Covid-19 Cover Up - Harvey Weinstein Made a Deal to Expose More Hollywood Pedophiles

This morning Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the U.S. for corporate and financial crimes. Media owners were instructed to brainwash everyone that Trudeau and his wife have the Corona virus, and that they won't be leaving their house for a while
Tom Hanks was arrested 48 hours ago for pedophilia and he is currently being kept in a hotel room in Australia, refusing to fly back to the USA. The next celebrity arrests will be Celine Dion, Madonna, Charles Barkley, and Kevin Spacey. All will claim Corona virus infections
Italy's airports have been completely shut down, as over 80 Vatican and financial officials have been served the same criminal indictments for financial crime, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sex abuse
United Emirates have completed mass arrests of their own Royal Family and affiliates
Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of top Hollywood celebrities and their involvement in the drug business, pedophilia, and child trafficking. (1/2)

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah i saw this shit circulating my boomer friends on facebook earlier. I'm sure it's bullshit here too.


Instead of a 55-year sentence, he only received a 23-year sentence. In exchange he provided testimonies against some of the biggest and most powerful names, including Prince Andrew of the U.K., former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds more who all were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein.
Jeffrey Epstein was similarly allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked in exchange for his testimony.

>Q autism
Go back newfag


CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted/arrested, and some have been forced to resign — all in the last 30-60 days — such as the CEOs of the NBA, Harley Davidson, the Bill Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald's, Cesar Awards, and Disney; the Vatican Chief of Police; etc. Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months The lab-created Corona virus was a cover-up for the mass mandatory vaccination agenda. Now it has become the biggest covert U.S. Intelligence operation that the world has ever seen. This mass 158,000-arrests operation will remove and capture the biggest evil and corrupted politicians, celebrities, and CEOs, including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, U.N. officials, and the founders of GRETA, inc.
President Trump will win the 2020 elections, and arrests of former U.S. presidents will occur in early 2021. All major arrests will be portrayed by the media as accidental or as conspiracy theories. All arrested individuals will be given "Rommel Death", meaning that they will have a choice between their death bring portrayed to the public as a suicide or an accidental death in return for assurances that his or her reputation will remain intact, or, alternatively, they can choose to face a criminal trial that would result in public disgrace.


Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, and some will suddenly get "sick." The Vatican will be the first, and the Pope will be removed in 2020. Production of human extracted Adrenochrome will be revealed, and Hollywood and the Vatican will be exposed as being directly responsible for that Coming up there will be a 2-month complete shutdown of the world's most common operations, such as schools, the stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, and ship cruises. (TEMPORARY)>> There will be food shortages and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, gold and silver stocks will fall, and many corporations will either go bankrupt or take a significant financial loss, such as in the case of what's about to happen to Air Canada, Disney, and Coca-Cola
Welcome to the Great Awakening.

>the calm before the storm
Starting to wonder what Trump meant by this, lads.

Big if true.


Why Charles based Barkley?

maybe if we all just wish hard enough and get digits all this is actually happening.


Fake and gay

One does not simply get digits.

Call upon kek you god damn nigger

Rolling all this to be true


Isn't the point of all of this to be open-minded? All of it isn't true, but I'm fairly certain parts of it are.


>Rolling for truth.


big if true

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Who is the other chick besides Oprah?


Digits of truth.

Please Kek smite the reddit spacers

CBS news anchor. Wife of a billionaire.

America doesn't recognize Gale anymore?

>made a deal
He got a death sentence. Quite a deal. Idiot. Why do you stupid niggers even reply to nonsense? You are all literally dumb as shit. Tom Hanks isn't in gitmo, he doesn't have the meme flu, it's just propaganda so the normies can watch their favorite celebrity remain calm so they imitate his behavior. That's all. Fucking idiots.

Oh great Kek bless this thread with the spirit of 2016. Let our digits make it come to pass that the swamp was drained, justice served and that the memes were truly dank once again.

May you all stay comfy during the Great Awakening.

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HRC video when?

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If I were to get digits I'd spend them on making it so people can't lie on here for 24 hours.

>America doesn't recognize Gale anymore?

Sorry to break the news to you, but she probably didn't get to where she is in life by being honest, memorable, loyal, and trustworthy. Evil is perpetually forgettable.

You Q retards will be the angriest, saltiest people alive when Trump's presidency ends and nothing has happened.

Never, because it doesn't exist. Otherwise, we would have seen it by now and USA wouldn't be balls deep in the bullshit it's in now.

All for a LARP.

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This is a retarded larp. You cannot indict the leader of a foreign country. You have to wait until they are out of office. They essentially have diplomatic immunity for the duration.

23 years is a deal?

No source? Bullshit to create mayhem.

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Alright, All-Might. Chill out.

screen caping this just in case uwu

Charles Barkley... lulz

Eric Trump wearing one too

Harvey is 68 years old and has crap health. Any length of prison time is a life sentence. Why would he give shit up when he would still die in prison.
I wish you retarded bastards would at least come up with believable larps. But you are too stupid for that.

That is a pretty good primer for newfags, thanks for posting it!

Pedo Tom die pedo!

Kek willing

Nice pic of nothing. Case in point.
Show me one with HRC and Huma larping hannibal lecter.

Hey guies, super secret ops happening, so secret that...

None of this'll happen but watch us get the consolation prize of some literally who nobody who diddled a 17 year old and they cry pedo and its forgotten the next day.

Fuck Trump


Ok incell

This x9000

No not my coca cola autism sauce

Kek hear our calls

Kys memeflaggot

they are using tom hanks as a sacrificial lamb to ensure that no elites get the chink flu

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I know Harvey. Some of OP's names are "off", but yeah, this happened. He cut a plea deal and A. LOT. of names are about to fall.

>#metoo = #self-own

Q ruined this board. It is mind blowing to me that boomers pick this type of shit up and believe it like it's the gospel. What has Q ever said that came to pass? I would one day like to meet the person who concocted that shit. It has to be longest running LARP in existence that successfully continues to hoodwink people. Why in anyone's mind would this be plausible? Are you really still having faith that any of this will happen? Are you so delusional that you think Trump is going to accomplish anything? That there is hope things will change? Nothing changes, and you are placated by this nonsense. You've been tricked into complacency while waiting for someone else to change things. Those of you who give up hope become demoralized, and the psyop campaign was successful for those kind of people. For the remainder, you are pacified into inaction. You are sad people. So many things slipped through the cracks, like the Wikileaks insurance files being in the blockchain, because of fucking pieces of trash like you posting this shit and derailing the board. I hate all of you.

Go take your meds, schizo. Internet is supposed to be anonymous, newfag.

it's worth a shot


Is this how Q people cope with how bad Trump fucked up the Coronavirus response? By writing a bad metal gear solid level fan fic?

This Q shit is like walking into a cancer ward for children and telling them their cancer is cured. Every day. For 4 years. That is why people are sick of it. We are tired of being told nice lies. I don't want false hope anymore. I'm fucking sick of it.

Suck on deez digits

No such thing as a based nigger, user

We hate you back. I don't believe in Q but their threads are at least more entertaining than muh nigger and tiddie board. Politically Incorrect means politics, not niggers, thot's asses and tiddies. There is only one Yas Forums and those like you can sign up as paypig to any whore and look at butts, pussies and milkers until the fucking end of eternity. Stop shitting up what was once an intelligent board.

Ok Moshe, thanks for the tip


indeed it was

okay edge lord settle down. Q has proven himself many times. Supported by the president himself. you’re clearly just mad trump won or your candidate didn’t. shill fag

Ironically, this stood out to me as being the least likely to be true in that entire rant. What the fuck did Chuck do? He has always seemed like one of the good ones.

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I will save this because if this checks out we live in a movie written by pre-grad

oh ffs this is too much


WTF checked

Put me in the screen cap

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Praise Kek

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Yeah, that's it, schizo. I am a shill against king of the Jews, Donald Trump. Give me some examples of Q proving himself. Go ahead, big guy. You are a fucking mongoloid. What happens when the OP in this thread doesn't come to pass? What happens then? You will make up some other LARP to shit all over the board with.

No, faggots like you ruined this board.

>Celine Dion

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Q boomer bullshit.

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When coronachan blows over and none of this magapede schizo shit happens, you fucking retarded boomers can finally fuck off this board.