Q+ Spotted
...care to explain?
> shows a Q for a split second
That is fucking blatant. IDK what to think........
>you see, the no 12 is a 12th letter and trump had 12 family members and the Q predicted this trump is saving the world and indictments are coming sooooon.......................
Q logic.
WTF the tweet ends in 1488 what did they mean by this?
>just ignore all the other letters on the screen
Q is realz
you people get the rope.
>23 seconds
What did he mean by this
WTF are you assholes taliking about. It's a PSA to stop people from dying from this Chinese virus not a hidden message for fucks sake.
Bruce, Abbo niggers get the rope. How do you explain that.
It's happening.
It's fucking nothing
[stop] . theSpread()
certainly q boomer posting
It shows a Q as the last letter before the +
Q+ in your id
i want you Qoomers to go back to r_/ptg/
i mean this is blatant.
i am a q denier and am at a loss right now.
the fact that it changed to a Q as the last letter before it disappeared is what makes it real.
23 seconds into the vid as the letters are dissappearing the last letter an O turns into a q VERY briefly before it fades.
100% intentional.
Whitehouse psyop confirmed. Who's behind it? Kush, Bannon?
thanks for playing
All the letters change to another before fading out. I saw both Os change to Qs. I rewound it and saw the others change as well. :(
Guys. What if Q is actually Google's quantum computer....
Holy shit it's real.
Q predicted this
yeah i read the thing about it being project deepmind AI that could be learning to predict our behavior but what of it aint shit
Sorry, I meant IBM's.
>What is Qanon ?
Bunch of kikes
>Nice argumentation, can you prove it ?
The effect literally shows random letters in every position before it shows the final position. I can highlight any letter I want.
Will =Q= Fail?!?!
>Stop the spread [of] Q
What did he mean by this?
touche well played. its all fake.
I hate Q faggots so much
explain like you are talking to a child.
um wheres the mcdonalds?
A quantum perspective applied to algorithms would mean that it's not learning anything. It's actively constructing an environment in which the reaction is already present.
Which is why qubits exist in a tangled state. It's processing such a massive neural net that it reaches a probability factor of 99.99% repeating.
So imagine everytime a "shift in the timeline" is occurring it actually is the computer refiguring the algorithm in which it is applying. So when things act weird it is because their was a shift in the environment we are being subjected to.
the algorithm knows.
i fucking hate this faggot
Is this part of the plan?
Riyadh arrests civil servants in latest Saudi crackdown
they're shitposting
Fine I'm a shill. I just don't understand how putting gay little encoded messages in stuff helps us even if it is real. Does it mean that coronavirus is fake or something? Why are all these people dying in Italy then?
When will migapedes leave Yas Forums?
wack. so it controls the future?
t-t-trust the p-plan mkay?
There are none.
Your McDonalds will soon become all tavistocks of forgetfulness.
Not necessarily. It uses the large base of data to manipulate how we observe things.
Are you stupid?
It shows the 'Q' a second time after all of the text fades away.
how much cash he must be earning to do this?
My name is Tom, what does this mean
so we still control the future... but it controls us?
tom have already been taken care off....
Satan confirms
yes but the same letter transion to the same set of other three letters, G->i->k in both the good and the hygiene.
>Q on screen at 23 seconds
>posted to inform qtards it would be at 23 seconds
>we're all in this together
just... what? am I taking crazy pills? I thought you fucking qniggers were insane boomers. Is this fucking real? what is happening?
Q is a program bro. A super smart AI that is plugged into a quantum computer.
I don't think it's fake, I think it means Trump is supposedly using it as an excuse to lock stuff down and do shit to fight the "deep state".
I don't know what's real anymore. this vid is... blatant.
What the fuck? Q boomers were right all along
You should have trusted the plan, you only had to listen
I can't fucking believe I'm asking this, but... could it be a reference to Tom Hanks? did they kill him? for being pedoscum?
fuck its real
Why do people get so fucking angry about Q?
It means you're Q. Congratulations. You can lead a small army of backwards and mentally ill boomers to deep depression and suicide when they realise you're one of many other people claiming the mantle of Q.
You should start a website and start selling merch like the rest of them.
In one timeline Tom fed mammoth to his dog and it unleashed super pox killing 3/4 of the global population, we had to reset the simulation 4 times on his account.
he works for free just like jannies
HO_LEE_FUK,@:23, it flashes from an "O" to a "Q" before fading.
would be based if true but i doubt it
What possible news report would suck the entire news cycle away from covid19?
Because they're paid shills that know the day of the rope is literally happening within 30 days
what's the benefit? we'd essentially be handing our entire reality over to a computer, if what you wrote previously is accurate. why would we do that, and why would we want to stick with it? is it even something Trump can control? I'm just lost. I didn't think qtards bought into the singularity. also, if you haven't read it, pic related basically is what's happening now. it's freaky coincidences. absolutely terrifying coincidences.
Q stood for quarantine all along.
besides the Q+ thing, is there any legitimate reason why a Q would flash in there?
drips into a flood. Wash clean.
if serious, what plan? there was no apparent "plan" just a lot of incoherent cryptic shit that made boomers think they were doing something by doing nothing. On the face of it, it seemed like the perfect pacification altered reality game. is NESARA the plan?
I was on the fence about this Q shit, this is a serious shove in the ids real and habbending direction.
>When will migapedes leave Yas Forums?
Most of them are over 60 and will die of corona. The rest will slink away in a few years when a Democrat become president and none of their dumb fantasies come true.
[Stop] is in a kill box. Not sure what it means.
My Faith in Trump is at an all time high.
at the 23 second mark makes this a lot harder to not see it as a Q related thing. If it was just a larp maybe for more voters then that could be it right? a voter scheme...? right?
What is Darpa's Narrative Network?
What was the test study?
What shape is the Earth?
What is the only glowie agency that disallow dual citizen?
lol everyone is mad that he killed the pandemic response team like we need another 20 trillion dollar government bureaucracy to tell people to wash their hands in flu season
holy fuck Q fags are pathetic
Ditto. But that Q was the last letter to be shown when the words cleared out. And the Q was in the middle. Fuck man. Mind blown.
>Qtards will leave the internet in 30 days
prepare your anus Qanomalymous
tick tock
Thanks for helping Brazil out too, Q. Some massive anti-government conspirator faggot just died of a "heart attack", right before he was to cement an alliance with fellow conspiratards to destroy Brazil from within.
That shit was the real deal. Was.
That was definitely intentional. Hmmm-hnnn!
Also, can someone do a metal remix of this?