PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - Deported Edition/ptg/

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/15/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on ThisWeekABC 3/15/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/15/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FtN 3/15/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on ThisWeekABC 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FoxNewsSun 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on MtP 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/15/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/14/20
>SG Adams on JudgeJeanine 3/14/20
>KAC on JudgeJeanine 3/14/20
>ThiccSarah on WattersWorld 3/14/20
>Pres Trump declares Natl State of Emergency over Corona-chan 3/13/20

OP pastebin:
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I got exhausted from coronashills by mid february and now I can't even get away from them. Every online chat, every interaction with others IRL, someone always has to be talking about it...

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Make this map possible

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imagine giving tanya a sudden heg

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Reminder that boomers are subhumans

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This bar and food service closure is fucking insane.

That one jap looking dude is gonna end up fugging her

At some point the media needs to be held accountable for inciting panic, this is outrageous

Nothing burgerers are human trash.

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I can't feel comfy predicting the electoral future anymore with this virus shit. Who knows what it means. Can only hope Trump BTFOs the plague himself and runs on it.

DEATH to the op

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Again, he's one hundred percent correct. Mandating closures is fucking outrageous beyond anyone's comprehension.

So whos biden niggress vp kamala kong or high iq maxine


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How did China do in January? Maybe we are trying to avoid that fucking nightmare?

Are we still pretending that this viral pandemic is the breakdown of everything now?

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He already did and they had four kids , oh you wasn't talking about Kelly Anne

Someone edit this to say toilet paper

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As it currently stands it's almost entirely on the Blue Ticket for damages. If the Ohio Governor hadn't been a massive faggot it would be completely on them.

She'd knock you down, to the ground. Might even shoot you. Painful.

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>Why can't your restaurant do takeout? If the food was so good people would want it anyway, and the only people who would be out is the useless waitresses.
It's a nice eat-in diner. We get take-out orders, but it doesn't come anywhere close to accounting for most of our business. You can't keep the lights on in a place like that doing just take-out. It's like my fren said last thread: it's an orchestrated play by the kikes to not only fuck up the economy, but also to make small business owners fold while fast food hums along normally, or even sees a rise in profits. I hate kikes today more than any other day before. The virus itself is a fucking nothingburger, but their actions today are going to have massive ramifications.

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be nice, he baked when no one else would

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Well China is fucked

Had to make it quick.

Why not hat both?

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Ok. I'd make the argument that it's probably wise to slow down the spread of this virus.

Animeshitting is the true mental disease of society.

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Denbts are openly attacking lefty journalists

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how was simp sanders in the debates, did he actually attack the joepedo?

If no one can sit down, why wouldn't they order takeout?

So, is a room full of pajeets calling me about fake jobs considered a gathering?

Can we suspend the work visas already?

kek. I did make this. my one and only meme.

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>catholic groyper
reminder that he is gay

I love it, public transpo isnt crowded and packed like sardines.gas price is low and im considering to learn how to drive

No, I fucked up. Did a quick and dirty work edit and just copy and pasted the OP while using a cheap Trump reaction photo from my folder. I baked out of sheer rage. The damage these Democratic cock suckers are doing is unimaginable. If Trump pulls some magic out of his hat and some how gets emergency legislation passed or an EO floating these people during the downtime it will be a miracle.

>Someone edit this to say toilet paper
500 hours in paint

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Q bros...

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>Pompeo told some 44 governors at the National Governors Association winter meeting that they are being individually analyzed by at least one Chinese government-backed think-tank on how malleable they are, and how prone to cooperate with China. And he warned governors to be cautious on everything from business deals topension fundsto theD.C. Metro system.

>“They’ve labeled each of you friendly, hardline or ambiguous,” he said, describing a report put out by the think tank last year. “I’ll let you decide where you think you belong. Someone in China already has. Many of you indeed, in the report are referenced by name.”

>Saying that China's efforts have become more methodical than ever,Pompeo told the governors to verify business inquiries and “not to make separate individual deals” with China that could “undermine national policy.”

So which Governors have ordered shutdowns?

>DiBlasio (NY)

>DeWine (OH)

>Pritzker (IL)

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you're so stupid dude

Coronavirus panic is mostly a psyop, big guy. Guessing your IQ is in the 80 range for you to consider sub-60 as the low range. Still need to prepare for civil unrest of course.

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>be nice, he baked when no one else would

Thank you for owning it but still death to you.

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every single Youtube video went from "things are REAL BAD (not going to SAY Trump but just heavily imply it)" to "wow this coronavirus eh guys!"
then they go into the normal content

just shut up and give me a distraction
if I wanted to hear the same "gosh things are bad" shit I'd turn on CNN

Thank you for baking.
Fuck these commies forcing quarantine down our throats over some bullshit COLD

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>make the argument that it's probably wise to slow down the spread of this virus.
The virus isn't dangerous enough to justify the economic harm that this will cause. We have annual pathogens that are more dangerous than this.

I know if I was a titan of industry I’d be getting the fuck out of china in many ways, these fucking diseases come every 10 years from there and its just a dice roll each time

This is the first viral pandemic we've ever had!

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It's also illegal.

The immunity is red in this area?

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Based and Redpilled.

Why is this general still here?

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2 chicks at work are speaking to each other in Chinese next to my area.

Lots need to hang soon FREN

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It's going to cause a hell of a lot more economic harm if it spreads and infects millions you dumbass

so you're saying if I were to open a restaurant after this shit passes I would be a savvy business man and would likely enjoy a level of success due to the reduced competition?

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Very illegal. Unconstitutional, in fact.

>I know if I was a titan of industry I’d be getting the fuck out of china in many ways
Why? They are proceeding as usual while their American puppet Governors are shutting down American businesses across the country.

you mean Berian? No, reds cannot get a happy ending in the same universe where a god also exists

she looked very hard to hat

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>joe pedo

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The Constitution is hanging by a string

well done lad
the lack of traffic is great

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>It's going to cause a hell of a lot more economic harm if it spreads and infects millions you dumbass
If actually killed people at the rate you retards are claiming it did it wouldn't. You have no fucking idea what it means to suspended a third of the fucking work force in the largest metropolitan areas of the country for half a goddamn month!

Because people are holed up. It's a date thing, where you take your wife or gf out for a nice night. The food is great, but it's not about that. Trust me when I say that the business model of small restaurants is an intricate and delicate thing.

>It's going to
Are you from the future? Did swine flu?

Make Israel Great Again!

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Those democrat governors are just posturing so when things get better they will claim victory (and imply it was no thanks to drumpf)

/cvg/ is actually taking coronavirus seriously

Some of us are pretending the Corona virus is real, so yes.

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The problem for your state's governor is that nobody was eating at the Chinese restaurants and that was bad for CPC interests. So they decided to level the playing field.

It was already in the US, how could it have possibly not been? Daily flights since China started talking about Corona in November you sperg
Does not justify this level of shutdown.
>Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17
If all the medias nonsense of how contagious is it is true, then we all already have and had gotten it.

Let me ask you something. Do you even know why the government is shutting down everything? It's not stop the spread of this virus. It's to prevent it from completely overwhelming out medical system. We don't have enough trained doctors, and proper equipment to handle this if it's not drastically slowed down. If our hospital system fails in a major way, that will probably cause real panic. It will also cause a depression. Not just a recession.

They are paid to argue for the "nothing burger."


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>/cvg/ is actually taking coronavirus seriously

Anything to hurt the GDP to smear Trump with.

If trump signs the new fisa act he'll be the biggest simp that ever lived.

I'm amazed our First Faggot hasn't ordered a shutdown

Heres to Boulder hippie libirals dying off when the chinks at the school infect their pet streetshitting bums

Until 2 years from now, when the government decides they don't want your business open and come and shut it down again. So why even bother starting a business when the game is so heavily jewed from the start.

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this is so 2018, plz get new material

>posturing by putting people out of work and cancelling school for the year
bold strategy

are they really? usually they are all talking about how we are all going to die and all this bullshit.

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Odd as fuck. Too weird to fake even.

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The main thing you need to "prep" for is the panic of people who go through life thinking the stores will literally always have food. "Nothing bad's gonna happen!" is the mantra of the average citizen. Simultaneously they believe Trump is going to end the world. I dunno, I can't get into cognitive dissonance.

This makes my blood boil. Fuck China.

And yet lots of establishment daresay deep-state pillars getting rung

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How is he wrong? This quarantine is completely BS. The people that should stay home are those with high risk factors, everyone else should continue their lives as normal.

miss this guy as milwaukee sheriff. milwaukee has gone to shit since he left

I have a feeling it’ll be veto proof

Adam Schiff's top quisling kike who led the 'Muh Ukraine' impeachment has Wuhan-400.
>The former House Intelligence Committee attorney who led the impeachment inquiries against President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19, he said Sunday.

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>if if if if if if if
fucking kill yourself you absolute faggot

>Those democrat governors are just posturing so when things get better they will claim victory (and imply it was no thanks to drumpf)
Best case scenario. This is unprecedented nonsense. Day of the fucking rope when

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>just posturing so when things get better they will claim victory
Ding ding ding

truth is, the goym was rigged from the start

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What do they care? As democrats that helps them. More dependents, and they cant be easily blamed since they’ll hide behind protecting people

What current year plus is juw juw cum

In Italy the hospital system is completely overwhelmed right now.
This is why boomers shouldn't be allowed to vote

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>if it spreads and infects millions
Pic related are the people in charge of your freedom right now

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That thread is 90% unmedicated schizophrenics.

Time to end these.

uhh i thought this was a meme bros?

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He shut down the fucking ski slopes like the retarded faggot he is

Take your meds schizo

All the people with chink ties are going positive the earliest. Happened to a washington democrat staffer too

tell me this is just made up bullshit

Or when nothing happens and the economy in their Democrat voting area dies for nothing they will look stupid

vegasfag here, i got one thing to do tomorrow morning then should be free assuming i dont get any new projects. what should i get pictures of? i heard mgm properties are gonna close for a couple weeks

Then he should use his full power as the head of the GOP to make sure it isn't.

Can all Democrats and some Republicans just die of corona?

Why wouldn't they be able to reopen after the ban is lifted? If it was profitable, why wouldn't it continue to be?

feels weird man

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This. Let the weak hide.

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Where does Mozumbique get $2 billion for corruption?

Is this the lady who was on Tucker? Looks like it.

It's possible.

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This is how I know you have no argument

Reminder that 5000 of those deaths at the very least were thanks to the initial Chinese vaccine, which had a high velocity lead count.

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Dead coofers to freak out panic faggots.

>Those democrat governors are just posturing so when things get better they will claim victory (and imply it was no thanks to drumpf)
I've been playing it out in my head since the statewide closures started, and he's absolutely right. In a month, when coronachan is revealed to be the nothingburger she always was, all these blue state commie goivernors are going to claim victory, saying that all of our lives were only saved by their bold and decisive actions, which were only necessary in the first place because ORANGE MAN BAD. And like 45% of the populace will gobble up the lie without a second thought. This shit needs to end.

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To be fair I don’t think those other outbreaks were as aggressively tested. I bet many died of mysterious viral pneumonia and they didnt look into it further

It shows just about every letter randomly. It's a meme. Your "evidence" is schizo.

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>The enemy has spread to this area

>female math

The enemy has spread to this area

It is. My patience with that frozen foods faggot is wearing real thin with this Corona shit.

Imagine November when all the elite, world jet setting class drop dead from Wuhuping Cough?

Yes,that cuck had her on spewing the same shit.

>why would losing a month or more of income be bad
Go to bed, kid. You have school tomor- oh wait

He’s only the head in public. There’s a subcaucus of neocons

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Is congress even isolating? what the fuck are they doing?

This. Lay on the street having a fake seizure and get someone to record you. Or better yet, pay a homeless person to do the twitching so lefties freak that all the homeless are about to die.

Really crinkles my foil...

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you are now remembering john titor talked about a pandemic that collapses society.

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hoo boy the second before , during cowboy style, she nudges your hand for hers, but that's ok and 8 7 6 5n 4b3 oooooooh shit and we just made a baby

damage control on coronavirus commences again
in this time of panic you should not push your party's legislation agenda in the dark of night

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i hope all those degenerates die

Yep so they will posture so they were the victors BUT the economic damage will be tossed all onto drumpf conveniently

meanwhile in korea, where they are actually taking quarantine measures.
Same thing in China. Wuhan is now dismantling their emergency hospitals containment was so successful

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Because you’re still seething, tranny

And then the same governors will ask for massive federal aid to fund the people they put out of work. And bash Trump non-stop if he doesn't give it.
Being able to see the game as it's being played is often disheartening.

She's practically working for China at this point, and so is he.

i go ta half face respirator and a suit, might don that and walk around. gonna be a nice day too

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Good thing the US has the most icu beds per capita. In socialized medicine the majority of docs are primary care who can't treat the ultrasick

Trump curse

Erich von Rerugen

>Let me ask you something. Do you even know why the government is shutting down everything? It's not stop the spread of this virus. It's to prevent it from completely overwhelming out medical system.
It's to crash Trump's economy because Russia and Ukraine fell flat, you mouthbreathing simpleton of a nigger. God I wish I had my hands around your stupid fucking throat.

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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Doesn't matter faggot he had the will of the party it's self he can have any of them replace by the voters.

I wonder if the amount of pot smoked in this state will affect the infection rate.

Kek, please let me get a job offer outside this shithole this week. I promise to post with the word NIGGER at least once a day

Bro it was shit before and after he left, the Sheriffs Department was just slightly more competent.

That's their fucking fault for doing that shit.

If they all start getting sick we should show no mercy. While we stayed inside they had fun.

Reminds me of

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They can negotiate a deal with their creditors and service providers for delayed payment if necessary. The rules aren't as hard and fast as you seem to think.

When nothing happens, they claim it was because of what they did. Even though nothing was going to happen anyway.

My possible explanation is that it's a laptop or cellphone attempting to connect to a bluetooth speaker playing audio from a videogame - in which case "The enemy has spread to this area" makes complete sense.

What I don’t get is, how do they know it wont fly up as soon as they cut containment protocols?

>Where does Mozumbique get $2 billion for corruption?

loans for coastal defenses, shipping fleet and tuna fishing industry

>They can negotiate a deal with their creditors and service providers for delayed payment if necessary. The rules aren't as hard and fast as you seem to think.

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Blaming normal people instead of the Chinese who spread around the world during the Lunar New Year and their leaders who didn't ban them from doing so. When will THEY be held accountable for all the deaths? Oh yeah right that's racist so we'll just blame fellow Americans.

But didn't you hear Tucker's epic mockery of her? No sure he had her and a hundred other establishment shills on, but he MOCKED them! He made a sort-of joke! He said "wow that sure doesn't make any sense". So he's not giving them a platform to spread their degeneracy among a right-wing audience, he's telling them "this is bad!"

so you see Tucker is our friend and should be President (or at least VP for Nikki Haley, a based Republican who will help Heal The Divide because she's a woman and Dems like women)

>lol plague can’t happen again
>lol just the liberal flu, ignore it

Also why isn’t the US testing as much as other countries are? There must be a reason that’s unrelated to fears of losing an election for mass incompetence...

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initial swine flue death rate reports were between 3%-7%. ended up killing +12k americans and hospitalising 260k but no one gave a fuck. killed over half a million worldwide . once proper testing is rolled out for corona watch the death rate plummet. i personally know 4 people who have flu symptoms but have been refused testing and told to self-isolate. probably hundreds of thousands if not millions like that around the world.

>Why wouldn't they be able to reopen after the ban is lifted? If it was profitable, why wouldn't it continue to be?
Because the rent and gas and electric and insurance and other bills don't stop coming in just because you're closed, dipshit. And your employees aren't doing to sit around twiddling their dicks until you reopen. It's essentially stealing an entire months profit from hundreds of businesses. It's not a net-zero game where, if you don't open, you aren't losing any money.

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Economy is tanking. You faggots are delusional to entertain the idea that the orange moron will get reelected.

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President Trump needs a strategy. Give the money as UBI to the public so the government and banks don't take it all. Will never pass the house tho.

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Who's working for China?

how many ventilators do we have? i'm just trying to make a point.

Will the service industry ever recover? What if people get used to the NEET lifestyle?

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I love this now, but it’s going to get old real god damn fast.

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Nikki Haley is a demon. Drop this quickly.

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Only South Korea is really doing a lot more and its because they had a bad outbreak not that long ago that inspired changes. US didn’t have that.

>NYTimes fearmongering in America to get everything shutdown
>Mexico not shutting things down is "a measured response"

Fuck these traitors.

>the economic damage will be tossed all onto drumpf conveniently
I don't believe he ever told these Governors to shut it down. Can't blame this on him.

>last week
>Asians went out to eat and people stayed away from them! This is racist!
>this week
>Don't go out! You'll spread the virus!
how many times does the narrative need to shift? they can't possibly keep this up until the Dem Convention