What’s it like in your city??


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Good, fuck LA

>Massive panic buy
>Can't go to school
>comfy in my room

Also fuck this city

>shitty service businesses are shut down
Pick one and only one. I hate you fucking alarmist faggots

Pedowood is kill

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kek even Kike DeWine has decided to Chad up and close down Ohio's bars/restaurants. Is Newsom at his Domme appointment or something?

Nyc fag here. Pools closed

No restrictions here in Vancouver, only "guidelines". Alot of people are panicking and following the guidelines, just as many are continuing about as if nothing is wrong at all.

ive never heard anyone use the phrase "angelenos"

On what authority?

Point to the passage in the Constitution that says that local businesses operate at the pleasure of the government.

also in chicago. also the same. good luck user, im debating getting out the city into a rural area. where do you live at in the city?

DeWine was the first one to do it, way before New York, California, and Washington and we have far fewer cases than any of those states without even a single death. He's easily been the most aggressive and proactive governor in the country on this issue.

not my heckin angelenos


One can only hope this is permanent

Why the fuck do they allow take out/ delivery as if that doesn't have risks. That shows how bullshit it is.

Corona is going to tear through los angeles like wet toilet paper.

My province was the last too get hit.
Currently only 3 presumptive cases.

Victoria here. Basically the same. I'm personally feeling very uneasy though. So many fucking chinks.

Come to galesburg my fellow IL bros its safer here more rural and still have stores with less panic. the rural side of it is gonna help when SHTF too

It shows how incompetent it is. The virus is real.

I live near Philadelphia, but not in it. People are still going about as normal, even though I hear them talking about coronachan.

Literally the 10th Amendment

Maybe he's trying to imply that only the Latinos will survive.

Should just speak English and call them angels.

NYC shutting down like mad.
I voted Trump but he REALLY fucked this up
>gets rid of NSC Pandemic task force

Holy crap

seattle, new york, and los angeles are all doing the same thing at the same time

isn't this a little suspicious?

theyre the 3 worst cities

Because like 1/4 of the population get all of their meals from restaurants. It would add a lot more demand to the already-strained grocery store network, and put the whole restaurant industry on unemployment as well as causing lots of small business to go under (Sysco drivers and warehouses etc).
They should make the restaurant staff wear masks all day and take other precautions though.

Ohio did it first

I still don't get why stores are exempt when Costco, Target, and Walmart have max occupancy up to three thousand people at a time. Even waiting in lines you're close to dozens or hundreds of others.

20 min outside of la here. Absolutely no one gives a fuck. People are treating this like a party. I post about it and my friends still ask me why I’m “scared” when the markets were emptied this week.(pic related) I’m not scared of the virus I’m scared of the people’s reaction.

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Simpsons did it, Simpsons did it

>I voted Trump but

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Show me where he said it was a Dem hoax. The US government has been taking this pretty seriously since mid January but it was all behind-the-scenes. FEMA, USHHS, CDC etc were all hands on deck and mobilized. They were trying to delay panic as long as possible with the whole withholding of testing kits fiasco. That was WHO guidance by the way, only ignored by a handful of countries.

Show them this.
Few hours later the lines were down the street.

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West side LA here

So far things are not at a fevor pitch. I just bought a ton of more shit at a nearby liquor store. They had everything but sanitizer. Most young people are actually starting to take this seriously and actually stop going out and hanging with their friends.

Finally got it through my girl’s head that this is the happening of our lifetimes and we have to be ready to rock.

About to watch a movie now. Cozy. Food and booze for at least a month. If SHTF we’re loading up my truck and getting the fuck out.

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why can't you stupid niggers learn how to upload images?

I'm sick, and in LA, I'm getting tested tomorrow, if there's any test kits left.
I'm more worried about my mom catching it from me. Also I'm losing money because I'm a decent person and don't to infect my co-workers.

How long does it take to get the test kit results?

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Stfu shill

You've never been anywhere near LA then. That's the standard local term.

what's your favorite wawa sandy?

Yeah, I'm the shill.

Even at this stage they are still clinging to the economy. We must keep the restaurant business going!

Hollywood/La Brea checking in. Ready 2 bug out.


I'm a fucking retard and went to a strip club two weeks ago, now I'm symptomatic. No lap dances, just a perfect place for a virus to spread

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stores are picked clean in downtown Minneapolis

Not really. No one wants to become Wuhan 2.0, and big cities are uniquely ready to go that way if there's no containment early on.

>ive never heard anyone use the phrase "angelenos"
Billy Joel even had it in a song back in 1974. Maybe it's before your time. "Los Angelenos"

Fat drunk Cincinnati, Ohio resident of German ancestry here. My boys and I raided the state liquor agencies the moment we heard about DeWine’s executive order on booze.

Dude, you gotta play more music. Billy Joel did a song called " LOS ANGELENOS" in the early 80s. Here's the link, kid - youtu.be/iuIvYrKsvnM

Do “angelenos” pick up gay vibes from each other with a 2 second look?

I'm heading to the woods.

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jinx haha!

no, but homos and retards do, which is you.

Yup, in a suburb of LA
Work at a clothing store, people were still out and about like nothing was happening. I did see a few people wearing a mask and gloves, which doesn't do shit. And if you think it's bad enough you need to wear a mask and gloves, maybe you shouldn't be going out at all, dumb cunts

MDR here. It's been really quiet actually. This is unironically one of the most pleasant times I've had while living in this shithole of a city/county/state. Such a beautiful place to be filled with trash.

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My mom joked around about getting one but never went through with it. Snuck in a har-poor freight machete and hatchet the other day tho. Don’t want my family freaking out about having them in the house. Going to bring it out when the looting begins. For now I just larp and practice swinging it in my room

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Many are crypto-homo. I don't see a lot of flamers, probably because everyone is a beaner and I don't live in West Hollywood.

>Democrats couldn't do enough of a good job destroying the economy so everyone becomes dependent on govt, they're now using executive actions to shut down businesses


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None of you have mentioned yet that Gavin Newsom (CA governor) shut down all gatherings of over 50 people. That shuts down Hollywood for the first time in its over 100 year history. You can't shoot any picture, even for television, with under 50 people. Unions alone make that impossible. Yas Forums got its wish.
Hollywood ded.

Here in MO gatherings of 50 people have been banned, and in STL all the schools are closing. Restaurants are going to take-out only, and grocery stores are limiting their hours for a chance to wipe the place down at night. Only a matter of time before it escalates even further

Probably the smartest thing Garcetti has ever done. Too bad it's too late and still doesn't address what's being done about possible homeless carriers. The homeless LITERALLY congregate around Los Angeles City Hall and many other government buildings in the area.
If they're infected, he's infected.


My girlfriend is sick :(
She is also pretty at risk, I'm pretty worried about her, haven't been able to see her in like 5 days


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I know you are but what am I !

I’ve never seen anyone who was proud to be from LA. Except those guys on the crystal light aerobics competition.

They have to do something to justify the currency collapse.

In my opinion will rip through like a wet fart, cascading through the land like a F5 tornado leaving a damp and horrendous aftermath. Stay safe.

I bought a bigger machete from freight and the edge was full of. Like 1.5mm thick. You buy the shitty wheel grinder with it, before it's effective.

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You really think people will obey this quarantine? Kek

My boys. I went down to LAX shooting range and picked up ammo for all my friends when the stock market crashed Thursday. They thought I was tripping. Now every gun store within 100 miles is empty.

I’m probably the only person with a gun in West LA


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Chicago reporting in.
>south side
Pretty much just waiting for shit to go down.
No beer either.. urgh

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Ventura fag here. Pls I hate this corner store I need some time off. Got over 500 rounds of bullits hopefully i can trade some for tp lol.

Reality is going to fuck then up

Ok bernie bro. You stupid faggot.

LA locals like it just fine. Transplants are responsible for most of what you perceive as "LA." I'm not from there nor do I live there.

You'd think if they were going to spray us with this shit they wouldbe more discrete about it.

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make sure you sharpen it, Harbor Freight never sharpens their shit and it can barely cut grass when you first get it.

now long before planetary wide category 6 chimpout?

kek..I like this meme

They all come from somewhere...

In Italy - Fine is eur 206 if you’re out without permission. If you’re infected and out, you get arrested.


I bought the trash hand held knife sharpener cause it was on sale when I went . Spent last night listening to slayer while sharpening the machete and hatchet. Was a pretty comfy moment and I think I got a somewhat good edge on it now

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Las Vegas here. Stores out of food. Thousands of layoffs on the strip. MGM to close all casinos, Caesar’s rumored to follow suit. Kind of a blood bath. The brothels are still open so there’s that.

Woodland Hills here
where am i gonna get my bagels?

Just like a hurricane, people are still going to go out.
What are police going to do, arrest them all and risk getting sick?

You lucky mf you don’t understand how jealous I am. All I got is a machete and currently creating an outfit that will give it nice aesthetic.


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Bruh no shit I’m Fairfax/Santa Monica lets kick it quarantine style

Perhaps this is why they are shutti g everything down. Notice the small upturn at the end. This was when they printed trillions and injected it into the economy. Hope you faggots are ready for SHTF next week.

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Just don't get caught haha

man, i should have commented on this thread first before it got big.

"This is for your protection."

famine is worse.

Same homie, I had 1500 rds of .223 on layaway at LAX Ammo, literally everything else was bought out when I picked it up on Friday. They were even out of weird calibers, like 6 mm. There was a line going out the door, there was a feel of tension.

It felt like it was a couple days away from people just mobbing the place and stealing all the ammo, I got out as quickly as possible.

Did that last night listening to sepultura and slayer

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In Chicago but from Vegas. Figures they'd get hit hard by something like this.

Regardless of shtf scenario I’m looking to move to SM in a couple months. 1. I hope there will be jobs. 2. How hard is it to get an ltc? I’ve got one in MA but California is a special kind of gay

Vegas is fuuucked

To think Disney owns ABC and ESPN, which currently holds billions in broadcasting rights, including the NBA.
About a quarter of their revenue is from parks alone, which are all closed.

Seattle here, we warned you faggots

>the goverment follows laws

K sweaty

This is Los Angeles of all places tho. I can’t see people obeying unless military action is enforced to be honest

And they say only Trump can bankrupt a casino.

bitching, I hope you never have to use it to protect your family. I would also advise you get a long piece of cordage to tie the bottom of it to your thigh so you can draw it from the hip and not have it snag.

Jail time and fines, they said.

lets throw a giant corona rave

why do you think the topkike Iger bailed?

I went out to the rabbit hole in cango yesterday and was feeling sick as hell right when I woke up.
Is it possible for coronachan to incubate in just one day(overnight really)?

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Northside here. Shit is fucked bros.... Meanwhile, I'll be smoking on that sticky sticky green stuff and waiting for all this to blow over. Good luck and stay safe

Burn in hell traitor

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The union is closing all of it's office in L.A.

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chad and staci btfo


any comfy richfags from the hills in here?
I’m interested in seeing your setup.

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Anyone who's interested, here's a zipped collection of survival PDFs compiled in a gay reddit thread.

>inb4 I ain't clickin dat shit nigga

The mayor just encouraged everybody to go shopping at local businesses. I get the sentiment, but should you really be sending people outside?

Ohio here i work at a gas station. at 9 pm today all restauraunts closed but you can still get delivery cause murica. i still have to go to work of course. all grociery stores are bare as fuck and no trucks have arrived at any store. not even my gas station store, no trucks arrived anywhere. it's looking pretty bad

>I'll be smoking on that sticky sticky green stuff
kys degenerate faggot

I can hardly wait for the riots, I hope they're live streamed.

Almost a year ago he already planned to step down in 2021


Maybe if I have some money I'd buy some $DIS. It's nearly down 50% in a month.


Dims are pieces of shit, all they do is lie

He’s most interested in causing and promoting panics

Here in Saulsalito there is no sign of trouble. Shelves are stocked and library is open. People walkn around like nuffins happnin

sauce on that brutal painting

hahhahahaha all the chads and stacies vacationing in miami and posting it on their instastories are going to be BTFO