The elite are trying to use the epidemic going around to sneak in a very serious bill that would END internet privacy and anonymity. It’s called the EARN IT act. It’s a BIPARTISAN bill. This bill would:

>Allow the government to review every and any private electronic messages (think WhatsApp, Messenger, etc)
>Take away your rights for end-to-end encryption and install a backdoor on any encryption service
>Remove the messaging platforms’ legal exemption for “internet speech” sent across their networks, encapsulated in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA)


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Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody is talking about this.

I just thought you should know.

If this bill is passed, the Internet is compromised for good.

Yeah and they’re escalating things with Iran right now while a pandemic is going on at home

>implying we're not already watched by FBI constantly

Attached: Good_Luck_I_m_Behind_7_Proxies.jpg (800x450, 72.87K)

Of fucking course they would. Fucking assholes.

The only thing that would change is that it would now be admissible evidence in your treason trail

Bump. Really makes you wonder how legitimate Corona-chan is.

>implying they haven't been doing this since 9/11 under the guise of "fighting terrorism"

Attached: 1d7.jpg (1424x842, 132.2K)

Protests are effectively banned.


I'm reeeeeeally fighting the urge to call you a moron! corona y real! but, that doesn't mean they still have their own interests in mind, or, as they say (they being politicians and Soros type billionaires) "never let a good crisis go to waste". this would have happened anyway, they just saw an opportunity and took it.

Submission of digital evidence is already a thing--why do you think FISA was such a big deal?

I don't care how good you think you are at security--the NSA is better than you'll ever be and their toys are, compared to you, omniscient.

What exactly am I earning here? I thought I already had freedom of speech?

Got a source that isn't a fucking blog?

Make faraday cages, NOW!

The bill would make it so that the government can just look at your stuff and say "jail for you ha ha ha"

The law now is that you can't do that in court. You can't just snoop and incriminate. Courts reject that and then prosecute the snooper.


What you are missing though is this power is currently limited to the highest echelons of state surveillance. This bill will give some dickwad in the state or local police a database of info to harass you with.

he called the pandemic an epidemic what a fucking jeeter

>thinking corona is real
the NWO is fully on the march, the 'pandemic' is just the excuse they're using to finish throttling our democracies to finish turning this into a kike-run prison planet, Forever.
look at these groveling goycattle mooing and begging to have every right and liberty stripped from them, to be more like China to protect us from the germs!

Protip, they already do more than this, legal or not.

The search bar is your friend. Fucking boomers not knowing how to use a computer baka.

Except the only place it flies is in their lawless secret courts
This would give the same power to ALL law enforcement and make snooping to incriminate admissible as proof of guilt.

Thanks Obama.

Attached: laughing.jpg (610x426, 47.73K)

Time to string LAN cables all across town.

Boomers will applaud this if it keeps their gibs coming and "investments", aka a single family home, inflated.

They already do this per Snowden. They're trying to make not illegal and bring into the open.

Good luck banning encryption though.

>Courts reject that and then prosecute the snooper
>the göbberment prosecuting itself

Attached: 1579776697527.png (857x707, 321.89K)

your ISP already does that
you are just not taking advantage of it

* There’s no such thing as a backdoor that only lets “the good guys” in. This makes every system less vulnerable, particularly to bad actors like China that will figure it out.
* Loss of personal privacy is bad enough, but doing anything to damage encryption might make US industry collapse. US tech systems would not be trustworthy for business systems. Fucking crazy for government to try this.

Kill them

Oh yeah, I was going to post about this and the Patriot Act and FISA bills. I was a grown up when 911 happened, and even before. And I wanted to tell you that there are now going to be a million more rules than there were before. You won't remember how "free" you were before this happened. And everything is going to cost more. And you are going to make less. Corporations will make a shit ton more money. Whatever privacy you think you had (like on this site) is over. For your own protection. This probably wasn't an inside job, or engineered, it's just a huge opportunity for (((them))) to grab whatever they can while everyone is DEMANDING to be "saved."

tl;dr we gettin' fucked again.

Freedom always finds a way, even in a despotic authoritarian communist nation like China.

This is my black pilled thinks as well. This is another paradigm shift in the way 9-11 was. Government is going to get more power to deal with an emergency and then never relinquish them. This has happened numerous times already in the USA alone, why would this time be any different? We're going to be tracked and controlled even more than we already are.


Absolutely. And accused of spreading misinformation during a national emergency. Good time to concentrate on downloading "subversive" books, movies, etc., before the big shutdown, the red-white-and-blue wall comes down. Take down anything incriminating you have put in "the cloud," wipe your FB and twitter histories, put your important shit on a passphrase encrypted external drive. I don't know what else. Use your imagination while they are still in panic mode. Protect yourselves and the people who matter. We're in a bit of a grace period. It won't last long.

FBI is treasonous. Every FBI agent hates America.

Please note that this affects companies, anything decentralized can still be encrypted with no organization to hold responsible.

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>Take down anything incriminating you have put in "the cloud," wipe your FB and twitter histories
I saw the dangers of this shit when I was still in high school. Stayed away from social media when everyone else was being enthralled by it, only cloud data I have is videogame related.
I really hate how normalized and invisible all this shit became.

So do CIA/NSA, the entire Intelligence Community. They follow Comey and Brennan and want to take Trump (AND HIS DEFENDERS) down.

Imagine my shock


There is absolutely nothing in this bill about encryption. This bill removes CDA 230 protections from any platform behaving as a publisher, allowing them to be sued for arbitrarily deplatforming people for their political views. Kikes are absolutely terrified of this.

Just wait untill they banned paper money


September 27th 2020

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You've got to ask what might motivate such an action. It's not enough to say that they are only motivate to take away our freedoms, there must be an end goal, and to say that it's merely to rule over a slave planet, these "people" could have done that at any other point in history. There must be more to this than meets the eye

Yeah, it is important to pretend to be normal, though. It's good to have accounts that talk about birthdays and restaurants and graduations and shit. Having no accounts is almost as bad as having "conspiracy theory" accounts.

prepare your guns, NOW, make faraday cages NOW

>Never let a crisis go to waste

>faraday cages
Instead of pitching that old microwave...

I'd just rather not create data for them. It's a waste of time to me and these companies see our data as a commodity. I'd rather deny them as much data as I can in this current year techno-nightmare professor Ted warned us about.

Kikes are not terrified about bills (((they))) introduce, nigger

This would mean the end of ecommerce. It's not possible.

One idea for guns that Bill Cooper used to suggest was to report them stolen (to the police), then wrap them in plastic and bury them somewhere. I'm not suggesting that, but it might work for some people.

signal is already comped.

They'd have a backdoor. https is not as private as you'd like to think anyway.

The bill lets you sue google for censoring you. EFF is fudding the hell out of it.

oh no they'll find out my policy on fuck kikes and niggers

>Imagine not having spent a year of your spare time to read tutorials or books maybe for an hour two to three times times a week to learn how to program

You give glowniggers too much credit, Google, Microsoft and Apple hire pajeets to shit out code-the three letter agencies aren't that far ahead.

Just whatever what works for you.

whatever works for you... it's just that i have enough copper and aluminium foil around me.

As long nobody else finds the gun, it might be a good thing to do.

Pompeo slaps Governors publicly on China
>Pompeo told some 44 governors at the National Governors Association winter meeting that they are being individually analyzed by at least one Chinese government-backed think-tank on how malleable they are, and how prone to cooperate with China. And he warned governors to be cautious on everything from business deals topension fundsto theD.C. Metro system.

So which Governors have ordered shutdowns?
>DiBlasio (NY)

>DeWine (OH)

>Pritzker (IL)

'Trust Barr'

>s just that i have enough copper and aluminium foil around me.
same, but for normies microwaves are a good option

"EARN IT" as in earn your freedom
they know.
we know.
i hope.

If any of you faggots browsed any other board than this one, you would've already read intel OPENLY ADMIT they have a BACKDOOR on all of their chips. This is burned into the ROM of the chip and accessible on boot. Any halfwit could essentially spy DIRECTLY on anything on your pc. THIS HAS BEEN AROUND FOR OVER A DECADE. You are all way too fucking late to the party.


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Here fren

The problem is, of course, if you are found in possession of a stolen gun, it's a felony. You might be able to claim in court that you found it and forgot to report it to the police. It's a risk you have to weigh.

Corona hoax has always been about that user, what the surprise?

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>This probably wasn't an inside job, or engineered
Lmao faggot

This is so fucking scripted. Amazing you could make out so much truth out of it but not see that one thing.

how would this affect government?
don't they use encryption too?

gotta stop that misinformation!

And that's a good thing.

>implying BSV, BCH, BTC, XMR, PIVX, LTC, ETH and other such currencies will be subverted or destroyed because of this.

So no, buy silver. All of it.
Buy above mentioned cryptos.
Get this stored away ASAP.

You’ll be good.

>the government obeys the same laws as ordinary people do

If quantum computing is a thing like the government claims cryptography is an illusion anyways.

It isn't that I don't see it, it's that I don't care. It doesn't effect how it turns out. Sure, it might have been rigged, but I have the feeling (just like JFK, 911) we'll never be able to prove it. So, fuck the cause and concentrate on the outcome.

>doesn’t know blockchain a would be able to work on quantum computers too

This. Retards who go around saying the Feds are watching them are probably the ones who have been visited by the Feds and are currently being investigated. The Feds and Government have to give you notice before snooping on you.
I haven't read the article or bill but I have been waiting for something like this to come up.. Patriot Act 2.0