PREPER EDITION: Will you say no to normies asking for help?

Normies are desperate. They want our food, water and ammo. Will you help them? Or give them the boot?

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I fucking love it. The same idiots on my laughing at people buying hand sanitizer and toilet paper 2 months ago are the same ones bitching that they cant find any now. Fuck-em let them all burn.

Yikes you are based. I will help some... But tell the degenerates and liberals to wait on the government to help them.

Well, they can get ammo. Part of it at least.

This. People laugh at me and my girl for having a box of 300 alcohol wipes and 30 day food supply (no ""extra"" TP tho). Those fuckers now are freaking out over a damn flu.

They roast people who prepare 99% of the time, and when some beta disease comes along they act like its the apocalypse. Also I know my food supply is weak but it's what I got.

Its cool user, you are at least trying. I am in the same situation. I stocked up on guns and ammo. Figured I can shoot a deer or God forbid fight my way to food if things get really bad. Spoilers, they won't This is mostly panic, but seeing the normies squirm is priceless!

Straight up, user. Like you said it's all panic buying. Normies are fuckin great to watch fuck everything up for themselves, like they can't get out of their own way.

If they were this dense in the past, they prolly won't be any better in the future.
They would have to swear fealty to my pol itburo of anons, with me as Negin, of course.

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You'll be paying a toilet paper tithe to the raiderbois or we're torching you out.

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Prepers are only good for one thing and that is raiding

You give them even a crum, they'll know you've got spare. Best to respond by requests for aid of your own

No. First they will ask for a little milk and food. Then, they will come back 3 or 4 more times. And then, they will start to wonder "how the hell does he have so much food to spare?" That's when they will get ballsy and start burglarizing your house!

No, we'll smell the food you have and take it from you. You are too cowardly to leave your house, how could you stop a based raider? You can't.

>give them the boot?
I'll give them the shoot
I don't negotiate with niggers

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>welfare for laggards
No. Do not feed the wildlife.

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No isnt an option prepcuck.

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Told my sister that weeks ago. Dumbass got mad everyone kept asking her to prep and she said she wasn't going to prep Jack shit and people like me who did prep would feel stupid in a month. I responded by saying I wouldn't be sharing my toilet paper and I meant it. She lives in LA and yesterday bitched to my mother all stores around her have no fresh meat, chicken, toilet paper, or paper towels.

Meanwhile, I got the majority of my prepping done even as a poor fag a month ago by buying a little extra every shopping trip. I'm about to plant a small backyard garden incase SHTF Venezuela levels of food shortages start.

They wanted your guns so they could rob you in situations like those.

I will never turn away from the needy.

you are going to look stupid

you are not an 80 year old, If you got it it would just be the flu

you just think because of misinfo it comes back and eats your lungs

My prep cost $70
What's so expensive about dry stock rice, beans, canned vegetables, frozen vegetables and frozen fruit, and frozen meat? I even bought fresh and used my oven to dry fruit and herbs for home made preserved long term source of vitamin c and herbs. If you started far enough back you could have even just picked up a little extra storable food each shopping trip to build it up slowly.

T. I live paycheck to paycheck and normally am pleasantly surprised if I have more than $200 in my bank at the end of the month.

The economy is tanking tard. The top economist who predicted th 2008 crash has prepped $18,000 worth of food because in a depression you need food.

>T. I live paycheck to paycheck and normally am pleasantly surprised if I have more than $200 in my bank at the end of the month.

Thank god I don't live there anymore

We have state for that. Still an ethnic nation state, somewhat contaminated with Russians. And we all are in this shit together. Individuals at the peacetime, collective in war.

Yeah I don't get that mountain house or whatever. Most of my stock is spam, rice, beans and can soups.

> If you started far enough back you could have even just picked up a little extra storable food each shopping trip to build it up slowly.
That's exactly what I was doing, sadly I only started prepping a few months ago, right before the outbreak.

They can't buy any because of you

The whole point of prepping isn't to help other people, retard

Prepers are causing the social unrest we are having. You are the normies.

The lines have been drawn

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I'll save the little white girls

You'll be shot before you reach the first house in our neighborhood. We are ready to have 24 hour armed surveillance whenever shit pops off.

the rules never change. gas, grass, or ass. except now there is a markup. gotta let me fuck yo girl multiple times for access to my supplies

>Will you help them?
Only scenarios in which any "normies" should be helped
Blood relatives in your immediate nuclear family that need help
^If it's your catlady stepmom that made fun of you prepping for years, you can let her starve
If you are single and want to get laid for a roll of toilet paper, or if you want to start a harem
If you have a large piece of land, grow food, have funs and ammo stocked up, and your buddies (that you know well and trust) that didn't prep agree to help around the place and contribute to security detail/patrol in exchange for rations
Lastly if you have buddies that have funs and ammo, but just a bit of food. Pool your resources and combine your firepower to protect those resources

There is always someone out there in this situation who'll beat you in a fire fight. The difference is raiders can choose their battles where you can't without abandoning all your preping.

I will offer them the pomander of peace

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No, people who think having a contingency plan for worst case scenarios is retarded don't deserve to have their gutter tier genetics carried through the storm.

The Thing about helping people is they will often be there in your time of need. If you raid people and then others will destroy you. Civilization will return and raiders will be destroyed!

they can't steal my emergency supplies if I've already converted it to fat

Observe how the shills have gone overboard with the raider psyop. It doesn’t discourage prepping at all, and it’s obviously a government psyop, just can’t figure out the point. Probably as a military government takes over these fine people doing the shilling will find themselves furloughed.

No. They had their chance and failed miserably.

Only advices are for free.

The eternal britcuck strikes again.

>no visible reason for people to believe i have anything
>sorry man we're almost out of food and water also

>But tell the degenerates and liberals to wait on the government to help them.
based, you know those fucks will vote you into a socialist hell hole the second this scare passes
let them test their own theories before they try to test them on me

Take the aestheticpill. Optics are literally the most important thing for any group. However, preppers simply don't have bad optics.

That's cold user. Here is the thing, when you help people they tend to say thank you.

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I’m the only male teacher at my school. They all treat me like a lion in a herd of zebras - and I never get picked first for kickball. They all know I’m a shooting enthusiast and grow my own food, raise my own chickens. I told a bunch of them to start buying stuff in early February. Just a got a text TODAY from some idiot woman that wants to know if I know a place to buy rice. This fucking world. Told my wife I’m not parting with supplies unless they want to be the only one in our three way that doesn’t cum and can’t walk straight the next day. Fucking idiots.

The times I went to the supermarket to buy supplies I couldn't see a single person not laughing at me and my gf.
The last time (two days before quarantine) I went with her for more supplies (specially masks) and we used latex gloves. Even in the extreme situation the country had people pointed their fingers at us, laughing non-stop from the crowded bars where they were taking their breakfast. TV shows (zapeando) were a week ago laughing and humiliating preppers, using their lists, photos and warnings to ridiculize them. First, it would be unjust if these people got supplies from someone they considered ridiculous and a loser for doing the rational thing, and two, some people have brought this situation upon themselves, so NO, my supplies are MINE.

I support you. But I will also use my supplies if I think I can bang a redhead or rare Deep-Water Jew. It’s been on my list.

Many of the people you see in your day to day life aren’t actually real, user. They’re just background filler.

Will help my relatives if they ask - family members should care about each other. Anyone else will be introduced to our dogs and weapons.

Never be too charitable to anyone who is not your kith and kin. I would offer them hospitality, but if they want supplies, they need to trade.

Reciprocity is the key word. If you can provide any service or good that I value, then you get something in return.

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You'd be skinned alive for animal feed long before then

>when you help people they tend to say thank you.
They should follow up their words with actions then, otherwise they are meaningless. Show your thanks by doing something in return, otherwise one would throw his pearls before swine.
Oh and if you're trying to imply that, sex is NOT an acceptable service.

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Thank yous dont put food on the table

imagine uttering word preper
beyond fucking cringe
pretty sure no woman will fuck u even if u were last man alive


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>Kalergi flag
>beyond fucking cringe
>no woman will fuck u

I’ll help a QT if she agrees to fuck me in exchange for protection and food. Everyone else that asks me for anything during a quarantine is getting shot.

Shut up Anglo if I hadn't bought an extra packet of rice every day for a week 2 weeks ago then we'd have none now because there's been none on the shelves for a week

>Hunts and fishes all day
Got to find out where my neighbour hid his hand grenades and go bomb-fishing in the next lake. Then the raccons hiding in the attic are next.
But I fear it will not escalate enough for that, friendo, not now.