Why does America need to spend $650 BILLION dollars on their military every year?

Why does America need to spend $650 BILLION dollars on their military every year?

Who are they going to war against? No other country even spends close to that. China is second in military budget, but they spend $250 Billion, not even half of America's military budget.

America could cut half of that money, still have the #1 military in the world and use the other half on something else like universal healthcare for all or public tertiary education.

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>Why does America need to spend $650 BILLION dollars on their military every year?

So everyone else doesn't have to.

Thanks the US's huge budget, and taking on the roll of defending all trade around the world, countries like Australia can have really nice social welfare programs.

If it wasn't for the US doing this, I'd probably not have autismbux and free healthcare

Thank you amerimutts, for defending the trade and allowing the Aus government to spend 1000 times less on its military than it would of otherwise had to spend.

>gets blown out of the sky by russian missile from the 70s

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It's a jobs program teaching high schoolers not ready for college skills that can translate to the workforce. It also provides good careers to defense contractors.

Canada should merge with America.

So we can barely compete against poppy sandnigger farmers and still get blown to pieces every couple weeks.

Because it's Not Socialism

The military is just a program to keep tens of thousands of rednecks from becoming white niggers and causing crime

>financial advice from poortugal
Bring back the estado novo if you want any respect

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Step 1 is the elimination of all niggers from the USA. Niggers are why we can't have nice things.

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Why is that a problem? I want our NATO lapdog to be strong enough to hold of the Russians.

I'll merge with u bb.

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Even my lefty fucking college professor was smart enough to know that if we allow China's military power to surpass the US' military power, which they are constantly trying to do, that we would have major worldwide issues. Neck yourself retard... we spend that money so that we don't have to go to war because literally no one will step to us conventionally. This is a vastly better use of that money than putting people who are willingly overweight on dialysis or funding shaniqua's ethnic studies degree.

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Thats because you have corporate masters who want you to sit around defending things. Of course if you sit around long enough you're going to get ambushed eventually.

But im not against it, if a corporation wants to use those poppies to make shit, and to sell shit, that increases trade and GDP, then why not? The 70 IQ afghans arent going to do shit with it

Its got to a point where the US just had to go in and physically take it, because the Taliban were too low IQ to set anything up to start up a system of trade.

The only reason Arab countries haven't faced the same thing as Afghanistan is because they figured out that they can just setup systems to trade the resources and they'll be gucci.

The Taliban could have be best friends with the US right now if they just didn't fuck around with their resources and just traded it.

lmao @ people who actually think this is some personal religious war. Its literally just business.

Thank you for keeping us safe, America!

oy vey! mr shekelsteins great great granddaughter needs to have a new Maybach every year as she is chauffeured to her private school. dont be an anti semite!

There are a lot of reasons, most of them aren't good. We decided we needed to keep a lot of manufacturing and construction capability in the US rather than allow the Jews to offshore ALL of it. There are a shitload of high tech companies doing cool shit in office parks all across the country for the military, chip fabs, semiconductor production, pretty much anything you can think of the military uses. Another is protecting global trade routes, this I'm not crazy about because I have to cut a check to Uncle Sam every quarter to hire a couple ensigns to protect the shipping lanes the chinks use to compete with me. It's partly a jobs training program, mostly a thot and dindu daycare. There are an absolute ton of absolutely worthless lumps of shit in the military who spend all day painting curbs and folding towels. Our Navy is a floating housing project, a carrier group is what 10,000 niggers in the middle of the ocean and not in my neighborhood? Our military is wildly far and beyond what it needs to be for defense and is essentially the gun the kikes point at the rest of the world to get their way.

The military these days has a very VERY large percentage of niggers these days. Get a fucking clue you fag.

Because the US dollar is backed by the US military.

America wants to protect the whole world so they have to have the military capability to defeat the world

because our equipment and people need to be maintained and replaced as needed? can't do that without those sweet taxpayer bux

Why? You already get all the benefits of our military via NORAD. Do you have some desire to pay taxes to subsidize spics and niggers?

it's mostly rednecks though

literally the furthest from all threats and an island

War Is Peace

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Because why not? Fuck, I'd rather it go there than most places tbqh.

Bretton Woods.

>defending all trade around the world
From whom?

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Just cut it in half and reduce taxes. No need to pay for more niggers, government jobs, and lazy woketards/party sluts.

I bet large portion of it is just about employment, if the economy could magically create 300b$ worth of extra jobs there would've been less people/business willing to join

because the usa lives in a defensive spending bubble. all that money trickles through the economy in the form of paychecks to soldiers, scientists, engineers, factory workers and dozens of other jobs. all those people buy houses, cars, kids' college, etc. And this will continue as long as there is any threat some other humans will come to try and take our stuff.

they’re just working military because prison and/or flipping burgers are the only alternative for black men without higher education. And muh Camaro

carry a big stick mentality
Also defending trade routes

And that's just what's on the books. Add on SAPs and it's probably close to a trillion. Honestly the world sucks and the best way to remain peaceful is to have the ability to bitchslap the globe if necessary. Feared > Respected

It's all nonsense. They had that whistleblower last year that went public with a 3 billion dollar no bid construction contract that wasn't even fucking real. All the money just dissapears into a black hole with no accountability

I would say its overwhelmingly hispanic and white... There are plenty nogs for sure but they usually get weeded out literally because they cannot follow simple instructions. Also the entire special forces community is white because nogs cant pass swim lol. The MARSOC dudes I was on deployment with even trained their dog to attack when they said "go git the nigger, boi"...

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almost 100% of that money goes back into their economy they are investing in themselves for military power and global influence

>Its got to a point where the US just had to go in and physically take it, because the Taliban were too low IQ to set anything up to start up a system of trade.

Lol at neocon copeposting. The taliban were high IQ enough to defeat the soviets, Afghan warlirds, run afghanistan for a decade and then defeat NATO. They are on course to run Afghanistan again unlike the Pentagon, which lost every war in the last 20 years.

Who the fuck are you trying to con Moshe? The worlds largest military list to people fighting in flip flops with weapons from the korean war

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Also there's usually a GT requirement to get in, and some kind of selection to prove you're dedicated. makes ya think

>muh free healthcare
>muh free college

Why is it so hard for you niggers to understand that we don't WANT it, even though we can afford it.

Yeah. The requirements are basically to have a fucking pulse and be potty trained and nogs still really struggle with the passing the ASVAB, Interpreting paperwork, maintaining any semblance of discipline etc.

The military has been flooded with illiterate niggers that join for the minimum with the sole purpose of creating fake injuries to achieve 100% disability status to ensure maximum gibs. Trust me I worked in a veteran preference federal job and the monkeys had a whole network of doctors that would help them claim fake military disabilities. Like 100 % of these niggers had "sleep apnea". They would prey on new hire nigger bitches that were veterans. If the bitch wasn't 100% disabled the niggers would leverage pussy for a meeting with his doctor to get her hooked up. I've honestly never met one nigger veteran that actually joined the military for any reason other than to scam and I've met alot.

>fighting for single mothers and their bastards

Americans resign health care and other benefits in order for the world to be in peace

Thank you for your service.

You don't need to be high IQ to win wars as a guerilla, it's simply too easy to wage asymmetric warfare. Put the greatest military force in history versus some poverty stricken goatfuckers and the guerrillas will win 10 out of 10 times.

>Why does America need to spend $650 BILLION dollars on their military every year?
>Who are they going to war against? No other country even spends close to that. China is second in military budget, but they spend $250 Billion, not even half of America's military budget.
>America could cut half of that money, still have the #1 military in the world and use the other half on something else like universal healthcare for all or public tertiary education.

You won't need to worry for long. America will soon be bankrupt.

from each other

We're the preventive medicine for like two dozen countries. We have a military so faggots like Germany can practice with broomsticks.

>unexpectedly carpet bombs your capital

>literally the furthest from all threats and an island
you need to take off the meme flag and go research the GIUK gap

Because we can!

We gotta redistribute the wealth to all these spic and nigger soldiers somehow.

>Why does America need to spend $650 BILLION dollars on their military every year?
Most of it goes to maintain their military bases across the ocean.

Were gonna go to war vs the coronavirus retard

Only after we get a new government, flag and ideology worth something beyond empty headed consumption.

>just facilitate your populace to get addicted on opioids
>the taliban are the dumb ones for preventing this gdp arrow goes up!

no, wrong shitty dumb question.
650 billion a year and no power armor?
Better question. Where the fuck is the power armor?

Yes so the solution is to have the equivalent of a lapdog that subsists of liquid money injected directly between its fat flaps

Well don't.

You are stopping 2nd pirate age to return.

piracy, third world countries and each other. Seriously piracy though, without the US navy shit would be very bad. All those poor countries would pour out and look for loot.
Basically the US navy prevents a huge naval chimpout.

Is there something wrong with your current flag? With what do you want replace it exactly?

>Why does America
Because fuck you that's why.


Somali butt pirates

to keep koreans safe

I don't want to say that it's because the kikes get a sweet deal for those trades but... It's true.

It's far too tainted imo. What it represents and has for the last century is nothing I personally agree with. I'd prefer a complete clean slate, at the very least keep the stars and colors but symbolically something different to represent what's new. Many burgers here won't agree, but I'm past the point of thinking otherwise.

>Why does America need to spend $650 BILLION dollars on their military every year?
Because they antagonize, bully and steal from half of the planet every day. Why wouldn't they keep themselves well protected while having so many enemies? The moment America looks weak, they will be pounced on by multiple countries.

To keep neets like yourself in their basement habitats of their parents home.

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Because you dont spend anything on your militaries so we have to carry the leech off America team.

One reason of many is that in order to prevent a forced draft so the society appears free, one must coax ppl into the military using gibs