Contagion (2011) - is this the blueprint for how things will play out with Coronavirus?

So, I just watched this movie, and I thought it was interesting how everything lines up so perfectly with what is happening right now with Coronavirus. Such as:

- where virus originated
- people dropping dead in streets
- foaming out the mouth
- respiratory illness
- death rate of 25% (albeit higher than Corona, at least what's reported)
- Ro discussion
- cities under mass quarantines
- Raiding

It actually played out exactly how I picture Coronavirus playing out. Scenes of raiding houses (not in far too distant future). Stadiums being set up as makeshift hospitals and food distribution centers.

My only question is how is this going to end? Like how it ended in Contagion? With a vaccine made that saves all of Europe and North America?

Or is this the catalyst to the end of America? Complete economical collapse and possible mass invasion by a country that has a better handle on the virus? I think raiding and looting is going to happen, I think it's almost guaranteed to happen. But how does this thing end? Do we honestly think we can find a vaccine? Or is this the end of America?

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Great movie, uncanny how accurate it is, even lines up with the fact the chinks got it from bats, and how it wasn't taken seriously at first by the west

watch a good movie, fag.

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lol, they've been warning y'all for years.
>"it's just a movie".

so, how is everyone feeling tonight?
hey, have any of you ever been to vegas?
i hear it's gonna be a blast this summer.

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The scene where the lady was getting all the Purell.
I watched it the other night.
Bats, the whole thing. The dirty Chinese chef reference like wet markets.
Oh, and the cheating whore that spreads the whole damn thing. Nice touch.

I love that in the movie the virus had to make the jump from bats, to pigs, to people. The bats we're driven out of the wild by deforestation. There was this whole series of events that led to patient zero.

In reality the goddamn chinks just ate the bats directly, not so complicated. Truth is stranger than fiction, can't make this shit up.

Baby, do you dig your man?

We were quarantined over a month ago because of a brush with a plane full of chinamen in Vegas.
18 days of self quarantine.

when I watched this as a kid and heard the worldwide death count being 22.5 million, I thought to myself that's a really small number of people, 2.5 million dead in the USA is nothing. Not even enough to lower property values.

>In reality the goddamn chinks just ate the bats directly
No they didn't.

then it was from monkey brains or a fucking rat nigger who cares?

No, it was from the biolab, not the market. It's just easier to let people hate dirty, disgusting chinamen rather than know they have the ability to wipe out the world with crap in their biolab.

And how could you possibly know any of that?

More like pic related.

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Schizos never pay attention to the causality of their knowledge.

So where can I buy some forsythia?

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bunch of viruses are coming from bats including ebola.

well, we'll see about all that later this summer.
there wont be any chinks in new vegas.
you can bet on that!

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bats are living petri dishes

You go to get tested, you will probably get it *from* the test. You are on a list, then they will find a way to either make sure you get it, get something else, do something else anyway (using chaos or lockdowns as cover), and probably even create a bonus set of lies on top of all that to totally cover up your fate. That's how fag flag operations work.

ill go to mother abigail

tfw watched contagion a few days before the coronavirus outbreak was reported in china...

yea I remember Metokur talking about this book. Makes you think. But the reaction of people in power not knowing wtf is going on makes me think this was an accident.

On the other hand. It's also weird how tons of CEOs of major companies quit their jobs a month or so ago, like they knew what was going to happen.

It could've just been a tiny faction of billionaires that pulled the whole thing together with some insiders at certain important agencies, kinda like how Israel worked with a few important politicans in the "office of special plans" to set up 9/11

hmmm almost like this has happened before and hollywood made a movie loosely based off real world events? Wow, shocking

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It's almost like people that make movies do research and figure out how things would likely play out in an attempt to make a believable movie and, crazy enough, turn a profit

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>Ro discussion

>Not even enough to lower property values.
could be just enough user, dont underestimate it.

Bill Gates definitely has a hand in this.
He's been ranting about disease for years.

Abagail, not Abigail. Timeline changed again, some time ago.

I do. There is a reason for it. He is righteous.

How many people get infected per contact you retard

>It's also weird how tons of CEOs of major companies quit their jobs a month or so ago there a list?

Where have you been past few months retard??? Even the "Washington post" did a story on it "possibly" being a bioweapon

how the shit am I supposed to know "ro" is code for that?

did someone say "Abigail"?

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propaganda/predictive programming

You know what I thought was more interesting? Is how on all my digital platforms around 2 months movies like this one, and 12 monkeys, and 28 days later started suddenly getting recommended to me. Just like how my boomer dad watched Contagion last night. This is really not a coincidence.

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CEOs are the type to be Yas Forums tier paranoid about shit like this

Shit, I'm prepped for the last 3 months and now I'm comfy, why wouldn't some of the richest people do the same?

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Corona virus vaccinations are ineffective, you end up eliminating one strain only for another to take it's place. COVID-19 will burn like the Spanish Influenza did, it's unstoppable. The good news is that if your young, able bodied and don't have many disabilities(diabetes, heart condition etc) you are most likely safe from the virus, and the virus kills the old and weak who drain economies anyways. The problem is primarily economic. The upheaval the virus could cause by killing older politicians, businessmen and bankers alone is substantial. The shut down of entire cities and countries to protect these people is even worse and has already crippled the Bull Market and priced in a recession. The current economic outlook right now:
>The U.S Fed has been burning through its options for the last week, running off of plumes.
>Global Economy is volatile
>Governments are being forced to regulate economies, circuit breakers are hit near daily
>Some countries are banning short selling already
>Monday set to be all red
That's just the start of the issues and they're put into laymen's terms.

I see you've been watching since the beginning.

I don't know that a schizo statement on this Taiwanese sheet metal fabrication forum has ever made as much sense as this one just did.

IDK but having a comfy pandemic movie night during lockdown sounds fun.

It won’t be as bad as contagion in terms of societal breakdown and fatality rate, this disease just isn’t as deadly and destabilizing. It could’ve been, though. Otherwise, the movie definitely does capture a lot of elements of what this is likely going to be like.

>where the virus originated
On thah matter, let us never forget that the Chinese government is completely and unequivocally reposnsible for this real global catastrophe.

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Great spot user, this is certainly no coincident

I live in Vegas. Shut up faggot.

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They also anounce a vaccine on day#133
First vaccine is for people born on 3/10

You cannot make this shit up..

>Be a bat flying in the forest
>Find a Plaintain tree
> FuckYeah.jpg
>Score some delicious sweet plantains
>Plaintains are fucking lit
>Eat entire body weight worths of plantains
>Dat post meal ITIS bout to hit tho
>Try to find a good spot to take a nap and knock the fuck out
>This plantain palm is cozy
>It'll do
>Start snoozing away
>Wake up to some loud ass noise
>It's some fucking tool in a bull dozer tearing shit up
>He's about to knock my tree over
>It's some burger mining company
>They're not fucking around
>Fly the fuck away
>Where am I supposed to take my nap now?
>Oh shit look a farm
>Looks cozy and safe
>No oil or fossil fuels here so I'm safe from the burgers
>It's got a nice comfy building with a tin roof and rafters where I can Batman the fuck up
>take my well deserved bat nap
>Wake up to oinks oinks below
>Wtf is this
>Fuck, the piggies are up for their morning feed
>Take my morning bat shit but this one is fucking massive cause all Dem plantains tho
>Drop a fat deuce while aiming for the feeding bins cause fuck these piggies for waking me up
>Fuck I missed, it hit the floor instead
>Lol are Pigs even real?
>Look down and realize some piglet is sticking his oinker right into my steaming shit pile
>He's slurping that shit right up from the floor
>Top Kek dumb piggie
>motherfucker is in for a treat cause I just got over that nasty flu my filthy cousin Dave gave me
>Somendude comes in and starts rounding up the piggies
>Picks up the one that just slurped my shit
>Sick piggy goes into the chopping block
>poor piggie is going straight to the Chinese buffet I bet
>Chef literally carries him away personally
> One sick oinky boi Infects a cheating roastie at the casino
>Then proceeds to spread to half of the world population
>Decimates economies & sparks a global pandemic
>LOL all because the burgers didn't let me sleep in my Plaintain tree
>Watch as hundreds of millions are infected

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But those rates are now at an all-time low.


>someone actually just typed all this

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Thank you

I can't make it up because I don't know what it means. What do the digits mean?

They hired some harvard pandemic specialist to help design the script, that's why it's so accurate.
There's plenty of translated youtube vids on life in Wuhan after 2 months of lockdown, the way it worked is the CCP organized 'communities' (apartment blocks) and gave them money if they stayed virus free for a month, or "collectively punished" them if they hid corona cases. You could walk around your neighborhood few blocks but that was it. All clothing kept outside to reduce contamination of indoors, Chinamen in any kind of essential industry were forced to go to work and live at work for 1 month so they wouldn't return home and get the virus.

33 is the highest level of freemasonry,
also a very symbolic number for some reason and (((they))) like to use it everywhere.
do a google search for the number, it's a rabbit hole for sure.

You can show some of the newbs around.

By reading. Come on dude.

Christ died at 33

Very realistic but pure globalists propaganda:
-Virus comes from bat, checked
-Virus comes from China, checked
-Independent news are fake news, checked
-Natural medecines are scams, checked
-Governments wants to protect us checked
-Vaccines are good, checked.


Thank you batman, very cool

WTF is Ro? Were you trying to type R0 ?


Funny i watched this back in late January
Got my self real hyped, it mentions
As being very very comfy and that's were I'm at
Best of luck anons
They said this was going to happen
Internet prob be shut off