She messaged me on facebook tonight asking if i wanted to hookup with her. Would i be a bad friend if i did so? she is single, but obviously much older than me. pic related.
Should i fuck my best friend's mom?
Go ahead stud, fuck her right in the pussy. I'm sure your friend won't mind.
Her video where she plays a sex therapist and orders the guy to hold her down and nut in her mouth at the end, changed my life. Shame about her tats, but I fucking love her.
Tag team her with your buddy then kys
go for it.
Yeah, do it.
you'll regret it. i haven't been in such a situation but.... dude, come on. your BEST friend? jesus.... any friend, no just no.
you'd be better off being a faggot or a monk.
Yeah the world is transient, live in the moment, get the pussy, nothing really matters, friends don't matter
It's probably your friend on her account trolling you, dont be a dumb fuck
Why the fuck would your friend care about who his mom is having sex with?
No brainer
you are some of the worst people ever I can't believe I didn't notice before.
you especially Wayne... .you're out of control and a hilarious meme. You make me scared and laugh at the same time.
Record it for us op deliver in your friends mom
“Haha hey bro remember when I fucked your mom sorry about that hahah”
Yeah nah safe bet is to just jerk off
When you are on your deathbed user, many years from now, the only true regret you will have is any pussy you turned down. Remember that.
You're a dishonorable piece of shit if you do. Pump and dump some other whore for fuck's sake.
Make sure she blow you during the process. Any time you see her give a motherly kiss to your friend, you get to know she had those lips around your cock. Bonus points if you cum on her face.
only faggots and larpers ask Yas Forums about this shit
>Would i be a bad friend if i did so?
How would that make you a bad friend retard?
You'll regret it, and become a horrible person. Do it.
Kike shill trying to get you to immorally break nofap just fuck your best friends mom instead op
Went through the same thing when I was in school. If you do it you’ll feel racked with guilt and if you don’t you’ll always wonder how great it would have been. You’re fucked. Woman are a blight to mankind
How might an interested friend of mine find this vidya?
Once upon a time having a whore for a mother/sister etc was considered a sign of shame upon your family. Nowadays there's nothing you can do to stop them from being whores, but you can tell them what they are to their faces, and it's not too much to ask out of people that are supposed to be your friends that they don't go around ejaculating all over your family members.
Yas Forums - Politically Incorrect
I would put nothing past, infact bibi himself could be doing this just for lulz. seriously.
he's having a bad day.
Who’s in the pic OP
Do it.
Will you regret it? If he finds out.
Will it feel good? Fuck yes it will.
That makes sense if you are a kid. Hopefully OP is not a child and can handle grown up things.
coom inside her
Just do it bro. If you valued your friendship more than the opportunity to get pussy you wouldn't have made this thread.
Yes. Don't pull out either, and make ´Your Mom´ jokes for eterinity.
If she looks like pic, then fuck yeah, do it. You can always get another best friend. How often do you get a chance to fuck some older woman with great tits like those?
you'll regret it after you bust your nut
homosexuals detected
dive right in user, and make sure to start off as dirty as possible
Can you post this shit anywhere else but here
Only if that's not her.
Yes. Post pics
Do it, you’ll always regret it if you don’t, trust me
the imagination of what it could have been will always be greater than the sad reality
as soon as you nut you will experience the greatest post orgasm shame, plus the chance of ruining a friendship for life
Have her roleplay as your mom as well.
If you're going to do degenerate shit you need to go all in
She's a pornstar.
She makes good amateur porn, but i don't remember his name...
Hell fap sadly to the thought of not banging her for years on end,
Decades maybe even, which is worse? Or better
do it
record it
then blackmail the fuck out of her..
Fuck her cunt you wont get another chance.
>search bar
>facefucking the anger management counselor
This happened to a friend of mine, when he found out his mother threw him out and let his friend stay.
It threw him into a deep depression and some years later he killed himself
Probably not.
coomer alert
stop being a cumbrain
perverts will never ascend
slide thread
sage in all fields
who the fuck are you?
well, she's got it going on
Sounds like fucking her was the correct choice.
if you like ruining your friends lives, sure i guess.
Is this 'fuck her, cunt' or 'fuck her cunt'? Hard to tell with aussies
Deny the roastie
Tell your friend
Watch him kill his mom
>Had an affair with best friend's mom
>She got pregnant from it and passed the kid off as her husband's
>To this day no one is the wiser, and I regularly see and have to pretend my kid is not my kid while they're all a happy family together
Biggest regret of my life desu senpai
shit that didn't happen
>white people
the world is going to be objectively better with your inevitable extinction
Judaism is fine, Zionism is bad
That's Dana Kane
Apologies, i believe user is a hobbit, not an aussie.
Sort your fucking flags out
I mean, if she's not a complete idiot, and you trust her ability to keep it on the down low yeah.