So shit is about to get really bad. The CDC just announced on their website that all venues of 50 people or more should be closed for 8 weeks.
Myself and many others are most likely getting laid off tomorrow and these normies probably paid for all their toilet paper and normie supplies on credit.
What happens when that fails?
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck anons
>be student
>government gives me money to study every fortnight
They want more debt slaves.
People realize how shitty the us system is and succdems get victories to placate the masses to prevent socialist uprisings
>Allowing yourself to reach the point that you live paycheck to paycheck
I really don't understand how people allow this to happen.
If you can't be on your own without this occurring, don't move out.
Don't move to a big city.
Don't leave the safety net you have.
Seriously I can't even feel bad for these people.
You literally asked for this.
When I was in college, I stayed in my parents house.
I climbed the income ladder, and only when I was living 2x my paycheck, money saved for months on end, did I even begin to think to move out on my own. People who allow this to happen seriously are just financially illeterate and asking for something like this to come along and ruin their life.
What's worse is some of them have kids while knowingly and having allowed them-self to reach the point of living paycheck to paycheck. Really, just sad.
stop ordering avocado toast on grubhub 3 times a day and sell your iphone. boom, next month's rent covered now you can start saving
bro its terrible
this shit keeps me up at night
this is how socialism and then communism comes
This will be bad but it will be even worse for niggers who live off the government and depend on public schools to feed their eight niglets every day for free plus EBT, Welfare, and Section 8 housing. The niggers will go crazy real soon.
78% of people are irresponsible then, and will be met with led if they attempt to come take what I have saved
my friend said this wouldn't happen if we had UBI and Sanders as president. I'm going into quarantine from him for awhile.
Why? Their checks aren't going to stop. Most white men who receive EBT or welfare get like $30 a month for food and no financial assistance. Niggers get $300 for food, and free apartment.
When shit like that happened with Hurricane Katrina troops were deployed to go door to door and confiscate civilian firearms.
>be alcoholic
>government gives me money to drink every fortnight
say hello to your future.
>I really don't understand how people allow this to happen.
I don't understand why you think it's a good talking point. EVERYBODY lives paycheck to paycheck. I've been doing it all my life and I love it.
Do you have any awareness whatsoever? There's plenty of people who don't have a stable home which they grew up in. I was literally out on the street on my 18th birthday because otherwise they would cut my mom's gibs.
> Enough living expenses saved up for 2 years
> All expenses covered by side project
I'm going to be fine if I lose my work tomorrow
It would pretty pathetic if a nasty cold topples capitalism.
>I really don't understand how people allow this to happen.
Same question to my parents who left me with no home and goverment that ruind economy and left me with no work.
Capitalism is killing itself. "Flu" just accelerating the process, among other things.
>What's worse is some of them have kids while knowingly and having allowed them-self to reach the point of living paycheck to paycheck. Really, just sad.
The story of my parents right there lol. Then they had another kid and spent our childhoods whining about our finances...
What happens when you have a lot of people, with nothing to lose?
Revolution is coming to America.
Whats so bad, just be one of the party leaders and execute actual communists for being "foreign national plants" or something.
I didnt understand how people making above the median income live paycheck to paycheck until I started talking and befriending these people and realizing they simply don't fucking even try to save.
25+$ a day spent on stupid shit like cigarettes and alcohol, going out every weekend, 10$+ lunches at chipotle or whatever, indulging in retarded vices, and we arent even getting to shit like weed.
They then barely even work full time and wonder why they cant save anything, and always complain about being broke and "i cant afford food" but ignore the food shelf system already put in place.
Its fucking pathetic, I got through rough patches by working my ass off, cutting out vices, and being frugal as hell with food. Not even resorting to ramen, but instead relying on actual poverty food and making the most of it.
Literally go fucking die, some Mexican will replace you.
Why have a mexican replace them? Theyll just shit up the system too. Finally start automating shit now that both are out of the way.
And what happens when your parents can't pay rent? you absolute moron
I have been thinking of this for a long time waiting for the inevitable super bug to pop up. Historically these things cause paradigm shifts and upheaval. It's going to be painful but I think a necessary and substantial enough ass pain to make people question the things around them.
You learn how to live simply, or you perish.
True, but we need somewhat of a stopgap, and a good chunk are so used to poverty that they understand the actual value of a dollar and saving money.
I worked with a Cuban (legal) for awhile and he was saving enough to send money home to support his extended. Granted we were both above min wage but the tradeoff was it was pretty tough manufacturing work with long ass shifts.
2019 article. At ;east take a moment to edit the image
Since we are adding retarded hypotheticals, why would parents be unable to pay rent? Both get fired? Maybe they should have picked better occupations, had a safety net, or a backup plan, or found another job?
>work in jew york
>everyone on my team makes over 6 figures
>they are all living paycheck to paycheck
>not even remotely in that issue even paying off a lease
>have at least 7 months of living expenses saved up
>will get an extra 2k On my check if orange man removes payroll taxes
People are retarded.
The left is weaponizing a public health crisis to push socialized medicine as a life or death choice we don't have
Unironically this. I a few months as a turbo wage cuck when my life went to shit. I found a dog shit but dirt cheap apartment that covered my necessities and stopped eating out more than once every couple weeks unless a friend offered to cover me.
I managed to put away nearly $1000 a month on a $13/hr wage.
This. Fuck poor people.
>If you can't be on your own without this occurring, don't move out.
Well, fan-tucking-fastic advice, user. Lemme just head over and tell my dad, who threw me out of the house when I was 18 after having an episode of delusional paranoia and convincing himself I stole his bear claws--and mind you, I'm not talking about pastries, I mean actual taxidermy supplies--that he has to let me move back in. I'm sure the last 7 years of estrangement and his continuing cognitive decline in the interim will really make my case for me.
"Don't leave the safety net you have", bitch, I had a danger net.
Yep and they love car maintenance loans and flash clothing, so they can look cool.
>Capitalism creates basically every cure.
>Creates abundance while socialists starve and eat each other.
>A random act of nature happens.
Commiefags: ThIsIsCaPiTaLiSmSfAuLt
What do you do, user?
I'm a recent grad and corona just made me unemployed
How the fuck is this even possible? How are people this bad at managing their lives and finances? It boggles my mind.
Get your head out of your ass, American. A large portion of your countrymen are facing a crisis and all you can say is "lmao serves them right".
What are all these people wasting their money on?
Where was all this hysteria with H1N1 in 2009? Something is really weird about all this shit.
>serves them right
This is natural human logic. We dont give a shit about each other, capitalism encourage this to the point of goodness. Live for yourself, dont give a shit bout nobody if you rational.
Ok boomer.
It’s almost like we’re in an election year.
Profesional streetwhore
based poo
Dude, the economy would collapse faster than a sanders rally interrupted by niggers if he and his policy was enacted
>all normies are required to stay at home and absorb fear-based media narratives until further notice.
Your "re-education camp" is your own home, user.
>hurrr durrr
>back in my day you could get a job with a firm handshake and solid eye contact
>car cost $500
>car insurance?!
>college costs?! Git a summer job, i paid for my college with my summer jobs!
Yeah, that was the America you inherited from your fathers. Now look what you have done to America since then...
Amazing list of accomplishments.
I disagree with that, it’s rational to care for your community because of black swans. But the other side of that is that it’s rational to build a community of competent people who all contribute value. Shunning the deadweight is absolutely necessary for the good of the whole.
They gunna stall the tax refunds and make people take out loans , 2 months will work ... good luck im going to eat a couple spoon fulls of dirt with every meal to make food last longer. They have run out of pandemics like the housing and schooling and business and now its onto a non exsistant virus , COOL!!!
most of us dont have friends or family to back us up faggot
>probably paid for all their toilet paper and normie supplies on credit.
dont pay, wont matter anyway
user, is it really reasonable to expect people to make the optimal choice at every single juncture in their life and have a plan for every single contingency that could ever befall them, and set that as the standard to be allowed to live with basic human dignity? Do you really want to occupy a world that's such a dystopian, Social Darwinist nightmare, or are you just being a contrarian asshole on the internet?
lmao I just bought a bike for $1k last week for the hell of it
There is no MY community. My whole life is a fucking black swan. I am not antisocial though, it is just happend world around me is antisocial.
If people were rational they wouldnt ever make kids and probably would suicide themselfs. We live on the impulses.
All you need is enough money to build a guillotine.
You can change that user, if you want to. Join a church, or community organization like rotary or masons (I know, I know), or even a sports club. It’s good to have good people in your life.