Canada Coronavirus Pandemic Thread

It's happening lads.

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Should I leave for the Maritimes from Ottawa tomorrow morning? Might cause some trouble but this city is fucked.

Thornhill fagtario reporting in, Im not a kike.



You tried.

Port Perry Fren here use this crownland map and pick your bug out location asap

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Anyone else find it funny when burgers keep criticizing Trump for not doing this and that when Trudeau is getting a pass for the same shit?

Ontario lockdown 1pm today. Get to where you need to be.

who else got the scotia bank email?

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Just got off the phone with my cousin in winnipeg.

She told me that a philipino died in his house from coronavirus, and they haven't released this info to the public yet because they're waiting for confirmation from the lab. Firefighters went to his house and his wife wouldn't really speak (couldn't seem to speak english, apparently) or answer questions, and then she showed him her husband's dead body in their bedroom. They had just come back from the Philippines and he got very sick and just stayed in his house until he died from severe respiratory illness.

The firefighters are all in quarantine right now. This is apparently the first death in the prairies, assuming his test comes back positive.

They could have infected a dozen people or more since they got back.

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The coronavirus was deliberately released by Hillary Clinton to distract the nation while her organisations attack the white house and kidnap TRUMP. It's obvious.

He's going to be cuccooned in a polymer shell and fed powerful hallucinogenic drugs by a high priest of the church of SATAN.

Wake the fuck up.

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The other thread is barely an hour old. Don't be a retard and put your brain back in.

any toronto fags staying in the city? whats the plan boys? i have to stay because my moms a medical worker.

Everything closed in Quebec. Bunch of concordia students are infected but they aren't reporting it.

Yeah not even Corona-Chan wants to live in PEI

Yeah can we get a source on that, one that isn't probably some facebook boomer?
Also what do you think a lockdown entails? They aren't going to randomly and instantly announce a lockdown that traps people or fucks them over.

You guys should fare better than we do, shouldn't you?

it reached bump limit newfag boomer.

Burgers don't know what happens in Canada, and why would they honestly?

Toronto, and no. I got the fuck out and I'm staying out.

..Hu flung poo

PEI > Ontario, that's for sure.

if this is not a huge op then our gov gov is lying thr ass off about deaths, u become infectious within hours and can spread up to 20 days or more before showing any sign

I can't source you this comes from family that work in the Ontario government. I haven't been leaving my house for weeks.

shoot all chinks on sight

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Trudeau is such a useless fag, he shouldve locked shit down already.

what are house prices like up there? used to pass through it to hit up the casino, seems nice.

5 minute walk from TURDonto, I quit my job a few weeks ago but I have a bunch of savings that I plan to live off of until this shit blows over and people start hiring again.

Hard to say. Our cities will be just as fucked, but I assume our rural communities will fare a bit better because we don't have larpers chomping at the bit to kill their neighbours. In farm communities at least.

walked into a bathroom last week and there was a chink profusely sweating and coughing

am I fucked lads?

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Because Trudeau pandered to the right people, that's why.

Also, because I think most of his supporters are lowkey blackpilled on the unsustainability of Canada as a nation and are trying to accelerate its inevitable decline into joining the US within fifty years.

Why do you think everything is so thoroughly Americanized to begin with? There is literally nothing uniquely Canadian that would be lost if Canada was annexed by the US.

The problem is the government is incompetent as fuck, they say they have a plan and they're prepared but have released zero details. It's all talk as usual after they just let it in.

you Thornhill Ontario or Thornhill BC?

so youre in the GTA? whats the difference. i dont think it will get too rowdy. the americans worry me most. its going to be a complete shit show down there.

Fuck those listerine drinking wastes of skin.

Depends on the criteria, but definitely sounds comfy right now. Cases jumped to 10 today from last I heard

staying in my apartment. i have something prepped but gonna get more tomorrow if i can. thanks that i'm working remotely


if such a church exists then drumpf is part of it

Qboomers are extra retarded and deserve corona

The few remaining Albertan oil workers should be billed for the federal coronavirus response

#covidontario is trending and there's tons of rumors about Ontario locking down.

I welcome us being brought into the US at this point.

Fixes the dollar, gets rid of our retard PM.

Generally speaking Canada doesn't do so well at anything but we only compare ourselves to our only neighbour the US and everything seems fucking golden when you do that.

Fair, assume your healthcare might help a bit.
Our govt is incompetent as fuck too.

I was chatting with my cop and paramedic friends tonight at the pub and there all pissed the fuck off that they have no idea what to do. The gov has basically said "welp your on your own if shtf".


Thornhill Ontario (aka kike town)

>shut down roads and railways
>gibs us mo money white man

you are fucked

My favourite thing to do in public now a days if cough all over the place.
Shit hilarious boomers are so scared right now

Provincial or federal? Honestly it feels like it should be the province's handling it anyway, that's their domain outside of primary industries and the military

I do fly in fly out mining work in northern BC. Gotta go to camp in 7 days. I really dont want to get trapped at the mine if SHTF.

Vancouver reporting in.

Safeway, London Drugs, etc are all sold out of Clorox.

Anyone know where I can find some, or am I SOL? I just want to buy them to clean my phone when I come home to my $1600/ mo apartment and watch TV using my $170/ mo internet

Alberta lads CHECK IN.

Don't cough on me you fucks.

Hello fellow geo! Wish I could get of Van and just stay isolated for a bit. Things are fucking nutty here in Vancouver

literally everyone is talking about it. i think normies will be pissed if we dont go into lockdown. good. keep pressuring these politicians.

Toronto, live on the west side near High Park full of rich boomers. Don't have much choice but hope my immune system can tank it, my boomer parents refuse to believe asymptomatic carry is a thing. Thankfully they buy so much shit from Costco every week that half of it rots anyways. I loaded up on Vitamin D3 and that seems to have helped with some mild colds I had over the past few months.

Might be a good thing depending on how bad it gets

How are you so sure? I was supose to leave Wednesday but now I am freaking out.

Hey Daniel

Fraser valley good bye

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what's gonna be so bad about Ottawa?

I hope this COMPLETE lack of leadership by Trudeau only strengthens Wexit. Also Alberta losing it's oil money is going to mean big trouble for us if we stay up here.

Dumb rumor.

They have had word from the BC gov about how to do basic prep and community outreach but basically nothing from the federal gov. They dont have a clue what the federal gov plan is to deal with the situation.

im down in south etobicoke. parents were reluctant but gave into me prepping since january. moms the worst tho because she studied infectious disease control in uni so.. man why are medical people always the worst when it comes to this stuff?

Trudeau is making a big announcement tomorrow after the cabinet meeting today

The media is praising Trudeau for his 'leadership' kek. Trump is a million times better than this cuck who was only elected because of his last name.

you have community spread. pretty sure its the reason the whole province will go into lockdown or shut down tomorrow

Yeah let me guess, your friend of a friend's government aunt leaked it?

>Anyone know where I can find some, or am I SOL?

The asian super markets were ransacked a month ago and have been restocked now. You can go to T&T and they'll have some. No one goes to the Asian stores because they find safety in the big chains.

Best ones are some Vietnamese super markets along Kingsway, they got everything. Even face masks.

It's blowing up here. We have like 3 hospitals to treat 1 million people and they're gonna be ruined. The city is so spread out quarantine will be impossible. You're just safer anyway more rural, not that it won't spread if it gets somewhere small just less likely to travel there.

bring an axe and learn to hew timbers

self quarantine yourself man give the rest of us that still have a chance time to get out of here



The pandemic is activating the disgust reflex in normies that has been suppressed by generations of multiculti brainwashing designed to brainwash them into accepting the foreign aliens into their land.

Start casually mentioning in conversations with normies that IMMIGRANTS are spreading disease to Canada. Then say that it is the open borders insanity of our incompetent government that has caused this to happen.


Tell them that this multicultural experiment could potentially cost them or their parents/grandparents their lives. I have seen normies almost instantly become racist after realizing this.

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I hope it's the herd immunity plan announcement

Yeah, most of the posts look like normies hoping the rumor is true. I'm glad panic finally set in. Too bad stacks of chinks in body bags didn't tip people off, it took fucking hundreds of Italian grandmas dropping dead daily before we got to lockdown.

>Leftards: Trump is uniquely unqualified as a president during this pandemic!
>Trudeau: Watch this

I live at king and church downtown and am absolutely foooked with only a few rolls of tp. Rip

Coiler fag checking in

which mine you at a bunch of my mates are at Brucejack waiting for word about the virus. Mates in Wells BC at Barkerville gold are getting locked down at the camp to keep the gen pop safe as someone came from seattle with corona they think.

Frig off, we don't want you here chink

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I'm in Marpole (fuck me I hate it so much)

I'm gonna try and hit up some dollar stores tomorrow, but I' not getting my hopes up

>what are house prices like up there
same as Toronto if not more now days all the closeted racist white liberals who wanted to get out of Toronto drove up the prices 10 years ago

Milk truck arrive

Not a geo, I'm in trades. Yeah it's getting crazy here in Van.

Fuck it. Probably gonna make a weed run tomorrow.

My grocery store closed at 6PM... Just like in Wuhan.

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Trudeau paid off the press. They work for him now.

Arrogance. They cram a bunch of shit in school to pass a test, half of it is outdated or fake shit from pharmaceutical companies, and then they get a piece of paper that means they supposedly know more about literally everything health related than someone who's actually personally dealt with a given topic.

fag detected

fug, guess ill have to live in buttfuck nowhere if i ever hope to own some real estate. hopefully i can get an ok job after i graduate.

news are saying to expect an announcement tomorrow on boarders, economic policy, and further restrictions

Kitimat getting crazy. Locals think the camp is buying up all the food. Cancelled public transport for the workers lol. Town is so small you can walk anywhere.


Quebec should've just been given independence.

Trudeau being elected to office proves Canada is pretty much a lost cause - I think him becoming PM was when they threw in the towel, because he's literally done nothing whatsoever for the country. All he ended up doing was pissing off Tori Stafford's dad and getting made into a pariah by those Saudi sandniggers of all people.

Canada is essentially inferiority complex: the country.

Wexit will only be viable if the West joins the US - as an independent nation, it will likely fail just as Cucknada did, especially if it names a shithole like Deadmonton or one of the two towns in Sack-to-Chew-On as the capital. Don't even get me started on Winterpeg. You might as well name somewhere like Medicine Hat the capital.

Why do you let so many chinksects into your country faggot?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1239335937060016128

about how they all contracted corona virus while sucking him off

Southern Ontarian.
Shools closed. Uni and K - 12.
90% of people completely oblivious. Restaurants packed, same with bars and foot traffic in retail stores.
I've been attempting a prep for about 3 weeks.
I have like a month of food ready, and no weapons besides a knife. If there was time to get a gun within the scope of my prep, I would have.
My place of work remains open. Not dealing with the public per se, but will inevitably be exposed if this persists due to contact with my peers.

Some chink coofed on me bros. No symptoms yet, but my anxiety is legendary. I've been taking C like people have been saying, and assorted other vitamins i have been recommended. I've had some exposure to the public, but I have minimized risk where possible with gloves and a mask. Have attempted decontamination protocol for living space etc.

Honestly, I do not think there is much chance I can make of out of this without getting sick. Living situation does not allow complete isolation. I lack the funds.

Advice on prevention wanted. I feel like I am pinned down and watching my demise creep towards. I worked really hard to get myself out of a gutter for 1.5 years. Now its over when I had traction. Lost a ton of weight, learned new skills, cut out sugar and alcohol. I'm stuck halfway.

Prince George has been a cluster fuck for the last 2 days. there was a fist fight in front of surplus herbys over backpacks for some reason.

Just came back from 7-11 in Richmond. Guy with broken leg was yelling about the pandemic. Shelves looked stock but they were only 1item deep with the whole store layout changed. It was very busy which surprised me as I usually see maybe one or two people in there on sunday night.

One of the big mines in the north. Not gonna say which one. Yeah having someone bring it into camp would be fucked.

Im just fine in rural Alberta. I started to go into the city once a week and get a bit of extra stuff than i normally would. Over the last 2 months i built up a good enough toilet paper and food supply that i can stay in my house for a few months. Doesn't anyone else watch Alex Jones? Jeepers, the guy has been flipping out for 2 1/2 months about storable food. If you didnt start building up a little stockpile youre probably a penis faggot retard.

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They blindly believe muh scientists. This whole thing won't be taken seriously by them until a science god declares it.

survival of the fittest

heard that too from my mates in Smithers, there having issues too with break and enters now apparently over groceries.

god speed

>Trump is a million times better than this cuck who was only elected because of his last name.

I agree, BUT Trudeau was also only elected because he was the utter opposite of Trump. You have to understand that Diet Americans are literally so jealous and envious of Uncle Sam that they have to "prove they're better" by doing the exact opposite of them, even though Diet America is just as flawed as America is, if we judge by their neolibtard standards.

Who isn't reporting it, the students or the authorities?