Change my mind

>be the deep state
>need a way to hurt Trump's reelection chances so they can take power back
>be China
>also need a way to hurt Trump's reelection chances so they can go back to the status quo
>deep state comes up with a false flag plan that a pandemic would hurt the economy, which they have wanted for months to hurt Trump's reelection
>work with China to release the Corona Virus in Wuhan from the Wuhan Institute of Virology where they have been researching it
>spreads in China but China doesn't care about its citizens so they let it get worse
>spreads to many other countries including the USA
>civilian casualties are just collateral damage
>deep state gets the MSM to spread panic and disinfo, scaring traders and investors causing a panic-induced sell off and other organizations to shut things down out of hysterical hype
>economy looks bad, hurts Trump's reelection
>BUT IN THE USA: people are getting better, barely any deaths except old people in nursing homes, stocks are making a come back, economy is solid fundamentally, and Trump did a good job of reacting to the spread
>after a week or two of very few deaths and containment, this will be seen as another media-deep state psyop like impeachment (except it was a deadly false flag)
>Biden and the neoliberal and neoconservative establishment btfo
>4 more years

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Other urls found in this thread:

I think that Drumpf created it to hurt China economy but went out of control and now is a pain the ass for whole world. Thank you skizos.

>Drumpf created it in the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Yea ok Italy shouldn't have been letting chinamen into your country.

fuck off you alfredo

Trump aside, China is literally 100% responsible. They caused it, hid it, spread it.

The question is whether they knowingly or unknowingly released the virus.
I'm not 100% on they did it intentionally, but whether or not it's still fucked up.

That's right. Twitter said it wasn't fake news, so it's true:

The people need to rise up and dismantle this false republic.

Okay CIA

The USA did it is legitimately a Communist Chinese talking point that only started it got bad. Before it was "haha wre dindu nuffrin, it ras a bat". Now they go on and on about how it's racist to say a virus that came from China came from China with the MSM and Biden parroting that.

It's true:

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Don't forget Senator Tom Cotton saying it was a bio-weapon which has been disputed scientifically (or at the very least researched in the Wuhan lab in China which is true).

>drumpf did it
You fags are retarded. You have no idea how the economy works. Trump's economy was stealing jobs back from China via tariffs. He didn't need any help crashing their economy. This hurt Trump's booming economy which was a key to getting re elected. That's also the reason the Chinese released it. If their economy was going to crash they were going to make everyone's.

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>Iran and China biggest outbreaks per capita
>meant to hurt trump


Exactly my leaf fren. They also can't steal intellectual property which was how they made all technological advances.
You think China cares about a few thousand "citizens", if you can even call them that. Plus I said there were civilian casualties (the spread).

that's why the WHO released a statement saying travel bans are not effective. Like how retarded do you gotta be to believe that. It's clearly to help spread it to help cover for all the global economies that were due to crash from Trump putting America first.

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Ok, Kike.

"It's OK to Blame China"

Chink faggot confirmed.

Fuck off with your damage control memeflaggot.

Trudeau calls Trump's travel bans a knee jerk reaction while we still have flights coming into Canada from China and Iran with no quarantine or checks. Almost like he is helping spread it

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Meme flag = CCP shill

Kys chink

Yea you pretty much got it right user.
But you know the majority of the population is too dumb to put it together.

Just be ready in case we do have a war with the chinks.

>old jews unleash a virus to stop trump
>virus is specifically dangerous to only old people by far


I hope these dementia ridden Q tards are fucking gassed along with the Jews when all is said and done

The population is too panicked right now because the media has been feeding them fear porn for over two weeks straight now.
wtf does Q have to do with this? Don't think I mentioned Q in the OP.

Trump is responsible for his own stupidity not China. He could've not used ever lever the Fed had to prevent economic downturn, he could've taken the time to understand why we have pandemic prevention. Don't dismiss his mistakes when he chose to make them.

I'm talking about the origin of the virus, not drumpf faggot.

China has managed to bring the entire world to a screeching halt. Are they too powerful?

Another Chink, another memeflag.
You insects aren't very good at this.

They can get the front runner, former Vice President to say their talking points. Not sure it's power, it's more subversion or coercion.

What are your thoughts on China?

dont forget to have liberals shut down their cities. also is there a connection with foriegn country wide shut downs with the Barr investigation like italy?

>dont forget to have liberals shut down their cities
That shit too. Hopefully this false flag doesn't continue to the point where they can do anymore restriction of daily life and freedoms (assembly for example). Also didn't think about the Barr-Italy connection actually. That's interesting.

what better way to stop a global wide corruption investigation than to create a world wide pandemic less than a year before Trumps reelection? Trump has slowed the NWO agenda. wouldnt this be on hellova way to try and stop Trump?

That's my premise. I think it has to do with the economy primarily. There's the possibility other things like those investigations could be involved, but the most overt thing of course is not just the US but global economy.

Israel did it, prove me wrong

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>roaming on Yas Forums
>still believe China did it.

The Chinese don’t get a pass. There’s enough hatred in the world for everybody.

This. But it backfired terribly.

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Ok mossad

>be the deep state
>Israel did it
China released it knowingly or unknowingly.
You can pick one and only one.
Imagine shilling for the communist chinamen lmfao.

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Eh it's just the excuse to explain the coming market correction desu Trump will be able to blame it on the virus instead of economic factors, the market has been way over hyped since 2013-15, the correction is inevitbale now there is just a nice excuse to blame it on

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flag checks out.
why Americans are so in denial of this? From Trump to average mutt.

Either way, it's working out better than expected for China. I'm proud of them.

>china in 2020
>still communist

Really, there's no need for China to have released this intentionally. SARS came from the same region of China. It's a very similar disease.

Once SARS v. 2 was out there on its own, all Xi Jinping had to do was not take the same quarantine measures Hu Jintao did with SARS. The anti-Trump media did the rest of the work for him.

agreed. the attempt to tank the economy and shutting down the investigation would be a killing 2 birds with 1 stone scenerio. im not biting on the false flag its a round up of the pedos bullshit. but in that vien what better way to give false hope to pizzagaters and hope the become docile and to not dig.

If this is proved to be a chinese bioweapon I want Trump to just Nuke beijing.... glass the place.. that's how I feel BUT since this is probably the Wrath of God and Jesus Christ is about to appear in the sky and Judge the Earth I will forgive since we hopefully are headed to a better place.

Denial that the Wuhan Virus somehow got out of the Wuhan Virology Institute into the Chinese population? No one but Chinese shills and anti-American try hards are.
Either way it worked for them and others. I personally am leaning towards it wasn't intentionally released, but the allowing it to spread ended up resulting in the same thing as it would've if it was intentionally released.
As opposed to what certainly non-asian leaf?

>im not biting on the false flag its a round up of the pedos bullshit
I've heard that and it seems mostly Qfag boomers on twitter pushing that. Seems stupid and nonsensical.

the impotent of US administration,foolishness and selfishness of amerimutts is the cause of this

It's simple.
Britian sets up Israel as a side project to bring the US back underneath their control.
Israel gets wind of a genetic virus being worked on in Canada that targets populations of a certain background.
They "leak" the info to China, just as they've done in the past with US military secrets.
China takes the bait, and starts devloping it.
US counterintel accidentally the program in 2019 under the Q initiative.
China gets desperate and searches vietnamese fish mongering boards for a crispr training kit.
Tavistock wasn't informed, so gives advice on how to off yourself through mixing hiv and a 8 track player while listening to Beatles.
Chinese forget important step of hiding behind 7 proxies, thus gets more rape since everything must be connected for glorious control of dear leader.
Script kiddie paid by CIA to cause havok in China does his job after getting sucked off by ethot and removes the protections that kept the virus from affecting everyone else
Bats die and become next mystery bag in the market.
Then the panic begins.

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How is anyone saying that the US is lagging behind when EU, UK and Canada are doing much, much worse.
Atleast in Aus all flights are being screened and all cruises are banned from entering.

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This guy gets it

>Tinfoil hat: on
>Q drops: read
>Lawn mower: gassed for the morning
*sip* yep... It's Boomer time.

The USA has been doing very well comparatively to places like Italy or Iran. Sure 60 deaths is a lot but nothing compared to the other places. We got our diplomats out of Wuhan/China early and put them in quarantine, shut down travel to/from China very early, quarantined all people with it, shut down travel to/from the EU now, and are doing all this "social distancing" shit to stop the spread.
How hilarious is that shit. I doubt China will allow their puppets in hollywood release that.
>brings up Q
2nd person to do that ITT.

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M8 they are commies only in party name, they import and export luxury goods a global level, have billionaires galore, send their citizens out to colonize countries, buy up shit tons of forieign land, have open air markets of good for sale, etc etc

Or to quote from a cursory search result:

>"To say China is a communist country either means you are out-of-date, misinformed, or trying to maintain justification for your right to govern China by the continuation of a political and historical narrative.

The CCP still has a singular grip on power but this does not make it "communist," but authoritarian.

>Outside my apartment at this very moment, tens of migrant Chinese workers are toiling to make repairs on the road while BMWs, Mercedes and Audis drive by, honking wildly.

The "Chinese Communist Party" rules the country, yes, but its policies have been less and less communistic since 1978,
>when Deng Xiaopeng took over after Mao's death and started liberalizing the economy as fast as he could starting by opening up several "Special Economic Zones."

>Contemporary Chinese society would probably make Mao red with anger (pun intended!). It could not be more opposite:"

They are authoritarians with integrated capitalist views, chinese citizens unironically have better property rights than canadian citizens (leafs actually have none, there are no property rights here kek)

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I blame Yas Forums for memeing corona, There was a four day period where all we did was put things in these fucking hazmat suits, we used the meme magic to create this, could we please meme a different time line now, maybe one where every on is up right and virtuous, and not degenerate, and every ones needs are fulfilled on the deepest levels. thanks in advance

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US is a shit place since beginning, so it's always lagging behind everybody.
The current infected cases in the US right now are about 100k.
It's likely they introduced the virus to Wuhan intentionally:

the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.


The virus either deployed by the US military or by the intelligence agencies to the military which in this case those people were being used as human carriers.
The US knew the Chinese are trying to develop bio-weapon since the beginning, Canada lab incident could be a inside job so that when the virus is deployed, it looks like the Chinese themselves did it.
However, as evil as Anglo goes, it backfires now.

>The current infected cases in the US right now are about 100k
You're a delusional chink.

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is it them though? or a deep state cookie cutter happening thats so generic theyve used it since comey, weiner and on? its always the same bullshit same ole hope happening that never happenings. people cling to them for months. rinse. repeat.

Sure, China has eased some of its communist economic policies but it's still communist due to the fact it's still run by the communist party. It's crony communism or something, but still commie.
Who knows, but to imply this virus is a "white hat" operation or something seems as dumb as the USA released the virus in China from within its own virology institute.

Checked, also you forgot to mention that Trump was starting to go after pharmaceutical companies for unfair practices in October. Just seems odd for the timing of the virus doesn't it.

completely agree. but look how hard its being shilled now. enough seemingly "legit" crumbs that make the rabbit hole enticing to give the masses false hope.

>Sure, the Federal Reserve System has eased some of its fiscal economic policies but it's still federal due to the fact it's still run by the federal reserve. It's crony capitalism or something, but still capitalism.
Kinda like how the Federal Reserve System isn't actually working for the people, it's a smoke screen name

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I brought him up because he was telling people the kung flu was a nothingburger.