Anyone's job shut down yet

Anyone's job shut down yet

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Nope and still work from home option

Still no* fuck

Work in a hospital so I guess I'm fucked

Not yet but it's getting very close.

I'm assuming next week

Not fuckin likely.
t. Walmart

I ordinarily work from home 2 days a week. Now it's 100% work from home.

I am nice and prepped also. Starting laying in supplies in the last week in January, back when there were fewer deaths than threads.

Thanks, Yas Forums!

Your wife/gf is gonna be begging me for a place to live while she dumps your broke ass

In my job I deal with the gen. public.

Talked to a guy today who said his office is shut down for at least two weeks.

Not yet. I work for a medical supply company, we could be closed this week or we could be deemed essential and stay open, no one knows.

No as I work as a doorman for a condo.

My job is actually booming more than ever, if anything, because of all this nonsense.

Got shut down on Friday, now I'm sitting at home playing video games while still being paid

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Imagine contributing to the economy

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I work alone, outside. Based construction jobs.

No, mine just made all of these crazy rules about sanitation. Have to essentially jump through 100 hoops to get work done now.

This woman is not attractive. Why people find her attractive is beyond me.

How is life as a NEET in Burgerland?

Gubment employee. I think I got a week left max

I work at an IT MSP. We could already do our jobs remotely but I seriously doubt my bosses will let us. We'll all be infected before they decide that "maybe this is a problem"

I own a small distributing warehouse and then wife stays at home. going to really suck shit either way I'm sure

We are aiming to get everyone working from home by the end of the week.
t.Facilities Manager

You will be on mass grave detail.

Construction here, nope, but i might stop going soon

Nope and I run heavy equipment in the sanitation and refuse transfer industry.

I'm a caregiver and once SHTF I will probably work 24 hrs in the house I support making fat stacks. Too bad the dollar is gonna tank and banks are gonna foreclose. Maybe wageslavery is a con after all...

are they cutting hours though? Apparently 24-hour WalMarts are no longer 24-hour, so I assume that means nightshift people are working reduced hours.

get back to work lazy nigger

yeah uh... who is she again...for... a friend?

My job wont close. I work in Emergency Management. I've been working from home since January 30th as part of a continuity plan. Other than making brief site survey visits once or twice a week, i'm basically working out of my basement.

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That's like one job where you can easily stand far away from people and you're in open air.

Line cook here: Nah, we're just doing carry-out only. Which is weird, since that means just as many (if not more) people are handling your food and coming into contact to you but okayyyyyyy

So you drive a garbage truck.
>Refuse transfer industry

Yeah, illegals pissing and spitting everywhere, tweakers guzzling energy drinks and picking scabs, not to mention the overflowing porta-shitters.
Construction jobsites are great!

her name is erratas, thank me later user

yes and I am using the time to make content to scare the normies.

the public defender's office that i work at is still open... dreading court tomorrow....

I am a locksmith. Installing doorknobs mostly. Business is booming.

I work at an American pump manufacturer. Still all working. Company did say that they would pay us 100% of our pay if we had to miss b/c of corona (personal sickness, taking care of family member, or govt ordered shut down)

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No but they made us all work from home. I already worked from home.

Riley Reid, coomer

Still have to go in, even though my entire job is done from a laptop in a cubicle.

Nah I load trailers with track loaders and excavators.

Nope, but if more cases pop up, we might.

What porn is this from. I fancy a wank

Uber Eats driver here. Uber is paying us more money than usual, no I'm not gonna stop working. I averaged 35$ an hour friday.

But they are giving financial assistance to any driver that is quarantined, or tests positive.

Nah man I’m an EMT. I will be right in the line of fire.

I haven’t worked in 2 weeks come tomorrow.
t. Equipment operator/Distribution Center in the Midwest
That is a goddamn gold tier pandemic meme

I just rented a new office, fuck.

Nope I deliver propane to homes in the middle of nowhere. I'm not shutting down anytime soon but then again I sit in my truck and listen to my music and have little to no contact with people.

No and unless they give me two extra free weeks of PTO they better fucking not shut it down, I won't make rent if I'm out of work for 2-3 weeks

Mine was never 24h, but my hours actually went up from 30/w to 40. Which is weird because there’s absolutely nothing left on the shelves.

got your wanking loicense?

I am 95% sure I will be furloughed tomorrow

Work in a factory with mostly Asians and Mexicans. I'm already dead.

I'm basically a cable man gonna go to about 16 houses tommarow some of them the nastiest people you will meet ... fuck

I would think nightshift would work more hours to resupply. They are just closing to the public so you don't have faggots coming in at 2am and buying everything.

soon, I work as an consultant and the industry I consult for will probably be shut down by the end of the week, it will depend on the figures coming out of Italy in the next 48 hours, if the number of new infections keeps rising then it's guaranteed.

nope and they probably have no plans to, i have coincided myawlf to call this whole thing a faggy nothibg burger untill i get to stay home and be comfy

I do small equipment maintenance for the water board of my county. Probably not. A mass email was sent out to us from the CEO stating any personnel who can work from home will be forced to do so. But any people doing work in the field will continue doing what they've been doing. Schools have been shut down for us for the next two weeks too.

I work in an industry where this is exactly the kind of time where people would be willing to pay for my services, and it's looking like I'll be in a sellers market. If things get real stupid with unpaid wagies causing chaos I might just end up shooting nigs and retards and getting paid for it. Nothing personal friends but a man has to eat and more money is always nice.

I can work from home starting tomorrow

Wear your N95 or PAPR/SCBA if you have it.

Where i'm at we're fighting a constant battle to get AMR crews to follow PPE requirements. We've already had to close 3 firehouses because AMR crews they were in contact with have transported positive patients without wearing PPE and are now being tested themselves.

EMS as an industry is not taking this serious AT ALL. Local Fire and Police agencies here have adapted policies (cut non-emergency medical responses, closed stations to the public, increased PPE requirements, etc) but EMS is still posting toilet paper memes on facebook and acting like it's business as usual.

In fact we made so much money from the panic buying that stores are handing out overtime. Just last month people were getting cut 15 hours a week.

working from home, which i usually do anyway
i'm already very accustomed to being a shut in

I work in an office. Last Friday, they sent out emails saying that working from home was mandatory for Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday is optional because there's a St. Patrick's Day party going on

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You drinking bud? Alcohol in the blood kills the virus right?

Luckily this is the case for most trucking jobs. Very minimal person to person contact, so trucking and supply chains SHOULD remain relatively unaffected for now.

I also work for an IT Managed Service Provider, and we're actually onboarding a new client net week. I hope to god we shut down if I infect my parents somehow shits gonna hit the fan.

Is the Federal government reimbursing businesses for sick leave costs per the new bill to be passed?

On parental leave, laughing at you mutt hamster wheel wagies

I work at a restaurant
Unless DeSantis decides to close em Im wageslaving

My employees are getting fucked, I'll be kind of ok. Debt may fuck us if this goes on long enough.

any ISPfags here?
What the fuck is it looking like?

I am supposed to work from home until April 3 but every day it seems like that is going to be moved further out

i work at a cemetery. i dont think anyone cares what happens there.

I used to do over the road before my propane job. The truckers I'd see at truck stops are a different breed of people. Solitary as fuck.

I work from home anyway. At least with every cunt in the office sent home and clueless about using remote working well it should mean I don't have to do much.

I work for IBM, they put out the approvals last week for every employee in the US who can work from home to do so for the next month. So basically I'm gonna get paid to answer a couple emails and do some basic server maintenance in my pajamas. Bretty gud.

I work for the utility company and we're closing next week

lmao, public defender on Yas Forums...although there can't be a job more redpilling

Mine starts on Wednesday.
It's gobbament so no Corona ain't gonna destroy it.

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Imagine being this much of a stupid shithead. Why didn't you save, tard?

I worked in IT at a MSP until lats month. Slave labor. Fucking glad I walked out. IT as service usually bottom of the barrel. MSP just went even lower.

uh, how does a utility company close?

Starting tomorrow WFH
>t. Software engineer for a bank

Why would a utility company close?

imagine a global pandemic and you're worried about making sure your jew landlord gets paid...

I work at a university in Mississippi. They won’t let employees go, even if we’re non-essential to something like foodservice or the physical plant. I guess with all of the students gone we’ll be okay, but I’m annoyed. I can 100% do my job from home.

They just pull the plug out and go home I guess

I was at a Wegman's on Saturday. The butcher told me they are handing out OT to keep the shelve stocked.

Construction so nope. If one of my co-workers has coronavirus I'm fucked.

>I work for the utility company and we're closing next week

good one!

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Already laid off checking in.

Im in account management for an IT MSP that handles dental and medical offices. We are heading back in to the office tomorrow

I know our local utilities are talking about shutting the offices down and just field responding to emergencies like power line outtages

I work for a financial remittance company. The city our office is in has no confirmed cases yet, and travel is already restricted in/out.

But I want money so I have to deal with it

no and we dont get paid sick days... looking forward to catching corona and spreading it moar

I work for youtube money and I'm going to vlog more

yeah. whole Org is working from home until at least March 31st.

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Imagine being such a neet you don't even own your own house

>Hurrr why didn't you anticipate the stupid pig giving you a bullshit ticket, your dog dying, and your rent increasing

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See that makes sense. Thanks user. Also nice trips.

>If one of my co-workers has coronavirus I'm fucked.
It only kills very old people

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Huge fucking loads my boy. Bukkake style. Give your receiver a bj they’re going to need it lmao.

What the fuck is up with this slow as shit site

Work from home gang wya?

Yes, I care more about not being kicked out onto the street than some dumb old boomers dying, sue me

Yep. Mom is home making tendies for a month

The MSP I work for is relatively decent all things considered, but I have been trying to find other jobs within the IT sector. Got ghosted by my last interview for internal IT, feels bad mane. With the inevitable recession my hope is starting to fade.

Stay safe hospitalbro. Any info that you can give us on any experience you may have with the disease yet? I've got a friend who works at a nurse in a local hospital. They've dealt with a couple of patients so far.

Of course not! And they won't. Wage slaves don't get treated like humans. You know like students or the elderly or any other people.
No if it's a tornado, get to work. If it's an earthquake get to work. If there's a massive fire get to work. If there's a snowstorm that's stranding people and killing them get to work. If there's the FUCKING PLAGUE get to work.
They're not human. They're wageslaves.
Get to work.

Totally with you user. I work for a fairly-large municipal agency and we are in line with police and firefighters. Our dispatchers follow the protocols and advise us during response. When we arrive on scene we investigate further and if the criteria is met, we don our appropriate gear, advise dispatch, and put a mask on the patient and even their family members as well.
AMR is a fucking disgrace. Transport EMT’s handling 911 when they have neither the skills nor personalities to do so.
Where I am at, EMS isn’t treated like the bastard stepchild of first responders like in many other areas. My department is run well and most of us are above-average to great EMS providers, so I am fortunate.
Keep up the good work and stay safe.


I don't know if it's our shit healthcare or the strain here is more lethal but there are cases here where the patients here are relatively young, and still died.

That way everyone gets exposed to Juan the superspreader.

I'm working from home
feels good to be a mental laborer fampai
manual laborers and servicecucks BTFO the fuck out

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What do you do? I love working alone and fucking hate my coworkers.

I quit

Chek'd em. Thanks bra

How are they doing with re supply? Is there enough stocked in warehouses or is your store fucked?

No stopping for me ....and i dont care about getting the flu either

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I doubt we're ever going back into the office. Productivity is noticeably higher since everyone went remote.

Classy classic

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It tends to be immune deficient young people or young people with pre existing conditions such as diabetes, cancer, respiratory issues, cardiovascular issues etc.
If you don't fall in those categories you'll be fine

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Fuck man you're on a roll.

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MSP Somalians
Imagine the smell

Not mine, but we have a "work from home" solution that's half in the mix.

t. call center employee

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Kill him when he comes to try it, retard

Not yet. I assume we'll still have the office open next week, but the week after that I'm betting it's closed.

Nope, my whole team is just working from home.

kek and they prob save on a/c light bills

Wagies btfo

the dream has arrived
thank you coronachan

Its a small vendor based out of CT

Could save a boatload by downsizing offices.

My wife and I work for the same company and they are making us work from home for at least two weeks. We stocked up on liquor and we plan on being drunk all day and fucking while still getting paid. We’re gonna live stream one of our hard fuck sessions. Maybe I’ll share the link with you faggots.

I work in the music business, we're shut down for the time being.

Working from home the next month or so.

>going into work during a pandemic
LMAO @ YOUR LIFE. What a bunch of good goys