I have COVID-19, Ask me anything

Currently being restricted to my home, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I live with my two boomer parents, and my younger siblings. I am a university student, and am home since the semester has been switched to all online after spring break ends. I am basically living in the basement and my parents will not allow me near them but will sent my siblings to give me meals. I have nothing to do, except wait this out so ask me anything.

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>ask me anything
Why is OP a lying faggot?

Why haven't you visited every synagogue in a 100 mile radius, faggot?

When did you get it?
How old are you?
Which state are you from?

I am 100% being honest with you people. I don’t want to expose personal information or else I would post the papers they gave me back at the hospital

Do you feel in control?

>100 mile radius
go bigger user


How do you feel?

I was experiencing light symptoms starting Tuesday, while school was in session but I ignored it. It progressively got worse and I could not ignore it so once spring break started I went to get tested on Friday. I’m 20 years old and live in Ohio

has you willy turned green?

Can I have your stuff when you die?

I assume you have your own bathroom?

I live in a 3 person house with only one bathroom, have no fucking idea what we'll do if one of us gets sick.

Any insight? Hope you do ok user.

What region of Ohio

Extremely shitty. I keep seeing it repeated that it’s just a flu, but it feels so much worse. I’m in physical pains and it causes me a lot of pain to take deep breaths

How did you find out that it was corona instead of a regular flu? How did you test for it?

Top kek
Start demanding shit from your Boomer parents or else!

underlying health conditions and where do you think you got it

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Not gonna say, sorry


timeline of your symptoms?

Yeah there’s a bathroom in the basement thankfully. I wish you good luck as well man. It’s honestly pretty scary to go through this, and isolating

How do you get food?

Probably got in around campus. There are many chinese exchange students who frequently leave the country and return, many of whom I interact with on a daily basis

Why did you choose to post it here?

are you prepared for infertility and reinfection until you die user

I wish it was brazilbro, this May be the only genuine thread about someone having this on here

You should try and get some sun. I think it will help for a few minutes each day. Maybe in a backyard when no one else is back there.

find your salvation in synagogues and mosques

I have a friend traveling through to southern Ohio for some work, from Michigan. Left today. Would you say it’s widespread, a serious concern for the average person? I know they shut down restaurants today, hopefully it helps.

>post pic of documents
>edit out your name/address
wow that's so hard

Light runny nose on Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday I began getting a tickle in my through and my mouth and throat became extremely dry (similar to strep throat feeling), light headed ness followed, and whenever I would drink water, or eat anything (basically do anything requiring me to stop breathing) I would feel like I was drowning

will this affect how you see them? Seeing as most crazy virus' either come from africa or china?

Fake and gay

Don't forget the lung scarring

Because you are all concerned about it so I wanna share my experience to help others recognize if they have it, and maybe to find other people going through it.

whats it like with the virus? Painful? Torture? Or does it currently feel like a normal flu/normal sick day?

How did it start and what were your symptoms


Absolutely tell him to turn back, so not come here, it’s worse than they’re saying on the news. If he comes here, stay as far away as possible from him, I’m being serious

why would anyone in Ohio call it "University" ?

if you're siblings are going back and forth between you and your parents then your parents are still at risk of getting it. they know that right?

are you that little bitch from kent state that was getting tested? nigger if you brought that shit to my town they gonna be singing '5 dead in ohio'

Yeah but I’m a brainlet and I can’t think straight because of the fever, don’t wanna accidentally not blur something out that I can’t delete

how are you receiving medical care? what about food? are you totally by your own?

What's it like?

No, most of my friends are chinese, I don’t hate them. They got it against their will just as I did, I suppose.

I think I might have it too. It hurts a little to breath and I'm feeling slight congestion. It started with my nasal passages becoming inflamed and then it turned into a sore throat. I cough occassionally. There is some mucus build up. I feel ever so slightly fatigued. I thought that I might have a fever but I'm not sure.

That's the extent of my symptoms. I've been symptomatic for about 3 days now. Does this match up with where you were at 3 days?

fake and gay, post a pic of your thermometer then you larping faggot


He’s lying

This scares me man if I’m being honest

It’s like the flu mixed with strep throat, mixed with a ever present feeling of drowning everytime you stop breathing for a second.

You’ve both got the flu stop panicking

Fucking beautiful pic. Where is that?

Services are more than likely shut down, hes in Ohio. They just shut down the bars and everything

Look up in the thread I posted a timeline

Do you have the larping faggot AIDS or just regular AIDS?

Any fever?

Because I go to a college that is contained within a university, and since this board is international I figure calling it a university will be better

>sent the siblings to give meals
>implying that afterward they return back to boomer parents
They already have Corona, they just don't know it.

Yes, but they’ll come down and leave it in the bottom of the stairs, and tell me not to approach them. It’s the best we can do

what meds did they give you?

No I don’t go to Kent state

OP is an attention seeking faggot as always.

Move along folks.

I can’t, I don’t have any more oral thermometer disposable sleeves, and they’re all sold out at the store, my parents tried to get more

terrible excuse, nobody listen to this retard

No, but I’m not going to say where I go either

Lmao you pathetic cuckold.

Enjoy your larp m8 I'm sure you'll get some attention from retards

I’m not lying, I wish I did not have this, genuinely. I’ve been using pol since 2013 and I just wanted to revisit since I know you’re all freaking out

>no documents

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All I have been given so far was somekind of steroid (I can’t check the name because the containers are upstairs). Other than that I’ve been taking fisherman’s friend Lozenges and Benadryl

You have coronavirus and you're worried about disposable sleeves? Just tell you parents to fuck themselves and sequester the thermometer for your use.

Also, how hard was it to get tested? Could you elaborate on the process of getting tested?

Are you one of those 4 fucks that were confirmed in Cincinnati last week?
What bars did you go to cause I just started with dry coughs?


what makes you do this? seriously?

I wish I could prove it to you people, you’ll just have to take my word for. I know pol users are always skeptics but I’m being honest. I want to help you all any way I can