You should have listened to some of the “larpers” on here

They are right about pretty much everything.

Zones 2 9 & 10 are about to be activated.

Good luck gentlemen may the happening of our time help you to survive.

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Long live the National Socialist Revolution

Fuck off glow nigger.


My family lives across the state line, and I've been delivering groceries to them.
How long until interstate travel ban?

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*may you survive the happening of our time.

Please me. FEMA man. When you suicide me please do it quick and can I get cremated or opt for a plastic coffin all for myself?

quit fucking with us, m8

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Care to explain a little more, faggot?


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Seriously, don’t dump my body into a Home Depot special, double body plastic liner with some smelly fat guy who doesn’t change his underwear. Please don’t

i saw a government vehicle (silver chevy suv) going towards seattle on the i5 with some company name like darhoom or something

Good luck guys seriously it doesn’t look too good right now. West coast is first to be hit with disaster. DO NOT go to the hospital you will be stripped from your bed then cremated even if you reach critical.

Red team operations begin in under 24 hours. Remain calm but alert.

2: New Jersey, New York, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

9: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia.

10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

New York, California, Washington -- buckle up.

Smooth. I live in north Los Angeles. Have house out in Colorado, small town 20 min or so outside of Aspen.

I’m prepped and ready here in LA but is it worth it to drive out to Colorado? How long are we looking at?

Blue team here
Red team's fucked
Time to panic

>hurr durr

It honestly doesn't matter, as long as I can get laid nothing matters. The coomer is the highest form of existence, the joomer has already eating a hole through society's foundation and the whole thing will collapse slowly over the next 100 years until things reach a peak and the bottom falls out. GG.

Attached: coomer facehead.png (1044x869, 184.58K)

Thanks fren

Fuck my life

t. Portland nigger

how accurate is this femafag?

10 captchas this place is such fucking garbage

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Fuck I should've saged this stupid thread.

Which zones are those?

Haven’t received the official order yet however emails went out about specifically for 2 9 &10.

The timeline is this week most likely. Could be as early as tomorrow fema is on 24 hour notice. I mean they really hammered it in the email even through we already are on 24 hour notice. I’m guessing they are just about to go full throttle want everyone ready.

West coast and New York

Basically where they’re implementing the total shutdowns of bars and restaurants

I know. I’m serious about my body, be as respectful as you may.

FEMA ZONE VII Oberst-Gruppenführer of the Funkabwehr reporting for duty

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FEMA fag... are they going to through people into FEMA camps?

>cremated even if you reach critical
like.... like cremated alive?

17 fucking captchas holy mother of fucking christ

post the email larping faggot



How's zone (region) 7 gonna be?

Same thing in ontario. Full lockdown coming in the next 48 hours.

post more than a t-shirt faggot

When is interstate travel suspended?

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shit just got real

Show email fucker. No time for games

If yeh got yer rifle fer squirrels and such youll be alright

>Zones 2 9 & 10 are about to be activated
Wtf does that mean faggot

Port Authority here, can confirm this news is true.

Whelp, it was nice knowing ya, guise.
>t. West coast transplant in New Jersey

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The Coming Man is already here. War until victory

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means they're calling the people up, prepping the facilities, and getting other gear in place. Getting ready to get ready.

Im not sure man I don’t think I’m going to find out.

Switched ips guys I’m on the road to my office

This isn’t even op

When is 8 scheduled to drop?

Pic related

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Will it be before or after the govt announces it?


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hey fema man, what about zyphr and the white rabbit?


Soon to be nationwide , 36 hours ish?
They prepared to drone strike dissidents??

If only we let them play out Blue Beans..

For...what? To put old ass sick boomers in "facilities?" Good.

I've been routinely eating my own shit for 6 weeks, am I safe from covid?

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LMAO no way will southerners every accept the Bay Area as authority. We would absolutely go to war with them to sieze control.

Let's get our asses to the LCBO before they close'em

They are federal disaster areas. Possibly subject to martial law

whered u find that?

This scares me most to be honest. Clear cookies fren. 10 for this fucking comment


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So who are they going to arrest?

Were on standby so it could happen tomorrow, later this week not sure

FEMA is nigger tier alphabet department. And OP is a security guard there, nothing more. Post your badge

>I've been routinely eating my own shit for 6 weeks
Keep up the good work user

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Just like almonds

You would get gassed first with helium.

I'll go borrow my grandpa's

No way Arizonans are going to take orders from faggot trannies in CA.

how about you stay in LA and kys? We don't want you califaggots here.

Nat guard in denver too..

Cremated just like the jews!?

>no badge
show badge nigger