/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2128

► Detected: 169,605 ► Died: 6,518

Argentina shuts down borders, schools

Venezuela under lockdown in 7 states, affecting 12 million

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Denmark shuts down borders

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Virus affects blood circulation

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Finland only testing high risk cases

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

23:20: 79 new cases in Brazil.
19:44: 1,228 new cases and 3 new deaths in Germany.
19:41: 1,452 new cases and 96 new deaths in Spain.
19:39: 924 new cases and 36 new deaths in France.
17:10: 3,590 new cases and 368 new deaths in Italy.
15:40: 232 new cases and 14 new deaths in the United Kingdom.
11:03: 1,209 new cases and 113 new deaths in Iran.


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Other urls found in this thread:



his name was gary

Where the TP at?

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► China 80,851 (3,199) ► International 88,523 (3,302): Italy 24,747 (1,809) Iran 13,938 (724) S. Korea 8,162 (75) Spain 7,845 (292) Germany 5,813 (11) France 5,423 (127) US 3,680 (68) Switzerland 2,217 (14) UK 1,391 (35) Norway 1,254 (3) Netherlands 1,135 (20) Sweden 1,040 (3) Belgium 886 (4) Denmark 864 (2) Austria 860 (1) Japan 839 (24) D. Princess 696 (7) Canada 341 (1) Greece 331 (4) Australia 300 (5) Slovenia 219 (1) Ireland 170 (2) H. Kong 149 (4) Philippines 140 (12) Egypt 126 (2) Poland 125 (3) Iraq 124 (10) Indonesia 117 (5) Thailand 114 (1) India 112 (2) S. Marino 109 (7) Lebanon 99 (3) Luxembourg 77 (1) Taiwan 59 (1) Bulgaria 51 (2) Algeria 48 (4) Argentina 46 (2) Panama 43 (1) Albania 42 (1) Ecuador 37 (2) Hungary 32 (1) Morocco 28 (1) Azerbaijan 23 (1) Guyana 4 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guatemala 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Malaysia 428 Qatar 401 Cze. Rep. 293 Portugal 245 Finland 244 Singapore 226 Bahrain 214 Israel 213 Brazil 200 Iceland 180 Estonia 171 Romania 139 S. Arabia 118 Kuwait 112 UAE 98 Chile 75 Peru 71 Russia 63 Slovakia 61 S. Africa 61 Vietnam 56 Pakistan 53 Brunei 50 Croatia 49 Serbia 48 Mexico 43 Palestine 38 C. Rica 35 Colombia 34 Georgia 33 Cyprus 33 Latvia 30 Belarus 27 Armenia 26 Senegal 24 Bosnia 24 Moldova 23 Oman 22 Malta 21 Tunisia 20 Macedonia 19 S. Lanka 18 Turkey 18 Venezuela 17 Afghanistan 16 Lithuania 14 Maldives 13 Cambodia 12 Macao 11 Dom. Rep. 11 Faeroes 11 Jordan 10 Bolivia 10 Jamaica 10 Martinique 10 Kazakhstan 9 N. Zealand 8 Fr. Guiana 7 Liechtenstein 7 Paraguay 7 Reunion 7 Honduras 6 Ghana 6 Uruguay 6 Andorra 5 Bangladesh 5 P. Rico 5 Rwanda 5 Cameroon 4 Ivory C. 4 Cuba 4 Ethiopia 4 Uzbekistan 4 B. Faso 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Guadeloupe 3 Guam 3 Kenya 3 Seychelles 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 Curacao 2 Congo 2 Namibia 2 St. Lucia 2 St. Martin 2 Tri. & Tob. 2… Total 158/251

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Who /LosAngeles/ here?

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>110 new cases today

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Rooftop Koreans when?

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It’s going to be alright

Is it slowing down? the johns hopkins site shows that the new cases are dropping over the past few days

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

muh doubles will be taking this one

what happens when it starts spreading in prisons, and military bases? on submarines?

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Corona cannot into Madagascar

Peace Corps to suspend global operations and evacuate all Volunteers back to the United States

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BREAKING: Agriculture Department confirms the detection of H5N6 or bird flu — a highly-pathogenic avian influenza — in Nueva Ecija (Philippines)


I'm gay for corona chan

...she does have a penis tucked in, right?

We have 8 confirmed cases

>Mexico govt right now going full retard with the "its just a flu!"
>AMLO hugs and kisses despite the coronavirus
>"A lot of faith that we are going to get our beloved Mexico out, the misfortunes, the pandemics, nothing like that are going to do us nothing."

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It already has

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Martial Law incoming?

that thing, the toilet paper, hand it over...

>lets send all these guys into the shitholes of the world
>bring them back when there is a pandemic

How did Canada go from 'just a flu flatten the curve' to LOCKDOWN in such a short time?


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SHOW ME YOU PLAGUE FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Joe Biden was signalling that tonight at the debate.


>down to 6 rolls left

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Anime is so fucking gay fuck you

>at least 6 more months of corona shitposting

not sure if want

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Unironically, the spread seems to be slowing down if you're not in Italy or Spain.

Two TSA Agents at Orlando International Airport tested positive

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Good thing I had it in December. Stay safe tho folks.

wipe your ass with your bandages

cases are dropping because testing is going down everywhere. deaths are the new cases.

>Italy & Iran are going to look like a child game when the corona-slaughter occurs in Mexico

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Mexico going on full auto extermination

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Two doctors from Washington state and New York state in CRITICAL CONDITION from Coronavirus. Lung and kidney failure.
One aged just 34 and another aged 42.

Highlighting the ultimate fear that health workers and staff are at greatest risk. You lose them, you lose the war against the disease.

Why did they hoard all the rice I can't even lift and bulk now

I have tested positive for the coronavirus.
It's fucking nothing. I have some chest congestion and coughing, and just feeling a little down. That's it. It's like a mild flu.

they were last at work on March 10th, serving Gates 1-59 (American)


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its over

US lockdown when?

Thank you Jannie-niggers.


Does a CDC Chan exist yet?

no! Egyptian mummies are hoarding it! wipe your ass with the wraps of your ancient pharaohs.

this is what they stole from you

Imagine standing 3 hours in a Costco TP line for this fucking nothingburger...

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Do your best Corona-chan!

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>Camp Lejeune is coofed
>Buckly AFB is coofed
I know there's more but Camp Lejeune has one major PX with a bunch of retirees and dependas. I guarantee they still don't give the slightest fuck about CBRN even when their deaths are at their doorstep.

I made something for you /cvg/. Next one comes out Monday night, waiting for some spicy new footage to rip hopefully

I made something for you /cvg/

I made something for you /cvg/

I made something for you /cvg/

I made something for you /cvg/

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Anime website

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I only have 8 rolls left, am not gonna make it.

Spoke too soon.

Quick mods ban him before he infects our computers!!!!


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kids here are having their school shutdown, just wait till they have mandatory vaccines and coof drugs, if you don't take it you can't let your kids back in school

What an amazing work El Salvador is doing

When are the Tic Tac UFOs gonna step in and save us? If they can help but choose not too then they are officially and irrefutably our enemy.

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There's now several compromised airports. It will be a surprise but it will be soon.

the fuck is peace corps? is homosexuality required for service?

Rolling for 90% fatality strain

new leak covered by the guardian

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tomorrow all America including South America less retard countries like Brazil will be on lockdown.

something big it's coming.

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>Finland 244
Ah, so there is some justice in the universe after all.

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That's just the start user. Most people have no or mild symptoms for weeks before they die.

Tell us when you are recovered.

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it says there's no human affected by it you idiot
chileno tenia que ser

kungfu fat thot hitting the wall

Corona-chan loves you Senpai!:
>Corona-chan kills baby boomers that wasted enormous amounts of wealth on trivial things, indoctrinated the young, got divorced, lowered youth wages, gave away jobs to immigrants, left us in massive debt and with colossal, evil, all-infecting governments.
>Corona-chan opens up baby boomer jobs the youth.
>Corona-chan brings back resources that would otherwise be spent on useless old people.
>Corona-chan raises wages because there are less workers.
>Corona-chan frees baby boomer retirement resources back into the population
>Corona-chan lowers real estate prices so that younger people can buy houses
>Corona-chan is trying hard to collapse coercive health care systems and replace them with efficient voluntary private health care.
>Corona-chan lowers immigration rates of parasitical immigrants.
>Corona-chan attacks corrupt governments.
>Corona-chan makes sure your children stay home and aren't indoctrinated by statist schools.

Thank you Corona-chan!!

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at least FEMA mentioned field hospitals and WW2 in today's briefing.

reminder cartoons make furfags
anime doesnt

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Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd they're fine.

China has contained the virus
>The people are back to work
The world will be normal again soon
China has contained the virus
>The people are back to work
The world will be normal again soon
China has contained the virus
>The people are back to work
The world will be normal again soon

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malaysia numbers seem to prove weather doesn't affect this virus


Young lad here in the UK started like that.
8 days later he's in an ICU with lung failure.


only after she reaches madagascar

The more you fap the closer the virus gets to you.

I give another day or so for Bolsonaro-kun to lock down this thing. I don't think it will happen this monday but we'll see.

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> (You)
>reminder cartoons make furfags
>anime doesnt
To be fair the shit they post does make me horny. But I just hate it dunno why

how so?

Fuck your gook cartoon, i like my parents and granny.

>government posts propaganda saying the virus isn't a big deal, telling people to not cancel anything, to go on with their normal lives

>mass demonstrations to support Bolsonaro, football matches played with full attendance, Bolsonaro inciting the demonstrations

>leftists organize mass demonstrations against their president, saying no virus is going to stop them

>shut down borders, shut down schools, 270 foreigners deported for not respecting quarantine, all people over 60 under obligatory sick leave, football matches without attendance, government eyeing into making them free to watch so normies don't go crazy while staying at home

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>field hospitals and WW2

Donald wouldn't allow it, what about muh stock market? Today was 0% interest on loans day

Just received a letter from my uni. A poll for all students that has 2 questions:
>Do you want to go to keep going uni?
>If not, why? (write a detailed answer)

Would be funny if it weren't so fucking retarded.

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just found out today that one of my friends is a "nothingburger"fag and I didn't have the will to convince him otherwise, I"m done trying.
Are people REALLY not going to react to this AT ALL until thousands in their state are already dead?

>anime doesn't

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I like it

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you fags have sources?

because china has never lied about anything

>I have some chest congestion and coughing, and just feeling a little down
No fever? I've had coughing and slightly runny nose the last couple days. Today I have mild chest pressure. Still no fever.

Where did you get tested? I'm in Washington (Vancouver)

Lads I've been on a multi-year dry spell and just out of the blue I match we someone out of my league. We've met and she's interested. Strange times indeed.

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your lines show they are at 50-60%

Post Wuhan faggot

I wonder if corona chan made it to disney world since the place is now officially closed.

FL anons how are your Publix's?

Two part question

1. How do you avoid having an overestimated mortality rate? For example if you tested people for the flu but you only tested people on deaths door it would look like the flu had a 50% death rate.

2. What is going on in China?

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Some good news for everyone. The past few days Korea's rate of infection slowed down a lot. Less than 100 new cases per day. Before we were adding hundred and hundreds of new cases a day. Other than the city of Daegu there were no massive quantines. The government sends us messages of places in our areas where confirmed cases went, so people can avoid them. Volunteers set up maps online which showed travel history of people who had it, so you can just check and see areas to avoid. Schools and mass social gatherings were shut down to mitigate the spread. Almost everyone wears a mask outside. Public places added hand sanitizer for everyone to use. Public transport gets disinfected every time an entire route is complete. I think the worse is over in Korea. Now we just have to ride out the tail end.

what about online classes?

does this mean they're on ventilators?

I’m not interested in the philosophy or morality of biological warfare,” Tina said. “Right now I just want to know how the hell Danny wound up in this place.”

“To understand that,” Dombey said, “you have to go back twenty months. It was around then that a Chinese scientist named Li Chen defected to the United States, carrying a diskette record of China’s most important and dangerous new biological weapon in a decade. They call the stuff ‘Wuhan-400’ because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside of the city of Wuhan, and it was the four-hundredth viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center.

“Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings. No other living creature can carry it. And like syphilis, Wuhan-400 can’t survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute, which means it can’t permanently contaminate objects or entire places the way anthrax and other virulent microorganisms can. And when the host expires, the Wuhan-400 within him perishes a short while later, as soon as the temperature of the corpse drops below eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit. Do you see the advantage of all this?”

Tina was too busy with Danny to think about what Carl Dombey had said, but Elliot knew what the scientist meant. “If I understand you, the Chinese could use Wuhan-400 to wipe out a city or a country, and then there wouldn’t be any need for them to conduct a tricky and expensive decontamination before they moved in and took over the conquered territory.”

>Thank you Corona-chan!!
Thank you precious dear

>still pretending this a real happening

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“Exactly,” Dombey said. “And Wuhan-400 has other, equally important advantages over most biological agents. For one thing, you can become an infectious carrier only four hours after coming into contact with the virus. That’s an incredibly short incubation period. Once infected, no one lives more than twenty-four hours. Most die in twelve. It’s worse than the Ebola virus in Africa—infinitely worse. Wuhan-400’s kill-rate is one hundred percent. No one is supposed to survive. The Chinese tested it on God knows how many political prisoners. They were never able to find an antibody or an antibiotic that was effective against it. The virus migrates to the brain stem, and there it begins secreting a toxin that literally eats away brain tissue like battery acid dissolving cheesecloth. It destroys the part of the brain that controls all of the body’s automatic functions. The victim simply ceases to have a pulse, functioning organs, or any urge to breathe.”

“And that’s the disease Danny survived,” Elliot said.

“Yes,” Dombey said. “As far as we know, he’s the only one who ever has.”

Tina had pulled the blanket off the bed and folded it in half, so she could wrap Danny in it for the trip out to the Explorer. Now she looked up from the task of bundling the child, and she said to Dombey, “But why was he infected in the first place?”

“It was an accident,” Dombey said.

“I’ve heard that one before.”

“This time it’s true,” Dombey said. “After Li Chen defected with all the data on Wuhan-400, he was brought here. We immediately began working with him, trying to engineer an exact duplicate of the virus. In relatively short order we accomplished that. Then we began to study the bug, searching for a handle on it that the Chinese had overlooked.”

“And someone got careless,” Elliot said.

After made in abyss, I beg to differ

So is a nationwide lockdown coming in a few days or was that just some disinfo?

B-but I thought it only affects old people...?

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you need to stop being so uptight, user

this is 3 days old but I doubt it changed.

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>My mom forces me to stay in this city so she can use the money my dad sends me to pay her bills.


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>massive anti-government protests in paris defying coronavirus lockdown.

what's wrong with people?

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>The people are back to work

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Wow that's great

Here the public has no information about anything or anyone who has the virus, just that they exist in a general area

Phase 2 is coming

In this passage, the virus is called Wuhan-400 because it was developed at their “RDNA labs outside of the city of Wuhan”. As you might know, the epicenter of the actual Coronavirus outbreak is in Wuhan.

The book that is from what written in 1981

Another strange fact: The actual Wuhan Institute of Virology, which houses China’s only level four biosafety laboratory (the highest-level classification of labs that study the deadliest viruses) is just 32km from Wuhan. The science journal Nature covered the opening of his lab in 2017 warned of safety risks in a culture where “hierarchy trumps an open culture”.

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Just a prediction, not an actual insider.

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What's most important is what you want. You are more important than other people.

What do you attribute to slowing the infection?

part of FEMA and National Guard's classified work to increase capacity

It only kills non-zoomers

Well technically they asked whether we preferred to visit uni or have online classes. But the way it's formulated and the second questions make it sound totally retarded.

Those cunts should be more worried about giving each other AIDS with all the bum fondling that goes on.

God bless you, here is going to be a fucking massacre

lmao, giving up already I see


Ladies and gentlemen of the press, it is with great sadness that I inform you that the SARS-COV-2 virus has mutated into a deadlier, more contagious form. The virus appears to have mutated itself into a pickled cucumber, and is now referring to itself as "I turned myself into a pickle, Morty, I'm Pickle SARS Wubbalubbadubdub"

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See Cope harder.
99% of China is totally fine.

Someone answer this

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You seem like uncomfortable person, leaf.

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La gran puta... Estos chilenos ni entre ellos se entienden.

We are cleaning buses once in the morning lol

And as such, the game is already lost.

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Peru is closed due to COVAIDS-19

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Huh? That was distribution among all students with a link to a survey

I wonder if there’s any chance the impending economic and societal collapse in the US will give 31 year old almost-NEETS with bad credit like myself a chance to start over in society and actually have a decent life.

I mean, there’s a chance, right?

>believing the CCP

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Depends what you mean by lockdown. Every state is shutting down bars, etc. at different dates. Won't be all at the same time.

god bless you

what website it that?

>No argument
>All cope
Atleast I have a point faggot.
The center of the outbreak is not all of China and you're retarded.

Most healthy people below 40 won't die from this.

What is that, 1-2%? Impossible to tell with the current data available (untested positives with mild symptoms).

Lets lowball and assume 0.5% of healthy people below 40 and above 10 years of age need hospitalization. There are plenty of faggots below 40 with various underlying issues, but even without that there's no guarantee for you. In the UK, that's 25 million people according to a 2018 census. 80% infection rate as your government predicts: 25,000,000*0.8*0.005 = 100,000

That's 100,000 "healthy people" in need of various levels of medical assistance. Some might just need an ICU bed and an IV line plus some drugs, others will need ventilators.
Now add this shit on top the 40+ who will need to go to the hospitals at a much greater rate, and usually suffer the most severe symptoms i.e they need the ventilators.

You won't even have proper hospital capacity for the young and healthy. Some of them will die because of this. Assuming you're doing triage like in Italy (they don't even bother treating 60+ or anyone with comorbidities at some hospitals), 40+ people will die off in troves. What was an illness with 0.7% global fatality (which your gov has quoted) rate in South Korea (which did the opposite of what you are doing and never ran out of hospital capacity), suddenly becomes 5-10%.

tl;dr the UK government is offering up all of you to Nurgle, praise Chaos

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>How do you avoid having an overestimated mortality rate?

more testing. the CDC will try to start doing more widespread testing soon. the idea is to test patients in ER's around the country to get an idea of how many people have mild cases. that will bring the mortality down a lot. also they can test for antibodies which will give a more accurate retrospective count of how many people had it

lol, where's this?


Redpill me and be honest. My sister works in medical care and said in the US it's about to become Italy 2.0 maybe worse with the lack of testing, hospitals, beds, ventilators to support all those plus not including those without insurance.

Is she right

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Its spreading everywhere. In fact it seems to thrive in the heat.

UK has updated estimated peak from 3 weeks from now to 10-14 weeks from now.

Calm down lads, Boris has got this sorted.

Bullshit schizo posters.

I just hope the elites, and all China get destroyed...

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She also has stopped Bill Blair from eyeing my funs so
>thanku Corona-chan

unironically that is true, I cannot understand the poorfags lol

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>Expecting NPCs not to be NPCs
They're only going to react once their admins program them to do so.

Argentina is white, they will live on while the rest of South America Rots. Post pics of them Argentinian gurls

Like I said in my post, everyone here gets very up to date info about places to avoid, and then the government quickly sends in sterilization teams. I can look at a map of my neighborhood and see some businesses I should not go to, or general areas I need to avoid. Nearly everyone wears a mask outside, and plenty of people are just staying inside. I think information and widespread testing saved us.

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Starting to get paranoid that I might get corona even though there's only 8 confirmed cases in my country and I barely go out.

I wonder if they were on NSAIDS. A pattern has been recognized with young mortality rates with this virus... they were taking NSAIDS. Though this is just a correlation.


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bless you LA

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>hairless chest
What are you trans?

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be ready
be cautions
be alert
shit is about to escalate like you've never seen before

serious question y'all, any anons with someone close got serious infection yet?

> peace corps
> martial law

Is there an actual source for these stats? I could make a more useful decision tree.

>big announcement tomorrow

think they'll gibe trudeaubux for 2-3 months until this boils over?

sure as fuck dont wanna end up in the streets cuz work shutdown lmao

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your sister just flew over my house


and people still claim nothing is being done here
I hope they die
kys coomer

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>Totally ignores today
Okay faggot

Well it fucking didn't before fuck. Who the fuck would I be if I kept up with that bullshit anyway


The real questions being asked here.

The more I read about it the more I feel like I'm getting phantom symptoms. Thermometer on standby.

+10 social credit score has been added to your account.
MSS will be round soon to add it to your status.
Well done citizen.

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Houd je kankerbek over anime.


How do you plan spending the curfew, perubros?

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that is what is so scary. it would mean no break whatsoever. we would have to have social distancing until a cure, vaccine or treatment was discovered.

>shit is about to escalate like you've never seen before

i'm ready. i have given up trying to get my family to prepare. i can not wait to say i told you so when shit really hits the fan.

> UPDATE: Confirmed bird flu in (Barangay Ulanin-Pitak) Jaen, Nueva Ecija can be infectious to humans, according to the Dept. of Agriculture

ah shit

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not the same user, check the ID but virus can mutate like COVID-19 does, maybe it a bit over exaggerated but it something.

>Ever seen a hustler-virus do her thing?
it's a typical bat-coronavirus turned up to 11




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Some poor cunt gets a $5,000 ticket for violating the curfew

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you forgot your meme flag

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Word on the street is that my state is declaring a state of martial law in 53 minutes. The National Guard is already on the move to machine-gun everyone who refuses to be a hiki.

How are you doing, my fellow hikikomori?

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>not a weeb
Get out.

Unfortunately impossible to coordinate for me. Fortunately I've worked with wildlife where occasionally I had to worry about fun zoonotic diseases like leprosy, primate->human transmission, and all sorts of parasites. Not biohazard level stuff, but enough that I know how easily these things can spread and how to protect myself. I'm in grocery, other two working adults are a salon manager and personal trainer. I'm hoping their workplaces will close so it's reduced to only me having to leave the house. I have enough food to feed all of us for a long time, and will have a huge garden this year if we don't all die first. Schools are already closing here so that's a start, but that long incubation period is a big fucking problem.

We have now 53 confirmed cases.


well, once enough people get it and recover the measures will be reduced. it probably won't be full lockdown for more than a couple months

it would certainly help the situation, but you know the moment that was done people would chimp out to the highest degree.


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Yeah, for you maybe. But that old lady and the astma patiënt you infected are gonna die. You selfish twat.

I didn't vote for Alberto but I wish I had

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>What is that, 1-2%? Impossible to tell with the current data available (untested positives with mild symptoms).
>Lets lowball and assume 0.5% of healthy people below 40 and above 10 years of age need hospitalization.
CFR for healthy young people is

Your landlord won't be allowed to evict you. Apply for rtb and the backlog will mean you won't be evicted for months and months.

Culling of the j-woke arayns starts this week.

Florida is finally taking it seriously!

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Tomorrow it will be 80

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