We demand gun control now
We NEED a mandatory buyback
We demand gun control now
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>soccer single mom need attention.
My guns are not for sale nigger
She fucked up, they're supposed to be 8 when they say the poignant anti American things
>A leaf
Fucking faggot fuck off leaf cumsucker. I'll fucking shut your fucking teeth with a puck.
It'll cost you
a lifetime
Dude America should be as dangerous as possible.
You faggots might grow up for once.
How many children must die before you give up your weapons of war?
>WOWWWWWWWWWWWW my 8 year old said something that validates my retarded opinions SO SMART
We don't watch anime her in America WEEB faggot. Virgin faggots like you are why the white race will be gone soon.
shitlibs should have their lives repealed.
Didn't sell them to me so it would be absolutely impossible for you to buy them back from me. I am not a gun dealer if you are looking to buy firearms I'd suggest you talk to one.
Come and say that to my face nigger
No, the kid will be shot in the home after being raped because Mom was too pussy to fight off the raiders that now know their TP is completely unprotected thanks to her virtue signaling.
fucking clean your gun nigger
Susan Money is the most feminist name ever.
All of them.
>gun control
Someone tell these feminist whores that nigger control would be more effective according to statistics.
Suck on a fucking toad you mother fucking big dick faggot
It unironically is
Ok retard
What we really need is to start institutionalizing you retards.
One bullet at a time
>Feminist with a kid
But yeah I don't like the idea of you using my tax dollars to buy something back from me, so if it's to be the case, I set the price. I'll want 300% the black market rate and exclusion from all taxes for 10 years * the number of guns I sell, transferable as I see fit.
Both you and this soccor mom are low i.q faggots. Both of you should eat a fucking ant hill. Fucking faggot
Fags like you get shot by feds whilst you sleep kek
You can share a cell with the rest of the retards.
demand all you want.
you are not taking my property.
>Feminist news on Facebook
Oh how far we've sunk.
This. Home invasion is an actual concern, especially now
Do you stick your big cock in asses? How does it feel to anal fuck you fucking straight faggot. How many STD's do you have normie?
You should really see someone about this mental illness.
Another episode of things that happened.
You can come buy back this fat dick
Fuck you and your kids
stop importing 3rd worlders and voting for corrupt politicians
I guess the school is big on diversity.
Don't worry, all gun owners have their guns under control, they've trained them well and are obedient to their owners, women however...
you really want your daughters to get raped that bad, like in Sweden Norway Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland and more eh?
>Big cock STD fag BTFO
>I've trained my 10 year old child to be afraid
>this is somehow a statement on society
I just love the liberal posts about their kids saying things. They are basically admitting that they think like children and they use the simple morality that we teach to children to make all of their decisions.
XBP0gpHi) will di that. Be careful user.
mommy? pwease dont wet the evil hitwer man take me away. pwomise?
They grow up so fast.
>there are people out there who want to kill you
>disarm yourself to become safe!
the absolute state of npcism
> " we don't have to worry about getting shot at school for three whole weeks "
Sometimes? You just have have to hear it from the mouths of liberals talking about what their children said.
>raiders kick in the door
that's where you're wrong, fucko
>no blood
>no real weight to being shot
What a pile of shit.
Wow, her 10-year-old daughter is already proficient in snarky unfunny liberal boomer humor.
Ikr how they cannot tell is beyond me.
Fuck you some of mine are. One million for the hi point and I want the heads of 3 glow niggers and public disclosure on how big the FBI CP collection really is.
baking soda?