DOW goes below 20,000 tomorrow

That's the Trump economy for you

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If you must reply to low quality bait threads then remember to type "sage" into the options field

I can't wait until he's re-elected so you people could seethe and screech.

My anus is ready.

good thing trump and the GOP delivered for the voters instead of putting all of their eggs in the economy basket with (((tax cuts))) for donors

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Bye Bye Trumpy

You know the market is not the economy? Apple is sitting on 900 billion. Our big companies can close for a year and not even notice it.

go away fuckhead

I've made 1.5 what i had in stocks before last week. Fucking living the volitility. Also, Trump had nothing to do with Putin telling the Saudis to fuck off.

Let me know when it is under 5k and maybe I will buy some shares. Maybe.

I've had my iq tested at 155, dow jones going under 20k, under 18500 before Friday



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The state of libs and anti-trump kikes. Reduced to blaming Coronavirus on Trump.

Remind me how this is trumps fault

That's the coronavirus economy for you

You told me it was Obama's economy though, ShareBlue.


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He's the current President

>Apple is sitting on 900 billion
pure BS

Numbers don't lie..

one more bloodbath week like last and we know that shit is absolutely hitting the fan... the FED has gone all in in the last 3 days with the largest QE operation ever and zero interest rates, if this doesn't keep the markets up absolutely nothing will

You're a faggot niggerfaggot op.

This is what Trump's RESPONSE to the virus has one. Tomorrow Trump wills say something else that is false, or say it the virus is a hoax again, or something equally inane.


Good thing Trump didnt do something retarded like sign a dead cat bounce and send it out to his dumb fuck cult

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Don't blame it on the Russians. Faggot slide.

Every country's economy is going to shit no matter who's leading them. Only Isreal will do fine

>its drumpfs fault the market is tanking due to pandemic hysteria
I know this is bait, but anyone who is actually blaming Trump for the market drops is a low IQ nigger.


Good thing I shorted

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Considering most of their economy is oil based. Israel is fucked.

I did you fucking kike

Ever hear the phrase "The buck stops here?"
Doesnt matter who is at fault. What matters is who takes the blame and as the current leader that man is Trump. If he gets the credit he gets the blame.

And faggots like you will make up shit lies like gaslighting faggots

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

>Putin telling the Saudis to fuck off
The true happening.

Imagine being such an America-hating lowlife piece of shit that you cheer for a pandemic to do as much damage to our country as possible just to get rid of Blumph
Pillow yourselves

plunge protection team starts around 19k. then we'll see if they can push it pass where it was.

fuck that's funny

So it drops to 3K higher than it was 4 years ago. NOT THE HECKIN NUMBERINOS!!!

Trump is ultimately responsible for making sure the country doesnt collapse, but blaming him for a market drop during a pandemic is silly. This is an unavoidable consequence.

>trump is letting people that have just now started saving money thanks to his policies get to buy discounted stocks before soaring past the 30k milestone after reelection
how based can one man be

Daddy Trump can do no wrong

>(((tax cuts))) for donors
That was mostly middle class people who received tax cuts. Even most poor fags like me got bonuses from their employers back then.

t. trump shill

This fucking dumb orange blimp is doing 1.5 trillion in capital injections, 700 billion in bond buy-backs (quantitate easing), AND bringing rates to 0%. He just emptied the toolbox of everything and when it doesn't work he will twiddle his thumbs and pretend it's not his fault. NEOLIBERALS ARE FUCKING RETARDED.

Best prediction I've seen. Thanks.

how long till stocks open worldwide?

That post has very little to do with Trump though.

i wish I could be alive 200 years from now to laugh at you tulip sucking faggots

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Its not the pandemic. Its the economy built on air. Is the pandemic Trumps fault? No. Did he take full credit for the economy that looks to be collapsing? Yes. He will be blamed for this.

zoom out further you retarded nigger faggot

pray for israel lads

my iq is 156 and im kind of a dumbass

Nawp. PPT gun will fire, shorts will cover, ATH by close. Check em

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>Trump single-handedly built this consumer-based economy we've had since the 80s.
Neat, hope you are ready to give credit where credit is due when this is all over and the stock market soars to 30k+

>Remind me how this is trumps fault

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>Neat, hope you are ready to give credit where credit is due when this is all over and the stock market soars to 30k+

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>S-shut up and drink the orange kool aid

>Delivers worst ""reassuring"" speech in a century
>Markets collapse so hard it induces a trade break
>I-it's just a coincidence f-fellow 'pedos
I agree oranaganus is by far the best incompement moron to ensure the U.S goes in free fall though.

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Sure. But if this collapses there is 0 chance Trump gets reelected. His hold on the party is based on his bas e s loyalty. Come November if you have a bunch of hungry broke people demanding a new New Deal the GOP will abandon him.
Its not about who is at actual fault but who catches the blame. Better or worse Trump owns this economy.

meh. Just a good time for low premiums. Motherfucker's going to the roof again for a short period then collapsing after GDP numbers start being analyzed.

>I know this is bait, but anyone who is actually blaming Trump for the market drops is a low IQ nigger.
If he wants credit for it going up he gets blame on the way down. That's how the world works.

He could have spent his time in office building a wall, going after Epstein's friends, maybe shutting down the H1B program (which could hurt stonks). He took the easy route and tried to do the whole "muh tax breaks, muh stonks."

When the coronavirus was wrecking Wuhan, he could have called an emergency a few months ago and given "Economy's important but American lives are more important and we need faith in the American people" speech. It would have won him his re-election but it would have tanked his stonk portfolio a few weeks earlier than the current timeline.

You seriously have no idea how much support Trump has.

Don't anyone has this picture in good resolution?

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>You seriously have no idea how much support Trump has.

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Haha, beaners.

its trumps fault because he didnt force the NBA to continue operations as normal in defiance of the will of their kike overlords.


Hardcore base? 30% of voters. He is shored up by this economy. No one wants to toss someone out who is getting them paid. You take that away and what does he have? Not much and I think you seriously underestimate the fickle loyalty of humanity.

Fuck off nip. Your cousins fucked the world. I hope your big brother from the north nukes you faggots and your cuck President

imagine being this retarded

No way, it's the perfect time to buy. Buy every dip!

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So are you a bernout or a bidenboomer you dumb faggot?

It isn't, it's Obama's fault
But he decided to keep pumping the markets and took all the glory of money printed momentum from Obama, everyone remembers him saying all of this was his doing, of course everyone will blame him

He has an R next to his name

Not an argument, cultist. Look at Rasmussen, his most friendly poll. Cant even crack 50%. You think Americans are going to return a guy during a depression? Sorry but your blind loyalty has blinded you to reality. I guess we will see in november but having a guy who claims to be a business genius preside over a severe economic downturn hurts his chief arguments, especially if it drags on for months past the virus dying down.

>say it the virus is a hoax

Best thing he could do. Tell the truth.

This thread is so dumb.

What the fuck is wrong with your brain to blame everything in life on Trump?

Leftism is truly a mental illness.

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To be fair that was back when there was a gold standard so deflation was more of a risk.

If the fed overreacts or if there's a geo-political risk where the petrodollar collapses we might get hyperinflation. There's no guarantee that this will happen but it's an important variable to keep in mind. Stocks would go up in that scenario even if they lose value to other commodities.

>literally can’t choose between the 2 shit candidates
fucking kek you’re in for a rough 4 more years under Trump

>Our big companies can close for a year and not even notice it.
ok dumbfuck but what are all of the people dependent on money coming from that company going to do? Or are you suggesting these companies can actually operate for a full year intentionally taking on losses?

Imagine being this mad your cult of personality is collapsing.

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