WTF Happened to America - part 2

I don't know if I fell too hard for the Yas Forums meme or what lads. I used to be extremely patriotic and called people "europoors" and was an america-fuck-yeah! kind of guy. The memes are getting to me though. The mutt meme is SO fucking true. There are so many mystery meats walking around in this country. When I go out I feel like the only fucking white guy around, and this is in a 60% white city according to the census.
We're already a minority in births. We are ALREADY. A. MINORITY. IN. BIRTHS. Meanwhile most European countries are still 80-90% white. The UK, for example, which we all shit on, is 87.2% white according to a quick google search. The ENTIRE COUNTRY is 87.2%. In America you'd be hard pressed to find one fucking city above 75% white population.
Then there's the culture - our country a fucking overgrown shopping mall. America is just a place to sell shit to retards slipping into poverty. Most European cities are beautiful, safe, and don't have 80 IQ inner city blacks everywhere. In our cities, you can't even go into certain fucking parts without the fear of a feral nigger putting a bullet in you.
I want to have hope but this country is just too fucking far gone. I knew we were in decline, but I didn't even until today discover that we were ALREADY in the fucking minority of births. Why the fuck shouldn't us white Americans throw the towel on this shithole and move to Europe or something. The sad thing is that 99% of white people DO NOT FUCKING CARE. They literally have their heads in the sand while our country is getting invaded, raped, and turned into Brazil. Sometimes I wonder if I'm genuinely fucking insane/a maniac for caring about this shit, or if everyone else is just retarded.
Don't get me wrong - I don't doubt that this was truly the best country to live in on earth until ZOG took complete control. What the fuck do we do Yas Forums?

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i'm disgusted by this country more and more every day. if you want to know what the true average american looks like, go to a DMV. la creaturas crawling all over the place like something out of /x/. fat spics, fat boomers, fat niggers, fat mudskin mystery meats, and a bunch of FOB chinks and pajeets no speaku enlishu abloopajeetabloo. every city and even small cities and regular towns are nigged up. violence in major cities is worse than literal somalia. wading through shit and garbage on the daily, obese mudsharks with starbucks milkshakes all over the place, gut hanging out and a halfbreed in tow. and that's just the demographics
>no worker's rights, corporatocratic bootlickers all over
>median wage is stagnating or even decreasing, middle class is shrinking
>everyone is either a six figure pajeet or a non-chink/pajeet and on meth living in a trailer
>welfare state
>effectively as high a taxrate as europe if you include "shadow taxes" like payroll, sales, and capital gains. yet the infrastructure is crumbling and there's no free healthcare or uni for how much we pay out the nose in taxes
>tax money just gets sucked up by jewish noses and we see no return on it at all
>we pay the R&D costs for all medications while the rest of the world buys for cost. you can get insulin for $2 in india that costs $200 in america
>everyone actually is retarded and uneducated, and i do not consider university the sole provider of education. people here do not learn anything on their own, they don't read books, they don't know basic science or history or anything else
>toilet of the world, a billion welfare shitskins crawl over our borders to get on gibs every day
>politicians are a bunch of senile boomers, literally no one under age 70 is even a candidate for president
>one of the most corrupt governments in the world
>media is clickbaity cancer on levels not seen anywhere else, where other countries' news media at least puts on the pretext of being professional

>no dick
don't even care faggot

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look at this coronashit. suddenly everyone realizes we have zero worker protections and everyone is already squeezed to borderline poverty, and NOW it's an issue that people can't take time off work if they get sick. communism is obviously not the answer and i shouldn't even need to state that. but at some point you have to think, what did people working in the 60s have that we don't today? they could support a family on one income and be prosperous. today you just can't do that, not in any city or any town or any state in the entire nation can you achieve that kind of middle class prosperity on one income from an average joe job. worker's rights have been eroded so fat jews can milk more shekels, the average man was thrown under the bus for the sake of shareholders. jews have ransacked this country. and boomers here go "YEEAAAHHH, FIRE HIM! YEAAAAH, TAKE HIS HOUSE AWAY, STUPID FUCK, IT'S HIS FAULT FOR GETTING SICK!" it's disgusting.

when japan has a natural disaster, their people ban together in peace and work to get through it. america gets a single snow flurry and suddenly everyone is doing combat in the streets and fighting over poptarts and toilet paper. the US is a mutted-up shithole of sociopathic money hungry obese bumblefuck TV addicted retards. I'm god damned ashamed.

what is our national culture? Mcdonalds? walmart? is america a place that's enjoyable to live in? are our cities beautiful like copenhagen and florence? do our trains run on time like germany and japan? are our citizens wealthy like switzerland and norway?

people dont respond unless there's fapbait in the pic. don't blame me, faggot, blame the coombrains on this board.

America was founded by a spanish crypto the same year jews got kicked out of Spain.

Lmao I grew up rich enough to not have to deal with minorities. I love America. But if you're white you need to figure out how to earn as much money as possible

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

Mate, I live in an extremely rich suburb. It was full of stinky tech pajeets and other minorities still. Preferable to low-income niggers, sure, but still not white.

This nigger shit is all jewish pushed. unfortunately 90% of white americans eat it up like the NPCs they are.

America is not a nation. A nation requires a people that share a history, culture, language, and traditions. America is nothing more than a mishmash of different genetic garbage put together to create rootless mutts that will be too stupid to ever defy ZOG but just smart enough to keep their globohomo system running. I spit on this "nation" that is Lesser Israel and I spit on its inhabitants for making it so I was born here in this time.

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You think some whore with a nigger tier baboon ass is fapbait? You're also just another example of America's decline.

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ugh. what the fuck is that pic? please tell me it's from el paso or some shit? it makes me fucking BOIL in rage that i have to share a country with these abominations.

yes. this is the americapill. the downshot though is that the one day this country will get so retarded that eventually the police force and military becomes incompetent. then terrorism and separatism funded by russia and china becomes possible. then you can kill all the retards and invalids

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Mommy give me brappys!!!!

You think im reading all that shit just cause you posted juicy white ass pic? Step off nigger.

My best friend is Indian but he’s Christian so it’s fine

>please tell me it's from el paso or some shit?
Don't know but it's likely.

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Americans shit on "Europoors" because you have inferiority complexes about not actually being the greatest white nation out there. Stop being jealous and shitting on other peoples countries because you feel insecure. Maybe we would actually respect some of you naive mutts again

>that gif
i live in collin county and every year it gets more nonwhite outside.

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nah, we're infinitely better than you. well, we were when we were white anyway. now you've taken the place.

The more non white we get, the more seething there's going to be against you Europeans since darkies hate whitey.

Rebuild the family unit by getting rid of the cancerous divorce and gynocentric laws as well as restoring faith in a religion that isn't as cucked as Catholicism today. Like it or not, normies put more stock in religion than they do real things.

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Americans have the constitution so shut the fuck up. If you go to Europe goodbye to free speech and guns. Or at least the illusion of them.

So kill all jews? Those things come from jews and don’t naturally arise in white countries without Jews.

I think you were before yes, lets say 1945-1975, but USA is literal brazil tier now and it is a shame to see from the other side of the lake

constitution doesnt mean fucking shit if you're in a nonwhite country.

yup. theres still a few states holding on in the northern half of usa, but its looking grim for the country overall. you're next, btw.

I'd say we had a good run, but honestly our nation's lifespan is pretty pathetic in contrast to the great empires of the past.

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We're living in Brazil 2.0 burgerbro. Patriotism in the modern age is the definition of retardation. You can't have patriotism with open borders.

>tfw live on a 90% white state

Get fucked retard, America is already as shitty as Brazil, the difference is here we still have German and Polish cuties

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Looks like Los Angeles County Sheriff recruits

>at least we have the constitution!
You boomers are walking memes. This country is objectively shit. Things that bring real happiness like a community and culture that is like yours as well as family are gone. No culture. When whites are 20% white you’ll be getting hunted down in the street and still saying “muh constitution.” The people make the country, not the social policies, not a piece of paper, the genes of the people. Less white people = worse. More jews, browns and niggers = bad.

What a fat brapper


you let the jews and communists dictate the pace

It's a worse shame here

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Democracy doesn't matter.
I welcome being a foot soldier for a white military dictatorship and kicking niggers teeth in.

Imagine thinking being massive cucks at 80+% white compared to America's cucking at sub 50% is at all a good thing

Keep voting republican they love to ship jobs to China and Mexico

Racist Washington user detected

i am probably going to unironically kill myself soon. i dont even want a fucking gf/wife or to start a family anymore. really? start a family? in this country? nice fucking joke. i guess i could try to move to europe but id have to learn a whole new fucking language and i doubt european girls care for american foreigners anyway. fuck this gay earth.

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Oh, you're such a gloomer doomer! Post more wojacks and cry about your shitty life, you insufferable faggot.

There have only been two major people in American politics who have stood up against shit trade deals and cucking to chinks, and it's Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Only one of them has found success in fighting that fight for the common burger, and it wasn't the socialist.

t. spic

>Patriotism in the modern age is the definition of retardation. You can't have patriotism with open borders
spot fucking on. what do we even do? what do we have to live for? i wish i could go back to when i didnt know about all this shit.


>Donald Trump
Cool story bro half his shit is made China.

yup, reverse image search showed that. JFL.
boomers are mentally ill. they're the reason we're all in this mess.
im a zoomer. i had no say in this shit.
nah, north texas. wouldn't surprise me if those pajeets were up in washington too. they're everywhere.

>i guess i could try to move to europe but id have to learn a whole new fucking language
You can learn a new language in a year to a somewhat acceptable degree if it's not too hard. Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch; all of those are not hard to learn at all.

I agree about with your sentiments about brown people taking over. I feel similarly.

I do not agree at all with your socialism bent. That's nigger and spic talk, and you clearly don't get that capitalism was the thing that once made us the greatest country in the world.

It was all the rights and anti-discrimination nonsense that made shitskins and women impervious to any criticism. That's what ended us.

Your company fires Jamal for stealing company property and punching his manager?
Prepared to get sued for discrimination.
They're going to drudge up every single instance where your company wasn't spouting how niggers are literal angels.
God help you if one of your employees called him a "Nigger."

And a lot of the wages stuff is because women entered the force work, along with a million pajeets. Then we all have to pick up Jamal's slack as well.

what west european country is not a complete shithole and would welcome a white american?

What is it with white guys are always looking for someone else to blame?
YOU gave women the birth control enabling consequence free promiscuity.
YOU allowed the sexual revolution which accelerated unchecked hypergamy.
YOU allowed women to vote, effectively halving the voting power of every man in America.
YOU allowed women to enter the workforce, effectively halving the amount of available jobs for able bodied and competent men.
YOU created social media, introducing women to billions of beta male orbiter simps and alpha male chads increasing promiscuity while decreasing her ability to pair bond, and limiting her sexual selection to the top 20% of men in the world instead of the top 20% of men in her immediate area
YOUR white boomer parents outsourced all the jobs to india and china, devaluing the dollar and reducing even more the amount of available jobs
YOU imported blacks by the millions to build this country
YOU imported beaners by the millions to pick your fruits, mow your lans, and wash hotel sheets
YOUR boomer parents allowed the devaluation of the dollar and made the educational and healthcare systems pay2play

tldr: White men are alpha males when it comes to exploiting and controlling nonwhites and generating income, but turn into complete betas when it comes to controlling their own women.

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yeah, you're right. it's bullshit.

we didnt do any of that shit, nigger. JEWS did. JEWS did all that shit you just said us white guys did. and besides, most of us had zero say in the matter. gas yourself schlomo.

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Except Europe’s just as fucked so who cares. Slightly better demographics massively worse ideology

>30% white vs 90% white
>"slightly better demographics"

We had 1st world tier civics in my lifetime though, it's shit like that I struggle with the most. Who would have thought that just one or two standard deviations of IQ could have such a massive impact on the way a place operates? This place has gotten so bizarrely fat, brown and stupid in such a short amount of time that it just fucks with my mind.

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The richest countries in Europe are overrun with non whites so you're gonna have to make some trade offs. But I'd look into Portugal. They're friendly to Americans and don't have as many Muslims as France, Germany, or the UK. Ireland is good too and they speak English.

She's so hot

Not an argument. The trade deals are what is important. Look at our inventory now for tech. If our trade deals supported small and mid level companies here, we wouldn't be faced with a shortage every time some new kind of chink aids proliferates. We could truly rely on what we were always good at: innovation.

phat white asses belong to the black man

YOU let the jews rise to power
YOU let the jews grab the reigns of control that are the media
YOU let the jews control the financial institutions. Master race? Jews hold more power and have higher net worth per 100,000. IQ? Asians are smarter than whites by A LOT. Strength/speed/alphaness/coolness? Blacks are on top again with the NBA, NFL, Hip hop culture and hip hop (#1 streamed genre on Spotify in 2019. If whites are not the richest, not the most powerful, not the smartest, not the strongest, and not the coolest, what exactly are they the master of?

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Imagine sitting down and putting that pic together.

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portugal isn't exactly white....

Yes, it is a shithole. And it isn't fixable.

Niggers happened, with a little help from their (((friends))). You would think European nations would learn from our mistakes, but nah.