Itt: good jews

itt: good jews

Attached: kubrick.jpg (920x584, 53.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Dylan Klebold


Here they are

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Attached: Norman.jpg (300x450, 190.35K)

Mick Jagger

Otto Weininger


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Attached: [email protected] (1400x1050, 209.23K)

Kubrick was NOT a good jew. pic related

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fuck off nigger.

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This nigga

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Bobby Fischer

barry goldwater was ok

came here to post ol' Norman

Attached: GoodJew.jpg (1170x780, 120.84K)

Ron Unz
Ariel Toaff
Seymour Hersh - this man has made a career of exposing the shit his fellow tribals are up to, with award-winning books and essays on:
-Israeli nukes
-Kissinger jewing
-regime change in Libya
-fake gas attacks and attempted regime change in Syria

Honorable mention to Chomsky. He's not good, but every now and then he calls out jews jewing

Attached: img-seymour-hersh_120731233617.jpg (640x830, 118.53K)

90% of Yas Forums has no idea who he is unfortunately, even though they've definitely seen some of his famous youtube clips

Dylan Cole

Ron Unz belongs in the same tier as based Norm

honestly never even met anyone that knows shattner is jewish

Attached: kirk.jpg (775x984, 401.24K)

hes not

Kubrick was a Jew? God damn. No one can say there are no good Jews.

Fucking this!


Attached: arnold schoenberg.jpg (496x700, 60.21K)

I have this one on my shelf. The tl;dr of it is Kissinger was a sociopathic ultra-jew, with powers of subversion and manipulation that make regular jews look like amateurs

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>generic bluepill media jew

>All of Shatner's four grandparents were Jewish immigrants

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-15 William Shatner - Wikipedia.png (948x228, 75.35K)

Cringey goy is cringe


One of the best. But Bobby kept denying he was Jewish or circumcized.


Kill yourselves.

i don't see six million

My ancestor Fernando Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, 3rd Duke of Alba

Attached: 800px-Antonis_mor,_fernando_àlvarez_de_toledo,_duca_di_alba,_1549,_01.jpg (800x945, 190.57K)

Enlighten me

he wrote a manifesto about how Jews were the master race and he hates goyim.
it was suppressed by the lying press because it would cause anti-semitism

Seth rich

Attached: RomDS9.jpg (329x303, 12.11K)

Unironically a good dude.


work with kubrick for a week. youll probably come back and be like "this guy is a fucking asshole jew"

>work with kubrick for a week.
he's dead

just pretend its 1970

Attached: Dylan.jpg (276x183, 6.3K)


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Is that you, Shelley?

Praise the son of God who dabbed on the kikes!!!

did anybody accuse him of this shit when he was alive though? because it's awfully easy to do it when he's dead and move attention away from active molesters and perverts.

fuck that kike and his kike vocals

Also Bobby Fischer

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They're all dead.

Attached: Your time is up.jpg (910x600, 37.6K)

Makes so much sense

>Kubrick is a good Jew
He literally raped and drugged women, retard.


Come on, user. You need to tune up your Jewdar.

Attached: usa---violence---dylan-klebold.jpg (620x400, 64.68K)

best customer service i have ever dealt with, surprisingly didn't just try to jew me out of money

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samuel roths, ron unz, gilad atzmon, moshe menuhin, gerard menuhin, alfred lilienthal, henry makow, harold wallace rosenthal, bobby fischer.