When did this piece of shit lose you
When did this piece of shit lose you
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We need the tangerine toilet toad. Look what he did to bounce back the drop in the Dow. He's our man.
>dude, trust me
KYS faggot
We blame the Chinese for trying to save face and then our own country goes and does the same thing. Crazy.
By second Syrian missle strike honestly.
If a dramatic deepstate arrest doesn't happen it was all a LARP.
People know Corona Chan is a bioweapon if doors aren't kicked in and elites arrested it's really over.
He's 100% right it would hurt his re-election chances.
You know why?
Because people like you are so fucking retarded you'd blame a chinky shit soup virus on him.
Can't make this shit u-yes you can.
Do you realize you’re quoting literal mind reading as fact?
Sources familiar with the presidents thinking suggests that OP is a faggot.
Somewhere in between the time he let his DOJ go after white nationalists and proudboys instead of antifa and the time he lied about building a wall/ending illegal immigration. Him fucking up the response to coronavirus came long after I abandoned the Orange zionist retard.
They didn't test enough regardless. It's massive bungling of the pandemic.
>make up some bullshit
>pretend it's legitimate
>dumb drones believe it at first
>story is retracted/corrected some time later to avoid being sued into oblivion
>dumb drones never see the correction/retraction
>dumb drones continue believing the lie
Many such cases. Sad.
He had lost me, but watching you seethe, he won me back. Trump 2020.
Its fake news
Imagine believing anything the media says about Trump lmao
You want to talk about bungling a pandemic, look no further than your pimp, you gutless prostitute.
We have a name to blame not a party. Trunp fucked up. Not the republican party or the CDC or whoever else.
Jan 26 or so. 2017. Instead of running the country, he ran his mouth about muh inauguration.
Did they have enough test kits? Were they accurate? Perhaps there are legit reasons for this outside of Orange Man Bad.
The WHO are full of shit as well.
Trump was the one spouting bullshit numbers just like the WHO was.
They got offered a bunch that were turned down.
China fucked it up, Xi Jinping fucked it up,communism fucked it up, globalism fucked it up, spineless politicians and CEOs fucked it up.
He didn't you Berniefag, just go kill yourself now for being a massive cocksucker.
>Democrats and leftfag media trying to use this crisis to take down DRUMPF
When it all backfires, holy fuck, you're gonna be more suicidal than you already were in Novemeber.
Any numbers that include china's numbers are bullshit by default. They should be thrown out, there are enough cases outside of China to develop new stats from.
When he kept spamming twitter even after he won the election
The first syria strike.
When he banned bump stocks because some idiot decided to play target practice with rednecks in Nevada
My dude the CDC is part of the executive branch. Its director is removable by the president at will. It is perfectly fair to blame orange man for CDC’s failure. Especially when you consider he was team justaflubro until last week.
>If a dramatic deepstate arrest doesn't happen it was all a LARP.
He hasn't even arrested Hilary like he said he would. It was a LARP - everyone with eyes actually open could've told you that. The only reason he was even elected was because the Dems fucked up with Hilary. Put someone up like Tulsi with her big Polynesian milkers and Trump would be back doing The Apprentice.
Never, you Bernie cocksucker. Just remember you get no refunds
>global fucking catastrophe
>dems and their media buddies sling shit around to inflame an irrelevant, petty political war
>additionally slings overt, obviously fake gossip from a “source” no one will ever verify or know
This is why the left is going to get blown the absolute fuck out in 2020. Not even the left is mentally retarded enough to truly believe trump put millions of American lives on the line, including his own, because he wanted an extra boost against a senile old fuck who will likely die or have a mental snap before the election.
>pic unrelated
Trump was called rayciss when he wanted to block Chinese travel two months ago
Good luck getting anyone in China to admit it though. For some reason with these authoritarian dictatorships everybody is calling the good stuff they do "based" but when shit goes wrong they blame the country not the autocrat.
when he got a rabbi
Then this virus hit the United States. It might be too soon to compare this virus to the annual flu, but he gave a shit too late.
When he said coronavirus was being hyped up just to make him look bad. Made me realized he's as self centered as they come, to a humongous fault.
I know.
>When trump wins again because project veritas drops Biden's N-word tape
And Trump will be elected again, because the Dems will put up the worst candidate AGAIN. The Dems are giving the election to trump.
When did (((media))) propaganda become something you believed?
Hillary being humiliated is punishment enough
Swing and a miss.
You know how MAGAfags are gonna be.
>but but Italy had a worse response so it’s okay for Trump to fuck up
>buh-but Obama this
>but crooked Hillary would’ve been nuclear holocaust *smug expression of false sense of accomplishment*
So many businesses are going to be fucked, and so many people are going to die.
This is a fucking disaster. All to spite the wacky libs that tried to warn him.
They're more advanced than before, but they're still a bot.
How will they play it on televised news without bleeping it? Checkmate bernouts.
This is literally what the CCP is telling its own citizens right now, you spineless shill.
"Take the guns first, due process second", pushing the bump stock ban, so now a piece of plastic qualifies as an "automatic weapon" which will provide the shitlibs with legal precedent to worm their way into banning semi autos, and probably everything else. Allowing unconstitutional red flags laws to push thru unopposed.
Let's see then there's his constant whining for more h1bs to replace american workers, his shilling for the "dreamers", cucking on the shutdown, she's not locked up yet, refusing to repel the caravans with force, bullshit bollard fence instead of a big beautiful wall because he allowed himself to get outmanuvered by the shitlibs into not using the prototypes, not doing jack shit when his supporters get hit with bike locks, have their websites shut down or are otherwise silenced, but don't worry he's "monitoring the situation"....just another fucking reagan, another fucking bush squandering the time heritage America had left.
Not sure what i could say to prove otherwise.
When OP said I should, obviously.
>mention trumps name
>add quotation to make it look like trump said it but dont actually say trump said it just imply it
>technically you are not lying
>why dont people trust me? im a good person I dont lie, it must be them who are the bad ones for hating me for no reason.
If Trump came out today as hard as you leftist faggots were fearful he was, he could roll this up and regain all of his lost support. You should fear that.
He lost me when he hired Gary Cohn as his economic advisor.
No refunds you fucking shill. Enjoy seething for the next 4 years
He hasn't yet; your feeling the need to ask tells everyone that you watch cable news, and, hysterically, you believe what they tell you.
Please report in:
.................. .........,.,.,,,,,,,,...
>it's just a flu
>we have 15 cases and soon we will have 0. we're doing pretty good
I lost faith as soon as he gave his victory speech. I came to realize it was all a LARP when he said Hillary deserved respect for her service to the country. He went from threatening to put her in jail to being cordial and friendly in the space of a couple weeks.
We don't have any other alternatives, though.
About 5 minutes after he got elected
You forgot to add all of pic related...
Oh that’s cool, I’ll blame the guy that dismantled fema and fired everyone who wanted disaster preparation.
Never. Watching tonight’s Democratic debate and it only cements Trump’s position. These geezers are fools.
When drumpf looses do you promise to kill yourself?
you deserve this user. watch from about the 9 minute mark until it's finished.
you're welcome.
This is unironically fairly accurate at the moment.
The problem is, for some reason the entire governments of the West refuse to say that the CCP numbers are lies. That's a big cause of why this got so bad to begin with, politicians repeating the fake CCP numbers to try to downplay it themselves. I only heard Tom Cotton I think talk about their numbers being fake.
Fuck China
Fuck China
Fuck China
Fuck China
Fuck China
Just never forget no.matrer how shit your government is dealing with this...
Fuck China!!!!
Muh red team vs blue team
When he held that semen soaked rag just so he can get few stinking votes from some irrelevant subhumans known as LGBT.
It doesn't matter how many people you actually test. There aren't enough tests in the world to test every single person that could be infected anyway. All that matters is to flatten the curve. Tests make sense for people who are in the high risk group or have severe preexisting conditions.The majority will have rather mild symptoms and should stay in self-quarantine at home. If you have the symptoms, just assume you got it. The worst thing people could do is go to the ER and ask to get tested, meanwhile likely infecting dozens more.
that's a good thing tho
you shits must die in numbers to make it worth it
Murica isn't letting people self quarantine because muh big gdp must go up at all costs.
People are working and spreading it right now.
When he only started to yell about based blacks and low unemployment and how LEGAAAAL nooot illegal LEGAAAAAL mexicans are based.
He gave up on every other fucking thing he ran on but I'm supposed to be happy that it's the lowest black unemployment in history.
WOW good job trump!
Totally 2020 material bro!
fucking lol
How many more faggoty cocksucking worthless government agencies do you think you need?
just a flu bro
2016 and the Reddit/NPC takeover killed the board and the site as a whole.
Others and myself are all tired of the conserv-a-nothing cucks, civic cuck nationalists and MIGAtard boomers who ruined made this into a reddit hivemind
They can't justify their support of King Kike so they can only scream "muh shills" "based kike" and "muh 4D chess".
They are cut from the same cloth as liberals, the establishment/system they roll around in as well is the Lemming/Demoralized slurry who think a political solution is still possible.
I'd argue the " conservative" (all demo nations of MIGAdom) is a greater threat to the far right (conservakikes are not far right) as they are both unintentional and sometimes intentional traitors which destroy our core values.
NPCs seem to be a relatively new creation, really made during post WW2 but experiments into controlling the masses more effectively have been occurring as early as the 1920's in the USSR with Pavlov's dogs (certain stimuli attracts a instant response given enough conditioning).
tl:dr - kick out the normies
I'm just so comfy knowing everyone even leftist will have to move to the right on borders and the ability and right to be able to shut the world off at a moment notice
The narrative will never be on the lefts favor ever again when it comes to movement of people