/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2129

► Detected: 169,605 ► Died: 6,518

Argentina shuts down borders, schools

Venezuela under lockdown in 7 states, affecting 12 million

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Denmark shuts down borders

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Virus affects blood circulation

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Finland only testing high risk cases

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

23:20: 79 new cases in Brazil.
19:44: 1,228 new cases and 3 new deaths in Germany.
19:41: 1,452 new cases and 96 new deaths in Spain.
19:39: 924 new cases and 36 new deaths in France.
17:10: 3,590 new cases and 368 new deaths in Italy.
15:40: 232 new cases and 14 new deaths in the United Kingdom.
11:03: 1,209 new cases and 113 new deaths in Iran.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 6,518
lol, still only 6,518.
How many days has it been stuck at 6,518? Four days? Five days?

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A melancholic playlist for these end times. Join me as I head to In-N-Out one last time.


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► China 80,851 (3,199) ► International 88,523 (3,302): Italy 24,747 (1,809) Iran 13,938 (724) S. Korea 8,162 (75) Spain 7,845 (292) Germany 5,813 (11) France 5,423 (127) US 3,680 (68) Switzerland 2,217 (14) UK 1,391 (35) Norway 1,254 (3) Netherlands 1,135 (20) Sweden 1,040 (3) Belgium 886 (4) Denmark 864 (2) Austria 860 (1) Japan 839 (24) D. Princess 696 (7) Canada 341 (1) Greece 331 (4) Australia 300 (5) Slovenia 219 (1) Ireland 170 (2) H. Kong 149 (4) Philippines 140 (12) Egypt 126 (2) Poland 125 (3) Iraq 124 (10) Indonesia 117 (5) Thailand 114 (1) India 112 (2) S. Marino 109 (7) Lebanon 99 (3) Luxembourg 77 (1) Taiwan 59 (1) Bulgaria 51 (2) Algeria 48 (4) Argentina 46 (2) Panama 43 (1) Albania 42 (1) Ecuador 37 (2) Hungary 32 (1) Morocco 28 (1) Azerbaijan 23 (1) Guyana 4 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guatemala 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Malaysia 428 Qatar 401 Cze. Rep. 293 Portugal 245 Finland 244 Singapore 226 Bahrain 214 Israel 213 Brazil 200 Iceland 180 Estonia 171 Romania 139 S. Arabia 118 Kuwait 112 UAE 98 Chile 75 Peru 71 Russia 63 Slovakia 61 S. Africa 61 Vietnam 56 Pakistan 53 Brunei 50 Croatia 49 Serbia 48 Mexico 43 Palestine 38 C. Rica 35 Colombia 34 Georgia 33 Cyprus 33 Latvia 30 Belarus 27 Armenia 26 Senegal 24 Bosnia 24 Moldova 23 Oman 22 Malta 21 Tunisia 20 Macedonia 19 S. Lanka 18 Turkey 18 Venezuela 17 Afghanistan 16 Lithuania 14 Maldives 13 Cambodia 12 Macao 11 Dom. Rep. 11 Faeroes 11 Jordan 10 Bolivia 10 Jamaica 10 Martinique 10 Kazakhstan 9 N. Zealand 8 Fr. Guiana 7 Liechtenstein 7 Paraguay 7 Reunion 7 Honduras 6 Ghana 6 Uruguay 6 Andorra 5 Bangladesh 5 P. Rico 5 Rwanda 5 Cameroon 4 Ivory C. 4 Cuba 4 Ethiopia 4 Uzbekistan 4 B. Faso 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Guadeloupe 3 Guam 3 Kenya 3 Seychelles 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 Curacao 2 Congo 2 Namibia 2 St. Lucia 2 St. Martin 2 Tri. & Tob. 2… Total 158/251

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>government posts propaganda saying the virus isn't a big deal, telling people to not cancel anything, to go on with their normal lives

>mass demonstrations to support Bolsonaro, football matches played with full attendance, Bolsonaro inciting the demonstrations

>leftists organize mass demonstrations against their president, saying no virus is going to stop them

>shut down public events days ago, today shut down borders, shut down schools, 270 foreigners deported for not respecting quarantine, all people over 60 under obligatory sick leave, football matches without attendance, government eyeing into making them free to watch so normies don't go crazy while staying at home

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Sunday update: More than 750 coronavirus cases, 42 deaths in Washington state

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Has anyone else noticed that basically no one is talking about Iran? Have they been coronacausted?


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we still a shithole country


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Can we all agree that loli coronachan > sexy coronachan?

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it's so sad seeing unprepared normies starving

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This happening is going to slow. Speed it up.

but alive

I never thought it would happen like this. Maybe liberal society would implode from political division, rioting, a coup, but not this.

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Ishuzoku Reviewers

>china successfully contained the virus
>pretty much stopped spreading in asia
>stocks almost fully recovered
>"t-two more weeks bro!"
happeningfags on suicide watch


sure, but your situation could be far worse

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My final prediction pic, pls rate or make your own

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The levels of cope are immeasurable jfc

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Thoughts on China?

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I thought they closed down the Disney parks?

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I'm 23 and have asthma. How fucked am I Yas Forums?

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When are they gonna make it free?

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hahaha medical marijuana dispensaries in LA will remain open (under the pharmaceutical label) and have delivery still

>remaining computer parts will probably be dispatched at the end of the week
>corona will probably keep it in limbo for even more weeks if Boris shuts the country down

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Fuck you groomer




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No it's not, it's hilarious


What time is trump showing his face on camera tomorrow morning?

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Chinese traffic shows they still aren't fully operational, even in cities that barely had cases

>delaware and alaska has fallen



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and this is how The Matrix starts...

Two TSA agents tested positive at Orlando International Airport, last working March 10th, gates 1-59 (American, Jet Blue terminal)
they were last at work on March 10th, serving Gates 1-59 (American)

I just hope he dies from the wu flu.

those people are fucked

(((How indeed)))

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Look at all this cope. lol

Washington got hit hard wtf, so did NYC.

imagine being this poorfag

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You'll be alright. Just make sure to have orange juice, vitamin c and some regular multivitamins.

Only the one in cali


Guys my autistic trasngender gender fluid AiDS Cancer child needs food and tp, wet wipes, disibfectants plase help.

Lol look at that "squad up" shirt kid.


Buy the dip.

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Give me your most schizophrenic explanations for why Corona exists and why it started in China.

>imagine still paying for wow

We are closing schools and massive events too. We need to care of our economy Argiebro. Not all of us have the FMI up our ass

catch the virus and make it a better place

It's not about the money. I want to see Orgrimmar inundated with people again. Making it free temporarily is free publicity and tons of people coming back


they're either corrupt or incompetent.
the globalist have been saying this for years that they will depopulate
Italy they have no compassion No Remorse and they will govern unsympathetic to your people's needs.
the technotronic controls is worse than the virus or the panic.

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One of the first areas in the US, and it hit a nursing home. Had a lot of time to work it’s magic with no prevention

severe asthma? mine is mild but I am close to 40.

Remember to torture and kill your local chink merchant

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isnt your country's plan to let all the old people die?

Nope, faggot

you will get fucked if u get sick

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Did any of you fags actually think about whether the food you bought will meet your nutritional needs over long periods of time, or are you just buying whatever's cheapest and/or tastiest?


>Watch out for the yellow hazard.
>In the coming decades we will have to guard against Chinese expansionism.
>They will invade the world with their immense prolificity, with their low-cost products and with the epidemics that they grow within them.

Benito Mussolini, speech to greet Galeazzo Ciano, appointed Italian representative in Shanghai.
Speech delivered in Rome in 1927.

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Just shorted boomer coin with 100x leverage for Corona-chan liberty crowns. Am I gonna make it Yas Forums?

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this guy is losing his mind harder than Joe Biden

He’s right about the China thing.

The reason for the response is because while it’s not the end of the world the effect off too many cases all at once to ICUs would be very bad.

>Not digging big titties
Not gonna make it, also kys. Not even because of possible pedo tastes but because of shit taste in chest size.

go to area 51, try to show yourself like a murican and speak english everytime, always work ;)

cuck'thalas and noobgnaros fucking suck

I bought 50 bags of doritos and 10 cases of pizza pops. I got my mountain dew and dr pepper too.

Pedo mutt

Costco is such a dumb idea now lmfao

guy who jumps in isn't going to make it

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So which Yas Forumsack here is picky and only eats bread? Or would does the son visit some other board?

Has there ever been a movie where the aliens invade during an epidemic? It's gonna be so lit when they show up

Prez is powerful

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You're still in California? You should've left when you had the chance

It's Earth.
It wants to get rid of humans.
Corona virus is like an anti body.
Earth made it to combat the plague on this planet that is humanity.
It started in China because they are the worst, and hurt Earth the most.

I’m good

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Well, /cvg/?

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>4 million Americans a year
lol that means it will happen to everyone in a lifetime...

For those that didn't realize it or didn't get the backstory, the person in the body bag isn't dead yet. Also, this was in Iran.

It is me.
I have hoarded all of the bread and frozen it all in a walk in freezer.
not picky. just spiteful

Enjoying the ride, thanks user

>Paraguay 7
We are at 8 now

Also, stricter shit is being applied, boomers can't go to work even and electricity/water bills are being forgiven for these days of quarantine.

Wasn't the walking dead pandemic created by aliens?
Too bad that whole show sucks ass.

It's mild. Mostly exercise educed.

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Bio weapon made in a China lab. Got loose cause China is fucking retarded.

oh that gif is golden

anything new for us US frens?

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yes, because they import indian doctors from diploma mills

For those starved for COVID chatter, good history of the virus from an actual doctor.


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Well, in War of the Worlds the aliens died because of the flu.


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Your toilet paper, hand them over.

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boomercide NOW

I almost killed myself before this all kicked off. Im super glad I didn't. This is a happening that im really enjoying to watch.

that's italy

Ya I bailed but not before I endured almost 7 seasons of that garbage. I didn't know it was aliens, though. Neat

The world does not have the strength to do what china did to stop the spread. We're all fucked. We should have banned all travel in January

Nuked from orbit


>1.5 oz Tequila.
>0.5 oz Cointreau.
>juice of 1 lime.
>agave nectar to taste.
>several drops Orange Flower Water
Shake with crushed ice. Top with Corona beer. Garnish was made using a squeezed lime half and dotting with whole cloves.

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I don't know how fucked but honestly just be extra cautious. This shit can fuck up healthy 30 somethings (Even a 16 year old) and leave a 60 year old fat boss fine.

they could at least have the decency to euthanize them.

These violent delights have violent ends.

Most people don't have enough calories to last a month, let alone worry about nutrient deficiencies.

I bought 75 pounds of flour and several big bags of rice. Then I went for dry beans. Then I added canned meat and fruit. I think I might be short on vitamin C but I'm not too worried about scurvy. Spring will bring vegetables here anyway. I can hunt a bit too.

actually not a terrible idea. I believe you can get the stuff in a compact powder form, don't know if it needs refrigeration. It's still like $3 a meal though isn't it?

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These are really tricky to open.

This is a ploy by the CIA to destroy the international drug trade and strengthen societal control by allowing their supply of psychoactives to filter through the beer supply. By starting a Corona virus outbreak in China, they have shut down the Triad shipments across the Pacific, but also have damanged Grupo Modelo, which is the legitimate face of the Mexican cartels. Just wait until you see Bud Light ads surge.

I concur