Communism won. Why the fuck is he getting shamed for being smart?
Communism won. Why the fuck is he getting shamed for being smart?
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Because people are jealous of him being opportunistic and potentially making money. He didn't do anything wrong.
>cause panic by buying specific goods that literally won't help you survive
>mad when nobody buys your shit cause you're a dick
everyone involved is retarded, but especially prepper-hoarder types.
This is how it starts. Next its "HE DOESNT NEED ALL THAT FOOD/GAS/AMMO"
>be smart person
>prepare for hard times
>be stupid person
>don't prepare for hard times
>instead take what the smart person has
His state has anti price gouging laws i think he offered the donation before he was sued, the AG office is just there making sure he follow though with it
He's not being smart, his state has no price gouging.
No they seized it lol
Raider chads WW@?
when he is literally buying out the entire inventory of multiple retailers its either this or people kill him and steal all the stuff.
Why even agree to the interview?
Because being jewish should be outlawed. That's a good first step.
>facilitating donations
you mean seizing, LMAO
then they take your GUNS
>hoarder gets raided
>tries to relate it to communism
You Berniefags are so fucking retarded, I don't know how you even manage to tie your shoes in the morning. Must be slip-ons.
he probably thought people would sympathize with him
yeah not only that he's literally the reason the stock is out.
>make things hard to find by scavenging while others are working
>hahaha! now I'm you're savior everyone will love me when I make a profit and save the town
yeah uh no you're just an asshole panic buying faggot lol
>muh prep
Being smart? Doing the literally the oldest trick in the book, every goddamn situation there is always an asshole that does this just for personal profit capitalism is about producing not hoarding they should atleast pay him what he payed for that and a bit for transportation then slap him on the back of the head with a stick
Nah fuck off with that, the stores offered it for sale, he bought it with cash, it is his property. He should have started shooting at those miserable cunts when they took his property. Anybody that tries to raid him for his shit should be shot. This is the agreement we make with the State. We pay them exorbitant taxes and they protect us from physical threats. If they are unwilling to hold up their end of the deal we are under no obligation to hold up ours.
Yas Forums propagating something that is fake and gay again. Shocking
>Americans actually think they're free and not cattle
>All the coping in this thread justifying theft by the state
LMAO. LMAOing at your life.
>let the world know you hoard
Pick One
Rule number 1 of Hoard Club, never talk about Hoard Club
No it's because it's a scummy thing to do to profit off of people's fears and paranoia. There's a reason why there are price gouging laws.
>buying up resources from local small communities and selling them to rich idiots thousands of miles away thus making sure that the local people can't what they need
GEE I WONDER WHAT THIS REMINDS ME OF. Don't even start defending this kind of kikery. this man should be hung.
ah yeah he did nothing wrong by buying large amounts of shit and overinflate them while people are in need
honestly you are whats wrong with this planet
He bought the stuff long before there was a shortage and before there was limits on it, he didn't go out and buy it with the intention of denying other people. Reselling stuff smartly is how he makes money
Now he's an easy target because he has a brain and retards don't like that. Like you. Shit eating communist.
>Why the fuck is he getting shamed for being smart?
smart means to know your limits.National emergency means they can do wjatever they want really doesn't matter what me or you think.if you still think that today in your town or my town is like a week before you are dumv.
soon there will be rationing and with it blackmarkets
what fucking degenerate goons
imagine capitulating to that nonsense
spell it out if need be to each and every thoughtless moron who thinks you're the devil for buying fucking hand sanitizer why they're ill in the brain
Stop being an idiot user this whole system is based on fearporn, they just hate competition
Are they at least paying him market value or are they just stealing from this entrepreneur?
Price gouging isn't a real crime, you retarded boot licker.
they'll restock, and they'll restock with much higher prices to reflect the absurd demand - which is what that guy is doing; matching prices to the demand
plenty of jews itt already doing that
>>don't prepare for hard times
>>instead take what the smart person has
Who is the one winning in the end?
imagine buying goods at a lower price than makes sense given the demand for a certain good and then being told by completely unrelated parties that you performed an injustice
if you're stupid enough to be in a panic to buy that shit then the prices are going to reflect your idiocy
what is wrong about buying something and then reselling it to people who want it more
It is very curious to see this, it is exactly what the elites want to do on a global scale, humiliate everyone and create false scarcity, within a month everyone will be prostituting themselves to eat, mark my words
If people were consistent and didn’t buy this crap they would keep the stuffed products, would the government compensate the losses? Obviously not, why then do you want to meddle when they are profiting?
Liberalism 101
If I ever agree to be interviewed by fake news its because I plan on beating up the reporter and cameraman
>long before
by long before you mean 5 days since you know he has a twitter account on which proudly he went on saying that he bought stuff and intents to overinflate the price
> he didn't go out and buy it with the intention of denying other people. Reselling stuff smartly is how he makes money
he literally admits that he was selling them ten times more expensive but hey its all good and shit
>Now he's an easy target because he has a brain and retards don't like that. Like you. Shit eating communist.
bastards that go out of their way on a national emergency and scam people out arent smart they deserve what will come to them
It’s ridiculous they shamed him instead of the convicted pedophile doing it in Canada
Manny Ranga, Mandeep Ranga
Well then maybe people should be better prepared in the first place so they wouldn't panic buy at exorbitant prices. All he's doing is offering something that people want. The increased price is what they pay for being unprepared.
nah, only the muh profit jews get btfo. they dont know who has stockpiles unless they're advertising
>world collapsing
I did this with deenz
"The prices of the hand sanitizer at the retailers didn't reflect what it would be worth to people over the next couple of days/weeks. Rather than making people play the lottery with whether or not they were the first ones to get to the retailers and buy it at a lower price than the market could supply, I bought them with the intent of selling them to the people who would want them the most."
Fuck off kike.
While I dont agree with forcing him to not resell, capitalism without proper ethics is, well, a net harm on the community.
You shouldn't price gouge or resell basic supplies during a pandemic, that is evil.
the price of hand sanitizer will go up at all retailers
is that the suppliers "jewing you"?
why is it, do you think, that goods in high demand see their prices rise?
t. jew
>by long before you mean 5 days since you know he has a twitter account on which proudly he went on saying that he bought stuff and intents to overinflate the price
They took the risk of possibly not being able to sell, bet on the stupidity of others and got it right, no crime so far
>he literally admits that he was selling them ten times more expensive but hey its all good and shit
This is how business works
>bastards that go out of their way on a national emergency and scam people out arent smart they deserve what will come to them
I wanted to see that enthusiasm fighting against the government, which is the biggest extortion scheme of all time
store shelves will be stocked with hand sanitizer and toilet paper at much higher prices over the next couple weeks
is that unpatriotic of the sellers to increase their prices as a consequence of retard-demand?
and now there's a Jewish tripfag, nice
You're just economically illiterate. It's okay, you'll take an economics course in 9th grade, sport.
>why is it, do you think, that goods in high demand see their prices rise?
If you buy my entire city's stock of food, I am going to go to your house and kill you. The government is trying to prevent people like me from killing people like you.
Thats as stupid as his shitty opsec
He's not ass raping anyone, he is selling a non-essential product at fair market value after buying it at fair market value, yet here you are whining about it like a little faggot.
Really, it's pathetic when you had no issue with the store selling the sanitizer to him. You had no issue with the boomers buying up a year supply of toilet paper, Lysol wipes, and food, yet you're whining about this.
This is literally not happening because the trump admin made big retailers come to an understanding that raising prices is not a good idea.
>it's illegal to stock up goods
raid amazon and walmart warehouses and I'll agree with you
Because the dumb fuck's amazon account got shut down and he thought that he could garner support and sympathy from the masses cuz "muh family business"
He must be autistic or something. No one can possibly lack so much self-awareness in a normal mindset.
You're just ethically bankrupt. It's ok, you'll find Jesus eventually, "sport."
You have no idea what I whine about you faggot leaf, rake yourself.
At least you're taking responsibility for being a retard and doing it yourself rather than getting the goons in government to do the dirty work for you.
Just shut the fuck up you empathy-lacking autist. People like you should be exiled from society.
I would dab on whitoids for this but this are some extreme commie tactics. Jesus.
They could also accuse the manufacturers of this product of creating a disorderly demand in step with the government, since this hysteria is a completely mounted fraud.
No market is raided because it charges "too high" prices for bums
>He bought the stuff long before there was a shortage
Are you retarded? He literally admits to hoarding all of this in the midst of the outbreak.
HA! Food for thee and not for me? We shall see. We shall see...
>during a fucking pandemic
So you are retarded. Good to know.
>Why the fuck is he getting shamed for being smart?
>He didn't do anything wrong.
Spotted the jews. Vulture capitalists should be executed after a public trial :)
The website he was using to sell banned him, people were happy to buy at the rates he sold bc there was a panic. Fuck off Communist shill
>You have no idea what I whine about you faggot leaf, rake yourself.
>nothing wrong with acting like a kike!
>This is literally not happening because the trump admin made big retailers come to an understanding that raising prices is not a good idea
please source that
that would be fucking degenerate, so threaten people over raising prices where there is obviously demand for it - if you don't allow for price increases then suppliers lose incentives to increase their supply to actually meet demand and you end up with lottery/rationing nonsense because you created an artificial scarcity through thug-like moronic policies
>prepper-hoarder types
A true prepper would never resell. Completely different mentality in operation.
He fell for it
I don't think he was smart. He was just less stupid than the idiots that panic bought hand sanitizer and not soap or rubbing alcohol in the first place. Hand Sanitizer isn't gold; his margins come entirely from hoping there's not a corporate restock before he pushes all of his product. It was a phenomenally stupid idea. I don't know if he made a profit, but if he did, he should thank God for that and take the L on being shat on by Twitter nobodies, because he could've very easily bought all that shit and had not a single sale.
dude. if you're happy to buy hand sanitizer and paper towels for your asshole at an upcharge from a preptard faggot then you are a flaming fucking retard - FUCK YOU
those things won't even help you faggot
Shut the fuck up mutt.
>A true prepper would never resell. Completely different mentality in operation.
it's hand sanitizer and paper for your asshole
there is no reason to have this stuff, the best you can do is make a profit (pro-tip this makes you a retard also)
>Oy vey, you can't do that, that's anti-Semitic to keep us from performing Jewish tricks
Go away schlomo
It's literally non-essential, you faggot toothpaste. You can maintain hand cleanliness without it. The vast majority of people didn't use it before the Coronavirus outbreak.
Imagine being such a faggot that you're justifying theft by the state so boomers don't have to pay $20 more for something. It's another holocaust.
ill buy every water treatment plant in the states, lets see how long it would take for you to beg me for even a sip out of our great lakes
>price gouging isn't a real crime
Neither is theft, there now we're even.
>Why the fuck is he getting shamed for being smart?
Only Israelis are allowed to be smart.
Why is it communism specifically? This has happened with the state since long before communism was a thing.
Whiter than you Van der Nigger
t. some pussy with seven posts unironically calling people jews while he literally cries about hand sanitizer.
>Mutts cheering on Jewish behavior
Great lakes are ours you faggot Frog.
quintessential jew, muh profit before community.
you are a parasite.
His rights to ownership ends where my ability to acquire it begins.
Greatest irony is that he depended on the very same rule of law and its enforcers that decided to use its power to seize it.
>b-but that's theft
So is tax, but the big man with the stick says it isn't. So what are you gonna do about it?
not enough of a good will be produced to meet demand if prices can't go up as demand skyrockets
you have negative IQ
Funny how you use holocaust memes when you're the biggest Jew in this thread.
That's the business model of the insurance, pharmaceutical and medical industries.
Maximum kvetching
>Shows his stash to the world openly
Only do that to nonessentials so big gov won't liberate your shit and only when you're sure niggers can't track you down and loot your goods
Yes but he didn't buy entire stock of sanitizerino.
does a person owe you them not buying a good from someone selling it
if one guy buys out all my hotdogs at a hotdog stand and you come by wanting to buy a hotdog, is the guy who bought them a villain?
negative IQ
>They took the risk of possibly not being able to sell, bet on the stupidity of others and got it right, no crime so far
>no crime so far
it amazes me how i can find out shit about u.s law system that is a clusterfuck and proves me right
and people continue to say that he hasnt commited any crime
id like to see you try nigger
Pay taxes to support your refugees and shut up Van der Nigger
Yas Forums
>only a fucking kike would talk about "MUH PROFITS" when the state and its people can benefit
also Yas Forums
>hey guys, the free market is great. it's not jewish in the slightest to buy out supplies people need to stay healthy and resell them at immoral prices!
I've seen people on Yas Forums defend student loans with 10% interest as "fair" because 17-18 year olds who never paid any taxes in their lives agreed to take a loan they would pay back in 5 years starting at 2.5% interest. In other words, usury is fine if it OWNS THE LIBS.
I know by fact people will go for "donations" only to sell
Smart prepping would be building up your stockpile gradually, months or years prior, not buying up entire stores right as shit hits the fan.
Aww, still mad I called you a mutt, mutt?
I'm sorry I hurt your mutt feelings. Accept my humble Aryan apology.
Who's really smart then cuck?
why you need that just shit on street and wipe with hand no need wash hand you embrace the poo
Yas Forums becomes extremely Jewish if it's a means to punish people they think "deserve" it by applying a frankly insane purity test
Funny how quick you are to project that I'm a Jew when you think you should be able to steal from someone if they want $20 more than you're willing to pay.
With all the hand rubbing you're doing, you don't need sanitizer anyway. The heat from the friction will kill any viruses.
he's done nothing wrong by buying a product from someone and then reselling his own property
who gives a shit what the law is - the law is monstrously evil
If I write on a piece of paper that you are a complete idiot, does that become true, Cuckopoulos?
I'd kill the entire world over a roll of toilet paper, if that toilet paper was paid for with my money and would be taken from me against my consent.
Paying? It's TAKEN.
Being an opportunist is one thing. But hoarding THAT much hand sanitizer during an actual PANDEMIC with the main goal of trying to squeeze a large profit is absolutely DEGENERATE. That is the ultimate bitch move and it also puts everyone in your community in jeopardy. Only the bottom of the barrel weirdos or sociopathic fags side with this scumbag sellout. If it gets bad enough he would’ve gotten raided regardless. I love how these peepers actually think that most raiders will be regular armed civilian nogs trying to break into their property.hoarders are the ultimate retards. What happens when the police units or National Guards units run out of resources? They raid the fuck out of all the autistic hoarders. Professionally. Or what about the actual militia factions that will form? Will they spare some faghot hoarder like this kid? Nope. Safety in numbers and civilization will never die so long as humans exist. This kid deserves a bullet. See ya in the boogaloo boys.
so accurate it hurts
>oy vey the law keeping down us gods chosen is really evil don't you think goyim
if one guy buys out all my hotdogs at a hotdog stand and you come by wanting to buy a hotdog, is the guy who bought them a villain?
negative IQ
if that guy buys a horde of them for the sole purpose of selling them to his neighbors for a multiple of what you were selling them to make a profit, then yes, that guy is parasite.
Capitalism is only okay for the already rich.
Be generous and pay your taxes on time, they are feeding many Senegalese children so that they can grow up strong and thus fertilize their daughters, ok Van der NIgger?
not very smart to let someone else take your stuff
>But hoarding THAT much hand sanitizer during an actual PANDEMIC with the main goal of trying to squeeze a large profit is absolutely DEGENERATE
is it less degenerate if whoever it is who gets the sanitizer is decided at random by whoever happens to pile into the retailers first?
is that more just than if a person who buys them sells them back to people who obviously want them enough to pay a higher price?
>a hot dog stand
Change that to every hot dog stand in the area and you have something comparable. Imagine every hot dog stand was out of hot dogs because this guy bought them all and is selling them for $100 each.
he bought masks and sanitizers during the national emergency
he literally bought his shit the day trump signed and it went into effect
therefore according to the u.s laws about civilian emergencies (ssa 1135) anti price gauging and hoarding laws are in effect
at least when you try to argue with someone living thousands of KM away from you try to research a bit your laws
its embarrassing enough to be american let alone to get scolded by someone that just uses google and reads your laws for you
(also the fucker was selling ffp masks that normally costs less than a dollar for 60-70 dollars)
i usually disagree with stealing and in this case i still do