race of all dead and infected.

>He just said today that the virus is under control
didnt knew this...madman then again hillary won popular vote and red states are more sparsely populated so he might be playing 4D no gravity chess to get the ones who oppose him killed

>Less impact than H1N1
>Act like it's the plague
Current recovered is about half the tested cases globally, nearly equal in China, it's already peaked.

What am I shilling fuck face? Yas Forumstards are the least dangerous group anyway. You fuckers don't leave your house as it is.

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you have a 16 yo marathon runner intubated in france I think

Donald Trump is shit tier president that let us get infected by this
>The one time Donny doesn't advocate closing the borders SAD!

All it took was 4 pixels mang!

this should turns things up a bit...

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He banned travel to China and Europe though

And you know that triggers the boomers so what do

Look into all of this

Bill Gates
The Club of Rome
Event 201
Agenda 2030 aka Agenda 21
Administer flu shot
create mass panic

Can flu shots cause the flu?


The flu shot is made from dead viruses and cannot "give" you the flu. However, the vaccine can trigger an immune response from your body, so you may have a few mild symptoms, like achy muscles or a low-grade fever.

The nasal flu vaccine, FluMist, is made with a weakened live flu virus. It also cannot give you the flu, but is more likely to cause symptoms such as achy muscles or a low fever. It's recommended as an option only for non-pregnant, healthy people between the ages of 2 and 49.

From: Top 10 Questions About the Flu WebMD Medical Reference
Sources |

Reviewed by Melinda Ratini on January 2, 2019

Yeah...and a bunch of people died at Sandy hook too lol. Does anyone really believe any of this Jew Bullshit? Because the (((TV))) or a (((Website))) said so its gospel? This shit is a greater hoax than 9-11. And the Jew laughs. "Silly Goyim"

Wait, I though the Q tards (aka boomers) thought this was some super secret op being ran under the cover of a viral outbreak. Can boomers not make up their minds?

What Gates said is correct.

I'm down for you retards to go out and get sick, test the waters ,and when the bodies start piling up in the streets, I'll know it wasn't fake

>everything’s a hoax

The mind of child.

>I can't breathe
This is normal though if you live in Colorado.

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I hope they resist. I want them to all get it so that when the election comes around they lose in a landslide and we can finally take over this country.

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>this is an exploitation of a crisis
the fuck you mean?

source on all of that

My cousin was at Sandy Hook

David A. Clarke kills children for fun

Boomers are notoriously stupid and selfish with an attitude like they're invincible, like their actions have no negative consequences for them. Fuck everyone else I gots mine!

race? health history? don’t bother posting without hard data

stupid fucking brazillian and your dumbass fucking president who can't even keep himself quarantined. when all you retards are crying for help I hope the government welds you into your room and refuses to give you food or aid.

>Hue logic
Checks out.

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>Are boomers trying to get us all killed?
No, they want to fuck the other generations one last time by tanking the economy, causing hysteria, and buying up all the shit paper before committing suicide through Corona, which will give them enough time to watch the world burn around them while they drown in their fluids with smiles on their faces.

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A perfect end to a perfectly despicable generation.

This idiot mother fucker

We needed to shut everything down weeks ago. Close all borders, ground all flights. Lock the country down and brace.

They've fucked us all.

>low IQ hue-monkey thinks he knows anything

enjoy the AIDS

it basically only kills people above 65 in serious numbers, so no. they're just trying to kill themselves, which is based as fuck

But I don't give a fuck about any of these businesses

>A perfectly healthy 32 year old died in Switzerland the other day

Need a source, boss.

>don't hate Israel for not releasing the vaccine
>hate yourselves
Sounds like a typical day in a judeo-capitalist paradise to me.

>wearing a stupid hat unironically
>a shurriff
>having Jr. in his name
>caps locking the shit out of your message
>muh capitalism

Yeah, no

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Easily the most insane post I've seen this time. I can't understand how someone who calls themselves right-wing can be this flippant when it comes to disease and contagion. Sick to my fuckin stomach I'll be honest

Looks like his tweet got deleted. I can still see the remnant of it cached on Google from 8 hours ago.

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That is one dumb fucking nigger

If you die you die. Fuck it. Stop being a pussy. You eat life ornit eats you.

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This guy is a former Sheriff. He is subtly signally that cops won't enforce this bullshit. What are they going to do? Fine the business that is going to make a shitload of the stay open? Any good lawyer will win the case after anyway. This is unconstitutional except during times of war. If these fucks want to press their luck people should march on the respective capitals and carry the faggot out and hang him from the flag pole. Its been too long anyhow.

miami user here. stocked up on a few months of food, good chunk of ammo, and shacked up with the gf. dont have any plans to leave for weeks since i work from home

I want to make a new thread, where I kill myself. I've had enough of fags

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Eh, I'm not worried about coronavirus at all since in worst case scenario I get few weeks of sick leave. But if boomers want to get themselves infected and killed through their relatives or customer service workers, then who am I to stop them?

Boomers are just pissed this is destroying their 401k's. They are ALWAYS motivated by self-interest.