Boomers are the ones who will die, not us. Meanwhile, millennials who are already struggling thanks to this boomer economy are being asked to fuck ourselves over even more. Why? Why shouldn't we just go to work and have business as usual? If boomers really want to be safe from corona, why don't they give us paid sick leave and basic income? Otherwise, why should millennials care about "social distancing"?
Why should I fuck myself over economically just to save the lives of some boomers who have been fucking me over for years? If anything, boomers dying would help our economy.
Why are millennials just going along with this economic shutdown?
Yeah, which is why we only do that for a few weeks. Can’t just do it forever you stupid cunt.
>be person
>buy all this fucking shit all the fucking time every day that comes from the labor of others
>think "why is it that *i* have to do any work? that's unfair!"
>buy more shit with the money you get from doing labor for others
i don't fucking get it
who do they think is going to till the soil?
i don't like rich kikes any more than the next person, liberal or nazi, but this idea that rich people could just make money materialize out of nothing and give it to everyone so they wouldn't have to work anymore doesn't make any fucking sense, the only reason money is even worth anything is because of the labor that you're forced to expend in order to receive it
But they don't expend any labor to create money.
but, thanks to boomers fucking over our economy, a few weeks without income fucks over millenials.
user are you braindamaged? It seems like you don't understand economics or the current situation. Your memetexting is nonsense.
>if people had no rights we could just take everything we want
My favorite is how these dumbasses don’t realize the propping up of the stock market isn’t to just help a few billionaires. I don’t think any of them realize what a 401K is and that half the country has their retirement in the stock market.
Some of us don't hate our families. Sorry your parents never loved you.
Oh shut the fuck up with that bullshit. Maybe you should’ve went to school for something that would’ve given you a stable job. I’m a millennial with a good degree, good job, student loans, and I still have enough to make it for a month without any fucking income. Learn how to spend your money.
what is money worth, if:
>the stuff you might buy with it stops existing
>because the people who make it can't be bothered producing it
>because they don't need to do work in order to make a living
the answer is nothing
everyone can get a million bucks a month, and it will be worthless because there won't be shit for you to buy with it because why would anyone work if they had a million dollars?
now instead of applying this to iphones or whatever, apply this to the food supply chain
the idea that rich people can just shower money on people and then nobody will need to work anymore (or work as much) is ridiculous, it doesn't make any sense
This is why women never can lead a nation properly.
The lockdown begins tomorrow, if you want to become the fool. The world is watching, go ahead "enlightened" shill. Let's see what you bring to the table.
>Boomers and Gen X have their retirement I the stock market
50% in ICU in Italy and Norway under 50.
Millenials are going to be fucked over like no other generation and they deserve it.
Women are so fucking dumb.
The point she is making is that there are people who could just give out enough money to cover everything going on right now and they would still be rich. They would not suffer in any way. They would still be rich.
Fiat currencies are evil.
Fractional reserve banking is evil.
Compound interest is evil.
None of it is sustainable. None of it is based on tangible resources and the fact that they are limited/finite.
Neither communism nor capitalism is effective/sustainable/healthy.
We need a resource-based economy that is supported by local, sustainable production of goods. In order for this to be viable we need to reduce the population to below 500 million people. Only the best should be allowed to procreate.
Exactly, thats why theyre retarded...user I....
>we could just steal from these people
>it’s immoral that they have things and why should I be responsible for myself?
>billionaires keep their wealth in the form of volatile lumps of cash money
Another whiny cunt
Wealth isn’t money on hand, retard. The existence of billionaires didn’t prevent anyone from being prepared
It'll be interesting to see how many biz owners defy orders to close. Are local cops going to go around forcing them to close? How would this be enforced? What's the penalty?
It's business as usual for me.
>Capitalism prevents all of this.
Shes not wrong. Witnessing the absolute shit of our infrastructure since Covid19 has made me a full blown National Socialist. Not joking. I was formally a libertarian.
Time to eviscerate every last politician, banker and media exec. The time for National Socialism is here. I mean full fucking 1488 and real gas chamber. I am sure that twitter thot will approve as she is conscripted into mandatory health care work.
Really? Care you toss some estimates around?
Nevermind on the conscription shes clearly a kike. She will be forced to clean latrines and shovel dead bodies until its her turn to stop breathing.
The fuck is the idea here exactly? You think the government can/should compel private industry to provide pay with no profits coming in? How can the government put a "moratorium" on rent without just being openly tyrannical?
Oh right, socialism, which is openly tyrannical.
you realize you can apply that to every single time something bad happens to anyone, right?
rich people are bad but it's not because they're not giving us enough of their shit, it's what they do spend their untold riches on (immigration, propaganda, etc) that makes them deserve to die
people who are simply upset that someone else has more than them are too stupid to be commenting on politics
>what a 401k is
I don't think you realize that the vast majority of people under 40 have little to nothing in a 401k right now and don't really care.
ok so why should we shut down our food supply chain? Let's go about business as usual. A bunch of boomer fuckheads will die but that won't affect our food supply. And those boomer fuckheads have been voting against me for years, and are now demanding that I go into the red just to protect them. When they could easily give sick leave and UBI to compensate me for saving their greedy lives.
Hence nat soc which focuses on directed free enterprise and shared goals
>5 5's
>Capitalism prevents all of this
Because if there's one thing communist countries are known for, its tolerance for freeloaders
>kikes convinced me to gamble away my retirement
looks like the millenials weren't the retards this time
>The lockdown begins tomorrow
oh. You're not a normal boomer, you're a tinfoil hat believes everything he reads on Facebook boomer.
>it's the billionaires responsibility to take care of me cause I'm 30 and with mommy
>would not suffer in any way
Anyone smart enough to become a billionaire is smart enough to have diversified wealth. What does that mean? It means keeping your wealth in assets, stocks, and property, of all different sorts. If these people start liquidating those assets to pay for other peoples’ stuff (for nothing in return) they will lose much more of their wealth to depreciation.
Criminally underchecked
And JEW Boomers made the virus and sold it to China!
>nationalize utilities
>Not even a nation
>Hates nationalism
>Doesn't even have an actual culture
>millennials who are already struggling thanks to this boomer economy
Millennials and Zoomers are fucking pathetic. I guess it's no surprise since you were brought up on ZOG nigger programming so now you blame everybody else for your problems just like nogs do.
This whole issue is very complicated.
For starters not a single country in the world was ready for this shit... and what is worse it's that allegedly shit hasn't hit the fan yet. There were a couple high tension situation going down right before accident at the lab that nobody payed attention.
Wars and other shit kept going on as ussual, all the while people have to decide between risking going to work or starve right after the mess is over.
All this shit sucks.
Okay so answer the original question:
Why should millenials go along with the shutdown? Is it because of the 0.2% fatality rate for their generation? Boomers fucked over the economy, fucked over the job market, and are now asking millennials to do "social distancing" to their own detriment solely for the benefit of the same boomers who have been fucking over millennials.
Why should millennials agree to this?
okay so why should millennials give a fuck about dead boomers then? Give me a reason because so far nobody ITT has given one.
You fear being wrong. You fear me being right. You fear this entire scenario. Look around you dumbass. Ahahahaha, you'll see. Sleep tight.
>I don’t think any of them realize what a 401K is and that half the country has their retirement in the stock market.
I dont think you fucking understand that this country died in 1913 and our currency is a fiat, debt based inflationary figment of your fucking imagination. The money does not exist and is backed by literally nothing.
There is a fucking all seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill dumb shit. Its always beenna ruse. Your leaders do not give a FUCK about you. This is not a capitalist economy - this is a fucking kikes economy. Our government is a plutocracy. The fucking Fed is LITERALLY firesaleing our government RIGHT NOW YOYU ABSOLUTE MORON. The Fed(NOT A GOVERNMENT ENTITY. PRIVATE CORPORATION) is BUYING the US government RIGHT NOW!
13 fucking years ive seen this coming user. They dont call us conspiracy theorists anymore. They call us right. Enjoy your New World fucking Order, mandatory vaccines or no employment, RFIDs or no money, social credit scores and whatever the fuck else theyd like to do because it is here NOW.
Whenever someone uses the term Boomer I always imagine it's a 58 year old fat guy in piss stained underwear who thinks he's trollin.
>Why should I fuck myself over economically just to save the lives of some boomers who have been fucking me over for years?
Because you'll die too, you chowderhead
>We need a resource-based economy that is supported by local, sustainable production of goods. In order for this to be viable we need to reduce the population to below 500 million people. Only the best should be allowed to procreate.
When the Greens merge with Bolshevism you get a whole new psychopathic politik. The other part was pretty accurate, but you lost me when you went psychopathic.
>Why should millennials agree to this?
Because you shouldn’t want to get sick
You don't you stupid prick. But then again, I guess you wouldn't like fighting a boomer in the middle of the street and end up in a WorldStar video just because you wanted to be an austistic sperg.
shut it you old faggot
>it's the millennials responsibility to self-quarantine because I'm 70 and have a weak immune system
still waiting for somebody to give literally any reason why millennials should agree to an economic shutdown which will benefit boomers while harming our own economic interests.
Look Yuri explained it pretty well, the population is absolutely demoralized and doesn't know left from right up vs down etc.
It's over.
>why should we act like our actions affect other people?
Thanks for proving you’re a sanctimonious scumbag. I’d rather off you than a billionaire, 10x over
but boomer, you are the ones blaming millennials for spreading the virus around
get fucked
>all the while people have to decide between risking going to work or starve right after the mess is over
there is very little risk for millennials. Boomers are the ones at risk, and they are asking millennials to make sacrifices for their sake.
Millennials actually believe this, and it's why your generation failed. Zoomers are bad, but nobody was as entitled and lazy as you were. Enjoy being left in the wasteland leftovers once the old people are gone, you can't even pay your cell phone bills on time, much less run anything.
She is retarded. But the CDC and WHO Jews knew this was an escaped bio weapon back in December, and they did absolutely nothing to contain it. They even called Trump a racist for wanting to stop flights from China.
And now shitters are going to post in this thread "oy vey don't take shekels away from those hardworking Jewish billionaires! Only Gommies would do that, be a proud Capitalist Goyim and protect the trillions of dollars we've stolen from you over the decades! You must maintain the theoretical moral high ground at any cost, even your lives aren't too high a price to pay!"
/pol was a mistake.
the example of sacrifice you give is not being able to kiss strangers on st paddy's day?
no wonder you think the economy is fucked and are blaming your shortcomings on boomers
They shouldn't unless some kind of UBI is offered to those affected. The unemployed spoiled brats need to just shut the fuck up though with their whining about billionaires.
Would you buy a lottery ticket with a 99% chance you get sick and miserable for a month and a 1% you get sick and miserable and then die?
remember the time MSNBC aired a segment saying every american could be a millionaire if bloom(((berg))) donated $500 million
>Because you should want to sacrifice a month's income to avoid a small chance of the sniffles
>I guess you wouldn't like fighting some geriatric idiot who will break a hip if he tries to hit you
of course our actions affect other people. But in this case, the people being affected are greedy assholes who have fucked us over time and time again. So if boomers don't care that their actions affect others then why should we? My life would be better off if my boss and the other boomers in my sector died off.
>we could nationalize utilities
To what end? People still need to work at the utilities for them to function, and public utilities still charge for their services (generally they just don't charge anything more than the cost of doing business as opposed to a little more to make a profit though).
his idea of "detriment" is staying home instead of going out on st paddy's day and making out with strangers
i think he buys lottery tickets like that all the time
You're typing on a goddamn computer with Netflix playing on your other computer monitor so shut the fuck up faggot.
>okay so why should millennials give a fuck about dead boomers then?
You shouldn't, because they sure as hell don't give a fuck about you. just read threads here if you want confirmation on that.
>a generation of sociopaths
read that book, seriously. boomers wouldn't give a single fuck if you fell over dead this very minute.
Because they are hoping everybody will starve so they can finally go "see gib us free gibs now"
First of all you are assuming there is a 100% chance of being infected.
Second of all the fatality % is 0.2% not 1%.
Third you ignore the fact that that 0.2% doesn't even include people who were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms so never got tested.
Fourth the 0.2% is mostly people with underlying conditions.
If you ask me to buy a lottery ticket with a 99.999% chance of a month's income or a 0.001% chance of death then yeah I'll take it. And if boomers want me to not take that chance then maybe they should be subsidizing my month off, and maybe they shouldn't have completely fucked over the economy for the last few decades.
>My life would be better off if my boss and the other boomers in my sector died off.
how's that?
>But in this case, the people being affected are greedy assholes who have fucked us over time and time again.
Spoken like an ignorant child and useful idiot.
>this entire generation fucked me over!
Yeah I’m sure you bet a complete moron had nothing to do with it
Imagine being entitled to a profit
>listening to women for political advice
Not even once.
Them's that got the gold makes the rules.
Fuck boomers, fuck millennials I’ve enough of both of your shit. Leave me the fuck alone.
Good leaf, keep avoiding your tap water, you are getting smarter.
A generation of mindless drones.
>Late stage atheism
Gee, the world is so much better now.
Show proof it’s 0.2
In Italy with 15k cases they have 1000 dead so far. Obviously that doesn’t mean 1/15 fatality because not every case has been diagnosed, but it’s still a very high fatality rate
Imagine endorsing enslavement and no property rights.
How do you plan on achieving utopia when the base you wanted to pillage has already lost everything?
enjoy your last weeks alive, you spent the last 30 years selfishly fucking over the younger generation and now suddenly you actually need us. Too bad, I'm going to coof on every boomer I see. You brought this on yourselves.
if i want to go down the same rabbit hole you did, where should i go? not here
There isn't though. It'd cost trillions and all the billionaires and millionaires together don't meet the trillions mark. The entire economy only churns out 20 trillion a year.
Ok zoomer.
Wrong. Them's that got a very low fatality rate from the global plague make the rules
You're about to be removed, Boomer.
user if you want to refute the source I already provided, then provide your own source.
>but it's still a very high fatality rate
yeah, for old people. How many of those 1000 were under 40?