How does someone's life end up like this?

How does someone's life end up like this?

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I see nothing wrong with it

Christians did this.

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he put his tent on low ground

It's always heroin junkies.

I hate methheads but not even they do this shit.

Drugs, mental illness, or just saying "fuck it" to normal life, I would imagine.

Anhedonia and total apathy

They got sick and couldn't pay their rent.

They are a symptom of the entire country in microcosm. This is what you get when you choose the wrong side of a cosmic battle.

tweakers steal your shit while junkies will pass out in a tent innawoods
ill take a junkie over a tweaker

That and low IQ. Only stupid people are genuinely poor.

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path of least resistance.

I've never done drugs and i'm not mentally ill...

is it weird that i wouldn't mind living in a tent in the woods?

I worked at a homeless shelter
Anyone that wasn’t a junkie was streamlined into work and subsidized apartments
It had almost a 100% success rate getting people off their feet - so long as participants committed to the program and stayed off drugs
Almost the failures were drug related

Chronic, incurable NEETdom.
Usually happens when the bux run out or your family gets sick to death of you

That's fine as long as you don't pitch ypur tent in the middle of a mud puddle.



Checked wtf Wayne are you still running?

>flooded tent
Clearly poor decision making.

>not being self sufficient and living in the wild

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Heroin. Junkies should be executed.

How does someones life end up like this?

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heroin or alcoholism

If it weren't hot here 5 out of 12 months I would live in a tent.

Fuck you Karen. I want my son back

Like what? Camping? Jesus op are you that retarded you don't know what camping is?

I'm one bad month of sales from there. I woked in the medical field (emergency) for a decade, burned out and bounced around fields for a bit before starting my own company (just me and a part timer). I'm as frugal as I can be (not a druggie or a drunk) but bills keep coming. If I don't get a sale in the next few days, I'm losing everything.

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Back to rddit namefag retard

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I live in a van and pee in jugs. I've done this for 5 years now. I have about $50k in a credit union. Sometimes I eat at soup kitchens because it's free.

post timestamped piss jugs or fuck off larper

i don't have a camera phone. why would i need to take pictures of anything?

way of the road, bubs

I need a facility, that's the problem.

>mental illness
>cruel families
>a run of really bad luck
>substance abuse
>desire to live off the grid/hatred of modern living

There are a million reasons faggot

If the picture was larger I could tell you.

It all begins when you post on Yas Forums

Like what?

Independent from debt, mortgage, being a slave to corporations?

Ask yourself how did your life end up the way it did.

Drugs. Usually meth.

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Usually drugs, but sometimes by choice.
My brother chose to live that way, moved to a city with low unemployment so he could do day labor but not be locked into full time employment. Lived freely and I guess happily. Hes in prison for 25 years now though, so...

I had to post the thumbnail because the original was over 5MB

Story time? You can't just leave us hanging like that

Mental illness and substance abuse mostly

they ran out of toilet paper

Taxes and a handful of mistake plus a few people willing to kick you when you're down.

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How does someone's life end up like this?

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Ground level, what do you think we can do to help with the drug problem?

based lambright, LAMBRIGHT 2020!

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drugs, 99.99999% of the time.

Homeless people typically are argumentative/dirty/hoarders sealed with a drug problem which is why they cant live with family members or in an assisted living home.

They basically burn every bridge they are ever offered with their drugs and slovenliness.

>tfw never will join a sex cult



god i miss him so much

I moved up there, we were getting our shit together, he was getting ready to move back into society. Bought himself a truck to live in, got too drunk one night and crossed the double yellow line. One dead grandma and a manslaughter charge later.

Abandoned by father, moms an addict, no family, no money, dropped out of college because scam, refuse to wage slave, van life is better

not having a father that takes the time to raise his child

Trusted a Jew

Weakness. Be strong. Embrace your 10% Aryan roots.

They buy a tent, usually.

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>virgin studio soiboi vs. Chad sub hobo

>things that never happened

Why would you put your tent high up in a tree?

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