ITT: Special snowflake hypochondriacs using a global pandemic as an excuse for attention whoring.
ITT: Special snowflake hypochondriacs using a global pandemic as an excuse for attention whoring
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Does this really surprise you OP? People are pathetic and desperate for attention.
Like faggots on here aren't wanting attention by posting pictures of their 20lb bags of rice asking you to rate their prep.
Covid thots wearing fashion masks. Cringe AF
>high risk doesn't always look like what you think it does.
it looks exactly like i though it did
>high risk doesn't always look like what you think it does
looks like a bunch of faggots to me, definitely high risk
checked and rekt
>danger hair
Why do so many holes with genetic disorders paint their hair such stupid colors?
>type 2 diabetes
stop eating like a slob
>BKA for diabetes at age 44
This nigga needs to sort out his sugar control, Covid is the least of his worries
I don't care
I have thymoma which is causing IgM deficiency and I would gladly lynch everyone of these people for this. What is with the girl wearing the cardio-endurance mask claiming she is immunocompromised? Show me a letter from a hematologist.
I can't wait to die.
>all that shit at 44
God damn dude I hope this guy was at least drinking whiskey snorting coke and smoking marlboros for the last 20 years. I hope he had a great time wrecking his body and wasn’t just like drinking soda and eating potato chips all day while stressing about nothing.
Good fuck all of you, cleanse the gene pool of your filth.
You sound like a lil' bitch who's just jelly that the plebs beat him to the last case of TP at Wally World.
Can we start a movement where anyone claiming to have X, Y or Z on social media needs to post some fucking paperwork. Show me you're at risk. Show me you have these issues you claim. I hide my shit for the most part because either I'm a stupid faggot leaf or I don't let my health problems define me. Could be both. If these clowns had half the shit they claim they do then they'd be in my boat and be surfing the fucking kali yuga waiting for the comfy embrace of death.
Lol talking about social distancing while in the car going somewhere, fuck women
have sex incel
What is the point of them posting this?
they're not hypochondriacs though
if they were hypochondriacs they would have been taking better care of themselves
Why do faggots always say educator instead of teacher. It sounds like a nigger trying to say more syllabels to seem smarter.
Maybe there is an upside to this virus after all
Why would she assume I want her to live?
>attention whoring.
its a women, way to make an earth shattering thread there op
>sneezes at your useless mask
Heh nothin personnel, aids monkey.
how many social welfare is this FUCKING SHEBOON NIGGER ON?
She's cute. Does she have AIDS though?
it's this new lecture culture. basically if you want to sound smart you have to be scolding other people for things that are "OMG SOO LITERALLY OBVIOUS"
shit replied to the wrong person
I imagine that cerebral palsy can make it pretty hard to exercise to be fair
it is amazing that she knows she has sleep apnea
that means that most likely she shares a bed with someone who told her that she stopped breathing between the snoring and of course the farts
it means that she shares a bed with someone
Yea it's nu-speak. Call them what they really are, babysitters.
It's a little late now, but lay off the Twinkies you fucking hippo.
I’m gonna cough all over her just so I can live with the satisfaction of having killed at least one nigger.
Is "immunosuppressed" just a way to say "AIDS"?
Her death would beautify America.
I hope she goes out screaming.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Heh, a real life smuggie
They look fat, so what does she mean
and I thought my skin was bad
Yes they are aids faggot niggers to be more precise
I was gonna ask the same question. I dont really feel bad for people with SWSS
>tfw your mental illness will be the next to be deligitamized by attention whoring trannies
Munchausenfags are ruining psychology and must fucking hang.
yeah, I don't ::cough cough:: fucking care, stop being a drain on the health system.
Women really piss me off, sometimes.
The weak must be purged the sooner the better.
>sleep apnea
Holy shit, I’m going to get an ulcer.
coronachan might be the solution to the tranny problem
fuck i love china now
Looks like super bat AIDS is really going to cull the weak from our society after all
Could it be /ourvirus/?
Spoiler: transracial
This person is not nog
Some one tell that gorilla cunt that it's life or death. Not life and death. Actually tell that cunt that a low key cure is flaming hot cheetos soaked in bleech
Imagine being so fat you get the beetus and have to amputate
Protip: mix 1 gallon of regular unscented bleach and 1 gallon of ammonia and it will create a cellulose precipitate that can be used as toilet paper. Mix in a bucket and wait 15 minutes. Wring out the precipitate and let it dry. Must be done indoors to prevent contamination of the chemical reaction.
Dumbass urine+bleach is quicker
Urine is like 1.2% ammonia at best though bro