Canada Corona Thread

Continuation of

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Honestly. On Vancouver Island. Starting to freak the fuck out a little bit.

Thornhill non-kike reporting in

Look, I didn’t want to be a Jew.

If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this tab right now. Believe whatever lie your ema and abba told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life. Being a Jew is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful nasty ways

How distinct are canadian girls from american ones?

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I can easily hang out for 2 weeks while they cleanse the earth

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Peter MacKay will win the Conservative leadership election now that you have to be vetted for good-goy status before being allowed to compete.

Is he based or a faggot?


Would you compare a Californian woman to one from Idaho?

Forest Hill ultra kike reporting in

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Would you compare an asian to a goblin?

Ottawa here

how fucked are we as a province?

Malvern ultra nigga reporting in

MacKay is a "Red Tory", the equivalent of a RINO.

Living in the NWT no cases yet, I'm more concerned with all the panic purchasing and if AB gets shut down

I bought a shitton of chili two weeks ago before SHTF

>gold / TP pair
we're surrounded by trees. paper pulp is extremely cheap. there is literally no way this can happen. shortages right now aren't because the usage rate, but because panic buying.

The point is that it varies significantly from place to place.
Canada is fucking huge, my dude.

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richmond hill eye talian reportin

the ultra kike was implied with "Forrest Hill"

my friend lives in malvern and he is ultra white as fuck
>RIP Brian

Justin lives here so we fucked bud

Imagine being a torontofag jesus christ

1 roll per day... jesus christ burger how much do you shit.

Everyone, the dollar stores are still stocked with food, medicine and even TP. Go get some now, before the cunts figure out there are other places than costco and superstore.
Also the paint stores still have respirators. You need one now. If they don't have n95, get p95.

Honestly you people laugh at thornhill kike hoarders, but you really dont have enough thornhill kikes yourselves. The average person uses 1 thornhill kike per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 thornhill kikes a week. Over 100 a month. Thornhill kikes will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>tl;dr kikes are worth their weight in gold. The ultimate pasta.

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i live in vancouver's westend

i appreciate that people have fucked off finally. early morning is like 28 days later tier

i still head out on the regular lmao

Actually it wasent in Toronto

Port Perry here how far north you boys thinking of going if this shit goes off the rails ? I call dibs on the north side of Algonquin forest

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Quite a few ppl I know who live there went to PDAC this year.

south etobicoke slav reporting in. whats the game plan boys? who here has guns? also what are we doing about deranged americans crossing the boarder?

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>no canadian gook gf

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Every chink in Canada can drop dead or leave . The place is crawling with them . They help themselves to all the stuff we built .

Every retard will go there. Try the Queen Elizabeth Wildlands

Thornhill here. Went with some friends dt. Eerily quiet everywhere during the day, in the streets, and in the parks. Weird times ahead.

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Whyte ave / Edmonton here. The save on by us restocks TP every night at 11:30 and they close at midnight

you joke but my tinder and bumble is exploding with matches rn and many of them are asian girls

do I let coronachan stop me?

any guelphbros here we need to stick together

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>CAD$2.49 for 287ml of soup
The memes of Canadian grocery prices were true then?

I live in Thornhill so I figured all the penny pinching kikes and filipinos already raided the place.

I love the Facebook math. Between me and the wife we use a roll over the course of 2-3 days. Not my fault you dumb cunts eat fast food exclusively and require constant shitting to remove the excess oil in your guts.

I love Julio's barrio.

Cons gave up Canada long ago Failed to develop nuclear weapons , failed to develop a plane to deliver them .

Wow, berner trail original nigger here

I agree with All the clueless fucktards from the GTA are going to flee to Algonquin.
I wouldn't go there with a 12 gauge loaded up with slugs on a good day, let alone during societal collapse.

You realize your province was fucked before the virus right? Pray for coronachan to rebirth Canada back in to something to be proud of

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nice trips fag, im by the mcdonalds on hilda.

thats a good point I was also thinking of the Ottawa river near north bay but the river will be where the marauders will look for solo people bugging out

>my friend lives in malvern and he is ultra white as fuck

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My goals of getting an asian gf are literally being killed.

Their apple pie dessert is pretty good, but you should try roadrunners pizza

What the fuck is Trudeau doing? Here in Québec the gov is closing everthing and trying to limit the number of people catching this shit. But Trudeau is keeping the borders wide open just to fuck us up. WHAT THE FUCK

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Oh shit what up my man?

Whyte ave is gonna be full of retards tomorrow


Most of those threads are prices from within the Arctic circle.
The oil price dropping is fucking over the CAD pretty hard, though.

Fuck you gryphon fag I hope you choke on your macchiato

commies country.

No, now is the best time for fuckfesting.

its true though, his family has been there since the days when Scarborough was white.

During the last great depression Alderwood residents kidnapped gov officials and chained them in a schoolhouse, with the entire community surrounding the school demanding gibs. Don't disappoint this time around slavbro.

we wont even get the chance. i think they will lock us in. most people will just stay home because its familiar and safe. anyone who can make it out in the bush probably has a cottage or is already bugged out in the woods.

Surrey here. Man I'm worried these sand niggers gonna chimp out.

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It’s literally always full of retards. All the bars are closing though kek. The normies will still find a way to puke all over my sidewalk

sorry no

Hopefully coronavirus provides the death blow for albertan oil

He's listening to the WHO that tells him that if you screen at airports and ban travel, the virus wins.

How racist are ppl gonna be towards chinks after this is all said and done?

The other day I was out with an asian friend and someone started being racist to him, shit was kek

Winnipeg here
Only a few cases so far I think so I'm not worried yet
Wish they'd close the colleges though, doing my courses online would be so much comfier

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tf did they do?

Gas is almost 70 cents a litre. I couldn’t be happier

Yeah true. I'm looking forward to just huddling up.

Not sure if I got enough stuff, trying not to for swept up in the hysteria but I'm a retard.

Where on whyte are you at?

I haven't been there in years, just remember cheap bulldogs and nachos/fajitas were pretty good when I went to uoa.

nope, im a little north east of said mcds, about a 5-10 minute walk.

you guys are both right I think the best bet is going on google earth and picking a medium size lake between north bay and the sue ,avoid areas normies can name off

they make it worse for themselves every time by responding to slight remarks with full-on CCP xenophobia of their own.

All of our prices are from an island in the middle of buttfuck nowhere...

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Edmonton bro’s how long before we can expect Somali raiders busting down our doors and raping our families?

People are already beating them in Chinatown here

edmonton reporting in

nothing just a hobo calling my friend a dirty chink

They say sorry while fucking your life up forever

since when does canada have guns?

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have runs on the tp even started there yet ?

He's so self-centered. He doesn't want to look racist, but he's willing to sacrifice the population he's sworn to protect.

When do leafs get premium coomer passes like Italy? I’m stuck in my house bros

Hopefully coronavirus puts terrace bc out of its misery, what a terrible place to raise children yeah emma I'm looking at you

in yellowknife they haven't started gouging us yet, gas dropped 10 cents this week too to 119

Why were bananas cheap ass for a little while some time ago?

the WHO are faggots. they should ban every non-canadian coming here.

anyone here experience the SARS outbreak in toronto back in 2003? how does this compare - normie response wise? also, im expecting either ontario or the whole country to shut down in the next few days. NYC is shutting down on tuesday. shit boys its HAPPENING