This is hayley Williams

>this is hayley Williams
I thought the rock/punk/scene/ etc. crowds hated niggas, what happened?

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What happened is you took a look outside of your autistic bubble for once.

you thought the pop scene hated niggas?

40 years ago maybe. Rocks dead. Punks dead. Scenes gay. Country doesn’t even hate blacks anymore they all rap now.

No, even in the 00's this would never happen even in her pop punk concerts


oh shiet she gonna get that bbc

I want to lick her bussy and sniff her pale feet.

Man country music couldn’t get any more pozzed, it’s just unbelievable how stupid and non discerning the average person must be to be buying this shit.

she has fallen from grace. Paramore used to be a christian band, and now its pretty much disbanded after making shitty pop music. She does gay solo music about women empowerment and hating religion.

You know she has taken BBC on her knees

It’s all so tiresome

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>what happened?
Paramore became successful
Kike offers her record deal
That’s right her
Band is allowed to stay onboard as contracted musicians
They aren’t getting their fair share and leave
Kike hires new contract musicians
Music sucks
Shes not getting enough attention
Fucks niggers

Simple as

>I thought the rock/punk/scene/ etc. crowds hated niggas,
punk has always embraced leftism and social justice
in the 80’s skinheads tried to infiltrate and failed
in the late 90’s and very early 00’s the straight edge Boston beatdown guys tried to infiltrate hardcore and failed
now it’s just back to being progressive sissies and nobody cares about the scene anymore
I spent about ten years in the punk/hardcore scene and toured during the 04 Bush election and that’s what finally pushed me over the edge to abandon all things liberal.
the bulk of guys in the punk/hardcore scene are simps who jerk off to nigger cuck porn.

Everyone looks pretty fucking bored

Same reason why some artists become niggers.

Didn't she get popular in the first place because she had a sex tape or something? I wouldn't really call that "fall from grace"

What ended it for me was that all do these guys were anti-war and anti-government during the Bush years and then suddenly flipped and became pro-government SJW shills as soon as Obama was elected. So many punk bands that had been going hard against government just dropped off the face of the earth and shut up during the Obama administration. It proved they're all a bunch of frauds

Fat put out those two Rock Against Bush comps to raise anti-war awareness. No Rock Against Obama comps.

She divorced that emo boomerfag. God, I hope she doesn't burn the coal. Hayley is the last great white hope for me.

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Can you believe that modern day niggers are bred to be massive and muscular thanks to slavery? Europeans have fallen into decadence by comfort while the niggers toiled away and their genetics show it.

All water weight.
Ever fought a nigger before?
They're all weak as kittens.


This, 1992-2000 had no anti-government punk beyond basic anarchy shit and 80s boomers still attacking Reaganomics.

2000-2008 was a massive torrent of anti-war, anti-bush, anti-christian sentiment from the entire music industry.

2008-2016 was fucking SILENT despite the drone attacks, erosion of personal freedoms, government spying, and all of the other shit that groups attacked Bush on constantly being doubled down on by Obama, but we didn't hear a fucking thing from the punk or hardcore scenes.

>live music
Only attended by morons now, unfortunately.

what dose Hayley Williams have to do with rock/punk/scene?

>I thought the rock/punk/scene/ etc. crowds hated niggas, what happened?
Bad Brains happened. Leftism happened.
Being right is the new punk.

No, she was popular because millennials worshipped the scene and that music back then. Warped Tour was the shit back in the day and you were a "loser" for not going


I still remember seeing Dillinger 4 in 2008 and the fat guy singer
I knew it was over then.


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>Being right is the new punk.
Dream on

>I thought my favourite jewish subversion was better than this!
All media, music, toys, movies, cartoons, videogames, comics and even anime are designed to make society worse and turn the populace into obedient cattle, it has been like that at very least since the early 20th century
Go fuck yourselves in the face you naive fucks

Grow up.

billy talent is still kicking

I used to go to warped tour to crowdkill scene faggots and trip kids in circle pits

Based Hun laying it down as it is

>even anime

You take that back nigger my chinese cartoons are pure

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God almighty do I hate niggers (though still not as much as turbo-kikes)...

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>billy talent
As long as there's room temperature IQ teenage girls Billy talent is gonna be kicking. Not that their music is worth anything.

Shrink down, faggot.

Also, dial 8.

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There was a manga about Hitler's life so the Israeli ambassador to Japan made a single phone call to the publisher and the series was cancelled. If anime wasn't harmful they would not let it exist
Plus you are posting a screenshot from a series that promotes pedophilia

>hayley williams

nigga what the fuck are you smoking, she's pop/emo like evanescence.

The only thing remotely punk about her is she wears ratty ass oversized clothing and dyes her hair retarded colours (before feminists adopted and ruined it.)

Hayley Williams is my qt waifu. In the scheme of life. She can like being around blacks. Just don't fuck them and get the 1,000 cock stare.

>20th century
try for thousands of years gypsy, it was oral propaganda since your slave ancestors couldn’t read

Anybody tell you all this is recent(past few hundred years) is a fucking liar.

I'm not reading that shit. Listening to small time punk/hardcore bands on indie labels doesn't support the Jew.

>it’s just unbelievable how stupid and non discerning the average person must be to be buying this shit
the average person is generally unintelligent, but today's comfort and decadence has exacerbated it to an absurd degree

California had a ton of white power punk bands back in the day

i mean a lot

>Listening to some gay shit instead of black metal
I hope you don't do this

You were that guy, huh? How dies it feel to mollywhop on trustfund hapas and teens

literally who?

where do you think "indie labels" get the financing to print albums and make band merch for all of their bands?

Indie labels are just pet projects for industry members to pick up the non-professional scene and keep them under control.

There are almost zero redpilled/remotely right indie bands, they either have to go without publishers/labels and pay for everything themselves, or they form their own labels that eventually get hit by a hostile merger/buyout and immediately picked clean of any value while the undesirables get the boot.

Lol his name is literally chad.

Kids in corpse paint is more ridiculous than some pop punk bands.

>listens to women
yeah, no.

What's funny is all of the hxc fags moved into the metal scene and kept the same sentiments. LARPing as big bad warriors with their angry music on stage then back to worshiping nigger dick once the performance is over. This is why I don't even listen to music anymore. It's a joke.

awww you mad you caught one of my elbows at bmth? :^)

>everything is a jewish plot
>everything is a conspiracy
Labels like Deathwish or Blood Music aren't kike pet projects.
>where do you think "indie labels" get the financing to print albums and make band merch for all of their bands?
Do you even capitalism? There are tons of great underground and/or independent artists making a product people want to pay for. And a lot of them have no outwardly agenda, right or left.
Stop acting like everything is so black and white and you're either WITH US OR WITH THEM.

Yeah the comp where Fat Kike kicked propagandhi off because they dared to bash George Soros. "Noooo, you're only supposed to attack billionaire capitalists if they don't support my pet social agendas nooooo."

Yeah I think I saw them maybe that same year.

>smiling and playing with her hair

If you see a girl doing this with another guy, its over don't bother

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>what happened?
She hit the wall.

That must have been awkward as hell

There's still a lot of good shit out there.

Sounds about right, good post and remember it’s always way worse than what is presented or what can be picked up from the pile of lies

she also stood up on her toes
she is in lust atm

Look at that guy, Chads get treated like this all the time.
She wouldn’t do that for an average black guy

Chad was/is based though because he was in Shai Hulud, a very Yas Forums band.

Look at the face of the looser band members

>Deathwish, anindependent record labelconceived byJacob BannonofConvergeand Tre McCarthy in 2000.
Both of them are jewish

Punk rock has always been strongly tied to organize labor and therefore democrats. They get super pissed when skinheads start playing music in the same genre with the same themes. This dynamic was the origin of Rose City Antifa in Portland, they started out getting trying to keep skinhead punk rock bands out of Portland venues.

Classic punk rockers and skinheads are two sides of the same coin. They both oppose capitalist authority; skinheads just go to the root and know that Jews are the greatest holders of wealth and therefore the greatest perpetrators of capitalist wrongdoing.

who the hell is hayley williams?

It's too late for me to take bait.

because the guy is a chad. you could be too if you stopped complaining about blacks all the time and spent your time being productive at the gym.

she sung the hard times tik tok song

I wonder if these singers get mad that some talentless teenager gets more recognition for simply lip syncing

to be fair, no amount of working out will make a manlet a chad

they hated him because he spoke the truth

It is.

Negative XP is getting hundreds of thousands of plays on SoundCloud and millions on YouTube. The old guard is still playing the same old shit, but nobody is making any new Punk.

You can't reconcile the cognitive dissonance necessary to support organized labor alongside the other progressive causes. It's moved away from centering around organized labor and focusing more on society being fucked up and libertarianism.

I hope this was last night and everyone catches the coof.

Putin disagrees.